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Petre, District of Wanganui, June 5th, 1846. Sir, It is with infinite regret we acquaint your Excellency that after all the pains and patience with which J. Jermyn Symonds Esqre. has endeavoured to fulfil the Mission your Excellency entrusted to him that the cupidity of the Natives has proved so very great, and their ultimate intentior appears so very doubtful as justly to deter him from bringing the affair of the Land purchase to a conclusion. Under these painful, yet we admit unavoidable circumstances we perceive that all our long cherished hopes of locating in this vicinity are for ever marred, and that now we have no other alternative but to throw ourselves on the benevolence of your Excellency. We solicit therefore that your Excellency will take our forlorn case into early consideration that you may be enabled with as little delay as possible to devise means for our removal to such other site as may appear to your Excellency adapted to our necessities. But we would venture to suggest to your Excellency that we would greatly prefer being located on the middle Island and particularly where there is a probability of British concentration and where the chance of Native interference is diminished, having already suffered severely from this cause. We have the honor to be, Sir, Your Excellency's Mo. Obt. humble Servts. Signed. Saml. King. P. Wilson. John Nixon. F. H. Campbell. Wm. Gn. Bell. Wm. Gn. Bell jun. To: His Excellency Gov. Gray Esqr. Lieut. Governor, Auckland.