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[rained] the whole day and the roads are in such a state that I do not know I shall be able to get out. I must bid you dearest love goodnight as I am half asleep. God bless you my own darling. Thursday night I did not get up this morning till 11 as I had taken castor oil and I felt sick. It has been a nasty showery day and I have not even been able to get a walk on the verandah. I am getting quite tired of being kept a prisoner this way. I feel quite uneasy thinking that perhaps the weather is as bad where you are and that you may be exposed to it. When I sit comfortable at a good fire I never can feel happy when I do not know whether my own darling is in comfort or travelling in the cold and rain. How I envy other wives who have their husbands always with them. It seems hard that two who love each other so much are separated so often.