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Wanganui, May 19th, 1846. Sir, In reply to your letterof the 18th Inst. I have the honor to request that you will proceed with the survey of the line pointed out by ''Mawai'' and at the same time I beg leave to inform you that all responsibility on the subject of the diminution of the Colonists sections and the appropriation of the Public Reserve will devolve upon me. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient humble servant, John Jermyn Symonds,Private Secretary. Alfred Wills, Esq. A public meeting being this day held at the Commerical Hotel Wanganui, P. Wilson Esquire J. P. in the chair, It was proposed by John Nixon Esqr. J. P. and seconded by Mr. W. G. Bell "That the present meeting of Landholders and Settlers view with feelings of distrust and indignation the exorbitant demands of certain natives to reserve some of the most valuable tracts of land contained in the New Zealand Compy's proposed block at Wanganui in addition to the former extensive concessions made to them during Mr. Spains last visit: and the meeting by Mr. Symonds to take into his serious consideration this their protest against any such concessions being granted." Also proposed by Captn. Campbell J. P. and seconded by H. S. Harrison, Esq. "That the best thanks of the settlers are due to Messrs. Symonds and Maclean for their great exertions hitherto in endeavouring to bring the settlement of the Land question