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once and try what can be done. The total amount left in his hands at first was £1500, £200 of which he paid me. The rest was to be at interest at the rate of 8 per cent. The amount now nearley 16 years would be over £900 and the half of it would be a very great matter for me to get besides I might do some good in other ways, at all events improve my state of mind and health. I am very thankful to you for the things you have sent me as they will safe money. I am so pleased to have Douglas up here all he can. He is a dear boy and a young man I have great hopes of but he should be at once sent to a good busness house as he bemoans to wast time and I do not think he will be idle and see what comfort it will be to you to have him a good busness man. Your affectionate brother Archibald John McLean