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Private New Zealand Government House Auckland. Octr. 19,1870 My dear McLean, I have just received a note from the Duke of Edinburgh to the effect that the repairs of the "Galatea" cannot be finished in time for his proposed cruize in the South Sea Islands, and that he will come direct to Auckland at the end of November or beginning of December. We must not lose time in preparing for his visit to the Hot Lakes I think you shd. come here yourself to go with him, if possible, but if this cannot be done, that you ahd. send up the "Luna" to be got ready for H. R. H. Fairchild told me that it would take 2 or 3 weeks to put in new cabins, paint her etc. so she ought to be at Auckland - so as to be quite ready at the end of that month. Mr . Clarke tells me that there is no difficult whatever now in the road or otherwise but that we ought to go as soon as possible after the Duke arrives here, to avoid the heat and mosquitoes, which are terrible at the Lakes about Christmas. Also that the Arawas shd. have 3 weeks' notice. Pray let me know as soon as possible whether you can come yourself, and what arrangements ought to be made etc. If you can come while the Duke is here, I will be ready to go with you down the East Coast in January, touching at a11 the native settlements. In February I ought to go to Otago and Hokitika, according to my promises. I have sent the despatches to Gisborne, who will show them to you and his other colleagues. I think you ought to place on record in your department copies of the despatches abt. the continued use of the National Flag. I never had any doubt on this matter myself, and told Commodore Lambert that he was quite wrong in ring the question. By Vogel's advice I shall write by the next mail that the use of the Union Jack, as the mark of common nationality and allegiance is satisfactory to the people of the Colonies generally. Ever yours very truly, G. F. Bowen to:- The Honble. D. McLean , C.M.G. P. S. Whether you come or not yourself the "Luna" will be wanted to take the Duke to Maketu. The "Galatea" is too large for the Bay of Plenty." I am glad that you are doing something for poor Col. St. John. His family are very grateful to you. As he is a Staff College Officer, he wd. probably be useful in the Public Works Dept. - as Surveyor of Roads, or the like.