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indeed there is never a week passes but something of the kind happens sometimes every day, I have had to strip myself and carry the mail across in one hand when the road has been so bad this winter it has been impossible to take a horse through the bush, no doubt your Honor will see that I could not afford to keep a canoe and ropes there as I get no Bonus for the Nuhaka ever and yet if I am not there in attendance or keep a man there in my place I am liable to a fine Mr. Deighton fined a native for crossing a white man the other day at Nuhaka, I am also anxious to get your Honor's opinion about this land I am living on at Nuhaka 50 acres G.R. will there be any chance of buying it it ajoins my land and will be shortly merely a thistle bed I am prepared to purchase it at the same price the rest of the