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WELLINGTON 17th April 1872 My dear Sir Regarding the enrollment of additional men for the Armed Constabulary, I have written to officers commanding Districts to try and get some suitable men, as very few are now offering at the Depot, I suppose it is in consequence of the great demand for labour for the public works now in progress in various parts of the Colony. The shooting at Christchurch was good and the arrangements satisfactory. The Otago people have again been successful in winning the champion belt and many of the highest prizes. I have called on officers in command of A. C. Districts to furnish reports of Work done etc. in the same way as last year. In your absence Mr. Gisborne has sanctioned Mr Broham receiving any rewards to which he may be entitled by the conviction of the man Haley. I have really little or nothing to report, as everything works smoothly in the different departments. Captain Pitt after a long illness is now much better. The weather has broken at last and we are now having a strong wind and rain. I remain my dear Sir, Yours very truly, W. Moule. P. S. Your letters and papers have been forwarded to Auckland Post Office. W. M. The Hon. Mr. McLean, Native and Defence Minister.