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The following Compilation was prepared for the press six years ago, but, for reasons which it is not necessary to enter into, the publication has been delayed. At that period the study of the New-Zealand language was a matter of little interest to our countrymen, because their intercourse with the Native Race was too limited to pay for the labour of acquiring it. But now, the circumstances of the country are wholly changed; the two Races are brought into frequent communication ; and, it is found by experience that, when we are able to speak upon equal terms with the Native Inhabitants, not only is there the satisfaction of expressing what we wish, and of knowing that which is said in reply, but many causes of misunderstanding are prevented, which otherwise might lead to serious results.

It has indeed been seriously proposed by some, that the New-Zealand language should be discouraged as much as possible, and that the Natives should at once be instructed in English. It must be allowed that, if such a plan were practicable, the advantages arising from it would be great; and civilization cannot advance beyond a narrow limit without it. Let this difficulty be once overcome,



and the immense fund of information to be gathered from books in our own language, is thrown open to this interesting people. But a knowledge of facts tells us that the acquisition of English by the New-Zealanders will only be partial, even in those districts in which our principal settlements are made, while the larger portion of the Natives will hold but little intercourse with our countrymen, who will have no inducement to settle in those districts which the Natives generally prefer. That it will be difficult to persuade the Natives, as a people, to adopt our language to the disuse of their own, may be inferred from the fact, that the Irish and Welsh, even though living in the heart of English towns, continue to use their favourite tongue, and that too, after our connection, as one people, has continued for many centuries. While, therefore, every encouragement should be given to the Natives to learn English, it will not be the less necessary for those, whose position brings them into frequent communication with this people, to learn their language; and, it is interesting to know that many are ready to make use of every help which may be afforded them. As these attempts are persevered in, it is likely that a great accession of valuable materials will ere long be made from various sources. If, in the meantime, the present Compilation shall be the means of assisting those who are disposed to prosecute the study,—though it be only as a ground-work for something more extensively useful hereafter, it will have served the purpose for which it was undertaken.

During the interval which has elapsed, a valuable Grammar has been given to the public, by the Reverend



R. Maunsell, which is a work of much utility to those who have already obtained a knowledge of the first principles. The present Compendium is rather suited to beginners, and only points of leading consequence are touched upon, and those too are stated with as much brevity as the nature of the subject will allow.

It will be seen from the number of words in the Dictionary, that the language is far from being poor in variety of expression, and there is still much to be collected, particularly words expressive of abstract ideas, and of the passions and emotions of the mind, in which an uncultivated language is generally defective.. Sometimes expressions of this kind are found which belong to a particular district, and may be brought, with advantage, into general use.

Those words against which there is no mark to denote the district to which they belong, are either peculiar to the Ngapuhi, or they are common to most of the tribes.

For want of other means of expressing the Accentuation of words, the Vowels on which the emphasis is to be laid are printed in italics, and the letter w, when it is sounded as wh, is printed with an inverted comma.



art. ........................ Article. S. ........................... SubStantiVC* a. . ... Adjective. pron. Pronoun. v. ........................... Verb. ad. Adverb. eonj. ....................... Conjunction. prep. f . Preposition. int. Interjection. IP. ........................ W djaleCt. R. Rarawa dialect. T. e .....«... T auranga dialect. S East Cape dialect.




Form. Sound. a . t as in father, or as in water. e as a in bate. H h as in house, or with a sound almost approaching to sh in shell, as in hongi, a salute, mahara, to remember; but this last sound is resolved into an ordinary aspirate by the inhabitants of the Southern part of the Island. I © 1 as ee infect. K k as in king. M m as in mind. N n as in noun. O 0 as in pole. P p as in pan. R r as in rope, or with a sound somewhat approaching to that of d in den, as in kauri, the name of a tree. T* t as in two. u u as oo in boot. w w as in water, or as wh in the Irish what. NG ng a nasal sound, as rag in ring, which in the Bay of Plenty losses its nasal character, and is changed into n ; thus tangata, man, becomes tanata.



A e i o u are Vowels; the rest are Consonants. The Diphthongs are: ae ai ao au ei ou.


The Parts of Speech are nine : The Article, the Substantive, the Adjective, the Pronoun, the Verb, the Adverb, the Preposition, the Conjunction, and the Interjection.


There are two Articles, he and te, with the Plural nga common to both.

He is indefinite, and has the same signification as the English Article a or an.

Te is definite, and has the same signification as the English Article the.


He kaipuke, a ship. Te kaipuke, the ship. Nga kaipuke, ships, or the ships. He kuri, a dog. Te kuri, the dog. Nga kuri, dogs, or the dogs. He ‘ware, a house. Te ‘ware, the house. Nga ‘ware, houses, or the houses.

The Articles he and te are not, however, always restricted to Nouns of the Singular Number, but are often used before Nouns Plural.


He kai maori, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Sweet potatoes. He „ Children. Te tangata ~~ All men.





Substantives have two Numbers, the Singular and the Plural. The Plural is formed by prefixing t(ie Article nga to the Singular.


He A jish. Nga Fishes. He wai, Water. Nga wai, Waters. He f A nail. Nga ‘wao, Nails. He kotiroj, A girl. Nga kotiro, Girls.

The relation of Nouns to each other, or to other parts of Speech, is not designated by Case, properly so called, but by Prepositions or certain particles prefixed, as will appear from the following examples.

Examples. Tangata, Man.


Te tangata, the man. O te tangata. 1 , . , x ® x zof the man. Ate tangata, J J Ki te tangata, to the man. Ite tangata, the man (obj.) Ete tangata, 0 man. Ite tangata, 1 » ~ x x & x >by the man. E te tangata, J

Nga tangata, the men. O nga tangata, I a ° 4. *. (-of the men. A nga tangata, J J Ki nga tangata, to the men. I nga tangata, the me/z(objec.) E nga tangata, O men. I nga tangata, 1 1 ■e’ x i >by the men. B nga tangata, J J

Ngakuku, A proper name.

A Ngakuku, ~ ~ ~ Ngakuku. O Ngakuku. i /> XT i i A Ngakuku, / ~ Ngakuku. Ki a Ngakuku, ~ ~ io Ngakuku. I a Ngakuku, Ngakuku (objectively.) E Ngakuku, ~ 0 Ngakuku. I a Ngakuku, 1 , XT i -> f nt i i by rJgakuku. E Ngakuku, j J te




The distinction of Gender is generally made by adding the word signifying male or female. The words which denote the different sexes are the following, viz.:

Tane., a male, Wahine, a female, applicable to the human species. Toura‘wi, a male, U‘wa,, a female, applicable exclusively to the brute creation.


He matua tanc\, A father. He matua wahine, A mother. He pononga tane, A man servant. He pononga wahine ? A woman servant. He (kararehe) toura f wi, A male beast. He (kararehe) ifwa, A female beast.


The Adjective has neither Case nor Number, and is placed immediately after the Noun.


He rakau roa, A long tree. He ngaru iiui, A great wave. He ngakau hou, A new heart. He kanolii ma, A clean face.


The Comparative and Superlative degrees are generally formed by particles or other words affixed.



Examples. He waka nui, A large canoe. Nui atu tenei waka i tera, This canoe is larger than that. He waka nui ‘wakaharahara, A very large canoe. He hanga pai, A good performance. Pai atu te hanga ate tangata The performance of this man is nei i ta tera, better than that (man’s). Pai rana te hanga a te tangata The performance of this man is nei, best.


1. Cardinal Numbers.

1 Talii..... One. 2 Rua..... Two. 3 T0rn.. ... Three. 4 ‘Wa.. Four. 5 Rima Five.

6 Ono Six. *"] ‘Witu Seven. 8 Waru Eight. 9 Iwa Nine. 10 Ngahuru Ten.

Tekau, or Tahi tekau Eleven.

The Native mode of counting is by elevens, till they arrive at the tenth eleven, which is their hundred; then onwards to the tenth hundred, which is their thousand :* but those Natives who hold intercourse with Europeans have, for the most part, abandoned this method, and, leaving out ngahuru, reckon leliau or tahi tekau as 10, rua tekau as 20, &c.

11 Tekau ma tahi, orl 1 Tahi tekau ma tahi J Ten and one. 12 Tekau ma rua.. Ten and two. 13 Tekau ma toru Ten and three. 14 Tekau ma f wa..... Ten and four. 15 Tekau ma rima Ten and foe. 16 Tekau ma ono Ten and six. 17 Tekau ma Svitu Ten and seven.

* This seems to be on the principle of putting aside one to every ten as a tally. A parallel to this obtains among the English, as in the case of the baker’s dozen.



18 Tekau ma warn Ten and eight. 19 Tekau ma iwa Ten and nine. 20 Rua tekau Twenty. 21 Rua tekau ma tahi.. Twenty and one. 22 Rua tekau ma rua Twenty and two. 30 Toru tekau Thirty. 40 ‘Wa tekau... Fourty. 50 Rimatekau Fifty. 60 Ono tekau Sixty. 70 £ Witu tekau Seventy. 80 Warn tekau.. Eighty. 90 Iwa tekau Ninety. 100 Kotahi rau One hundred. 101 Kotahi rau ma tahi...... One hundred and one. 102 Kotahi rau ma rua One hundred and two. 200 Rua rau Two hundred. 300 Toru rau Three hundred. 400 ‘Wa rau Four hundred. 500 Rima rau Five hundred. 600 Ono rau Six hundred. 700 £ Witu rau Seven hundred. 800 Waru rau Eight hundred. 900 Iwa rau Nine hundred. 1000 Kotahi mano One thousand. 1001 Kotahi mano ma tahi... One thousand and one. 2000 Rua mano . Two thousand.

Any number indefinitely great is called tini, mano, or mano tini: as, Mano tini nga tangata, Very many men. Tahi generally takes the prefix ko; the other units take e, except when the auxiliaries ka or kua are used before them.


Kotahi mano, ewaru etoru One thousand, eight hundred, tekau ma and thirty seven. Ka rua nga oranga noatanga o My dog has had two narrow taku kuri, escapes.

The New-Zealanders, for the most part, count by pairs, when the words pu or lopu are added to the numeral adjective : thus, Kotahi pu, rua pu, &c., One pair, two pairs, &c. In counting singly they not unfrequently add the words taki taki,



“ once told:” as, Ka warn tahi tahi nga kete, There are eight baskets once told.*

2. Ordinal Numbers. Te tahi or Tuatahi ~ ~ The first. Te rua or Tuarua ~ ~ ~ ~ The second. Te tekau ~~ ~ „ ~ „ The tenth. Te tekau ma tahi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The eleventh. Te rua tekau or ) tnenlM . Te rua o nga tekau j Te toru tekau ~ The thirtieth. Te rau ~- The hundredth. Te rua o nga rau ~ The two hundredth!.



The Personal Pronouns have three Numbers, the Singular, the Dual, and the Plural.

SINGULAR. Is/ Person, Ahau, or Au . . I. 2nd, Koe Thou. 3d, la . He. DUAL. Lv/ ’ We itvo ' 2nd, Korua Ye two. 3d, RauaS They two. PLURAL. Irf Person, { . We. 2nd, Koutou Ye. 3d, Ratou They.

* Like the Israelites of old, when taking a census, the New-Zea-landers make no account of women and children ; but only of those who, being from twenty years old and upwards, are capable of bearing arms. •f- Taua and mm are sometimes used for tatou and matou ;in a manner, however, in which the principle of the Dual is still preserved. A chief calling upon his troops to proceed on their march will say : Taua ka haere, We two will proceed. c



Taua and tatou include the person or persons spoken to,’ but maua and matou exclude them.

Examples. Ka haere /««« kite Kerikeri, .. . ! (??“ ' m ' l J ! «>iU go * the ’ ( Kenken. ;ko maua, ko Hamuera te) , r , s r j\ c< i -n h aere ’ > No; wetwo,{landjSamuelwillgo. Tukuamai to waka ki a matou, .. . Let go (or lend) your canoe to us. Erangi kia waiho mo tatou tahi, . . Rather let it be for us (all) together.

Declension of Personal Pronouns. The distinction of Case is more properly applied to Personal Pronouns than to Substantives, inasmuch as the Pronoun, in some instances, undergoes a change in the Genitive and Dative Cases.

Ahau, ... I SINGULAR. DUAL. PLURAL. N. Ahau . I. Taua 1 TJ7 - , Tatou I rjz G. Noku I Maua f ’ We tm ' Matou /" Aku >Of me. No taua 1 No tatou Oku J A taua A tatou O taua I Of us O tatou I , No maua | two. No matou Oj us. A maua A matou O maua J O matou D. Kiahau 1 Toor Ki a taua ' Ki a tatou 1 Maku > for Ma taua „Ma tatou I Moku J me. Mo taua I ° Ol Mo tatou I To or Ki a maua J , Ki a matou jor us. Ma maua W °' Ma matou Mo maua J Mo matou ./• I ahau • • • I a taua "I 'O’s two 'O’s I a maua J ‘ I a matou J * A9 ’ K.*E ahau .. O me. Ab.l ahau 1 la taua 1 s la tatou E ahau I By E taua E tatou Naku | me. Na taua Na tatou Maku J Ma taua I By us Ma tatou ! „ I a maua | two. I a matou f J E maua E matou Na maua .Na matou Ma maua J Ma matou

* This Vocative is used by a person giving an account to a third



K0e,... Thou, SINGULAR. DUAL. PLURAL. N. Koe .... Thou. Korua ... You two. Koutou You. G. Nou ) No korua) Nokoutou) Au >Of thee. A korua > 0U A koutou >Of you. Ou J O korua I Wo ’ O koutou J D. Ki a koe ) To or Ki a korua) To or Ki a koutou) To or Mau t for Ma korua >ybr you Ma koutou r for Mou I thee. Mo korua I two. Mo koutou J you. A. I a koe . . Thee. I a korua . .You two. I a koutou ... .You. V. E koe .. 0 thou. E korua . .Oye two. E koutou .... 0 ye. Ah. I a koe 1 la korua 1 la koutou ' E koe By E korua By you E koutou I By Nau f thee. Na korua J two. Na koutou you. Mau i Ma korua Ma koutou la, . . . He, She.

SINGULAR. DUAL. PLURAL. N. la He. Raua . . . They two. Ratou They. G. Nona') No raua j No ratou Ana >Of him. A raua > f iem A ratou > Of them. Ona f O raua f tm ' O ratou I 1). Ki a iai To or Ki a raua ■) To or Ki a ratou j To or Mana > for Ma raua > for them Ma ratou > for Mona j him. Mo raua J two. Mo ratou J them. A. I a ia... . Him. * a raua.. Them two. I a ratou.... Them. V.*Vt ia.... . 0 he. E raua.. O they two. E ratou.... O they. Ab. Ia ia 'j la raua 'j la ratou ") Eia I Eraua [By them E ratou [ By Nana > *Na raua I two. Na ratou I them. Mana J Ma raua J Ma ratou J

The following will serve as a general illustration of the application of the Personal Pronouns :

person of a conversation which has passed between himself and a second person. Thus, Thomas speaking of the approach of William towards him, says—That he (William) called out, not “E Tamati,” but “E a hau.” * This Vocative case is often used instead of the Vocative of the second person.




Ka kite ahau, ~ ~ Naku i hanga te ‘ware, ~ ~ ~ ~ Noku tenei kakahu, ~ ~ Homai ki ahau, ~~~~~~~~ Naku tetahi rongoa, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Maku e hanga tou ‘ware, Moku tetahi kakahu,— „„ „ E ‘wakaako ana te tangata i ahau, Ka ora koe i ahau, Ka ‘wakatorangia koe e ahau, Te tamaiti ona e noho nei, Na tenei tamaiti aku i hopu te tahae,

I see. The house was made by mc\ This garment is of me, or 6elongs to me. Give (it) to me. For me some physic. By me thy house shall be made. For me a garment. The man is teaching me. Thou wilt be safe by or through me. Thou wilt be saved by me. The son of him who sits here. By this child of mine the thief was caught.

11. POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS. There are eleven Possessive Pronouns, viz.-

Taku Mine or My. Ta taua Ta maua I Fp 4-4. r Cz ZZ? <?• 1 a tatou I I Ta matou J

Ta korua 1 Ta koutou J OUr Tana - His. Ta raua 1 m • rp j z* heirs* la ratou J

Tau ~ ~ Thine or Thy.

The Possessive Pronouns, with the exception of taku, tau, and tana, are formed from the Genitive Cases of the Dual and Plural Numbers of the Personal Pronouns. Thus, To taua kainga, is properly— Te kainga o taua, The abode of us two : the Article te and the Preposition o being coalesced by an elision of the letter e. The Possessive Pronouns are subject to the variations of Number and Person. ls£ Person :■ — Taku, ~ ~ ~ My. SINGULAR. PLURAL. Taku. Toku. Aku. Oku.



Ta matou, ~ ~ Our. SINGULAR. PLURAL. Ta matou. To matou. A matou. O matou. 2nd Person :—• Tau, ~ ~ Thine or Thy. SINGULAR. PLURAL. Tau, Toil, or To. Au, Ou, or O. Ta korua, ~ Your. SINGULAR. PLURAL. Ta korua. To korua. A korua. O korua. Ta koutou, .. Your. SINGULAR. PLURAL. Ta koutou. To koutou. A koutou. O koutou.

3rd Person :- Tana, His. SINGULAR. PLURAL. Tana. Tona. Ana. Ona. Ta raua, Their. SINGULAR. PLURAL. Ta raua. To raua. A raua. O raua. Ta ratou, - - ~ Their. SINGULAR. PLURAL. Ta ratou. To ratou. A ratou. O ratou.

Taku, tau, and tana, are used when speaking of anything done by or proceeding from a person; that is, when he is active. Toku, ion, to, and tona, apply to something suffered by, or that is in the possession of, a person. Thus : Taku kakahu, is, The garment lam making ; Toku kakahu, is, The garment which belongs to me, or which lam wearing. Ka matutu toku mate, My complaint is better. —There are, however, many cases in which either form is used indiscriminately.

The same rule applies to a and o, and to na and no, &c., as, Te patunga tenei a Ngatiporou, This is the place where



Ngatiporou killed certain persons : Te patunga tenei o Ngatiporou, This is the place where Ngatiporou were killed. Na Ngapuhi tenei parekura, This is the place where certain persons fell in battle by the hand of Ngapuhi : No Ngapuhi tenei parekura, This is the place where Ngapuhi fell in battle.

So also in the use of ma and mo, maku, moku, &c. Maku e hanga to ‘ware, Thy house shall be made by me. Mana te ‘wakaaro kite haere ranei, kite noho ranei, The purpose to go or to remain is for or by him, i. e., It is for him to determine whether he will go or remain. Mona ano tona mate, His calamity is for himself alone. To say, Ho atu he kohua mo te tangata ra, would be regarded as language particularly offensive : it means, Let an iron pot be given for the man to be cooked in ! The nicety of the distinction will be seen in the following example : Ho mai he kohua maku, me tetahi paraikete moku, Let an iron pot be given for me, and a blanket for me ;-—maku, for me to act with, i. e., to boil my food ; moku, for me to be acted upon, i. e., to be covered.

Examples of the Possessive Pronouns.

Ka mea tetahi he Svakapono tau, he mahi aku, He aha ta tatou e kai ai ? he aha ta talon e inu ai ? Ko ta raua tamaiti tena e haere na, Nana ano tana mahi, ~ ~ ~

Some one will say thine is faith, mine are works. —Jas. ii. 18. What is our {food) which we shall eat ? what is our {liquid) which we shall drink? —-Matt. vi. 31. That is their child who is walking there. This work is his own.


The Demonstrative Pronouns are the following, viz.



Tenei,. . . This. SINGULAR. PLURAL. Tenei. Enei, or Anei. Tena, . . . That at a little distance. SINGULAR. PLURAL. Tena. Ena. Tera,. . . That more remote. SINGULAR. PLURAL. Tera. Era. Tana,. . . That before mentioned. SINGULAR. PLURAL. Tana. Ana. la, . . . That.


Ka ‘wakangaromia aua kai mahi, He aha ra tenet kua oti te tuhituhi ? Na te aha tatou ka rongo nei ia tangata ia tangata i o tatou reo, i ‘wanau ai ta|tou ? Ko wai ka tae ki ia f wenua ? Mo tana mea hoki e hiahiatia ana e Iharaira ka herea nei a hau ki tenet mekamekal

Those workmen will be destroyed. What is this which has been written ? From what cause do we now hear that man and that man (i. e., every man) our own language, to the use of which we were born ? —Acts ii. 8. Who visited those countries ? For that thing which is desired by Israel I am here bound with this chain. Acts xxviii. 20.


The Relative Pronoun is not found in the Nominative Case, but a sentence in which it is to be supplied may always be recognized by those who have had a little practice in the language; as, Horoia te kakafu i kawea mai inanahi, Let the garment be washed which was brought here yesterday. In



this sentence kawea is a passive verb, and the relative to be supplied is in the Nominative Case; but if the active verb be used, the relative, being in the Accusative Case, will be expressed ; as, Horoia to kakahu i kawe mai ai koe inanahi, Lei thy garment be washed which thou broughlest here yesterday. Ko wai te tangata e haere kite waka ? Who is the man who will go to the canoe F Ka titiro kite rangi, e paroro ana, ka noho, He looks at the heavens, which are cloudy, and remains. For the genitive the personal pronoun is used; as,

I tu hoki i taku talia i tenei po te anahera o te Atua, nona nei a hau, Ko te tamaiti tenei nona te ringaringa i wera i te alii.,

The angel of God, whose I am, stood by my side this night. —Acts xxvii. 23. This is the child whose hand was burnt by the f re.

Butsometimesthe relative maybe understood in this case; as, Ko te tangata tenei i tika te “wakaaro, This is the man whose idea was correct; or we might say, Ko te tangata tenei nona te ‘wakaaro i tika. In other cases it is expressed by ai, following the Verb; as,

Ko te tangata tenei i haere ai a han kite kainga, Kahore he hanga a te tangata nei e mate ai, e herea ai ia, Kei hea te pukapuka i tuhituhi ai koe ? Ko te kun tenei i pan ai te hipi, Erangi ra kia kaua e rere mai i Kariti, i pa mai ai tenei kino,

This is the man on account of whom I went to the village. There is not an action of this man for which he shall die, for which he shall be bound. Where is the letter which you wrote ? This is the dog by which the sheep was eaten. It had been belter not to have sailed from Crete, through which (sailing') this evil has befallen Acts xxvii.2l.

When the Adverb net occurs in the clause ai will be omitted; as,

Ka tonoa nga tangata ki nga wahi katoa meake nei haere ia; or, Ki nga Wahi katoa e haere ai ia ? Kua ringihia mai tenei e kite nei, e rongo nei koutou,

Men are sent to all places to which he is about to go; or, To all places to which he will go. This hath been poured out which you see, and which you hear.



The Particle ai which follows the Adverbs no reira, mo reira, mo konei. no mua, no muri, no nanahi, apopo, &c., seem also to come under the same rule, as will appear from the following


Akuanei ahau te haere ai, [[will be commonly rendered,J I shall go to-day, [[but more literally,J To day is the time I shall go.

He ‘wanaunga ia noku, mo konei ahau ka karanga ai i a ia ki te ‘ware, He is a relative of mine; for this, or hence (the reason) for which I shall call him to the house. This may perhaps be more fully expressed, Mo konei te wahi e karanga ai ahau i a ia.

No reira hoki i koa ai toku ngakau, i hari ai ano hoki tdku arero, Therefore also, or from thence also (is the reason) for which my heart rejoiced, for which my tongue was glad. Acts ii. 26.

No nanahi te tamaiti i mate ai, The child died yesterday ; [literally,3 From yesterday (is the time) at which the child died.

Ko te wahi i te tiipapaku, ko reira huihui ai nga kahu, The place where the carcase is, there (is the place) at which the eagles will gather.

Ma au kupu hoki koe ka ‘wakatikaia ai, ma au kupu hoki koe ka meinga ai kia mate, By thy words (is the rule) by which thou shalt be justified, by thy words (is the rule) by which thou shalt be condemned. —Matt. xii. 37-

He aha koe te tomo ai ki roto ? What (is the reason) on account of which thou wilt not come inside ?

Koia matou i hiahia ai kia haere atu ki a koutou: [[Koia is usually translated Therefore, it is properly Ko ia, It; and the sentence will be correctly rendered^] — It (is the reason) on account of which we wished to go to you.

Kahore ona mate i taku kitenga ai i a ia, He had no sickness at the time of my seeing him, or at the time at which I saw him.

Nana aliau i ora ai, His (mas the effort} by which I was .saved. d



V. INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS. The Interrogative Pronouns are three, viz.-

Wai ~ . Who. Aha ~ ~ ~ ~ What. Ehea a }~~ ~~~~ Which.


I hoatu taku hoe ki a wai ? He aha te mea i haere ai ? Ko lehea o nga waka i pakaru ?

To whom was my paddle given ? What is the thing for which you went ? Which of the canoes was broken ?


Verbs are of three kinds : Active, Neuter, and Causative, each of which admit of a Passive Voice. The Active Verb expresses the action of an agent upon some object; but not having that which can be rightly termed conjugation, it may be distinguished by the cases connected with it; as, E kite ana ahau i te tangata, I see the man. Ahau is the agent, e kite ana is the Verb expressing the action, i te tangata is the object acted upon. The Passive Verb expresses an action done by some agent; as, E kitea ana te tangata e au, The man is seen by me. It is formed by adding to the Active one of the following terminations : a, ia, tia, hia, kia, ria, na, ina, ngia, &c., according to the termination of the Verb; as, E horongia ana te rongoa e te turoro, The medicine is being swallowed by the invalid. Rua uakina te tatau ete tamaiti, The door has been

shut by the child. But if in the simple form of the Verb there be a reduplication of the first syllable, the reduplication is cut off in the Passive; as,

KokotL, To cut; Kotia ? To be cut. Titiro ; To look at . Tirohia, To be looked at. To strike with a spear ;. . Tobe struck with a spear.



The following examples will shew the formation of the Passive Verb.

ACTIVE® PASSIVE. Niko, To tie. Niko&. Hao, . . To enclose as with a net. Hao«. Utu, To pay. Utuzz. Tu c wa,. ........ To divide. ITu waia. 7 I lirwama. Ta, To tattoo. Taia. Tata, To bale water out of a canoe. Tangia. Tata, To split. Tatakia. Kau, To swim. Kauzez. Kaukau, .. To anoint. Kaukauna. Para, To cut down trees. Paraza. Pa, To block up. -f 7 1 ( Panza. Pa, To touch. ~f Pa&za. 7 ( rangia. Hohou, To bind. -f ' I ilouza. Wewero, To pierce. Werohia. Pikau, ... To carry on the back. 4 * (Pikaurza. Makutu, .To bewitch. Makutunt. Manako, To like. Manako/zza. Mahanga, To ensnare. Kokomo, To put in. Komo/zzz. To put in. Oro, ... To sharpen on a stone. Owngia. Uta, . . To take on board a vessel. Utaina. Ota, To eat raw. Otaina. Ako, To teach. Akona. Tiki, To fetch. Tikimz. Hapai, .......... To lift. Ao, . . To take up by handfuls. Ao‘ima.

But, if the Passive Verb is preceded by na, ma, naku, nan a, mana, or the particle Me, it retains the form of the Active; as,

Ma te turoro e boro te. ro- Lei lhe medicine be swallowed iigoa, by Ike invalid.



Na te pakeha i uaki te tatau, Nana i kawe taku kete kite wai, Me hoko nga kapana nei e koe,

The door was opened by the foreigner. My basket was carried by him to the water. Let these potatoes be bought by thee.

Some Verbs have the same form in the Active and Passive* Voice; as,

E hanga ana ia i te pouaka, Kua hanga te pouaka e ia, ~ ~

He is making a box. The box has been made by hint.

The accent in this case is upon the first syllable in the Active, and upon the second in the Passive Verb. So also the words Panga, and Maka, To throw, are both Active and Passive.* To the forms already given may be added a class of Verbs which are Passive in signification but have no Active form ; as,

Kua parelio aku kapana i te poaka, Kua pau te kereru i te kalup

My potatoes are devoured by the pig. The pigeon is eaten up by the hawk.

The Neuter Verb expresses the quality, circumstance, or condition, of its subject; as,

E moe ana te tamaiti, ~ Poupou tonu te pikitanga nei, Hei kona taeki ai nga peka, Kia mail te hotiki kei paheno, Akuanei heuheu ai nga tangata kite mahi, Ka umere te tangata nei, ~ ~

The child is sleeping. This ascent is quite steep. There is the place in which the firewood shall lie. Let the tying be fast lest it come undone. The men will wander away presently to work. This man wonders

Some few Neuter Verbs admit of a Passive Voice, which is formed in a regular manner ; as, E pai ana ia, ~ He is good.

* But the Natives of the East Cape use the Passive forms Hangaid, and Makaia.



E paingia ana e ia, ~ ~ ~ He is praised or esteemed good. Etu ana ia, ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ He is standing. Turia te ‘ware, ~~~ Let the house be stood upon. E noho ana ia, ~ ~ He is sitting. Nohoia te kainga nei, ~~ ~ ~ Let this place be sat upon or occupied. E mataku ana ia, ~ ~ He is afraid. E matakuria ana ia, ~ He is feared.

The Causative Verb is formed by prefixing ‘Waka to Neuter Verbs, and sometimes to Verbs Active; as,

Pono, ~~~ ~ ~ ~ To be true ; ‘Wakapono, To believe. Mate ~ ~ To be sick; ‘Wakamate, ~ ..To make sick. Kite, .. —To see ; ‘Wakakite, ~ To reveal.

The Passive of this form is made as in the simple Active Verb ; as,

‘Wakaponohia, To be believed. ‘Wakamatea, ~ ~ ~ To be made sick. ‘Wakakitea, ~~~ ~ ~ To be revealed. Some Verbs become frequentative by a reduplication of the whole, or part of the word, —sometimes rejecting the first syllable; as, Kokoti, -- 7b cut; Kotikoti, ~~ To cut up into many pieces. Titiro, —To look ; Tirotiro, —To look round on every side. Korero, To speak; Korerorero, ~~— To speak frequently.


The distinction of Mood may be expressed with great precision ; but it is by the use of Particles, and not by an inflexion of the Verb. There are four Moods : the Indicative, the Imperative, the Subjunctive, and the Infinitive. 1. The Indicative ; as, E ngaki ana ia i te ‘ wenua, He is cultivating the ground*



2. The Imperative ; as, Etu koe ki runga, ~ ~ Stand up. Haere koutou ki roto, ~ ~ Go all of you inside. Tena, korero, —~ ~ Go on, speak. Titiro o kanohi, ~~ ~ ~ ~ Let your eyes look. Kiakaranga ahau ite waka, Let me call for the canoe. Ngakia taku mara e koe, 1 T , , 7 . ?,• . » Tv r fe i • - i I Let mu garden be cultivated Mau e ngaki taku mara, > , ® Me ngaki e koe taku mara, j iee ' 3. The Subjunctive ; as, Me kaua te marangai kua If there had not been bad weatae ke matou kite kai- ther we should have arrived nga. at the place. Me lie mea ka karanga, koe If you call I shall rise up. ka ‘wakatika au, 4. The Infnitive; as, Ko te tikanga ia kia akona The correct mode is for your e koe o tamariki, children to be taught by you. I penei atu tana ki hei His speech was thus, or he ‘wakamatau i a ia, spake thus to try him. Homai he taura hei to i Give me a rope to drag the te rakau, tree with. Homai he kai hei ‘waka- Give me sonic food to quiet my rata i taku tamaiti, child. E kore au e kaha te haere lam not. able to go in consei te mamae i au, quence oj my pain. I hoki mai ahau kia ata I returned in order that you rongo ai koe kite manu- might correctly hear about hiri e haere mai nei, thevisitorwhoiscominghere.

This latter sentence furnishes another example of the Relative ai, which is of very frequent occurrence. When coming after a Verb in the Infinitive Mood, the Verb may be rendered, as in this case, “in order that something may be done;” but we have only to examine the structure a little more closely, and we shall find, that it is a simple use of the Relative. In every such use of the Infinitive, there is always a clause going before which gives the reason, on account of which, or the means by which, something is done. Thus, in the example



given above—l lioki mai ahau, I came back, is the means, ai, by which, kia ata rongo koutou, you {are} correctly to hear. So in Luke xx. 20 : Ka tonoa he kai f wanga, e Svhakaahua ana i a ratou hei hunga tika, Spies were sent, who feigned themselves just men, — this is the means, ai, by which, kia hopu ratou i a ia i tana korero, they {are} to catch him in his speech, —ai, by which, kia tukua ia kite rangatiratanga kite kaha o te kawana, he {is} to be delivered to the power and authority of the governor. The following examples belong to this place, and seem to come under the head of Gerunds :

No te hia ahau i te totara liei waka maku, I hoki mai ahau i te hauhake parareka, E haere ana ahau Id te whakaemi tangata mo te taua, Ko te la kupenga ahau, I te hi ika ahau, ~ ~

I {am come) from felling the to tar a as a canoe for myself. I came back from digging up potatoes. I am going to collect people for the fight. I {am going) to make a net. I {am come) from catchingfsh.

TENSES. As in the Moods, so in the Tenses, all the ordinary distinctions of time are made by the help of Particles and Adverbs. There are six Tenses : the Present, Imperfect, Future-imper-fect, the Perfect, Pluperfect, and Future-perfect.

1. The Present is formed by Ka before the Verb, or by E before and ana after it; as,

Ka rere te kaipuke ki Tauranga, E karanga ana te tamaiti ki tana matua, But in certain cases either E E haere nei te tira o Ngapuhi,

The ship is sailing io Taurang a. The child is calling to his parent. or ana may be used alone ; as, The company of Ngapuhi are proceeding along.

In the sentence., Tenei te haere nei te tira o Ngapuhi, we have the same sense ; but the word le seems to be a coalescence



of the Article te and the Particle e. The sentence written in full would be—Tenei te tira o Ngapuhi, te tira e haere nei, Here is the company of Ngapuhi, the company which is proceeding along. Haere atu ana a Hoani te Kai iriiri i aua Ta, kauhvau ana i te koraha o Huria, John the Baptist goes in those days and preaches in the wilderness of Judea. This form is of frequent use in narration'.

2. The Imperfect is expressed by the Particles E and ana, as in the Present form, with a combination of words, shewing that the action was incomplete at the time referred to; s|b,

Ka penei inanahi e haere ana ahau ki Otahuhu, , I a ia e korero ana ka puta mai te rongo o te mate, Waiho atu e au e hoehoea ana. nga pouaka ki uta,

At this time yesterday I was going to Otahuhu. While he was speaking the report of the death arrives. When I left, or when the place was left by me, the boxes werebeingrowedtothe shore.

3. The Fixture-imperfect is formed by the Particle Ka or E before the Verb, by Ka before the Verb and ai after it, and by ai alone after the Verb. The two latter forms afe used in connection with future Adverbs, and the Particle m is properly the Relative Pronoun, as has been explained under the head of Pronouns.

Ka tere te waka aianei, ~ ~ E hoki mat ano ahau, ~ „ „ „ E kite koutou i ahau ; no te mea e ora ana ahau, e ora ano hoki koutou, He mea tuhituhi ahau kite pukapuka, koia ahau ka haere ai, Akuanei ano riro ai te kaipuke, Maku e hoatu ki a koutou he mangai, he maharatanga, e kore ai ratou e aJiei te ‘wakakahore, te f wa f wai ranei, yieake koe mate, .....

The canoe will be adrift presently. I will come back again. Ye shall see me; because I live ye shall live also. I was written for by letter, therefore I shall go. To-day the ship will be gone. A mouth and wisdom will be given by me to you, which they will not be able to deny or to resist. You will soon die.



The expression—Ko ahau te haere, I will go, is elliptical. Te is pronounced longer than the Article, and is a combination of te, the Article, and e, the future Particle. The sentence is fully expressed and illustrated in the three following examples

Ko ahau te tangata e haere, . . . . Ko apopo koe te mate ai, . . . . . Ko apopo te wahi e mate ai koe, . .

I am the man who will go. To-morrow thou wilt die. To-morrow is the season in whish thou wilt die.

The Present and Future, when formed by ka, will generally be distinguishable by the sense. 4. The Perfect is formed by the Particle kua or i before the Verb; as,

Kua ara mai te Karaiti i te mate, I kite ahau i a Te Potangaroa inanahi,

Christ has risen from death. I saw Te Potangaroa yeslerday.

5. The Pluperfect is formed by kua before the Verb, and is distinguished from the Perfect by the construction of the sentence; as,

Ka penei inanahi kua tae matou ki Puketona. Waiho atu e au kua hemo mai nga papa, Hoki rawa mai au kite kainga kua mate noa atu taku papa,

At this time yesterday we had arrived at Puketona. When the place was left by me the boards had all arrived. When I came back to the place my father had been dead some time.

6. The Second Future is also expressed by kua being defined bv the construction of the sentence : as.

J Ekore e po akuanei kua tae ahau ki Hokianga, Akuanei ka tae koutou ki tatahi, kua rere te waka,

Before night, I shall have arrived at Hokianga. By and by when yon arrive at the seaside the canoe will have sailed.

The Tenses of the Subjunctive Mood are expressed by the help of Conjunctions or Adverbs, as in the following examples :

Perhaps I may have seen that man, but I forget. e

Kua kite pea ahaui tana tangata, otira e ware ware ana ahau,



Mari ano kia nolio, penei kua rokohina koe e te a f wa, Me kaua taku hoa kua par emo ah an,

It was well for you to remain, otherwise you would have been overtaken by the rain. If it had not been for my companion I should have been drowned.


Karanga ~ To call. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present Tense.

Sing. E karanga ana ahau am calling. E karanga ana koe Thou art calling. E karanga ana ia ~~ . He is calling. Dual. E karanga ana tana 1 TJ r , E karanga ana mauaj ® E karanga ana korua You two are calling. E karanga ana raua ~~ „ They two are calling. Plu. E karanga ana tatou 1 TJ7 E karanga ana matou J ® E karanga ana koutou Ye are calling. E karanga ana ratou They are calling. or Ka karanga ahau ~ ~ ~ I call. Ka karanga koe ~ ~ Thou callest,

Future Imperfect Tense. Sing. Ka karanga ahau— ~ I will call. Ka karanga koe ~ Thou wilt call, fyc. or Sing. E karanga ahau —„ „ „ I will call, fyc. or with a future Adverb : Sing. Meake au karanga Soon I shall call. Meake koe karanga ~ ~ Soon thou wilt call. Meake ia karanga Soon he will call, tyc.



Perfect Tense. sing. Kua karanga ahau I have called. Kua karanga koe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Thou hast called, tyc. or I karanga ahau ~ I called. I karanga koe ~ ~ ~ ~ Thou calledst, tyc.

IMPERATIVE MOOD. >Sing. Kia karanga au ~~~ ~ ~ ~ Let me call. Kia karanga koe ~ ~ ~ Call thou. Kia karanga ia Let him call, fyc. The Imperative is also expressed without the addition of any Particles, as; Tena, korero, ~ Go on, speak. 4 Wakatika, haere, ~ ~ ~ .. Rise up, and go. Sometimes by prefixing E as in the Future, as; E tu ra koe Stand up.

The Passive form is generally used to express the Imperative Mood, as; Karangatia e koe te tamaiti, ~ ~ Let the child be called by thee. There are again other ways of expressing the Imperative by the pronouns Maku, Mau, Mana, &c., or by the Particle Me, in which the Verb retains the active form, but. is clearly used in a passive sense, as; Mau e karanga te tamaiti, By thee the child shall or must be called. Me karanga e koe te tamaiti, .. The child must be called by thee.


The formation of the Tenses is the same as in the Active Verb. It is not necessary therefore to draw them out in full. Present Tense. E karangatia ana ahau —I am called. Ka karangatia ahau ~ ~ Z shall be called. Kua karangatia ahau ~ I have been called, <fyc. See the Active Verb for the formation of the other Tenses.




Examples to illustrate the use of the Adverbs will be found in the Dictionary.

Adverbs of affirmation.

Ae, Yes. Ae, Koia, Aheiha, Ahua, !>. Truly. Anakoia, Ina, Ara,

Adverbs of negation. Kei, Take care lest; lest. Kahore, Not; no. Kanape, Not. Kaua, ua,J ’ i / expressing that an action Kanaka, > hot: (imperative:) < I , ° , , 41 r J I is not to be done. Auaka, v Kei, J Ehara, 1 at /. J Ehara tenei i ahau, This is not Ehake., J ( mine. Hore, Not: as, Hore rawa rawa, Not at all. Hori, Not. Kiano, Not yet. Kihai, Not: (relating to an act past.) Kihai an i kite; 1 did not see. Ekore, Not: (present or future.) Ekore au e haere ; I will not go. Au, ) Aua, \ I do not know. Auake, J.

Adverbs of time. Aianei, To-dfiy. Inaianei, ,I To y ( past j Nonaianei, J J 7



Inakuara, 1 A lMe Me J Houange, A Utile while ago ; hereafter. Inapo, 1 Last night. &- Nonapo, J ° r Inanaln, "1 p- . ? , XT . > Yesterday. Nonanani, J J Inaoake, 1 The day before yesterday. Nonaoake, J J J J •' Inaoakenui. Three days ago. ') , d d r f ; r' .>f TAf k- / Inamata,...... Formerly; quickly. * Nonamata, Formerly. Mohoa noa nei, 1 TA . , 7 , . > Down to the present lime. Moroki noa nei, J 1 Imua. 1 r> /• r z ' Nomua | Bejore; jormerly. > 1 » Akuanei, Presently ; by and bye. Apopo, 1 fo-morrow. Akeiigokengo. j Auinake, (fh the morrow. Meake,...... Soon; presently. Inangeto, Quickly. Ake n ake a keJ Amua, 1 Amuri, / Hereafter. Anamata, J Ina, When ; since. Katahi, Then ; for the first time. Katahi ia ka korero atu ; Then he spoke. Inahea, 1 -Nonahea, J N 0....... When. Tae noa, Until. Ano J When ; at the time when. KeiSva, Whilst ; before. Ko reira, On that occasion ; then : (future.)



Mo amua, At a future time. Matua, First. Kia matua horoia ; Let it be first washed. Mataora, While living. Ua, After. Ka mohio ia ua akona; He will know after being tV/ught. Ano, Again ; yet. MekoJe } Within a little.

Adverbs of interrogation. Ahea ?...... When ? at what time ? Oti? Whether? Pehea ? How ? lanei, Then: (in an interrogative sentence.) Ekore ianei koe e ‘wakatika ? Will you not then rise up ? Oti? Else? He aha oti ? What else ? Kohea ?...... Whither ? Ehia ? 1 Erawe ? > How many ? Hokohia ? J Ne?. Whether? Heihea At what place ? Ranei: (generally denotes a question.) E kaha ana ranei koe ? kahore ranei ? Are you strong $ or no ? Pea, Perhaps.

V . Adverbs of place. Ko, ] Kona, /- There. Koina, J I yt Nei, [ Hm ' Na, There. Ake, Towards. Atu....... Onwards.



Aua noa atu, At a distance. Paliaki, Beyond. Mai> Hither. Iho, Downwards. Inonira, Behind. Tua, Behind. Mua....... Before. Muri....... Behind. Rou" } WitJlin - Vv’alio. Without.

Adverbs of circumstance. Puku,.. ... Secretly ; without food. P0kere,...... In the dark. Marie, f Ata, Gently. Tahanga,. Nakedly. Momote, Clandestinely. Hirearea, Indistinctly : (of sound.) N0a....... In vain. Maumau, To no purpose. Me omua, Me tomua As formerly. Memua J Penei, ln case that; otherwise.

Adverbs of number, fyc. * Petapeta,...... All at once. Ngahoro, Upwards in point of number. Haunga, Besides. Kan, Only. Ke, Quite.



Ki, Very. I, Than. Ara, Namely.


1,... At; by ; from ; in comparison of; in; with. 0,... Of. ‘Waka....... In a direction to. (Prefixed to Nouns, &c.) Haere ‘waka-te-maunga ; Go towards the mountain. A,... Of; at. E,... By. T 0,... Upfo. U,... According to. 1na,... According to. Kei,... With; at. Hei,... For. Ki,... At; with ; for ; in. B Ma,... By ; for: (relating to the future.) By : (relating to the N 0,... From; belonging to. M 0,... For ; because of.


‘Waihoki,... And also ; and in like manner. A.,... And; as. Ma r .. And. Hoki,... And; also. J Me,... And; if. f f * Mehemea, ) T Ki, f '' ' J An 0,... As if; like as. Koia,... Therefore.



Heor,... So then ; iherejore ; but. Kitemea, ) jp Kapatau, j J' Ahakoa,... A Uhough. Oti, 1 Otiia, But. Otira, J £ aore 4 But. lena, J Ara,... And then. Engari,... But.


N«a !} BMd ! 01... 0! E! Sign of the Vocative Case. Ano !... How great! Eai!... How many ! Are !... What! Auel... Alas! Ha!... Ah! laua!... Hold!





A, v. To drive. Pass. Aia. E a ana ia i nga poaka ; He is driving the pigs. A, conJ. And; and then. Ka haere matou, a ka tae kite ware ; We went, and arrived at the house. As. E wakatokia a tinana tangata ana; It is sown as a human body. A, prep. Of. Hokona a matou riwai ; Let our potatoes be bought; literally, The potatoes of us. Nga toki a te pakeha; The axes of the foreigner. At; as at a future time. Ate raumati; At the time of summer. A, A Particle prefixed to the names of persons and to Personal Pronouns.


A Te Waharoa; The person named Te Waharoa. A koutou ; You. A koe ; Thou. Ae, ad. Yes. Ae ra hoki, naku ano; Yes, indeed, it was done by me. yflia, pron. What ? 1 tikina ake ahau kite aha ? For what was I fetched ? v. To do what ? Pass. Ahatia. E aha ana te tangata ? What is the man doing ? I ahatia koe ? What was done to you ? or, You were done what with ? Ma tana kupu ka aha ai ? What will be done by his word ? Ahakoa, conj. Although ; notwithstanding ; whether; or. Ahakoa pakeha ahakoa tangata maori, e kore e tohungia; Whether foreigner or native, he will not be spared. . A


Jhatzznga., 6*. What thing or event. Ha ! koia te ahatanga ? Ah ! what event will come of that ? Alic-a, ad. When ? Ko ahea koe haere ai ? When will you go ? Aliez, v. To be able. Ekore au e ahei te ki atu: I am not able to say. Ahezha, ad. Truly. j4hi, s. Fire. Maka atu kite ahi; Let it be cast into the fire. 5. Evening. Hei te ahiahi a hau ka haere atu ai; I shall go in the evening, v. To be evening. Kua ahiahi; It is evening.

Jhitzhittznga, s. Time of evening. I te ahiahitanga o te ra; At the evening of the day. Ahzki, v. To make haste. Ahiki mai i Make haste hither. w JliO; v. String; cord; the cross threads of a mat. <y. A heap. v. To move towards. E ahu mai ana te waka; The canoe is moving towards us. j4hua, s. Likeness. Me he tangata te ahua; The likeness is as that of a man. ad. Truly. Jhuareka, s. Pleasantness. yfhuareka, v. To like. Ekore ahau e ahuareka ki tera mea; I shall not like that thing, 6“. A moving towards. No te ahunga mai o te tangata a hau i wakatika ai; From the

time of the man’s moving towards me I rose up.


s. A close fence put up in a cultivation to break the force of a food. Ah&ru, 6'. A fsh. Ahzzru, a. Warm. He ware ahuru; A warm house. v. To be warm. E ahuru ana te kainga nei; This place is warm.

Ai, A Particle used in forming the Past and, Future Tenses of Verbs. Ai, conj. And; that. Rongoatia kia ora ai; Let medicine be given, that he may be well. Ai, pron. Who ; which : used only in the oblique cases. Ko te tangata tenei i akona ai a hau ; This is the man by whom I was taught. ad. To-day ; directly. Hei aianei ka kopania mai te taupoki; Let the lid be shut down directly.

v. To be calm. Kia aio te moana, ka hoe ; Let the sea be calm, then row the canoe. (JE. C.) Aitua, s. An ill omen. He aitua ina mahue te ware; It is an ill omen when a house is forsaken. /Ik a, s. A creeper. (Metrosideros.) y4ka«ka, s. Fibrous roots of a potatoe, fyc. v. To throw out many small roots. Kia pakeke te wenua, kei akaaka te tupu ote uwi; Let the





ground be hard, lest the uwi should throw out many small roots. yikakzore, <s. A creeper. zfkakongohe, s. A creeper. .zikakz/ra, s. A creeper. s. A creeper. Ake, s. A small tree. (Dodontea spathulatad) Ake, ad. Onwards, either in time or space. Ho ake taua; Let us proceed onwards.

Upwards. Haere ake koe ki a matou ; Come thou up to us. Akeakeake, ad. Henceforth. ad. Henceforth. /ikengokengo, ad. To-morrow. Akepiro, s. A shrub. (JHaxtonia s. A tree. v. To dash. Pass. A kina.

E aki mai nei te tai; The tide is dashing up. Akiaki, s. An urging. (E.C.) v. To urge. (E.C.} a. Urging. Ka mate au i te mahi akiaki a tena tangata ; I am annoyed with the urging work of that man. {E.C.} Akzko ? ad. At a distance from home. E noho akiko ana taua tangata; That man is sojourning at a distance. ? A dashing. Izikirij, v. To toss.

Akiritia nga otaota ki waho ; Let the rubbish be tossed out. s. Tossing, throwing ; a thing thrown away. v ' To teach. Pass. Akona.

Mawai koe e ako ? By . whom wilt thou be taught ? a. Teaching. He tangata ako; He kai ako; A person teaching. v. To split. Ekore tenei rakau e akoako ; This tree will not split. Akoako, a. Splitting freely. He rakau akoako tenei; This is a tree splitting freely. Akoakoa, s. A bird. y^konga ; s. A scholar.

pron. My. Kei a wai aku mea ? With whom are my things ? v. To clear stones out of an oven preparatory to heating it. Akuakuna te umu; Let the oven be cleared from the stones.

ad. This evening; presently. Jfmai; s. Swell on the sea. v. To be giddy. E amai ana tona matenga ; His head is giddy. s. Desire. Kei te amene te ngakau kite kino ; The heart is desiring evil; liter ally At the desire towards evil. v. To consume. Kua amikia katoatia nga kai; All the food has been consumed. v. A consuming.




Kua pau nga wahie i te amikitanga a te tangata ; The firewood is spent through the consuming of the man. Aimomzo, v. To turn round; to be giddy. Amo, s. A bier or platform upon which a sick man is ' carried. (JE.C.) Amo, v. To carry on the shoulders. Amohia te rakau nei ; Let this tree be carried on the shoulders.

To rush as in battle. Amohia ! Rush ! The word of command given when the charge is made. Amolir/nga, s. 2/ carrying ; rushing ; time of carry ing. Amwa, ad. Hereafter. Hei amua a hau ka haere ai; I shall go hereafter. JiniwmU; <y. A grumbling.

v. To grumble. He aha tau e amuamu ? What are you grumbling about ? /Imuamu, a. Grumbling. He tangata amuamu tenei; This is a grumbling man, Amzzri, ad. Hereafter. Waiho mo amuri; Leave it for a future time.

Ana, A particle used informing the present tense of a verb. Ana, £. A cave. Ana, pron. His. Tukua atu ana taonga ; Let his property go. (First syllable very lony.) Those. Ana mca ; Those things.

Ana, ad. When. Ana tae koe kite kainga; When you arrive at the place. Aimhe, ad. Only. Antzke, ad. Only. 4 ad. Truly. (W‘) Anamata, ad. Hereafter. Aneane, v. To be sharp. Aneane tonu te mata o te rakau ; The point of the stick is very sharp.

Anei, pron. These. s. The act of driving. (First syllable very long.) Anga, s. Aspect as of a house or garden. He anga ora tenei, ekore e roa ka tupu te kai; This is a good aspect, it will not be long before the food springs up.

Cockle shells. (Jk r .) v. To follow; to proceed towards. Ka tahi ano ka anga mai te tangata nei ki au ; Now for the first time the man proceeds towards me. <9. Head. E mamae ana taku anganga ; My head is in pain. s. A shellfish. Syn. with Kokota. (/?.) Angeange, v. To be thin. Kia angeange kia pai ai ; Let it be thin., that it may be good. (FT.) Angeange, a. Thin. He rakau angeange ; A thin board. Angengi, 5. Afsh. Anzni, s. Giddiness. Anzni, v. To be giddy.




E anini ana taku upoko ; My head is giddy. Aniwaniwa, s. Rainbow. Ano, ad. Again. Korerotia ano. kia rongo ai a hau ; Let it be spoken again, that I may hear. Ye/; Kahore ano i haere noa ; He is not yet gone. A no, ini. How great ! how good ! Ano te kakahu te pai ! How good is the garment !

Anurznu, v. To emit an offensive smell. E pa, neke atu, anuanu tahi ton ; Move off, your garment is offensive. (IF.) s. A large caterpillar. Syn. with Hotete. (E. C.) Ao, s. Day; light. I te ao i te po ; By day and by night. Ao, v. To be light. Kua ao te ra ; It is daylight. Ao, v. def. To be certain. E ao ia ka haere ki reira ka

mate koe ; It is certain if you go there you will die. Ao., r. To take up by handfuls. Aowia nga paru kite kete ; Let the dirt be taken up into the basket. Jonga, s. The dawn. No te aonga ake ka puta ; He made his appearance at dawn. //o ; wanga ; s. A handful. s. A company of workmen. He apa matou no Hongi; We are workmen of Hongi’s. Side or fold of a garment. He aparua te kakahu ; The gar-

ment has two sides ; as a double blanket.

v. To be close. Apiapi tonu te noho o te tangata; The sitting of the men is quite close.

Jfpiti, s. A curse. (W.) Syn. with Kanga. A thing joined or added. He apiti tenei mo te poaka ; This is an addition to the pig; as to complete the payment. v. To join. Apitia nga ko tahi te kauika; Let the baskets be joined; let there be one heap.

Apo, s. Covetousness. Apo, a. Covetous. v. To gather together ; to be covetous. Apohia nga otaota nei; Let this rubbish be gathered together. Apopo, ad. To-morrow. s. A company of labourers. E mahi mai rate apu ; The labourers are working. v. To crowd together. Kia takitahi, kaua e apurua mai; Let them be single, do not let them be crowded.

s. A crowding together. Ara, s. Road. Kei hea te ara ki to kainga ? Where is the road to your residence ? Ara, v. To rise up ; to awake. Kua ara to tamaiti; Your child has awoke.. Axa, ad. Namely. E ki ana a hau kite o tenei kainga, ara ki a Tuma ; I am speaking about the chief of this place, namely about Tuma.




Ara, pron. Those. Wakahokia mai ara kaheru ; Return those hoes. {First syllable very long.} Araara, s. A Jish. s. A leading, conducting. He aha te utu mo te arahanga i a koutou ? What is the payment for conducting you ? v. To lead; to conduct. Pass. Arahina.

E arahi ana ia i nga manuhiri; He is conducting the strangers. a. Leading. Kei hea te kai arahi ? Where is the person leading ? y4rai, s. An obstruction. Ho mai te pouaka hei arai ; Give me the box as an obstruction.

AIrai, a. Blocking up. Kei hea he papa arai mo te wahi nei ? Where is a blocking-up board for this place ? v. To block up; to obstruct. Araia te kuwaha kei puta ; Let the doorway be blocked up, that he may not get out. s. A rising up. Ara‘wata, s. A bridge; a ladder.

Are, int. Whatl Are! ka tohe koe ki au ? Whatl do you contend with me ? Areare, v. To be excavated. Ka areare te parenga o te tai; The shelving bank made by the tide is excavated. s. The tongue. Aria, s. Strength.

Ka puta te aria o te rongoa ki nga waewae ; The strength of the medicine passes to the legs. (E. C.) Ariki, s. A chief ; a priest. Aritarita, a. Angry. Ka tahi ano te tangata aritarita ko koe ! What a very angry man you are! Ayo, s. Turning; inclination. Kei a ia anake te aro ; The inclination is alone towards him. Ayo, v. To turn to ; to incline.

Ka aro mai koe ki au ka ho atu enei rakau mou ; If you turn to me these trees shall be given to you. Aroaro, s. The front of anything. Tahuri mai to aroaro ; Turn your front this way. Aroaro‘waki, v. To fap the wings. E aroarowaki ana te parera ; The duck is flapping its wings. Aroha, s. Love.

Aroha, a. Loving. He Atua aroha to tatou Atua ; Our God is a God of love. Aroha, v. To love. Pass. Arohaina. E aroha ana koia koe ki au ? Do you love me ? Arohirohi, v. To turn round; to be giddy.

A native mat. yfronwi,, v. To turn to; to incline towards. Kia aronui mai te Atua ki a matou ; Let God incline towards us. v. To turn one way. E arotahi ana te wakaaro a te z

tangata ; The thought of the man is turning one way.


Am, s. Pursuit. Tangi ana te aru a te taua ; The pursuit of the army resounds. Am, a. Pursuing, following. Na te kai aru i hopu ; He was caught by the person pursuing. yiru, v. To follow ; to pursue. Arumia te tahae ; Let the thief be pursued. v. To woo. Amam, s. A wooing. Kei te aruaru wahine mana; He is wooing a wife for himself. .4ruhe, s. Fernroot. Jrumtzngaj .s■. The act of following. Ata,, Morning. Shadow. Tirohia to ata i roto i te wai; Look at your shadow in the water. Ata, ad. Gently. Kia ata haere ; Go gently. Quite. Kihai ata maoa; It is not quite cooked. J, s. Pleasantness. a. Pleasant. v. To be pleasant. Ka ataahua tenei kainga; This place is pleasant. s. Break of day. a. Liberal. Jtamai., v. To be liberal. v. To blow gently. E atarangaranga ana te ta ; The wind blows gently. ( W.) At«rangi, s. Shadow.


Kua roa ke te atarangi o te tangata ; The shadow of the man is long. s. Moonlight. Ka titi te atarau, marama tonu ; The moonlight it is quite light. Atatzz, s. Break of day. Ata c wai, s. Liberality. Mahue rawa te atawai o te pakeha ; The liberality of the foreigner is excessive. AtoCwai, a. Liberal; kind. Atedwai, v. To be liberal; to be kind. Pass. Atawaitia. E atawai ana TePoruaki au; Te Porua is liberal to me. Ate, s. Liver. Atea, a. Clear. Hei konei takoto ai hei te wahi atea; Let it lie here in the clear place. Atea, v. To be clear. Tarakea atu nga otaota kia atea; Let the rubbish be removed, that the place may be clear. To be jealous ; to be cautious. Kia atea te mea kei kitea ; Be cautious lest it be seen. Atzutzu, s. A wandering about. Ato, a. Thatching. He kai ato ; A person thatching. Ato, vi To thatch. Atohia te ware mo te manuhiri • Let the house be thatched for the stranger. ad. Onwards; hence. Haere atu koe i konei; Go onwards from this place. Atzza, v. God. Atuhzzkono, s. A fish.





Aturere, .s'. A fish. Au, prom. I. Au, s. Smoke. Ka puia aku kanohi ite au; My eyes smart with the smoke. Current. Ekore e puta te waka i te au ; The canoe will not pass by reason of the current. Au, pron. Thy. Ko wai ka kite i au mea ? Who has seen thy things ? Au a, s. A Jish.

Aua, v. def. I know not. Kua tae mai ranei a Piripi ? Aua. Has Philip arrived ? I know not. Aua, ad. Not. Aua koe e haere ; Do not go. Aua, pron. Those before mentioned. Mauria mai aua ika ki au ; Bring those fish to me. Auahi, s. Smoke.

Auttke, v. def. I know not. {E. C.) Auanoaatu, ad. At a distance. Kei auanoaatu nga tangata ; The men are a long way off. s. A basket of seed potatoes. Kia rua auau ka kapi te mara; Let there be two and the garden will be covered.

Aue, s. Lamentation. He aue, he tangi, he teteatanga no nga niho; Lamentation, weeping, and gnashing of teeth. Aue, v. To lament. E aue mai nei te tamaiti; The child is lamenting. Aue, int. Alas !

Aue ! ka mate te tangata i te rakau ; Alas ! the man is hurt with the tree. v. To jump out oj' the water. Kaauha te ika ; The fish jumps out of the water. Auhaha, v. To be anxious for. Ka auhaha noa ia ki tetahi kai mana ; He is anxious for some food for himself. Auhokij, <9. Backwater; an eddy.

ad. On the morrow. (IF.) dtikaha, The act of fastening the sides of a canoe with cord. Kei te aukaha waka a Kurei ma ; Kurei and his people are fastening the sides of the canoe. (J?.C.) v. To fasten the sides of a canoe with cord.

v. To hasten ; to do a thing in a hurry. Aua ra e aurakina ; Let it not be done in a hurry. Jz/rara, v. To search; to penetrate. Kia nui te rongoa kia aurara ai; Let the medicine be great in quantity that it may penetrate. yL/rere, v. To groan. E aurere mai ana a Tairi; Tain is groaning.

Awriwri, v. To be free from the law of separation. Ka auriuri pea koe ; Perhaps you are free from the law of separation. y4wru, v. To break off; to pluck U PAurutia mai nga tarutaru ; the grass be plucked up.




Autakauta, v. To pass from one to another. Ka mate a Hongi, a autakauta ko Te Wareumu; Hongi dies, and (the shaft of death) passes from him to Te Wareumu. s. Brother-in-law. Aut«ua_, s. A person who bears news of a Jighting party which is about to approach. Ante s. A tree ; the paper mulberry. (Broussonetla, papyrifera.}

A band for the hair, made from the bark of a tree.

Auwabine, s. A sister-in-law. Awa, s. A river ; the channel of a river. A‘wa, s. A gale. Rain without wind. (E.C.) Awaawa, s. A valley. s. Anxiety. Awangawanga,v. Tobe anxious. E awangawangaana te ngakau; The heart is anxious.

Awatea, <?. Daylight. Awatea, v. To be daylight. Ku a awatea ke, ka haere tatou ; It is quite daylight, let us go. Awe, s. Soot. Awe, v. def. To be quick. Kia awe tatou te haere ; Let us be quick to go.

Aweawe, v. To be far off ; to be out of reach. Aweawe ana nga rau ; The leaves are far out of reach. s. A teazing ; an annoyance. Ka tahi te aweke o tau haere ; Great is the annoyance of thy walking.

Aweke, a. Teazing; annoying. Aweke,v. Toteaze; lobe angry. He aha tau ka aweke tonu ? What are you always angry at ? E aweke tonu mai ana koe ki au; Thou art always teazing me. A‘wi, v. To embrace ; to draw near. Pass. Awitia* A'ww'wio, s. A whirlwind. A winding. He awiowio tenei ara ; This road is circuitous.

A‘wio c wio, v. To wind ; io go round about. v. To regret ; to long after. E awitu ana taku ngakau ki nga kai kihai nui mai ki au ; My heart is longing after food which was not abundant for me.

E, prep. By. I hanga koe e wai ? By whom wast thou made ? E, int. Used in forming the vocative case. Tama ! O son !

E, A particle used in conjugating the present and future tenses of verbs. E haere ana au; lam going. E haere au; I will go. Ea, v. To equalise the payment. Kua ea te utu ; The payment is equalised ; or, The payment is made. Kahore ano iea toku kakahu ; My garment has not been paid for. B




To be hauled on shore, as a net. Kua ea te kupenga; The net has been hauled on shore. Eahwa, v. def. Make haste. Eahua mai koutou; Make haste all of you hither. Em, int. How many ! Eai au tini kakahu! How many are thy garments ! Ehara, ad. Not. Ehara tenei kakahu i au ; This garment is not mine. Ehea, pron. Which. (Plural of Tehea.)

Ko ehea koia nga pou kia unuhia ? Which are the posts to be taken up ? Ehz'a, a. How many. Ehia nga waka o te tana ? How many are the canoes of the expedition ? JEhz’nu, s. A part or portion. Kei hea ehinu o nga toki ? Where are some of the axes ? Eke, v. To go on board a vessel. Kua eke ki runga kite kaipuke; He is gone on board the vessel.

To be aground. Ka eke te waka ; The canoe is aground. Ekenga, s. A going on board; a running aground. Ekore, ad. Not. Emiemi, s. A tree; a plant growing in the woods. Emiemi, v. To assemble. Ku a emiemi nga tangata kite ware ; The men are assembled at the house. Ena, pron. Those. (Plural of Tena.)

.Enei, pron. These. (Plural of Tenei.) Era, pron. Those. (Plural of Tera;) denoting things at a greater distance than those expressed by Ena. Ertzwe, a. How many. Erawe au ? How many are thine ? (7?-.) Epa, s. A throwing. Ekore e hemo taku epa; My throwing will not miss. Epa, v. To throw. Epaina kite kowatu ; Let it be thrown at with a stone.

H Ha, s. Taste ; flavour. Kahore he ha o tena kai; There is no taste of that food. Ha, v. To taste. Ka ha taku waha ; My mouth tastes. Ha, znZ. Expressive ofl indignation. Hae, s. Envy ; jealousy. Hae, a. Envious ; jealous. He ngakau hae ; A jealous heart. Hae, v. To envy. He aha koe ka hae nei kite utu o tera tangata ? Why are you envious at the payment of that man ? Haehae, v. To cut, as with a shell in crying. To tear, as a garment. Pass. Haea. Na wai i haehae toku ? By whom was my garment torn ?




Haeliae, a. Cutting ; tearing. He tangi haehae ; A crying, accompanied with cutting of the skin. Haehaenga, s. A cutting; a tearing. Haere, s. A going or walking. Ka kino te haere o te iwi nei; The walking of this people is bad. Haere, a. Going; walking. He ngakau haere toku ; Mine is a desire to go. Haere, v. To go; to walk. Haere koutou kite kai; ; Go all of you to food.

Haerenga, <?. Act or time of going. > Kia kite au i te haerenga o Te Ngahue; Let me see the departure of Te Ngahue. Haerere, s. A going about. Haerere, a. Going about. Haerere, v. To go about; to go backwards and forwards.

Haererenga, <?. The act qf going about. Httha, v. To seek after. E haha ana an ki taku toki; I am seeking after my axe. ( W.) Hahtzna, s. Shining or glistening offire. Hahana, v. To shine or glisten. Ka hahana te kapura nei; This fire shines. Hahari, s. A shell-fish. v. To dig; to chip as with an adxe. JAohau, s. A fish. H«hu, v. To remove the bones qf the dead. Pass. Hahua.

Ma wai e hahu te tupapaku ? By whom shall the dead body be removed ?

To scatter. To search for. E hahu noa ana ia i tetahi kai ma tona puku ; He is searching for some food for his stomach. Hahunga, s. Removal of bones. A feast on occasion of removal of bones. Kua riro a Kawiti kite hahunga ; Kawiti is gone to the feast. H«ka, s. A dance. Turia te haka ; Commence the dance. Kaka, v. To dance.

Htzkah&ka, a. Small; dwarfish. He hoiho hakahaka; A small horse. {E. C.) Hakahaka v. To be low. Kia hakahaka te kete ; Let the basket be held low down. (E. C.) Hakari\ s. A present } generally of food. Roe of fislu

Hake, <?. A bowl. (MN) Hake, a. Crooked. Hake, v. To be crooked. Ka hake te tuara o te tamaiti; The back of the child is crooked. Hake, ad. Not. E hake tenei tangata; This is not the man. Hakihaki, s. The itch. A worn out mat. (fF.) Hakiki, v. To be angry without cause. Ka hakiki noa te tangata nei; This man is angry without cause.




Htzkiri, v. To hear. Kahore i hakiritia e an te reo o te tangata; The voice of the man was not heard by me. (£'. C.) II«ko ? A spoon. Htzku, A flsh. H«kui, s. An old woman. (E. C.) Hakuku, v. To scrape flax. Hakukua te korari nei ; Let this flax be scraped.

Hama, v. To be consumed. Kua hama ke te kai i te poaka ; The food is consumed by the pig. (#•) Hamama, v. To be open. Ka hamama tona mangai ; His mouth is open.

Hamarzzru, <?. Part of an implement for digging, upon which the foot is pressed. (R.) Hameme, v. To jabber. E hameme ana te turoro ; The sick man is jabbering.

Hamokcr, s. The openings between the small bundles of raupo which-form the sides of a house. H«mu, v. To eat scraps. Ka ongeonge nga kai ka hamuhamu ai i nga puka ; When the food is consumed we will eat up the cabbages.

Hamwmu, s. Sound of voices at a distance ; an indistinct sound. Hamwmu, v. To mutter ; to speak indistinctly. Hamure, v. To eat a portion of food before others ; to pick. Hanahana, s. A garment be-

smeared with red ochre and oil.

Hanga, s. A work. Goods ; property. Ma wai e hoehoe nga hanga Id uta ? By whom shall the goods be rowed to the shore ? (E. C.) Hanga, a. Made. He mea hanga marie te toki; An axe is a thing deliberately made.

Htznga, r. To make. Matua tenei e hanga ; Let this be made first. Hangah/znga, v. To spread over the land, as the leaves of a plant. Ka hangahanga te tupu o te kapana ; The shoots of the potatoes spread over the land. Hangai, v. To he astride. Hangai pu nga waewae; The legs are astride.

To stand facing one. Kia hangai mai to kanohi ; Turn your face towards me. (E. C.) Hanganoa, y. A small basket for cooked food. Hangartza, 5. A jest; deceit. Htzngarmz, a. Jesting; deceitful. Hangartzw, v. To jest; to be deceitful.

Hangarcka, A jest ; deceit. He hangareka kau te mahi a tenei tangata; The work of this man is only deceit. Hangareka, a. Jesting ; deceitful. Hangareka, v. To jest ; to be deceitful. I hangarekatia a hau e te ta-




ngata nei; I was deceived by this man.

Hfliigelitfiige, v. A shrub. (Geniostoma ligustrifolium.) Hftngelnvnge, ad. Quite. Maroke hangehange te waka ki runga kite kowatu; The canoe ran quite dry upon the stones. Hrtngere, s. A basket half full. He hangere tenei kete ; This basket is half full. Ilrtngi, s. An oven. Taona kite hangi; Let it be baked in the oven.

Hangoangoa, A plant. Htzngohtzngo, <9. An implement for digging. Htzngolmngo, s. To dig or plant with the hangohango. Kei te hangohango riwai nga tangata o tenei kainga ; The men of this place are planting potatoes. Hangoro, v. To slip down; to be loose.

Hangoro noa taku pikau ; My back load is slipping down. Hangorungoru, v. To be loose ; to hang in collops, as fat. Hangu, a. Quiet ; not given to scolding. He wahine hangu ; A quiet woman. Hani, s. An implement of war. Hanikwra, s. A shellfish. Hao. .v. A basket in which cockles are collected.

Hao, v. To inclose ; to encompass. Pass. Haoa. Me hao kite kupenga ; Let them be inclosed with the net.

Htzpa, a. Crooked. He rakau hapa ; A crooked stick. Hzzpa, v. To be crooked. To be neglected in the serving of food. Tokorua nga tangata i hapa; Two men were passed over. H«pai, v. To lift up ; to rise up. Hapainga tera pito o te rakau ; Let that end of the tree be lifted up. llap«znga, s. A lifting up. A basket of food carried in the hand.

H«]|ar«ngi, s. Noise; bawling. (E.C.) H&pawmgi, v. To bawl. Ka haparangi te waha o te tain ar iki ; The mouths of the children bawL (£. C.) H&paru, v. To make common ; to desecrate. Ka haparua aku mea e koe ; My things are desecrated by you. H&pe, a. Crooked, applied to the feet. He waewae hape tona ; His foot is crooked.

H&pe, v. To be crooked. s. Eating at a sacred place. He aha koe i mate ai ? He hapiro ; What was the cause of your sickness ? Eating at the sacred place. Htzpoki, s. A potatoe house. Htzporo, v. To cut with an even surface, as a junk of wood. Haporoa to rakau ki konei ; Let your tree be cut off’here. IL/pu, s - tribe.


He hapu ke to tenei tangata; This man’s is a different tribe. H&pu, a. Pregnant. Htzpu, v. To be pregnant. Hapua, s. A valley. Htzpua, v. To be hollow, as a valley. Ho ake tatou kite wahi e hapua mai ra; Let us go on to the part yonder which is hollow. H&puku., s. A cod-Jish. .v. Pregnancy. H«ra, <9. A sin; a crime. He hara tawito i mate ai; It

was an old crime from which he fell sick. An odd number. Kotahi rau eiwa nga hara ; One hundred and nine odd ones. a. Sinning; offending. He tangata hara ; A sinner. Hoth, v. To sin. Kua hara katoa tatou ; We have all sinned. H&rahOTa., v. To lessen. Ka harahara nga kai i roto i te rua; The food in the store is diminishing.

s. Flax plant. Htzrakwku, v. To scrape along the surface. Harakuku ana te rakau e toia mai nei; The tree which is being dragged hither is scraping along the surface. Harangote, v. To eat up scraps; to eat before others ; to nibble. E harangote ana te ika; The fish is nibbling. Htzrau, v. To seek. E harau ana te ngoingoi i te kai mana ; The old woman is seeking for food for herself.


H«reli«re, s. An eruption ; the iteh. Htzri, <?. A dance. H«ri, v. To dance ; to be glad. E hari ana a hau ; I am glad. iHzzri, v. To carry. Pass. Haria. E hari ana nga tangata i te pouaka ki te ware ; The men are carrying the box to the house. or.) Haringa, s. A dancing; a carrying.

a. Scraping. He kai haro muka ; People scraping flax. Hoto, v. To scrape flax. Pass. Haroa. E haro muka ana nga tangata; The men are scraping flax. H«ronga ? s. Place or time of scraping flax. A garment made from the coarse part of flax.

Hfljrore. <y. Fungus on trees. (E.C) Harorij s. Fungus on trees. Httruru, s. A rumbling noise. Haruru, v. To rumble. He watitiri tenei e haruru mai nei ; This is thunder which is rumbling. H&ruru., s- A disagreeable smell(The “a ” is sounded much broader than in the preceding word.)

H«ruru_, v. To emit a disagreeable smell. Ka haruru te rongoa nei; This medicine smells disagreeably. Harurutanga, A rumbling.



v. To be of a light colour, as when a garment is dyed but the colour does not stand. Kua hatea te mangu o to kakahu ; The black dye of thy garment is of a faint colour. Htztea, £. Salt efflorescence which forms upon anything which has been wet with salt water. (T.) Htztepe, v. To cut asunder. Hatepea nga pou o te ware ; Let the posts of the house be cut asunder.

Hatete, s. Fire. Hau, s. Wind. He aha tenei e keke mai nei i roto i te hau ? What is this which sounds in the wind ? Corner. Kei te hau o te taepa te ara; The road is at the corner of the fence. Hau, pron. I. Hautz, s. Anger without a cause.

Hautz, a. Angry; cowardly. He iwi haua matou, kahore he utu; We are a cowardly people, there is no satisfaction (sought by us.) Haua, v. To be swollen. Ka haua te waewae ; The foot is swollen. (-E. C.) Haum’tu, v. To be benumbed. To be lean. Haum’tu, a. Thin; lean ; cold. He kuri hauaitu; A thin animal. (E. C.) H&tzangi, v. To be cool. Ka pai, ka hauangi; It is pleasant, it is cool. ( W.) (E. C.) Hawangi, s. Coolness. Ka tahi ka ngaro te hauangi ki

roto ki a koe ; Now at length the coolness reaches you. (-E. C.)


<9. West wind. Hauaxea.., a. Thin; lean. Syn. with Hauaitu.

H&zzatzo, s. North-west wind. Hauzmru, West wind. Hzzz/hake, a. Gathering in a crop. He kai hauhake ; A person ga« thering in a crop. Hzzzzhakej, v. To gather in a crop. A te marama ki tua nei hauhakea ai te mara; The crop of the field will be gathered next month*

<9. Harvest. H&whau, a. Brisk; active. Cool. (E. C.) Hmzhau, v. To be brisk ; to be active. Kia hauhau te mahi; Let the work be brisk. To be cool. (E. C-) Hawhau/wmtu, s. A falling down without any perceptible cause.

Hawhunga, s. Frost; ice. Ka pirau nga kai i te hauhunga; The food is rotten through the frost. s. Dew. (F- C.) Haumtzku, v. To be moist, as from dew. s. A piece of wood by which a canoe is lengthened ; the joint by which it is connected to the canoe. A junction of tribes for the purpose of fighting.



E mea ana a Hongi he haumi tenei ki a ia ; Hongi says this is a confederacy against him. Hmzmi, v. To join. Pass. Haumitia. Htzwnga, s. A smell. v. To emit a smell. He ngohi tenei e haunga mai nei ; This is fish which smells.

Hawnga, prep. Besides. Erua mano o te tane haunga te wahine te tamariki; Two thousand men besides women and children. Htt/znuij s. Dew. Httwpapa, s. Frost; ice. An ambush. Htzwpapa, v. To attack by stealth ; to lie in ambush.

Akuenei ka haupapatia tatou e te taua; We shall be attacked by stealth this evening by the enemy. Htzwpu, s. A heap. lAaupu, v. To lie in a heap ; to heap up. Haupuria nga makoi ki konei; Let the shells be heaped up here. (w.) Haupwrorohw, s. An eddy wind.

Hawralii, s. Den. Hawrangi, s. A verandah. Hawrangr, a. Deranged; mad. Hm/rangi, v. To be deranged. Pass. Haurangitia.

Daimitu, s. Dew. (M 7 -) H«wtai, s. Sponge. (E. Cj Hazztaorwa, s. Dew. (E- C.) Hawtete, v. To jabber. H<zwtu, 8. A man who stands

in a canoe to keep time for the rowers.


Wind ahead. Hairwoxe, s. Saliva. Haztwere, v. To hang down, as the lip. H«wa, v. To be broken ; to be chipped. Ka hawa te karaha nei i te tamaiti; This calabash is broken by the child.

Hawahawa, s. Belly of a fsh. Hawahawai, s. Hillocks in which weeds are buried, and are afterwards planted with potatoes. Hawai, s. Fungus on trees. H&ware, s. Saliva. Hawareware, v. To be full of saliva.

E hawareware ana te mangai; The mouth is full of saliva. Hawtzrew&re, a. Lean. He poaka hawareware ; A lean PigHawata, v. To mutter. E hawata ana te tupapaku; The sick man is muttering.

Urzwato, A caterpillar. Ha ‘we, s. That part of a net which is last in the water, and which completes the enclosure. lla‘we, v. To beat in, as wind or rain. Ka hawe mai nei te ua ki roto; The rain beats in. [ See c Wa‘we. ] To come in. Kua hawe katoa nga ika ki roto ; All the fish are come in.



Htzwera, j. A burnt place on the ground. Kei tera hawera te ara; The road is at that burnt place. He, art. A ; an. He, s. Mistake. Etoru nga he o tenei tangata; There are three mistakes of this man. He, a. Mistaken ; wrong. He mea he tenei; This is a wrong thing. He, v. n. To be mistaken ; wrong. He rawa te mahi nei ; This work is altogether wrong.

Pass. Hengia ; To be mistaken for another person. Kei hengia koe ; Take care that you are not mistaken for some one else. Hea, ad. Where; when. Ko hea te tangata ra ? Where is the man going ? Hea, s. Multitude. Tena ko te hea o te tangata ekore e wakapono; But the multitude of the people will not believe.

Hehengi, <?. Blowing of wind. (IT.) Hehengi, v. To blow. Ano te matangi e hehengi mai nei; How the wind blows. (IF.) Hei, s. An ornament for the neck. Hei, prep. At; for. Hei konei takoto ai; Let it lie here. Hei mara tenei wahi; This place is for a farm. Heihei, s. A barn-door fowl. Heinga, s. A parent; an ancestor.

Heztiki, s. An ornament for the neck made of green stone.


Heka, v. To be mouldy. Kua heka nga kao nei; These dried kumara are mouldy.

Hekaheka, s. Mould. Heke, $. Rafter of a roof. A person who abandons his native residence. A species of eel. Heke, v. To descend. Ka hake ka heke - ; We ascended and descended. To abandon one’s native abode. No Matakitaki matou i heke ai; At the time of the taking of the fort Matakitaki we abandoned our abode.

Hekemai, s. A large shark. Hekenga, s. A descent. Hekettznga, s. The act or time of descent. Hemanga, s. A basket half-full. Hemo, v. To die ; to faint; to be consumed ; to be done ; to miss. Ka hemo te pakeha te muru; The stranger has been plundered. Ka hemo te patu a Huka; The blow of Huka missed.

Hemonga, s. Consumption ; dying ; fainting. Henga, s. Strip of wood on the side of a canoe. Syn. with Tokai. Hengia, s. A black skin. Henumij v. To be out of sight. Kua heiiumi nga uwi ki raro ki te wenua ; The potatoes are in the ground. c





Heoz, ad. Enough ; but. Heoi ano ra ; It is enough. Ka mea a hau kia haere, heoi kahore he waka ; I thought of going, but there is not a canoe. Heoti, ad. Enough ; but. Here, «. To tie. Herea to kakahu ; Let your garment be tied. Herehere, s. A slave. Herenga, s. Act of tying ; place where anything is tied.

Herez/mu, s. A cooking house. Heru, s. A comb. Heru, v. To comb. Pass. Herua. E heru ana au i taku upoko; I am combing my head. To flow, as the tide. Ka heru te tai; The tide flows. Herunga, .y. Act of combing ; place or time of combing. Heulieu, <?. Brushwood.

Heuheu, v. To be dispersed. Akuenei heuheu ai nga tangata kite mahi ; The men will be dispersed by and bye to their work. {E. C.) Hi, s. Diarrhoea. Hi, v. To be affected with diarrhoea. Hi, a. Fishing. He waka hi tenei; This is a fishing canoe.

Hi, v. Tojish. Haere, hiia he ngohi ma tatou ; Go, let fish be caught by thee for us. Hia, a. Many. Kihai hia nga ra ka u matou ki Poneke ; There were not many

days before we arrived at Port Nicholson.

Hzahia, <?. Desire. Diahia, a. Desirous. Hzahia, v. To desire.

E hiahia ana au kite haere; I am desiring to go. Hzakai, s. Hunger. Ka mate au ite hiakai; lam affected with hunger. Hzakai, v. To be hungry. Pass. Hiakaitia ; To be desired. Ekore tenei kai e hiakaitia; This food will not be desired.

Hz'akoj <s*. Skin; bark ; rind. Hz’amoe, <?. Drowsiness. Hz'amoe, v. To be sleepy. Hzanga, s. Deceit. Hfanga, a. Deceitful. Hzanga, v. To deceive ; to use treacherously. Kua hiangatia a hau e te kai hoko ; I have been deceived by the seller.

Hiawero, s. Tail of an animal. Hzhi, Ray of the Sun. Singing of water in boiling. Hzhi., v. To sing, as water in boiling. Hihzko, v. To be quick. Kia hihiko te haere ; Be quick in going. (W.)

Hzka, s. A girl. E hika, kawea tenei ki to papa; Girl, carry this to your father. Hzka, v. To kindle fre by rubbing two sticks together. Hikaia he kapura ma tatou ; Kindle a fire for us. Hika, v. To perform a reli-




gious ceremony, by which people are supposed to be preserved from the evil effects of eating at a sacred spot.

Hikaka, a. Rash. Hzkaka, v. To advance rashly before the main body. Kaua e hikakatia to haere ; Do not go rashly.

Hikaro, v. To pick out. Hikarohia te rakau nei ; Let this splinter be picked out. Hiko, a. Selected ; picked out. He mea kape nga he mea hiko nga- ware ; The chiefs are passed by ? the populace are selected. Hzkohikoj, v. To pick out; to dodge. Me hikohiko te wakaako; Let the teaching be dodged.

Hzkoi, <9. Step. T e kaha te hikoi o te tangata; The step of the man is not strong. Hikoko, v. To be hungry. Ka hikoko nga tamariki o Taunaha; The children of Taunaha are hungry. Hzku, s. Tail of ajish. The hindermost of a body of people. Kia tapeke te hiku ; Let the hindermost arrive.

Ilzkuluku, s. The end or point of a leaf as of the fax plant. Hzmu, s. Hipbone. Hz’na, a. Grey-headed. Hzna> v. To be grey-headed. Hmaki, s. A basket in which eels are caught. o

Hmakipo&ri, Pitchy darkness. Hinakipotm, v. To be quite dark. Ka hinakipouri kahuaki; When it was quite dark they rushed to the attack.

Hznana., v. To stare, as when angry. Hinana ana te matenga o Rewa; The head of Rewa stares. HznaU; s. Atree. ‘Winau. (E.C.) {Elceocarpus Hinau.) Hine, s. A girl, term of address to. E hine.

HznengarOj, s. Mind; heart. E kitea koia nga wakaaro o te hinengaro ? Are the thoughts of the heart indeed seen ? s. A fishing. {First syllable very long.) Hmga, v. To fall down. Nau koe i hinga ai; You fell through your own fault

Hinganga, <s‘. Act of falling. Hz'ngongi, s. A species of po~ tatoe. Hznu, <?• Oil. Hzoi, s. A certain plant. A bird.

Hzpa, v. To disappear. I hipa koe ki tahaki i ora ai; You disappeared on one side was the reason you were saved. To exceed. Ka hipa ke tenei rakau? kotia iho ; This stick exceeds in length? let it be cut off. Hzpoki? <9. A cover ; a covering. Ho mai he rahurahu hei hipoki;




Give me some fern leaves as a covering. v. To cover. Hipokina kite kakahu ; Let it be covered with a garment. H?ra ? s. Multitude. Ka tahi a hau ka kite i te hira ote tangata; I see for the first time the multitude of the people. (IF.) Hzra, v. To be numerous. Ka hira aku hara ; My sins are many. (IF\)

Hzrau, s. A paddle. (PF.) (7?.) a. Cumbersome. Hirawemwe, v. To be cumbersome. Hirawerawe ana te watinga o taku ringaringa ; The broken part of my arm is cumbersome. Hirearea., ad. Indistinctly, as in sound. Rongo hirearea ake a hau kite tangata e karanga mai nei ; I heard indistinctly the man who calls.

Hiroki, a. Thin; lean. Hirori, v. To stumble. Hirori ana nga waewae i te taimaha o te wahanga ; The legs are stumbling through the weight of the burden. Hitau, s. A small narrow mat for the waist. (#•) Hitawetawe, a. Tall; long. Hitawetawe, v. To be tall. Hitawetawe ana te roa o to tangata ; The length of your person is great. Hiteki, v. To hop. Hitekia atu kiko ; Hop thither. Hitoko, v. To hop. Hiwa, v. To be watchfol.

Kia hiwa, kia hiwa ; Be watchful, be watchful. [A cry used in war when expecting an attack by night.] (B r .) Hzwai, s. A general name for pot aloe. (jy.) Hiw&kawaka, s. A bird. Syn. with PPwakawaka. (E.C.\ Hzwihzwi, s. A fish. Ho, v. To give. Always followed by “mai” or “atu.” • Ho mai te wakaeke ; Give me

the rope. To proceed. Ho atu tatou kite ware ; Let us proceed to the house. s. A companion. Ka wiwi ia ki tona hoa haere; He has obtained his companion for the journey. Hoa., v. To throw. Hoaina kite kowatu ; Throw with a stone. Hoanga 5 s. A stone to sharpen tools with.

Hoata, s. A long spear. (E. C.) Hoatutonga, s. Act of giving to another person. Hoe, s. A paddle. Kia ngawari te hoe ; Let the paddle move briskly. Hoe, v. To paddle; to row. Hoea ki tera taha; Paddle to the other side. Hoenga, $. Act of paddling. Ka ngenge an ite hoenga; I am weary with paddling. Hoha, <£. Weariness. Hoha, a. Wearisome. He tangata hoha koe ; You are a wearisome man, Hoha, v. To be weary.




Ka hoha au i tau malii wakatoi; lam weary of your teasing. Hohehohe, v. To laugh. Hohehohe ana nga paparinga o Ngapuhi ki a koe ; The cheeks of Ngapuhi are laughing at you. (PF.) Hohere, s. A tree. (Hoheria populnea.) Holio, v. To drop ; to trickle. Hoho ana te toto; The blood is trickling. To grin. Hohoko, v. To exchange. Hohonu, j. Depth.

Hohonu, a. Deep. He wai hohonu tenei; This is deep water* Hohonu., v. To be deep. Kia hohonu te keringa ; Let the digging be deep* Hohoro, s. Quickness. Mahue rawa te hohoro o te ta« ngata nei; The quickness of this man is very great. Hohoro, a. Quick; nimble. Hohoro, v. Tobe quick. Kia hohoro to tatou haere ; Let

our going be quick. Hohozz, v. To bind. Pass. Houhia. E hohou ana ia i te taepa ; He is binding the fence. Ka houhia te rongo ; Peace is made. Hoi, s. Lobe of the ear. Deafness. He hoi toku ; I have a deafness. Obstinacy. Distance. Kei hoi noa atu ; It is at a great distance off. A patch.

Tetahi wahi kakahu hei hoi mo toku ; A piece of cloth as a patch for my garment. Hoi, Obstinate; deaf. Distant. He wenua hoi tera ; That is a distant land.

Hoihoi, s. Noise. (w.) Hbihoi, v. To be noisy. Hoihoi tahi koutou ; You are very noisy. (^ z -) Hoiki, v. To run off to a point. Ka hoiki tonu te upoko; The head runs off to a point. To be small at the top. Hoka, A screen made of bushes.

Hokaij <?• Large feathers of the wing. A stay or brace. Hokaikai, v. To strike in swimming. Ko nga waewae anake te hokaikai ana; The feet only are striking. To return. Tatou ka hoki kite kainga ; Let us return to the village. Pass. Hokia.

Hokia to tatou hoe ka mahue atu ra ; Let our paddle be returned which is left behind. Hold, ad. Also. Ka haere hoki a hau ; I also am going. Indeed. Ka pehea koe ? Ka haere ra pea hoki; What are you going to do ? I am indeed going. Hokinga, A returning. No taku hokinga ki uta i mate ai; He died at the time of my returning inland.


Hokio, v. To descend. Ka taea a runga o te maunga nei ka hokio atu ki raro; When the top of this mountain is reached you descend. (2J. C.) Hokiotzznga, s. A descent. (E.C.) Hoko, Traffic. He hoko tenei ka u ; This is a traffic, or something for sale which has arrived.

Hoko, a. Belonging to traffic. Ko te kainga hoko tenei; This is the place of traffic. Hoko, v. To traffic. Pass. Hokona. Ka hoko a hau i toku ; I shall sell (my garment.) Hokohz'a, «</. Hon many. (JF.) Hokozwa, a. Ninety. (W r -) Hokonga, s. Act or time of buying or selling.

Hokoono, a. Sixty. (W.) Hokonma, a. Fifty. (w.) Hokor/ta, a. Twenty. (W.) Hokotohi, a. Ten. (W.) Hokotoru, a. Thirty. (W.) Hoko e wa, a. Forty. (W.) Hokoworu, a. Eighty. (Wd) Hoko c wztu, a. Seventy. (W.) Homaitonga, s. Act of giving to the person speaking, or some one in company with him.

Hone, <?. A plundering. Ho te hone matou katoa ; We are all returned from plundering. Hongere, Channel. Hongi, .y. A salute with the nose ; a smelling.


Hongi, v. To salute with the nose ; to smell. Pass. Ilongia. Hono, v. To splice. Honoa te aho nei; Let this line

be spliced. Hononga, s. A splicing. Honu, s. Water. Hope, Loins. To nga hope te wai; The water is up to the loins. Hopekiwi, s. A potatoe house under ground. (W.)

Hopij, <9. A native oven. E kongange ana te hopi; The oven is heating. (2?.) Hopu, v. To catch ; to seize. Pass. Hopukina or Hopukia. Nana i hopu te mataika; The first prisoner was made by him. Hopu a, 6*. A pool.

Hopua, v. To lie in pools. Ka hopua te wai i te marae; The water lies in pools in the yard. Hopuhopu, s. A porpoise. Hopuktmga, s. Act of seizing. Horahora, v. To spread out. Horahia te kakahu ; Let the garment be spread out. Horahoranga, s. A spreading out.

Here, ad. Not. Hore rawa kia puta ; It will not pass. Horehore; <?. A stripping off. Kiano i oti noa te horehore; The stripping off is not yet completed. Horehore., v. To strip off the skin or bark.





Horehorea te hiako ; Let the skin be taken off. Horehorenga, s. Act of stripping off. Hori, v. To cut; to slit. Horia te taringa o te poaka; Let the pig’s ear be slit. Hori, v. To pass by. Kua hori atu nga tangata inakuara ; The men passed by a little while ago. (E. C.)

Hori, ad. Not. (W.) Horihori, s. A lie. He aha te pai o te horihori ? What is the good of a lie ? ( W.) Horihori, a. False. Horihori, v. To speak falsely. He aha tau e horihori ? What are you telling lies about ? ( W.) Horinsja, s. Act of cultins’. Horo, s. A land slip.

Horo, a. Fallen. Ka hia nga pa horo a te taua o Hongi ? How many fortifications were taken by the army of Hongi ? literally, How many fallen fortifications. Horo, v. To fall down, as earth ; to crumble. Ka horo te pari kite moana ; The cliff has fallen down into the sea.

To fall into the hands of the enemy. Ka horo te pa o Ngatipo ; The fort of Ngatipo has fallen into the hands of the enemy. Pass. Horoa; To cause to fall down. Horoa te oneone o runga; Let the earth above be made to fall. Horo., v. To swallow. Pass. Horomia. E horo ana te ngohi i te man-

nu ; The fish is swallowing the bait.

Horo, a. That may be swallowed. Hei te rongoa horo tetahi moku ; Some of the medicine that may be swallowed for me.

Horoeka, <?. A small tree. (Aralia crassifolia.) Horn, <y. Material to wash with. Act of washing. Horoz. a. Washing. Kahore he wai horoi kakahu; There is no water for washing clothes ; literally, Washing water for clothes.

Horoi, v. To wash. Haere horoia te poti; Go and let the boat be washed. Horoinga, Act of washing. Horok/Oj s. A shrub. Horomtznga, j. Act of swallowing.

Horonga, s. Sacred food, A foiling down. Horopz'tOj s. A shrub. Horua ? <y. Red ochre. (e. C.) Horuhoru, Wild turnip. Hotete, s. A caterpillar. Hotiki, s. Tattoo on the forehead of females.

Hotiki, v. To tie. Hotikina te kuwaha o te teneti; Let the door of the tent be tied. Hoto, s. A wooden spade. Hoto, v. To begin. Hotohoto, a. Cold. He wai hotohoto ; Cold water. ’ (R.) Hotohoto, v. To be cool.




Hotohoto ana te wai ki taku hiako; The water is cool to my skin. Hotoke, s. Winter. Hei te hotoke a hau ka hoki atu ai; I shall return in the winter. Hotoke, a. Cold. He wai hotoke ; Cold water. Hotoke, v. To be cold. Ka hotoke te kai; The food is cold.

Hotu, v. To be urgent. E hotu ana taku ngakau kite haere; My heart is urgent to go. Hou, s. A feather. Hou, a. New. He Ware hou ; A new house. Hou, v. To be new. Hou tonu ana te ketunga a te poaka; The rooting of the pig is quite new.

To creep under. Ka hou te kuri i raro o te rakau ; The dog creeps under the timber. Howange, ad. A little while ago ; hereafter. Mo a houange nei ka ho atu; It will be given hereafter. ( W.) Hoz/hou, a. Cool. He kainga houhou tenei; This is a cool place.

v. To be cool. Ka houhou tatou i te puhanga o te liau ; We are cool from the Rowing of the wind. Hmjliou, Act of digging fernroot. Kei te houhou roi mana ; He is engaged in digging fern-root for himself.

Hownga, s. Newness. Me i rongoatia i te hounga o te mate ; If medicine had been given when the disease was recent.

HotCwanga, $. Act of binding. Act of making peace.

E pehea ana koe kite houwanga rongo ? What do you think of making peace ? Howwere, v. To tie; to bind together. Houweretia te takitaki; Let the fence be tied up. (E. C.) Syn. with Hohou. Hu, «$•. A swamp ; mud. Kua tapoko kite hu ; He has fallen into the swamp. (W.) Hua, s. Fruit.

Ka ngahoro te hua o te paukena ; The fruit of the pumpkin falls off. An e BS' A screen from the wind. ( W.) A division of land. Kotahi hua ka riro i Ngatirangi • One division is gone by Ngatirangi. a. Bearing fruit. He rakau hua ; A tree bearing fruit.

v. To bear fruit. Ekore e hua tenei rakau ; This tree will not bear fruit. To be at the full. Ka hua te marama ; The moon is at the full. To think ; to know. Ka hua ekore e mate ; He thinks he will not die. Ko wai ka hua ? Who knows ?

Hua, v. To name. Pass. Huaina. Na wai i hua to tama ? By whom was your child named ? Hua, s. A handspike. (Differs from Hua, fruit, in having a soft breathing.)




Hua, v. To raise by a lever. Huaia te rakau nei; Let this tree be raised by a lever. To overturn. Ka huaia mai e Te Koikoi a taua tatai; Our plans are overturned by Te Koikoi. Hwahwa, s. Rails of a fence. ( W ‘) Any solid food steeped in liquid; soup. A small pimple.

H&ai, s. A shell-jish. H&akanga., s. A rushing. No te huakanga i mate ai; He died at the time the rush was made. Hzzaki, s. A rush. Ka paia te huaki; The rush is made. v. To rush. Ka huaki te taua; The army rushes. To dawn. Huaki ake te ata ka haere ; When the morning dawned we went. ( FF.)

Hwamango, s. A species of potatoe. Ht/amo, s. Swell on the sea. Hwamwtu, s. A fish. A shellfish. Hwanga, s. A relation. Kahore aku huanga i konei; I have no relations here. A naming. • ) Hue, s. Fruit of the melon kind. A fish. Hwhu, <y. A grub living in rotten wood.

A moth. Looseness ; diarrhcea. Noise of steam issuing from a confined place. Hwhu, v. To strip off, as bark. Pass. Huhua.

To slip off, as a rope from a piece of timber. H«hu, v. To make a noise in boiling. Ka huhu ake te wanake ; The steam is boiling up. Huht/a, s. Abundance. (■#• €*•) Huhzza, a. Abundant. Huhwa, v. To be abundant; numerous.

Ka huhua nga tamariki o te kainga nei; The children of this place are numerous. Huh/zti, v. To pull up. Hutia nga tarutaru ; Let the grass be pulled up. Hut A starting in the sleep. I pehea te hui o Tohitapu ? Which way was the starting of Tohitapu ? Hut To startle. Ka hui taku maui ; My left hand startles.

Hui, v. To strip off. Ka huia nga kakahu, ka patua ; The clothes are stripped off, and then he is killed. Hwia, A bird. Hwihwi, v. To gather together. Huihuia nga kaheru ; Let the hoes be gathered together. Ht/ihwinga, $. A gathering together. Hwinga, s. A stripping off. Hz/irapa, j. Grasping.




Ka tahi tana huirapa mona anake ; His grasping is great for himself alone. H?/ka, s. Foam. Frost; snow. Hz<ka, v. To be long, in time. Ekore e huka ka tae ; It will not be long before he arrives. Hwkahz/ka, s. Strings of a mat. H?/karere, s. Snow. Hwkari, s. Young of birds. Huk.e,v. To uncover by scratching, as earth. Pass. Hukea.

E huke ana te wahine i te hangi; The woman is uncovering the oven. Hz/keke, a. Stumbling; reeling. He tangata hukeke ; A man who stumbles. Hz/keke, v. To stumble; to reel. Hwkeketzznga., v. A stumbling ; a reeling. Hzzkenga, .v. Act of uncovering, by scratching up the earth.

Hwkiht/ki, A stick upon which is put fish, fyc., to be roasted. A starting ; convulsion. Ka mate taku ringaringa i te hukihuki; My hand is affected with starting. v. a. To roast upon a stick. Hukihukia te ngohi; Let the fish be roasted upon a stick. Hwkihwki, v. n. To contract with convulsive motion ; to throb.

Hz/mene, v. To be ruffled or crumpled. Ka humene te kakahu ; The

garment is ruffled, Ehmu, s. The hipbone. Tu kau ana te humu o taku papa ; My hipbone stands out, as from disease. a. Concealed. Hzzna, v. To be concealed. I huna toku e wai ? My garment was concealed by whom ?

Hwnanga, «$•- Act of concealing. Huntfonga, Son-in-law; daughter-in-law. ID/narrre, s. Father-in-law ; mother-in-law. C-) Hune, s. The down of the seeds of raupo. Hwnga, s. People. He hunga warahoe koutou ; You

are an unbelieving people. Hwngalizznga, s. Refuse of the fax leaf; the down or nap which comes off a garment. Hungawai, s. Father-in-law ; mother-in-law. HzZnuhwnu, v. To remove hair by scalding or singing. Hunuhunua te poaka; Let the pig be scalded.

Hwpe., s. Secretion from the nose. Hwpeke, v. To be drawn up; to be contracted. Kia hupeke o waewae kei raaku; Let your legs be drawn up that they may not be wet. Hzzpeke, 5. An old woman. (f-) Hupenupenu, v. To be mashed, as potatoes overboiled.




Ka hupenupenu noa iho nga kai i roto i te kohue ; The kumara are mashed in the saucepan, v. a. To uncover; to draw aside. Hur a te kakahu ; Let the garment be drawn aside, H&ra., v. n. To flow. Ka hura te mata ote tai; The surface of the tide flows.

Hz/rahwra, s. A body of people who come on friendly terms to see those who have been plundered. Hwrangi, s. A fly. (RA Hwrangi, v. To go in fear, as people before an enemy. Ka hurangi haere tatou ki tona matenga; We go in fear to- his death, or to witness his death. Huri, s. Seed. Ka waiho enei parareka hei huri mo taku mara; These potatoes are left as seed for my garden. (E. C.) Huri, v. To turn ; to over-

flow. Pass. Hurihia. Na wai i huri te pouaka ? By whom was the box turned ? Huri katoa te waipuke kite ara; The flood entirely overflowed the road. » Hwrikoaro, v. To turn inside out. Hurikoarotia te kakahu ; Let the garment be turned inside out. Hwrikoarotzznga, s. Turning inside out. Httringa, s. Act of turning. Hwripoki, v. To turn upside down. Huripokia te kohue ; Let the cooking vessel be turned upside down.

Hzzru, s. A dogskin mat. Hwi’uhzzru, .y. Hair. <?. A plant. (Asplenium lucidum.A Hururoa, s. A shell-jish. Hzzrurzza, s. Brushwood. Hzztihzzti, s. A rope.

Hzztinga, s. A pulling up; a place cleared from weeds preparatory to cultivation. Na Te Kauae tenei hutinga ; This pulling up was done by Te Kauae. Hzztiwai, <?. A plant. Hutoitoi, v. To be dishevelled. E hutoitoi ana nga huruhuru o te matenga ; The hair of the head is dishevelled.

IL/toke, .y. Winter. (E.C.) Hzztbtoi, v. To be weak or diminutive, as the shoot of a plant. E hutotoi ana te tupu o te kapana; The shoot of the potatoe is weak. s. The thigh.


I, A particle used in forming the past tense. I korerotia e au ki a koutou ; It was spoken by me to you. I, A particle used in forming the accusative case. E nati ana a hau i taku ware; I am tying up (the raupo of) my house.




1, v. To be sour ; to be putrid. Kua ike te kai nei; This food is quite putrid. I, prep. At. I te pa taku matua e noho ana ite taenga mai ote tira i uta; My father was sitting at the pa at the arrival of the company from inland. By. Ka riro te pukapuka i au ; The book is gone by me. Iteao i te po ; By day and by night.

From. I haere mai a hau i Waikato ; I came from Waikato. In comparison of. He kakahu aha te kakahu i te tangata ? What is a garment in comparison of a man ? I, ad. Than. E rangi tenei kakahu i tera ; This garment is better than that. la., s. Current.

Ekore e tere te waka i te ia; The canoe will not move swiftly by reason of the current. la, pron. pers. He; she; it. la, pron. demons. That. Ka haere te kai korero ki ia wahi ki ia wahi; The speaker is going to that place and that place ; i. e., to several places* lanei, ad. Then. Ekore ianei koe e haere ? Will you not go then ?

lawa, int. Hold! laua ! maku e here ; Hold ! I will tie it. Zhe, s. A Jish. Syn. with Takeke. Zhi, v. To blow. Ka ihi mai te hau, kia maranga te wakawiti;. The wind blows, let the sail be hoisted. ( TV.)

Iho., ad. Down. Noho iho ; Sit down.

Lower. Ki raro iho ; Lower down. Zhu, s. The nose; head of a ship or boat. Ka hihi mai te ihu o te poti; The head of the boat makes a rustling noise.

s. A novice. Ko wai koia te ihupuku ki tena mea kia tangohia ? Who indeed is the novice with respect to that thing that it should be received ? Zhupuni, s. A dogskin mat. Zinu, v. To drink often. Zka, s. Ajish. Kua karapotia nga ika ki roto kite kupenga ; The fish are inclosed within the net. Zke, v. To strike, as with a hammer.

Pass. Ikea. (J?.) s. Height. Kia pehea te ikeike o te ware ? What shall be the height of the house ? Zkezke, a. High; raised. He ware ikeike ; A lofty house. v. To be high; to be raised. Kia ikeike te taepa ; Let the fence be high.

Ikenga ? <?. Act of striking. Zki\ a. Nursing. Kei hea te kai iki ? Where is the person nursing ? Iki, v. To nurse. Pass. Ikitia. E iki ana a Hemi i tona teina; James is nursing his younger brother. ZkitamgU; «£. Act of nursing.




Zkuzku, <?. Eaves of a house. Zna, ad. When.

J Kia mahara mai koe ki au ina tae koe ki tawahi; Think of me when you arrive on the other side. Truly. Since. He maia oti koe ina koe ka tohe ? Art thou hrave, since thou art urgent? prep. According to. Meake au taka ina te ahua ; I shall soon fall according to appearances.

fnahea, adf When. Inaianez, ad. To-day ; just now. Innina., a. Warming. Hei konei te ahi inaina; Let the fire, to warm oneself by, be here. Znazna, v. To warm oneself. Znaki, v. To fly, as before a foe. Ha inaki ki runga ki nga matua! They fly back to the divisions of the army ! ( W.) Inr/kuara, ad. A little while ago. Znamata, ad. Formerly.

Quickly ; immediately. (W.) Znamoki, s. A species of rat. /naiifllii, ad. Yesterday. Znanga, s. A small fresh water fsh. Znangeto, ad. Quickly. Inangeto kua maoa; It will be quickly cooked. ad. Three days ago. Znaoakenzzi, ad. Four days ago. Znapo, ad. Last night. Znati, s. Vexation. He inati te ngaunga o tenei mea

kino; The stinging of this evil thing is a vexation.

Znoi, s. A prayer ; an entreaty. [nm, a. Asking. He pukapuka inoi tenei; This is a begging letter. Inoi, v. To ask ; to pray for ; to entreat.

Inoia he kai ma tatou ; Let some food be asked for us. E inoi ana hoki ia; Behold, he pray-eth.—-Acts ix. 11. /noinga, s. Act of asking. Inonira, ad. Behind. (/?.) Znu, v. To drink. Inumia katoatia, kia pan ; Let it be all drank up, let it be consumed. Tnum&nga, s. Act of drinking.

loio, v. To be unripe; to be hard. Kihai maoa a tatou paukena. ioio ana ; Our pumpkins were not ripe, they were hard. Ipu, s. A calabash. Zramwtu, s. A nephew or niece. Iri, v. To hang up. Zrizri, v. To baptize; to perform a native ceremony resembling baptism. Pass. Iriiria.

Kua iriiria ranei te tamaiti ? Has the child been baptized ? Zrizringa, s. Baptism. Zringa, s. Act of hanging up. Zrirangi; <?. A voice from heaven ; a voice from a deity. Zrir&ngi, v. To sound from hea-. ven, as if by inspiration from God. Tenei ano te irirangi nei nga kupu, he wakaaro ke ki raro; Thy

words sound as if by divine inspiration, but there is a different thought beneath them.


Zro, v. To be satisfied. Wuia Ida iro ai; Let him be whipped, that he may be satisfied. Zrozro, A grub. Ztau, s. A garment worn round, the waist. Zti, a. Small. Zti, v. To be small. Kia itiiti iho; Let it be a little less.

Ztinga, <?. Smallness. Iwa, a. Nine. Zwi, s. A bone. Me ho mai tetahi kakahu hei takai mo nga iwi; Give me a garment as a covering for the bones. A tribe. He iwi tangata ke ; He is of another tribe.

Ka, A particle used in forming the present-future, and sometimes the past, tense of verbs. Ka, a. Burning. Ehara tenei ite wahie ka; This is not burning firewood. Ka, v. To burn. Kua ka ke te rakau ; The stick is quite burnt. Kf/eo, s. A fresh water shellfish. (w.} Ktfha, s. A boundary.


Tuhia nga kaha o te mara ; Let the boundaries of the cultivation be marked. Strength. Kahore he kaha o tenei tangata; There is no strength of this man.

A rope. Puritia te kaha; Let the rope be held. Kaha, a. Strong. lift Im, v. To be string. Ekore au e kaha; I shall not be strong. Ktzhaka, s. A calabash. s. A plant. Kfthaki, s. Ropes or straps by which a load is carried on the back.

Tea aku kahaki ? Where are my straps ? (7?.) Kahaki, v. To carry away by stealth. I kahakina te weua e te kararehe; The bone was carried away by the dog. Kahanga, <£. Strength. Kahararo, s. Rope of the under side of a net. Kaharwnga, <?. Rope (fthe upper side of a net.

Kflhawm, A fish. Kahekdj, .v. A slipping. (w.) Kahcko, v. To slip. (w.) Kaheru, s. A digging implement. Kr/hia ; s. A creeping plant. Ktfhika, .y. A tree. ( Podocarpus excelsus.) Kothikatea, s. A certain tree. Syn. with Kahika.





Kahikatoa, s. A tree. (JLeptospermum scoparium.') Ktthitwa, s. A shell-Jish. Kaho, s. Thin sticks used in building ; battens. Kahore, ad. Not. Kahore au e tae atu ; I will not go. Kahn, s. A garment. Kahu, s. A hawk. (“a” longer than in the preceding word.) Kahn, v. To grow. Kua kahu te witi; The wheat has grown.

s. Likeness; resemblance. Mete kukupa te kahua; Like the pigeon is the resemblance. s A herd. No wai te kahui poaka nei ? Whose is this herd of pigs ? 6 s . Act of growing. Hohoro tonu te kahunga o tenei taru ; The growth of this grass is very rapid. /t■ ■ ■ v. To bridge over. Ka kahupapangia kite rakau ; It is bridged over with timber. K&hurangi., ad. To no purpose. E kahurangi haere ana i runga i nga puke; He is going to no purpose over the hills.

Kai, <?. Food. Haere koutou kite kai; Go to the food. A person employed in any work. /\ He kai ngaki ; A cultivator. He kai tiaki; A guardian. Kai, To eat. Pass. Kainga.

E kai ana te poti i te kiore; The cat is eating the rat. Kai, s. A tree. Kara, s. A thief. Kaiaia, s. A hawk.

KazhorO;, a. Greedy ; gluttonous. Kmhoro, v. To eat greedily. Aua e kaihorotia te kai; Do not eat the food greedily. Kmhotaka, A whipping-top. Kailiz/ia., s. A full grown palmtree. Kaik&ha, Lower part of the stem of the fax plant. K«zkaiatwa, A plant. (Jlhabdothamnus Solandri.} Kaik&ru, v. To sleep.

Kmkauau, v. To cut of the end, as of hair, or the branches of a tree. Ktzike, v. To lie in a heap. Te pehanga wahie e kaike mai ra; The heap of firewood which lies there. ( W.) Kmkiri, v. To quarrel. E kaikiri ana Ngapuhi; Ngapuhi are quarrelling.

Kaikohure, s. The smaller of two sticks by which fire is procured. Kflz’komrtko;, s. A tree. Kzzz’mata, a. Raw ; uncooked. Kzzzmata, z?. To be uncooked. E kaimata ana nga kai ma tatou ; Our food is uncooked. Kazmatatanga, s. Rawness ; newness. I mua i te kaimatatanga o te

oneone; Formerly when the ground was new ; i. e., unwrought.


Kmriga, Place or time of eating. Cockleshells. (W Kainga, s. A place of abode. Keihea to kainga ? Where is your place of abode ? KmponUj a. Stingy. He tangata kaiponu ; A stingy man. Kmponu, v. To be stingy. Aua ra e kaiponutia o pukapuka ; Let not your books be withholden.

Kmpuke, <s. A ship. Ktzzrawaru, s. A spear in its rough stale. (R•) Kmtaka, A, bordered mat. Kaitoa, v. impers. It serves you right. K«ka, s. A parrot. (pa" very long.) K«ka, s. Fibres of a root. A garment. fE.C.) Kakahi, s. A fresh water shellfsh.

KakahOj s. A reed. Kakahu, s. A garment. Ka huia nga kakahu o tana pononga ; The garments of his slave are stripped off. Ktzkahu, v. To clothe. Kakahuria ou; Let your clothes be put on. Kaktzz, a. Eating often. He tangata kakai; A man who eats often. Kakm, v. To eat often. Kakama, a. Quick. Kaktzma, v. To be quick.


Kia kakama to haere ; Let your walking be quick. s. Seed. K&kano, s. Grain of timber. Tika tonu te kakano o tenei rakau ; The grain of this timber is quite straight. (First syllable shorter than in the preceding word.}

Kakapu, j. A basket of cooked food. Ktzkara, s. A shell-fsh. Kaktfra, s. Scent. Ka puta te kakara o te ngohi; The scent of the fish is perceived. Kaktzra, v. To emit a scent. Kakartzwri, v. To be dark. Ka kakarauri ka tae matou ki te kainga; When it was dark we arrived at the place.

Kakarij v. To retain ; to press a person to stay in a place. Ka kakari kia noho matou ; He pressed us to stay. (E. C.) To quarrel. E kakari mai ra nga tamariki; The children are quarrelling. Kakarzki, s. A shrub. A green parrot. (H 7 -) (E.C.) Syn. with Powaitere.

K&karzki., a. Green. He kakahu kakariki; A green garment. Kakarita nga, s. A valley or dip of a hill. A warding off. Kihai kaha tana kakaro; His warding off was not effective. Kakaro, v. To ward off. Kua karohia te matia o Tawarau ; The spear of Tawarau was warded off.



Kakata, v. To laugh often. To crack, as the ground. E kakata ana te wenua; The ground is cracking. Kakat««\ s. A bird. K«katar«po, s. A bird. Kflkati, 5. A bundle. Kia torn kakati korari ka oti; Let there be three bundles of flax and it will be finished. Kakrtti, s. A sting; a bite.

Kakf/ti, v. To sting ; to bite. Ka kakati te namu; The fly bites. Kei katia koe ete puwerewere ; Take care you are not bitten by the spider. Kakaz/., s. A handle of a tool. A stalk of a plant. Kak«wa> s. Sweat. Kakzzwa, v. To perspire. Kake, v. To clime ; to ascend. Pass. Kakea.

Maumau kake noa a hau ki runga kite taiepa ; I climb up the fence to no purpose. An ascent. The act of climbing. Kaki; s. Neck. E mamae ana taku kaki; My neck is sore. Kamaka; s. A stone ; a rock. Kamata,; <?. End of a branch or leaf.

Kame, s. Food. Kahore a koutou kame ? Have you no food ? ( TV.) Kame, v. To eat. (H 7 *) Kamenga, s. Act of eating;. (W.) Kamokamo, s. Eyelash.


K«mok«mO; v. To wink. Kaimi, s. Seeds of cowhage. Kamu, v. To eat. Ktzmukamu, s. Food. Kamuri, A cooking-house or shed. Kanae, A fish.

Kanakana, s. Mesh of a net. Kaiiaku, s. Fire. (B-) Kanapa, s. Brightness. Ano te kanapa o te toki nei; How great is the brightness of this axe. Kanapa, a. Bright. Kanapa., v. To be bright. Ekore e kanapa nga hu ; The shoes will not be bright.

Kanape, ad. Not. Kanape e haere nga tangata ; The men will not go. Kanga, s. A burning; place where afire is made. Nonahea tenei kanga ahi ? At what time was this burning of fire ? Kanga, s. A curse. (Shorter than the preceding word A

Kanga, v. To curse. Pass. Kanga. Ku a kanga a hau e Te Taotahi; I have been cursed by Te Taotahi. Kangatungatu, <?. A verandah, w v. To be underdone. I kanewa te kai nei, kihai puta ki tahaki; This food was underdone, it was not removed aside. K«ni, s. A saw.





Kanikani, <?. A native dance. K&nik«ni, v. To rub backwards and forwards. To dance. Kaninga, £. A place where timber is sawn. The act of sawing. Kanokano, v. To be lumpy, as boiled flour. Kanohi, s. An eye. ,i <■ Kanoti, v. To cover up embers with ashes or earth.

Kanotia te kapura nei ; Let this fire be covered with ashes. Kao, <?. A sweet potatoe cooked and dried in the sun. Kaoktzo, s. Side. Kei taku kaokao te mamae; The pain is in my side. Kaore, conj. But. I mea a hau he tangata pai koe, kaore he tangata kino rawarawa; I thought you were a good man, but (I see) you are a very bad man.

K&pa, s. A line or ring of persons, Kia tika te kapa; Let the line be straight. Kzzpa, v. To stand in a line or ring. Kia kapa nga tangata, kia tika ai te korero ; Let the men stand in a ring, that the speaking may be correct. Kapakapa, v. To as the heart. E kapakapa ana te tau o taku ate ; The chord of my liver is beating. s. Potatoe. s. Resinous wood.

Ktzptzttzu, conj. If. Kapatau he mea pai ka tango au ; If it were a good thing I would take it. Ktzpe, Eyebrows. Tenei ano taku mate kei taku kape; Here is my complaint in my eyebrows. Ktzpe, v. To skip; to pass over. He aha a hau i kapea ai ? Why was I passed over ? To pick out. Kapea mai nga kapana; Let the potatoes be picked out.

Kape, a. Passed over. He raea kape nga rangatira; The chiefs are passed over, or a thing passed over. Kapektzpe, <y. West wind. Kapekapeta, v. To flutter j to writhe. Kapekapeta ana i roto i te kapura ; It flutters in the fire. Kapekapet/z//, v. To be quick. Kia kapekapetau o waewae; Let your legs be quick. Kapenga, <?. A passing over.

Ktzpi, v. To be covered. Kua kapi ke te kainga i te ta= ngata; The place is quite covered with men. Ktzpia, s. Resin. Ktzpinga, Act or time of covering. Kapiti, s. A bone. KtzpOj a. Caught hold of. He mea kapo ; A thing caught hold of. Kapo, v. To catch hold of, as a ball. Kapohia te wakaeke; Let the rope be caught hold of.




Kaposi, s. Woodcoal. Kapowai, s. Dragonfly. Kapu, s. An adze. Kapu, v. To drink out of the hand which is held below the mouth, another person pouring the water into the cavity thus formed. (This is done to avoid touching the vessel with the mouth.)

Kapua, <?. A cloud. E omaki ana te kapua ; The cloud is moving swiftly. Kapukapu, s. Sole of the foot. Kapura, s. Fire. Tahuna he kapura ; Kindle a fire. Kapurangi, s. Rubbish; weeds. Kara, s’. An old man. Tena korua ko kara ? How are you and the old man ? Kara, Basaltic stone. He karate kamaka nei; This stone is kara.

K/zraha, <?. A calabash. K«rahu, s. An oven. Ktzrahwe, A shell-fosh. Karaka, s. A tree. Ho atu tatou kite ta karaka; Let us go to gather karakas. {Corynocarpus Icevigata.'j Karak/a, s. A religious service. Karak/zz, a. Belonging to religious services. He ware karakia ; A house for religious services. Karak/a, v. To perform a religious rite. Pass. Karakiatia. Karam?/., s. A tree.

Karanga, s. A call. He aha koe te rongo ai kite karanga tuatahi ? Why do you not listen to the first call ?

Karanga, v. To call. Karangatia nga tangata kia hoki mai; Let the men be called to return. Karangirangi, v. To be annoyed. Karangirangi ki a hau; lam quite annoyed. Karangzz, <y. A tree. Karapa, a. Squinting. He kanohi karapa; A squint eye. Karapa, v. To squint.

Karapi, s. Sticks put crossways, in building a house, to keep the reeds or rushes in their places. (E- C.) Karapzti, v. To join together. Karapitia nga rakau nei; Let the sticks be joined together. To trap. Kua karapitia taku ringaringa ; My hand has been trapped. Ktzrapitanga, s. The act of joining together.

v. To enclose. Kua karapotia nga ika ki roto kite kupenga ; The fishes have been enclosed in the net. s. A quadruped. Kzzrau, s. A comb. Kartzua, s. An old man. Head of the body. (-R.) Karawa, v. A bed in a garden. Karawz’u., v. To whirl. Kare, s. Ripple. E ihi mai ana te tira o te mako




i runga ite kare o te tai; The fm of the shark rushes above the ripple of the tide.

s. A creeping plant. ( Ripogonum parviflorum.) A shrub. Karearea, <y. A hawk. v. To run. E karehe ra i mua ra ; Run before. (R.) K«reliUj s. A spade. K&rekttre., v. To ripple. E karekare ana te hinu i roto i te ipu ; The oil shakes inside the can.

Ktzreko, v. To slip. Karengo, v. To slip. Kei karengo koe ; Mind you do not slip. s. A slip. Short glutinous seaweed. (E. C.} Karerarera, s. A water plant. Ktzrere, s. A messenger. Kareto, v. To be untied. KtzretUj s. A certain grass. (Torresia redotens.)

Ktzrewa, s. A buoy. K&ri, s. An isolated wood. (JT.) Kari, v. To dig. (TA Karikari, v. To break off. Haere kite nehenehe kite karikari aka hohou taiepa ; Go to the wood to break off aka to tie the fence with. ( TV.) Kariri, v. To sail together in a fleet. E kariri mai nga waka ra i te rae; The canoes are sailing together from the point.

Karito, s. A species of flag. Syn. with Raupo. (/?.) Koto, s. A tree. KwrokarO; s. A slave. K«roro, s. A bird. A shellfish. (E> C.) Ktzru, s. Eye. Head of an animal. Karwhiw/hi, s. A bird. s. The pupil of the eye.

Karupe, s. Lintel of a door. Karure, v. To twist flax. Syn. with Miromiro. E karure muka ana te wahine nei ; The woman is twisting flax. Kata, s. Laughter. Kata, a. Laughing. Kata, v. To laugh. Pass. Kataina. He aha tau e kata ? What are you laughing at ? Katao, s. Water. (R-)

Right hand. Syn. with Matau. Etu mai koe ki katau; Stand thou on the right hand. (E. C.) Katea, v. To be cleansed f rom flesh ; —relating to bones. Katea, <9. A tree. Syn. with Kahikatea. K«tek«te, s. A small mat to cover the shoulders. Ktzti, v. To be shut or closed. Kua kati te tatau ; The door is closed. Krttij, ad. Enough.




Kati te turituri; Be quiet. Katihi, s. A stack of fern-root. Katipo, s. A venomous spider. ad. Truly. (E.C.) Kato., v. To pluck. Katohia etahi puwa maku ; Let some thistles be plucked for me. Kato,, a. Flowing. Ekore e puta te waka i te tai kato ; The canoe will not move by reason of the floodtide. (E. C.) KatOj v. To flow. ’Ka kato te tai ; The tide is flowing. (£. C.)

Katoa, a. All. Kia poto katoa mai nga tangata; Let all the men arrive. Katoa, s. A tree. Syn. with Kahikatoa. ( W.) Katohanga, s. Act of plucking. Katua, s. A dam or mother of animals. Kau, ad. Naked. E haere kau ana te tangata ; The man is going naked. Only. Kia tae kau atu kite kainga; Let me only arrive at the place.

K«?za, ad. Not. Kaua koe e haere, kei mate koe ; Do not go, lest you should die. Kzzzzae, s. The jaw. The wings of an army. Beam of a building. Kawaehangtzru, v. To shiver with cold. Kauaka, ad. Not. K«?zati, s. A stick with which fire is procured by friction.

Kau«W; s. A bird. Syn. with Karuhiruhi. Kanawa, s. A hawk. ILauexe, s. A tree.

Syn. with Puriri. (J?.) (PF.) (E. C.) Ktzwhoa., s. A litter in which a person is carried. Kawhoa, a. Carrying. Kei hea te kai kauhoa ? Where are the bearers of the litter ? Kawhoa ; v. To carry in a litter. Kauhoatia te turoro nei ki uta; Let the sick man be carried inland.

Kawika, s. A heap. No wai tenei kauika ? Whose is this heap ? Kawika, v. To heap up. Kauikatia ou riwai; Let your potatoes be put in a heap. Ktzwkau, s. A spear (#•) Ktztzkau, v. To swim ; io wade. Kauia to tatou waka; Let our canoe be swum after. Kazzkau, v. To anoint with oil. Pass. Kaukauria.

E kaukau ana a Maru i tona matenga; Maru is anointing his head* Kfluki, v. To lie in a heap. E kauki mai te kai i te rua; The food lies in a heap in the store. (PF.) s. An ad/ult. v. To be arrived at man s estate. Kua kaumatuatia te tamaiti nei; The child is arrived at man’s estate. Krwpapa, <v. A. fleet.




K&wranga, s. A ford. Kei hea te kauranga o te awa nei ? Where is the ford of this river ? Act of swimming or fording. K«wri, A tree. (Dammara australis.') YAturu, s. Head or top of a tree. Poutoa te kauru ; Let the top be cut off. K«wta, A cooking-house.

Kautahanga, a. Empty. Ka haere kautahanga tenei pouaka; This box is going empty. Kautangatanga, v. To be quick. Ahea te kautangatanga ai taua ? When shall we move quickly ? (PF.) KtzwSvaUj s. A speaking of past events. KflM f waU;tz. Belongingtospeaking. He ware kauwau ; A house for speaking.

Ka?j f wau, v. To speak of past events. Kawa, s. A heap. Me he kawa kamaka ; Like a heap of stones. Kawa, a. Sour; unpleasant. He kai kawa tenei; This is unpleasant food. Kawa, v. To he sour; to be unpleasant. Ka kawa taku waha; My mouth is unpleasant. Kawaka, s. A tree. (Dacrydium plumosum.') Kawakawa, s. A shrub. (Piper e.xcelsus.')

Kawari, <s’. A shellfish. Kawarzki, s. A plant. Kawawa, Palings of a fence. Kawe, s. A handle. Straps by which a load is carried.

Runner of a melon plant. Tenei ano te take o te kawe; Here is the root of the runner. Kawe, v. To carry, Pass. Kawea. Naku i kawe tou pukapuka ; Your letter was carried by me. Kaweka, Ridge of a hill. Haere i runga i te kaweka ; Go upon the ridge.

Ktzwenga, s. A load. Ka'wia, s. A fish. Ke, a. Different. He tangata ke i mauria mai ai; It was a different person by whom it was brought. Ke, ad. Quite; entirely. Kua riro ke te waka ; The canoe is quite gone. Kea, .S'. The secretion from the nose. (E. C.)

Keha, .v. A flea. A turnip. Kehe, <?. A flsh. Kei, ad. Not; lest. Kei toro te ware i te korakora; Take care lest the house burn with the spark. Whilst. Kia hohoro te haere kei ao te ra ; Walk quickly whilst it is light. Kei; prep. With ; at. Kei aia taku pukapuka; My book is with him.




Keia, s. Theft. (PF.) Keza, v. To steal. Pass. Keiatia. Ka keia ka wakama ; If a man steals he will be ashamed. Keka, <y. A beating of the breast in lamentation. Keke, a. Obstinate; stubborn. Keke, v. To be obstinate. Keke, s. The armpit.

Keke, a. Distant in point of relationship. He matua keke ; A parent who is distant in point of relationship ; i. e., an uncle or aunt. Keke., v. To quack, as a duck. He aha tenei e keke mai i roto i te hau ? What is this which makes a quacking sound in the wind ?

KekenOj <?. A seal. Kekerenr, s. A black beetle. Keko, a. Squinting. He kanohi keko ; A squint eye. Kek'o, v. To squint. Kengo, s. A large white kurnara. Kengo, s. Night. (■#•)

Kengo, v. To become night. Ka kengo te ra ; The day is become night; or, It is night. Keokecr, a. Pointed. Me haere rate puke keokeo; Go by way of the pointed hill. Keokeonga, s. Summit; point. Kerekerewai, s. Numbness. Kerengeo, tf. A lump of earth. (R.) Keferw, <£. A pigeon. (£• C.)

Kereteki, s. Outer fence of a fortified village. Keretu, s. A lump of clay. Kere f wenua ; s. Yellow clay. Keri, v. To dig.

Pass. Keria. Syn. with Kari. Kia keria ra ano e au nga taha ; Let the sides be dug by me. Keringa, s. Act or time of gingKero, a. Maimed. Ka ki mai te ringa kero; The man with the maimed hand is speaking. Kete, s. A native basket.

Ketekete, s. Expression of surprise or sorrow. Ketekete, v. To express surprise or sorrow. He aha tau e ketekete ? At what do you express surprise ? Ketoa, v. To become maggoty. Kua ketoa ta tatou kai; Our food is become maggoty. ( R.) Ketoketo, <y. A sick person. (W.) A maggot. (R-)

Ketoketo, v. To be extinct ; gone out. Kua ketoketo te ahi; The fire is gone out. Ketu, v. To flow, as the tide. Ka ketu te mata ote tai; The surface of the tide flows. Ketu, v. To root, as a pig. Pass. Ketua. Kua ketua taku mara e te poaka ; My garden has been rooted up by the pigs. Ketunga, <s■. The act of rooting.

Place which has been rooted up.


Keu, v. To pull the trigger of a gun. Keua te pu ; Let the trigger of the gun be pulled. Keukeu, v. To move ; to wriggle about. Takoto tonu ana te turoro nei, kahore e keukeu ; This sick person lies still, he does not move. (E. C.) Syn. with Korikori.

Keunga s. Act of pulling the trigger. Kevva., v. To be extinct. Kua kewa te ahi; The fire is extinct. Ke?wa, ad. Before. Kia hohoro te vzakapono keiwa mate koe ; Make haste to believe before you die. Whilst. Kia taria nga mea keiwa noho nga tangata ; Let the things be carried whilst the men are remaining.

Ki; Speech. Thought. Ki taku ki ko te rua tena e pirau ; According to my idea that is the store in which the food will be rotten. (W.) % Ki; v. To speak ; to think. To be full. Kua ki ke te ipu ; The calabash is quite full. Ki; prep. To. Ho ake taua kite taumata noho ai; Let us go on to the brow of the hill and sit down. Ki, ad. Very. Turituri ki; Very noisy. A particle used in form-

ing the imperative and infinitive moods.


Kia, A calabash. (E. C.) Kzano, ad. Not yet. Kiano taku mahi i oti noa; My work is not yet done. Kzckze, <?. A creeping plant, fireyclneta Banksii.) The fruit of the same plant. (E. C.) Kz’ha, s. A panting. Tu ana te kiha a ton tangata ! How you are panting I Kzha, v. To pant. Kilim, ad. Not.

Kihai ata maoa ; It is not quite cooked. Kzhikzhij s. A chrysalis. A grasshopper. Syn. with Tatarakihi. (E. C.) Kzkr, v. To be crowded ; to be strait. E kiki ana te kuwaha ; The doorway is crowded. Kzki, v. To speak. Korero noa ana a hau ; a kihai kiki te tangata ; I was talking to no purpose., and the man did not speak.

Kikz’ni, v. To nip. Pass. Kinitia. Kzkokzkoj s. Flesh. Kz'mi, s. A calabash. Kzmi, v. To look for. Pass. Kimihia. He aha tau e kimi mai nei ? What are you looking for here ? (W.) Kina, A sea egg. Kmaki; s. Food which is eaten as a relish for other food.





Ho mai he poaka hei kinaki mo a matou kapana; Let some pork be given as a relish for our potatoes. Kznaki, v. To eat one kind of food with another as a relish. Kinakitia ou kapana kite tote ; Let your potatoes be eaten with salt. Kinga, s. Time of speaking. Fulness. Kinitanga, s. A nipping. Kino, s. Evil; badness ; wickedness.

Kino, a. Bad ; wicked. lAino, v. To be evil; to dislike. Ka kino au kite hanga o te tutu ; I dislike obstinacy. Pass. Kinongia ; To be disliked. Ekore oti koe e kinongia ina penatia tau mahi ? Will you not be disliked if your work is dne in that manner ? Kinonga, s. Badness ; evil. Kiore, s. A rat. Kireatia, v. To be worn out, as land. Kua kireatia te oneone ; The soil is worn out.

Kzrehe, A dog. Kiri, s. Skin of animals or trees. Kirikiri, s. Gravel. Kirikopwni, s. A species of eel. Kiripaka, s. Flintstone. Kiri tea, s. White skin. He pakeha ia ina hoki he kiritea; He is a foreigner because he has a white skin.

Kzritona, .v. A pimple on the eyelid. Kiriwai, s. ‘The inner skin. Kite, v. To see.

Pass. Kitea. Kua kite au i te waka inanahi; I saw the canoe yesterday. Kftenga, j. Act or time of seeing. No taku kitenga i te tangata a hau i oma mai ai; I ran hither from the time of my seeing the man. s. Handle of a basket. Hapainga kite kiwe ; Let it be lifted up by the handle. K«wi, s. A bird.

Ko, A prefix before the names of persons and things. Ko wai nga tangata e haere mai nei ? Ko Mahu, ko Ruru, ko Potihi; Who are the men who are coming here ? There is Mahu, and Ruru, and Potihi. Tenei a Parake raua ko Tiki ; Here are Parake and Tiki. Ko, s. A girl. (Used only in the vocative case.) E ko ! O girl! Ko, s. An implement to dig with.

Ko, v. To dig. Pass. Koia. Me ko kia mahua ai; Let it be dug that it may be raised up. Ko, ad. There; thither. E haere ana a hau ki ko i a Rewa ma; lam going yonder where Rewa and his people are. Ko, prep. To; towards. Ko hea koe e haere ? To what place are you going ? Koa, v. To be glad.




Ka koa taku ngakau ki tenei korero; My heart is glad at this saying. Koa, ad. Truly. Ko aka, s. A calabash. A floor mat. (E. C.) Koangi, Diarrhoea. Koao, s. An isolated plot of fern land in a wood. Koara, v. To be split; to be crumbled. Kua koara ke te rakau ; The tree is quite split. Koare, s. A tree.

Koaro, s. Afresh waterfish. 'K.oau&u, s. A flute. (W.) Koe, pron. Thou. Koea, v. To be quite straight. Kia koea te rakau ; Let the wood be quite straight. Koe«e, s. A fish. Koe«ta, s. The first sprout of fern after the stalks have been burnt.

Koehoperoa, A migratory bird, which makes its appearance in summer. Koeke, s. An adult. A grasshopper. Koeke, v. To grow y,p to maturity. Pass. Koeketia. Koekoea, s. A bird. Koeo, Smell. Kua pirau pea te kai, ina ka puta te koeo ; The food is perhaps putrid, for the smell issues forth. Koera, s. Fear.

Koe/oeto, s. Small dry branches of trees. Tera he koetoeto he mea kora ma tatou; Fetch some dry branches as firewood for us. (R.)

Koha, s. Endeavour. Kia puta te koha; Let your endeavour be put forth. Remainder ; odd number. Ewa te roa o te rakau, kahore he koha; The tree was four fathoms long, there was nothing over. Koh&ha, s. Fish cut open, from which the bones are removed. Kohaha, v. To cut fsh open, and take the bones out, preparatory to drying. Kohtzia, s. A girl. Kohtzmo, s. The back part of the head.

Kohaoh&o., s. A basket of food. Erima kohaohao uwi ; There were five baskets of winter potatoes. Kohari, s. A mess of mashed food. He kohari kao ; A mess of mashed dried kumara. Kolnm, v. To mash up food. Pass. Koharitia. Koharitia nga kapana ; Let the potatoes be mashed.

To be in pain. E koharihari ana a roto o te puku ; My stomach is in pain. Kobe., s. A creeping plant. (JPassiflora tetrandra.) Kohekobe, s. A tree. (Hartighsea spectabilis.} s. Wind. Ka tika te kohengihengi e ihi mai nei; The wind which blows now is fair. ( W.)




J Koliera, s. A yawning. Kohera, v. To yawn; to gape. Kolierib <?• A fish. Koliia, s. A creeping plant. Syn. with Kohe. Kohihi, s. A bird. ~ Kohikohi, v. To gather ; to collect. Pass. Kohikohia. Me kohikohi nga panahi; Let the panahi root be collected. / Kohinga, <?. A gathering ; a collecting.

Time or place of gathering. Kohiriki, s. The plant cowhage. (Bidens pilosa.') v Kohohoj s. A shrub. (Solarium lanciniatum.) Kohoi, a. Thin; lean. KohUj s. A fog ; a mist. Kohu, a. Foggy. He rangi kohu ; A foggy atmosphere. Kohua, s. An oven excavated in the ground. / Kohue, An iron boiler. Kohwhu, s. A tree. Kohukohuj s. Chickweed ; moss on trees. v. To be cut short. Kohumuhumu kau te mahunga oTe Puri; Te Puri’s hair is cut quite short. To whisper. Ko wai tera e kohumuhumu mai ra ? Who is that who is whispering ? (E. C.) Kohz/muhz/mu, s. A whispering.

Koh&ngaliwnga, s. A young child. (R-) KohwnUj, s. Fern land burnt offKohwra, v. To sprout up. E kohura ake ana i raro i te wenua; It is sprouting up from below the earth. Kohunzngi, s. A certain parasitical plant. Kohure, <y. Firewood. W Kohwrehwre, v. To take out tht bones preparatory to cooking. Kohurehurea a tatou kukupa; Let the bones be taken out of our pigeons.

Kohwru, <?. Murder. Koliwru. a. Murderous. Koht/ru, v. To murder. Pass. Kohurutia. Kohwtuhwtu, s. A tree. Syn. with Kotukutuku. Koi, a. Sharp. Koi, v. To be sharp. Kia koi te toki nei; Let this axe be sharp. Koina, ad. There. Kei koina taku puka e takoto • ana ; My spade lies there. Koia, ad. Truly. Koia kei a koe ; Truly it is as you say.

Koia, conj. Therefore. Koia a hau te haere ai; Therefore I did not go. Koihi, s. A verandah. Koihzhi, v. To be split. Kua koihihi te rakau ; The tree is split. Koinga, s. A point or edge.




A species of shark. Koikffra, s. A finger. (£• ( '-i Koingo, <s•. Sorrow; love. Koingo, v. To be sorrowful; to love. E koingo ana taku ngakau ki taku hoa ka riro ; My heart is sorrowful on account of my friend who is gone. Koipwipu, v. To be sore in the feet from walking.

Koiri, s. Planting. Kei te koiri parareka a Kiriahi; Kiriahi is gone to the planting of potatoes. (E. C.) Koiri, v. To plant potatoes. (E. C.) Koiri, v. To bend the body in rowing. Koiria te taha ; Let the side be bent. Koiro, s. A sea eel. (W.) Syn. with Ngoiro. Kozwi, s. A skeleton. Koka, s. A native mat.

A mother. (E. C.) Koka, a. Dry ; —applied to grass, tyc. Kokoka, s. A bird. Kokari, s. A new potatoe. Koke, v. To go ahead, as a canoe. Kokeke, s. Muscles taken from the shell. Kokeke, v. To wind ; to turn. Kokeke xnai kokeke atu nga piko o te awa; The windings of the river turn this way and that ’ way. Kokewa, v. To wander.

Koki, <s•. A small canoe. (HL) Koki, v. To go ahead, as a canoe. Syn. with Koke. Kokihi, s. A shrub. Kokirij s. A Jish. A spear. Kokiri, v. To dart ; to throw. Kokiritia te hoe ki uta ; Let the paddle be thrown on shore. Koko., s. A spoon. Koko., v. To shovel up, as with a spade. Kokoa nga waro ki roto ki nga kete ; Let the coals be shovelled up in baskets.

Koko, a. Rotten. Koko, To rumble. E koko ana taku manawa ; My inside rumbles. Koko, s. A bird. (E. C.) Syn. with Tui. Kokohu, v. To be bent; to be dinted. Kokomoko, s. A bird. Kokomo, s. A, contribution of food at the time of a feast.

Kokomo, v. To thrust in; to put in. Komotia nga kakahu kite kete ; Let the clothes be put into the basket. Kokomwka, s. A shrub. ( Veronica.) Kokonga, s. A corner. Kokopa, v. To be hollowed out; to be concave ; to be bent. Kua kokopa noa te taupoki; The lid is bent. Kokopu, s. A fresh water fish.




A species of eel. Kokoreke, .s'. A bird. Kokorutanga, <?. A bay. Kokota, s. A species of shellfish. v. To cut. Pass. Kotia. E kokoti ana nga tamariki i nga taepa ; The children are cutting the fence. Kokowaij s. Bed ochre. Koma, 5“. A certain stone— V basaltic.~\

Komfle, s. Potatoes withered in the sun. Small sweet potatoes. Komama, v. To run through. E porara ana a raro o te kete, koia i komama ai; The bottom of the basket is open, therefore it runs through. Komanga, s. A stage upon which food is kept in store. Syn. with c Wata and Timanga. Komtzoa, s. A raw state of the mouth; an ulceration.

He komaoa kei te mangai ; There is an ulceration in the mouth. v. To be raw ; to be ulcerated. Komaru, s. The sun. The sail of a ship or canoe. Syn. with Ra. Koine, v. To eat. (W-) Kome, <?. Food. Komeke, <s■. Pounded fernroot. (TV.)

Komekome, v. To move the lips like a fish. E komekome ana nga ngutu; The lips are moving. <y. The time or act of eating.

Komiri, v. To pick out; to select. Komiritia a tatou kopura ; Let our seed be picked. Komiritanga, <y. Time or act of picking. Komiromiro, 6“. A bird. Komotanga, s. A thrusting in. Komwtu, v. To surprise. Kia tupato, meake ra komutua mai tatou; Be jealous, we shall

soon be surprised. Kona, ad. There. Hei kona takoto ai; Let it lie there. Konae, s. A bending in a path or road. Konakitanga, j. A corner. Syn. with Kokonga. Konakona, v. To smell. Kontzo, s. An oven. (WA Diarrhoea.

Konez, ad. Here. Kua tae ke mai ki konei inanahi; He arrived here yesterday. Koneke, v. To slip along. Wakatakotoria he rango kia koneke ai te waka; Let skids be laid down in order that the canoe may slip along. Konene, s. A person belonging to a tribe which has been broken up or scattered. Konenehu, a. Small as dust. He ua konenehu ; Small rain.




Kone f wa, v. To wander. v. To be dazzled. Ka konewanewa aku kanohi; Aly eyes are dazzled. Konga, s. A live coal. Kongahu, s. A stone. (WA (7?.) Kongakonga, s. A crumb. Kongange, v. To blaze. Ekore e kongange te kanaku ; The fire will not blaze. (77.)

Kongenge, a. Belonging to sickness or disease. He mate kongenge ; Death from sickness, in opposition to a violent death. Kongzo, v. To be dry; to be shrivelled. Kua kongio ke nga kapana ; . The potatoes are quite shrivelled. Kongw, a. Cloudy. He rangi kongu ; A cloudy sky. Kongwtu, s. Mouth of a river. Kei te kongutu awa ; At the mouth of the river. ( W.)

Koni, v. To move towards. Me koni mai ki tenei taha; Move hither to this side. Konia, s. A canoe. I I Kono, s. A small basket for | cooked food. (W.)\ Konohi, s. Love; sorrow. Konohi, v. To love ; to be sor- \ rowfid. Kononi, v. To be crooked. Kopa, s. A lame person. A native oven. E kongange ana te kopa ; The oven is heating.

Kopa, v. To be lame. Kop«e, s. A house ornamented with carved work. i Kopaki, The husk of seed ; a covering. Kopakipaki, s. Maize. (So called from the husk in which it is enveloped.) I Kopakopa, s. Plantain. (W.) Kopanga, <?. An inner corner. Kopani, v. To close up ; to enclose.

Kopania mai te taupoki; Let the lid be closed up. Kopaopao, s. A species of eel. Kopapa, j. A canoe. (W.) Koparu, a. Crushed; bruised. Koparu, v. To be crushed. Kua koparu ke nga kapana; The potatoes are quite crushed., Kopata, s. Dew. (E.C.) Kope, v. To be soft. He mea penu nga kapana kia kope ai; The potatoes are mashed that they may be soft.

Kopeka, <9. Deceit. Kopeka, a. Deceitful. Kopeke, s. Cold. Kopeke, a. Cold. Kopekope, v. To shake in the wind. E kopekope ana nga ra o te poti; The sails of the boat are shaking. Kopenupenu, v. To crumple. Pass. Kopenupenua. Kopenupenunga, j. A crumpling. Kopepe, v. To pluck.




Na wai taku hue i kopepe ? By whom was my melon plucked ? Kopere, <?. A sling, consisting of a piece of stick with a siring attached to it. Kopere, v. To sling. Kopi, v. To bend. To shut ; to close. Aua e kopia, kia maro tonu; Let it not be bent, let it be stretched out. Kopia iho te taupoki; Let the lid be shut down.

s. The kernel of the liar aka fruit after it has been steeped in water. Kopiha, 5. A pool of water. An excavation in the ground in which food is kept. Kopzko, v. To bend; to turn. Kopiko mai kopiko atu kahore matou i kite ite ara; We turned this way and that but did not see the road. Kopikopzkoj a. Bending; turning ; winding. He ara kopikopiko ; A winding road.

Koptkopzko., <?. A bending; a winding. Kopiri, <9. A lame person. Kopiro, v. To duck in the water. Ku a kopiroa te tamaiti e tona tuakana ; The child has been ducked by his elder brother. Kopiro, a. Soaked in water. He kanga kopiro ; Corn soaked in water. Kopito, s. Pain in the abdomen. Kopz'upzu, v. To swing, as a vessel to her anchor ; to roll.

Kopiupiu noa ana te waka i te akinga o te ngaru ; The canoe is rolling from the dashing of the waves.

Koporo, s. Anything terminating abruptly, as the square stern of a boat. He koporo te waka i witi ai a hau ite awa; The canoe in which I crossed the river is a squaresterned one. KopUj s. The abdomen. Kopua, s. Deep water. Kopuha, s. A small house. Kopuhttrij s. A fish. Syn. with Kahawai.

Kopuka, a. Spongy; shrivelled. Kopupz/nga'wa., s. A bulrush. Kopwputai; .s'. Sponge. Kopura, s. Seed. Applied generally to potatoes and other tubers used as seed. A plant so named. Kopurwa, s. A swelling of the abdomen ; dropsy. Kopwrupzzru, a. Stinking. v. To be blistered.

Ka koputa taku ringaringa i te hoenga; My hand is blistered with rowing. Koputa, s. A blister. He koputa kei taku waewae ; There is a blister on my foot. Kopwtapzzta, s. Name of a fish. Koputoitoi, v. To be moist or spongy. Koputoitoi tonu taku roi; My fernroot is quite moist. Koputotara, A f ish so called,




Kopzztupwtu, v. 'To put in heaps.

1 Koputuputua nga kai ma te manuhiri; Let the food be put in heaps for the visitors. Kora, Fire ; firewood. Koroe, v. To anoint the head with oil and red ochre. Koraha, s. Fern land. Koraha, a. Shoal; shallow. He tai koraha to Manawaora; The tide of Manawaora is shoal. Korakora, s. A spark of fire. Kei toro te ware i te korakora ;

Take care the house does not burn with the spark. Korzzkorako, .v. An albino. Korama, A shell-fish. Korzzngarzznga, v. To be in pain. E korangaranga ana taku manawa ; My body is in pain. (E. C.) Koiv/ra, v. To beg. Syn. with Peo. Korari; s. The flax plant. ( Phormium tenaoc.) Kortzrirzzri, v. To break in pieces.

He aha te rakau i korariraria ai ? Why was the stick broken in pieces ? Koran., s. A species of fern tree, (fyathea medullar is.) Wild turnip. (w.) (E.C.) Kore., ad. Not. Ekore oti te pakeha e arahina ? Shall not the foreigner then be conducted. He tangata mahara kore ; A man without thought. Kore, s. A fracture. Ka kite ranei koe i te kore o te poti ? Did you see the fracture of the boat ?

Kore, v. To be broken. Kua kore ke nga papa o te ware ; The boards of the house are quite broken. Korea, s. A small canoe. Korehej s. Land covered with fern. Syn. with Korah a. Korezrei, s. The root of raupo. Korekoreko, v. To be dazzled. Ka korekoreko aku kanohi i te ra; My eyes are dazzled with the sun.

j. Time or act of breaking. a. Soft, as mud. Korepo, s. A shallow swamp. Korexe, s. A funnel or spout. Speech. Korero, v. To speak. Pass. Korerotia. He aha ta tenei tangata e korero nei ? What is it which this man is saying ? Korerot/znga, s. Act or time of speaking.

Koreto, v. To trickle down ; to cry. Kori ? .v. A native oven. (W.) Korihirihi, s. The tide. Korikori, 6 1 . A species of ranunculus. Korikori, v. To wriggle about. Korikori tonu te hanga tamariki nei; These children are always wriggling about. Korikoringa, s. Act of wriggling about. Koripi, s. Diarrhoea.


Korirangi, <?. Name of a native mat. Strings of a mat which are not twisted. Korzro, v. To shoot up ; to sprout. E koriro ake ana te tupu o te kapana; The shoot of the potatoe is sprouting up. Korzrorzro, s. A bird. s. The heart of a plant; the middle shoot. Koro., s. A person. E pehea ana te koro nei ? What does this person say ? E kor/; A term of address to young men.

Korotz?", <?. Name of a native mat. Korohawini, <v. Cold. Koroheke, s. An old man. Korohw, 5. Steam. (F C-) Koroliuhw, v. To boil. E korohuhu ana te wai; The water is boiling. Koro?’_, s. A tree. Syn. with Kahika and Kahikatea. Fruit of the same tree. Koroz'ti, <?. A little finger or toe.

Koroke, s. A person; a fellow ; a term of disrespect. Korokzo, s. A shrub. Syn. with Koromiko and Kokomuka. Korokoro, s. The throat. Ho mai tetahi wai hei wakanekeneke mo te korokoro ; Give me some water to moisten my throat.

Korokoro, a. Loose.


Korokoro., v. To be loose. Korokoro noa nga tau o te ka« kahu ; The strings of the garment are loose. To be diminished. Korom«hu, s. Steam. Mete koromahu kapura te ahua ; The likeness is as the steam of fire. Koromatwa, s. The thumb ; the great toe. Koromat/ngamawnga, s. Bar* nacles. Koromengemenge, v. To be crumpled.

Koromz’ko, s. A shrub. ( Veronica.} Koromz’kotaranga, s. A tree. Koroiw, v. To lie broadside on a beach. Kua koronae te waka ki uta ; The canoe has been cast broadside on the shore. To drink out of the hand. Koronae, s. A stile. Korongenge, v. To be benumbed. Koropana, v. To fllip.

Koropehu., s. Restraint. lie mate hiakai ka taea te koro* pehu ; If it is hunger restraint is practicable. To bend; to stoop; to kneel. Ka koropiko ki raro ka inoi; He stooped down and prayed. Korops s. A house. Koropzzku, a. Concealed. He kino koropuku ; A concealed evil. (j?. C.) Koropup?/, v. To boil. G





Kia koropupu te kohue, ka takina ai; Let the pot boil, and then it shall be taken off. Koropupwtanga, s. Time or act of boiling. Koropwta, s. A hole in the ground, in a tree, in a rock, tfc. Korortz, A bird. Koran, a. Twisted. He rakau korori ; A twisted tree. Kororirori, v. To stir up. Kororiroria te wai nei; Let this

water be stirred up. Korotr'watrwa, a. Spotted. v. To be spotted. Korotzz, v. To desire. E korotu ana kite haere ; He is desiring to depart. KoroWj, <?. A channel. Kia tika kite korou ; Let it be straight to the channel. (-R*)

Korowa, s. An old man. Kort/wantzke, s. Steam. Korowtzwa, s. A fsh. Koro'witi, v. To whistle. E korowiti mai rate tamaiti; The child is whistling. Koro c wztrwzti, s. A hoop; a stick bent in the form of a bow. Koru, s. A bend ; a fold. Nekehia mai te koru o te aho; Let the fold of the line be moved nearer this way. Koru, v. To be bent or folded. E koru ana te wakaeke, kia maro tonu ; The rope is coiled, let it be stretched out.

Korua, -y. A hole; an excavation. Korua, pron. You two. Koruki, a. Cloudy. He rangi koruki ; A cloudy sky. ■» Korure, v. To change. Ka korure te hau ; The wind

is changing. Korwru, a. Cloudy. Syn. with Koruki. Korurwku, a. Cloudy. Kota, 3*. A cockle shell. A knife ; scissors. (R-) Kotae, s. Alluvial soil. Kotoha, s. A sling.

Kot«mut«mu, v. To smack the lips. To flash. He aha te uira e kotamutamu nei»? What is the lightning which flashes here ? Kotaratara, s. A dance of triumph. A plant. Kot«ret«rej .?• A bird. Kot&ttr, s. A bird.

Kot«wattzwa, <y. A shellfish. Kotea, v. To be indistinct. Kotea tonu te moko, kihai mangu ; The tattoo is quite indistinct, it was not black. Kotengitengi, s. A gentle wind. Kotero, s. Potatoes steeped in water. Kotete, s. The shoot of a potatoe. Kotihetihe, s. A bird.




s. The act of cutting. Kotzngota’ngo, a. Spotted; variegated ; chequered. Kotipo, s. A purple potatoe. Kotiri, s. A meteor ; a Jailing star. Kotiro, <y. A girl. Kotiti, v. To move quickly. E kotiti ana ki tahaku ; He is moving towards mine. Kotz’u, s. North wind. Kotiwru, Headach.

Kotokoto, s. Small potatoes. Kotokoto kau a tatou kai; Our food is nothing but small potatoes. The sheet of a sail. A sprit; a projection. Kotokoto, v. To sqaeak. E kotokoto mai ana -te kiore; The rat is squeaking. Kotopihi, s. A window.' Kotore, s. White clay. Kotoretore, ,y. A rock-fish.

Kotwi, v. To fasten ; to lace. Kotuia to tatou ra ; Let our sail be fastened to the mast. Kotwku, s. A bird. Kotakuta'wzti, s. A species of potatoe. s. A large red potatoe. Kotwkut&ku; s. A shrub. (Fuchsia excorticate.) Kot«mu ? s. A stump. Kotwtu, s. A basket used for catching fsh. Kouarea, <y. A certain fish—-

Kouka, s. Root of raupa. A tree. Syn. with Ti. Kottkawka, s. A fish. Syn. with Kahawai.

Kowkou, <?. An owl. Kowmuwmu, v. To turn round; to whirl. Kei koumuumua tatou i te ripo ; Take care that we are not whirled round in the whirlpool. Kowra, .s. A lobster; a crayfish. Kowtareke, s. A bird. Syn. with Kokoreke. ( W.) pron. You all.

Kcwtu&tUj v. To dip up water. Koutuutua he wai ki roto kite pere ; Let water be dipped up into, the bucket* Kt/wa, s. Cockles freed from the sheik K</wa, v. To shell peas; to take cockles out of the shell. Kowatia he pipi ma tatou ; Let some cockles be taken from the shell for us #

v. To pick out ; to select. Ka kowaea nga roi pai mana ; the good fernroot is picked out for himself. Ko c wai ; s. A tree. (Edwardsia microphylla.) Kc/waiiigz/tukr/ka, s. A shrub. ( Clianthus puniceus.') Ko f w«itau, s. A fish. Syn. with Kahawai. Ko f w«ki, v. To pluck off; to gather. Kowakiia he pi; Let some peas be gathered.




To be in pain. Kua kowaki nga papa i te ngaunga o te mate; The thighs are sore from the gnawing of the complaint. Ko f waki f w«ki, v. To break off piece by piece. Kowakiwakiia tetahi taro ma te kotiro ; Let some bread be broken for the little girl. Kc/wtzna, v. To be bent, as the back. Kt/wtme, v. To bend. Kaua e kowanea, kia maro tonu mai; Let it not be bent, let it be quite straight.

Kowanu, s. Cold. Ko‘wao, <£. A hole. <?. A bushman. He tangata kowao te tangata i pahuatia ai te ware ; The man was a bushman by whom the house was pillaged. Ko f w«ra c wtzra ? s. A plant. {Astelia Banksii.) Koware, s. A name for raupo. Kowtzrowtzro, s. A fosh. Ko'wfltu, s. A stone.

<s•. A garment. I haere mai a hau ki tetahi kowekaweka hei takai; I came for a garment to fold it up in. Kc/wera, s. A yawning. Kc/wera, v. To yawn ; to open. Ko te pipi ekore e kowera me tiora kite kota ; The cockle which will not open let it be forced open with a shell. A whispering ; a murmuring. K(/wete Y wete, v. To whisper ; to murmur.

Ko'wiri, v. To whirl round. Kowiria te manu kia mate ai; Let the bird be whirled round that it may die. Kowzti, s. Ajish. Ko r witi, v. To pull up ; to pick out. Kua kowitia nga kumara o Te Raro ; Te Karo’s kumaras have been pulled up. Ko f wzti, v. To appear the new moon. Ka kowiti te marama; The new moon appears.

KoSvztitanga, s. Time of the new moons appearing. Ko f w?ti f witi, A grasshopper. Watercress. Ko'wiWwm, s. A thing to winnow or fan with. Ko'wiu'wiu, v. Towinnow; to blow. Kua, A particle with which the past tense is formed. Kwai, s. A certain fsh. Kwaka, s. A bird.

Kwao, s. The young of animals. Kuemi, v. To be assembled. Kua kuemi mai nga tangata; The men are assembled. Syn. with Tapeke. v. To hide, as by concealing amongst rubbish. Pass. Kuhua. E kuhua ana ia i te toki mo te hokinga mai; He is hiding the axe against his return. Kt/liu, s. A cooJcing-house. <?. A pig. (JV‘)




Kwhunga, s. Time or place of hiding ; the act of hiding. Kwi, s. An old woman. E kui; Term of address to an old woman. TfAAa,, s. An old woman. Kwihi, v. To speak in a low tone. Tohe noa au kite tikanga o te korerp, kihai kuihi te waha; I was enquiring to no purpose about the correctness of the report, but his mouth did not articulate. Kzaki, s. Cold.

Kzzkuj <?. A large muscle; a pair of pincers. Kwkw, s. A pigeon. Kwku, v. To nip ; to draw together. Kukua te kete ; Let the sides of the basket be drawn together. K»kuku ? s. A shellfish. Kukttme, v. To pull; to drag. Pass. Kumea. E kukume ana te hoiho i te tangata; The horse is dragging the man.

A pigeon. Kukwti, <£.• A net. Kwkuti, v. To draw together, as the mouth of a bag, or the lips. Aua e kutia ou ngutu ; Let not your lips be drawn together. Kwmara, 6*. The sweet potatoe. Kz/marahou, s. A shrub. (Pomaderris Jcumarahou.') s. A species of fish. s. The act or lime of pulling.

Kumeti, s. A native bowl; a vessel cut out of the solid wood. Kwmi, s. A fathom. Ewaru kumi te waka o Moka ; Moka’s canoe is eight fathoms long. Kztmikwmi, s. The beard. Kia waruhia ton kumikumi; Let your beard be shorn. Ktnnuk&mu., s. A fish. Kwnikt/nij v. To be dark. Kia kunikuni ka puta te marama; When it is dark the moon will appear.

Kungongingongi, s. A fish. Syn. with Kahawai. Kz<pa, s. A belching. Ktzpa, v. To belch. Kuptze, s. A certain fsh. K?/papa. v. To stoop. I kupapa mai te tahae, koia hoki te kitea ai; The thief stooped, which is the reason he was not seen. Kwparu, <s'. Afsh. Kwpenga, s. A f shing net. Kua karapotia nga ika ki roto kite kupenga ; The fish have been enclosed in the net.

v. To flow swiftly. Kwpu, s. A word ; a sentence. Kwpukwpu, v. To speak frequently. E kupukupu ana tenei tangata kia patua te manuhiri; This man is often proposing that the visitor shall be killed. a. Red. K?/rae, s. A promontory; a headland. Kz/rapae, .v. A thing found,




the owner of which is not known. Kuraruraru, s. Perplexity. He kuraruraru no te ngakau ; A perplexity of the mind. Kuraruraru, a. Perplexing. Kuraruraru, v. To be perplexed. Kz/ri, s. A dog. Karu, s. A blow with the fst. Kwru, v. To strike with the fst; to thump. Pass. Kurua.

E kuru ana ia ite raupo; He is striking the raupo. To extinguish. Kurua te kapura kia pirau ; Let the fire be extinguished that it maygo out. (E. C.) Kwruhwnga, <£. A certain fish. Kzzrumtztarerehuj s. A tattooed man. (#•) Kwrupae, £. A joist or sleeper of a house. Kwruper, s. A lump of earth. KwrupopOj a. Rotten. Kzzrupopo, v. To be rotten. Kua kurupopotia te rakau o te ware ; The timber of the house is rotten.

Kzztai, <y. A muscle. s. A water plant. Kzztao, v. To be cold. Kzztere, v. To be soft. Aua e romia kei kutere ; Let it not be squeezed that it may not be soft. Kwtere, a. Soft, as mud. v. To contract, as the lips, fyc.—fVid. Kzzkuti.]

Kwtikwti, <y. Scissors. Kwtikwti, v. To cut with scissors. Pass. Kutikutia. Kz/tu, s. A louse. Kwtukwtu, s. A maggot. Ku c wa } s. The thigh. (•£• C.) Kuwaz’wai, s. Moisture. Ka tahi ano te kuwaiwai o te ara nei; The moisture of this seed is great. s. A grub. A certain shell-fish. KuwetOj s. A bird. Syn. with Puweto.


Ma, conj. And. Erua tekau ma wa ; Two tens and four, or fourteen. Ma, prep. By. Ma wai e kawe taku pouaka ? By whom shall my box be carried ? Ma, a. White; clean. Ma, v. To be white; to be clean. • Ka ma nga kakahu ; The garments are clean. M&ea, v. To be up, as food taken up out of the ground, or as a bird from under water. Kua maea te parera > The duck has come up from under the water.




Maeke, s. Cold. Ekore e tupu te kumara i te maeke o tera wenua ; The kumara will not grow through the coldness of that land. Maeke, a. Cold. Maeke, v. To be cold. Maenene, a. Soft to the touch smooth. He kakahu maenene ; A soft garment. Maenene, v. To be soft; to be smooth. Maero, s. A race; a watercourse.

Maha, v. To be pleased ; to be satisfied. Ka maha taku ngakau i te rongo o taku tuakana; My heart is pleased with the report of my elder brother. {First syllable very long.) - ' {E. C.) Maha, s. Abundance ; a multitude. Ekore ia e eke kite waka maori i te maha o ana taonga ; He will not go on board the native canoe in consequence of the abundance of his property.

Maha, a. Abundant. Maha, v. To be abundant. Ka maha nga kai o taua kainga ; The food of that place is abundant. Mahake, a. Small. He kuri mahake ; A small dog. Mahaki, s. A disease of the skin. Malaki, v. To cease, as the mind. Ka niahaki te hau ; The wind ceases.* Mahaku, pron. For me.

Syn. with Maku, (E. C.) Mdhana, s. Warmth; day. a. Warm. M&hana, v. To be warm. Na ona kaka ia i mahana ai; He was warm by means of his clothes.

Mahanatrniga, s. Warmth. Mtzhanga, s. A twin. Mali«nga ; A snare. Mahanga, v. To ensnare. Mahangatia te manu hei kai ma tatou ; Let the bird be ensnared as food for us. Mahtzra ? s. Thought. Mahara, a. Thoughtful. v. To think. Ka maharatia nga korero o Pahaka ka pouri an ; When the speech of Pahaka is thought upon I am gloomy. Mahtzro, v. To wonder. Syn. with Miharo. ( W.) Mah«w, s. A verandah.

Mahe, <s. A sinker for aft shing line. t v. To be clear, as the sky. Kua mahea mai te ua ; The rain is cleared off. To be clear, as the voice. Katahi ano ka mahea te reo ; Now for the first time the voice is clear. Maheahea, v. To hear indistinctly. E maheahea kau ana te tangata 9 ekore e rongo ; He perceives indistinctly, he does not hear. Maheno, s. An island. Maheno ; v. To untie.


Mahenoa te kirehe ; Let the dog be untied. (7L) Mahi, s. Work. Ekore koe e pai kite mahi ? Are you not disposed for work ? Mahi, a. Working. Mahi, v. To work. Pass. Mahia. Mahihore, v. To be flayed or peeled. Kua mahihore te hiako o te kapana; The skin of the potatoe is peeled. Mahimahi, s. A plant. {E. C.) Mahinga, ,y. Act of working ; the place where work has been done. Mahz’ti, v. To be consumed or

spent. Kua mahiti nga harakeke mo te ware ; The flax for the work of the house is spent. (E. C.) Mahoe, s. A tree. (Melicytus ramiflorus.) Miihoewao, s. A tree. Mahora, a. Straight; extended. He upoko mahora ; Straight hair. Mahore, v. To be peeled. Ka mahore te rakau; The stick is peeled.

Mtfhu, v. To be healed. Kua mahu te hiako o taku waewae; The skin of my leg is healed. Mahwa, v. To be raised up. Me ko, kia mahua ai nga pakiaka ; Let it be dug with a (( ko,” that the roots may be raised up. Mahz/ahwa, v. To rise up, as stones, when loose in a pavement. Kia kiki waenganui, kei mahua-

hua nga kowatu ; Let the middle be tight, lest the stones rise up.


Mahue, a. Left; forsaken. He kainga mahue ; A place forsaken. Mathue, v. To be left. Mahue rawa koe ; You are left far behind. Mahuetanga, s. Act or time of leaving. Mahunga, a. Mealy. He kapana mahunga tenei; This is a mealy potatoe. Mahunga, s. Hair of the head; the head.

Mahwra, v. To be uncovered. Ka mahura te umu ; The oven is uncovered. Mahurangi, s. Inside of a kumara. Mahzzri, <9. A young tree. Mahwta, v. To jump. Mahuta atu ki tarawahi; Jump to the other side. (2?.) Mai, ad. Hither. Haere mai ki konei ; Come hither (to this place.) Mai, s. A tree. Syn. with Matai. fDacrydiiim.') Muscles freed from the shell. Maia, s, Bravery.

Maia, a. Brave. He tangata maia ; A brave man. Maia, v. To be brave. Maiengi, v. To be raised up. Kia maiengi tena pito o te rakau ; Let that end of the tree be raised up. Maihe, s. A fence. (WA Maihea, s. A sinker for a fshing line.





Alzzihi, s. A verandah ; the facing boards of the roof of -\a native house. Mtzika, ad. Quietly. Me noho maika kite kainga; Sit quietly at the place. Mtzikaika, v. A plant of the orchis tribe. Mtzikwku, A finger or toenail. Mtzikzzkukarewarewa, s. A shellfish. Maz'mai, <?. A token. Hei maimai ardha ; As a token of love.

Maioha, .v. A token of regard. MaiorOj, .v. A bank in fortification. Maz’re ? A tree. (Mira salicifolia.) M«zreta c w«ke, s. A tree. (Eugenia maire.) Mmtai; .v. Iron. Maztizti, s. A youth. W Maka, a. Cast away. He mea maka ; A thing cast away. Maka, v. To cast; to throw; to put. E maka ana i nga kai kite

moana; He is throwing the food into the sea. <s*. Shyness. Koia ano te maka o te parera ; How great is the shyness of the duck. a. Shy ; afraid ; wild. He poaka maka te poaka o te ngahere; The pig of the wood is a wild pig. Makfl., v. To be wild or shy.

Makahi, .v. A wedge. Makahwri, s. A large stone. W Makaka, s. A certain shrub. A plant growing in pools. Makaka, a. Bent ; crooked. He mea makaka; A crooked thing. Makaka., v. Tobe bent; crooked. Makanga, s. Act or time oj throwing. Makara, v. To come. Kihai nga tangata o Pototi i makara mai ; Pototi’s men did not come. (E. C.)

Mflkari, v. To be small. Makari ake nei ano te rahi; The size is but small. Makarzri, s. Cold; winter. Mr/kar/ri, a. Cold. v. To be cold. Maktzro, v. To fall down. Kua makaro taku toki ; My axe has fallen down. (7?.) Makati, v. To be low water. Ka makau te tai; The tide is low. Makawe, .y. Hair.

Topea nga makawe o te porokaki; Let the hair of the back of the head be cut off. Makengo, v. To be wet. (/»’•) Makere, a. Fallen. Makere, v. To fall. Ku a makere toku kakahu i te ara; My garment fell on the road. Makerettznga., •?. Act or time of falling. MakereSvatu, a. Falling heavily. H




He ua makerewatu ; Heavy rain. Maki, s. A sick person. Maki, v. To have the trouble of. Mari ano kia u mai te poti te maki haere a hau kite tiki; It was well that the boat arrived that I might not have the trouble of fetching it. Makitaunu, v. To tease; to take hold of mischievously. He aha tau e makitaunu i aku mea ? Why are you taking hold of my things ? Mako, <y. A species of shark ; a shark’s tooth. Makoi, s. Cockle shells. Makoi, v. To be deceitful; to

tease. Ka tikina ka makoitia te tangata ; They go and tease the man. Mtzkokorori, A caterpillar. Mtzkomtzko, s. A tree. (Friesia racemosct.} Makt/wa, s. Indurated sand. Maktrwa, v. To be expanded, as a leaf; to be zintied. Kua makowa te kawe ; The strap is untied.

Mttku, pron. C° r me ' 1 ( By me. Maku tetahi wai; A little water for me. Maku e hanga he ware mou; By me shall a house be made for thee. Maku, s. Wetness. Mtzku, a. Wet. Mtzku, v. To be net. Aua ra e haere kei maku koe i te ua; Do not go lest you should be wet with the rain. Makurtznga, s. Wetness.

Makwru, v. To be abundant. Makaru, s. Abundance. Katahi te makuiu o te hue ; Great is the abundance of the melons Makutu, s. Witchcraft. Makutu, a. Bewitching. Makutu, v. To bewitch. Kua makuturia a Korokai e Tohitapu ; Korokai has been bewitched by Tohitapu. Mama, a. Light; not heavy. Mama, v. To be light. Ka mama tenei pikau ; This backload is light.

Mama, s. Leakage. (Both syllables short.) Mama, v. To leak. Ka mama ake te wai i te pakaru nei; The water leaks through this broken part. Mamzze, Pain. Kei taku mahunga te mamae; The pain is in my head. Mamae, a. Painful. Mamae, v. To be in pain. Mamzzetanga, Time of pain. Mamtzha, <?. Steam.

Ka puta te mamaha i raro i te wernia ; The steam comes forth from under the earth. Mamtzku., 5. A species of fern tree. Syn. with Korau. (E. C.) (W.) Mamaku., s. Name for a particular mode of working limber with the adze. Ka oti nga pou nei te mamaku ; These posts have been chipped. Mamao, s. Distance. Mamtzo, a. Distant.




Mamao, v. To be distant. Kia mamao te turanga mo tera ware; Let the side for that house be distant. Mam&oa, s. Steam. Kia puta te mamaoa, ka takina ai; Let the steam issue forth, then take it off. Mamoru, s. The sun ; the sail of a ship or canoe. s. Deceit. M&minga, a. Deceitful. Katahi ano te tangata maminga , ko koe ; You are a very deceitful, man.

v. To deceive; to tease. f For him or her. &lawLpron.< t> 7 • 7 1 ( By him or her. Mana e ma te tangata i kitea ai; Let it be spoken by by the man by whom it was seen. Maria, s. Power; influence. He tangata wai mana a Hongi ; Hongi was a man possessing influence. (Both syllables short.) Manaaki,*t>. To like ; to have respect for. Ekore taua tangata e manaakitia e Ngapuhi ; That man will not be respected by Ngapuhi. (E. C.) Manakanaka, v. To love; to

feel regard for a person who is absent. Ka manakanaka au ki aku hoa ka riro na ; I feel affection for my companions who are gone. To like. Pass. Manakohia. Ekore au e manako atu ki tera kainga; I shall not like that place. Manamiina, v. Topossesspower or influence.

Na nga pu i manamanangia ai nga tangata kite taua ; Through their guns the men were possessed of power for the war. Manana, v. To be bent up. Manana kau ana nga waewae; The legs are bent up. To nod the head. E manana mai ana ia ki au ; He is nodding to me. Syn. with Tungou. (E. C.) Manana, s. A fishing-rod. (-S-) Manatwnga, s. - A keepsake. Manawa, s. The belly.

Breath. Ekore e puta te manawa; The breath will not pass. Manawa, s. Mangrove tree. (Aricennia tormentosa.) Manawanzti, s. Stoutheartedness. Manawanwi, a. Stouthearted. Manawanwi, v. To bear up under pain or disappointment. Ekore au e manawanui i te nui o taku mamae ; I cannot bear up by reason of the greatness of my pain.

Manawapa, A desiring or longing after. v. To desire; to regret. E manawapa ana te tangata ki tona waka; The man feels regret on account of his canoe (which he has sold.) Manawapopore, 5. A desiring or longing after. Manawareka, s. Satisfaction. Manawareka, v. To be satisfied.


Katahi ano au ka manawareka ka riro mai te utu o toku kakahu ; I am now at length satisfied since the payment is given for my garment. Manene, <?. A stranger ; a per- ■ son driven from his home. Manga, s. Branch of a tree or river. A certain fish. Manga, s. Remains affuod. Ma wai e kai nga manga o tera hunga ? By whom will the scraps of those fellows be eaten ? (First syllable very long.}

Mangai, Mouth. Mangaro, a. Mealy. He kai mangaro te kumara ; The kumara is a mealy food. Mangaro, v. To be mealy. Mangemange, .v. A creeping fern. (Lygodium articulatum.') Mangenge, v. To be benumbed. Mangengenge, v. To make a crumping noise ; to be gritty. E mangengenge ana te piki ; The pig is gritty.

Mangeb, s. An itching. Mangeo, v. To itch. E mangeo ana te waewac ; The foot itches. Mangere, s. Laziness. M«ngere, a. Lazy. Ekore e utua te tangata mangere ; The lazy man will not be paid. Mttngere, v. To be lazy. Mangwngzo, s. A chilblain. Mtzngo, <?. A shark. Mtzngop&re, s. The hammerheaded shark-.


Mangu, s. Blackness. Mangu, a. Black. Mangu, v. To be black. Ka mangu nga kapua, ka pouri; The clouds are black, it is dark. Mangzmgunoa, a. Broken off. Mangangunoa, v. To be broken IVlangungunoa tona waewae i te takanga i runga i te hoiho; His leg was broken by the fall from the horse.

Mt/nia, s. A plain. Syn. with Raorao. (First syllable very long.) Mania, 5. Slipperiness. Mania, a. Slippery. Mania, v. To be slippery. To be on edge, as the teeth ; to be jarred. Ka mania aku niho ; My teeth are on edge. Ka mania aku taringa; My ears are jarred. Maniania, s. Noise. Maniania e ta ma ; What a noise you make. (E. C.)

Mttnihi, v. To cut; to pare, as with a spade. Me manihi te taha o te ara kia pai ai; Let the side of the road be pared that it may be good. (£. C.) ALziiihitf/nga, s. Act of cutting or paring. MtziiOj a. A thousand. Mtznu, v. To float. Kua manu te waka ; The canoc is afloat. Mtznu, y. A bird. (First syllable shorter than in the preceding word.) Mtznuhzrij s. A visitor.





Manuka, <y. A tree. Syn. with Kahikatoa. Manwkanzzka, <v. JAisqiiietude ; misgiving. Kahore he manukanuka o te haere ; There is no misgiving about the journey. Manumanu, s. Collar-bone. Manuranga, v. A floating; time of floating. Mao, v. T'o cease raining. Ka mao te ua, ka haere tatou ; The rain ceases, we will go. Maoa, a. Cooked.

Mtfoa, v. To be cooked. Kihai ata maoa ; It was not quite cooked. a. Cooked. M&oka, v. To be cooked. Kua maoka te ika ; The fish is cooked. (£. C.) M«om«o ; s. A fsh. M&ori, a. Native. He wai maori; Native water, or fresh water. He tangata maori; A native man. M&ori, v. def. You may infer. Maori koe kahore he kai o tenei

wahi; You may perceive there is no food in this place. s. A native comb. (£. C.) Mtzpau, s. A tree. Syn. with Tipau. s. A whizzing noise; a panting. Tangi ana te mapu i te omanga ; The panting sounds by reason of the running. Mtzpura, s. Fire. Mara, s. A cultivation. E mara ; Term of address to a man.

Marae, <y. An enclosure in a pa, belonging generally to one individual or family. Marakerake, a. Bare; bald. Marakerake, To be bald. Marama, <?. The moon; a month. Ka titi te marama ; The moon shines. Marama, s. Light. Marama, a. Light. Marama, v. To be light. Ka titi te atarau, marama tonu ; The moonlight shines, it is quite light.

M«ram«ra, j. A chip. Maramatanga, j. Light. Maranga, v. To rise up. Maranga tatou, e ta ma, ka ao te ra ; Let us rise up, the day dawns. Martzngai, s. North wind; a gale of wind. Marzzra, a. Spread abroad. Marzzra, v. To be spread abroad. Kua marara ke nga tangata ki o ratou mahinga ; The men are spread aboad to their places of work.

Maratea, s. A fsh. Marau, s. A fork made from the radius of the arm. Mare, <?. A cough. Mare, v. To cough. Marenga, s. Act or time of coughing. Mar ere, a. Fallen. Marere, v. To fall; to die. Kua marere taku tamaiti i te po nei; My child died last night.


Mareretanga, s. Act or time of i falling. Mari, v. impers. It was good, j Mari ano kia tae mai koe, i kite : ai koe i tenei tangata; It was a"! good thing you arrived, that you might see this man. Marie, v. To be quiet or appeased. Kua marie tona ngakau ; His heart is appeased. Marietanga, s. Quietness. Marz’ngi, a. Spilt.

Maringi, v. To spill. Kua maringi katoa nga ipu hinu; The calabashes of oil are all spilt. Maringihtznga, s. Act or time of spilling. Manno, j. A calm. Marino, a. Calm. Marino, v. To be calm. Aua ra e hoe aianei, kia marino te moana; Do not row to-day, let the sea be calm.

Mannoto, s. A calm. Marznotokitoki, s. A calm. Marz’pi, A knife. Marire, v. To be quiet or appeased. Syn. with Marie. Moto, a. Hard, ; resolute. Stretched. He mea maro ; A thing stretched. Moto, v. To be hard. To be stretched. Ka maro te paru o tenei wahi, me kau tu ; The mud of this part is hard, wade over. Motolb, Fern leaves.


Syn. with Rahurahu. i Marohirohg y. To be strong. \ Maroke, a. Dry. \ Maroke, v. To be dry. Maroke ki taku korokoro ; My throat is very dry. Maroketanga, s. Dryness. Mzzroro, s. A flying-jish. MarorOj, v. To be strong. Ekore pea koe e maroro aianei; You will not perhaps be strong to-day.

Mtzru, .y. Power. Na te maru i a ia koia matou i mataku ai; In consequence of his power we were afraid. M«ru ? s. A plant growing in pools. M«ru, a. Bruised ; sheltered. He walii maru ; A sheltered place. M«ru, v. To be killed; to be bruised. Kua maru ke nga poaka te tukituki; The pigs are killed by striking.

Maru, or 1 7 ‘;yTtyr >v. Tobe sheltered. Marumara, J Ka marumaru tenei kainga i nga rakau ; This place is sheltered with the trees. Marua, s. A grave ; a valley. Maruao, s. Dann of day. Hei te maruao ka haere ai tatou; We will go at the dawn of day. C.) Marutanga, s. Act of killing or bruising. i Mata, <y. A bullet; lead. ! Mata, £. The face; a surface. Point, as of a spear. ! Meshes of a net.



s. A fish. M«ta,m. Raw ; uncooked. He kai mata nga kai nei; This food is raw food. Matatzra, a. Watching. He kai mataara ; A person watching. M«ta«ra, v. To watch. Kia mataara koutou akuenei kei riro o koutou mea; Watch this evening lest your things should be gone. Mataaratanga, s. Act or time of watching.

Mtztai, a. Begging. He tangata m|tai; A beggar. Matai, v. To beg. Matai, s. A tree. Syn. with Mai. Matazka, s. The fir st person killed or taken captive. Naku te mataika ; The first person was taken by me. Mataztai., a. Salt. He kai mataitai te pipi; The cockle is a salt food.

Mataztai, s. Salt provision. Matakitaki., s. A looking about. Kua riro kite matakitaki; He is gone to look about. Matakitaki., a. Gazing. He kai matakitaki tenei i ta koutou mahi; This is a person gazing at your work. Matakitaki, v. To gaze. Matakoma, a. Swollen. He ringa matakoma ; A swollen finger. Mataku, s. Fear. Mataku, a. Afraid. Mataku, v. To be afraid.


Ka mataku koe ite aha ? What are you afraid of ? Pass. Matakuria ; To be feared. Ekore ia e matakuria e ona pononga; He will not be feared by his slaves. Mtztamtzta, s. Source. Kei nga matamata o te awa; At the sources of the river. A point or end ; a promontory. He kino no nga matamata i hoki ai te waka ra ; The canoe returned because the promontories were dangerous. (E. C.) A certain Jish ; the young of the nauhuri.

M&tamua, a. First. Koia te tamaiti matamua ; He is the first child. Mtztanga, a. Understanding ; skilful. Na nga matanga i hara mai i tapahi; The skilful persons came and cut it. (JE. C.) tanger eager e, v. To be benumbed ; to be cramped. Ka matangerengere taku ringa; My hand is benumbed. To be ashamed.

Matangi, 6*. Wind. ( Matangohi,, s. The first person killed or taken. Syn. with Mataika. Mtztangwrungz/rU; s. Numbness. Matangwrungz/ru, v. To be benumbed. Ka matangurunguru aku ringaringa ite kopeke; My fingers are benumbed through cold. Matao, Coldness. Matao, a. Cold. Mtztao, v. To be cold. Kia matao nga kumara, ka kai-





nga ai; Let the kumaras be cold, and they shall be eaten. Mataora, ad. While living. Kia kite mataora matou i a Tupe ; Let us see Tupe while alive. Mataora, <y. A wedge. Matapz'hi, v. A window. Matapo, s. A blind person. He matapo to ratou matua ; Their father is a blind man. Matapo, a. Blind.

Matapo, v. To be blind. Matapowri, A species of duck. Matara, a. Distant. Matara, v. To be distant. Kia matara atu te turanga mo te ware ; Let the site for the house be a little distance off. To be untwisted. Kua matara te taura ; The rope is untwisted. (E. C.) Mataratanga, s. Distance. Matarau, s. A forked, spear for fish.

Matarehe, s. A species of eel. Matarekereke, v. To be benumbed. Matata, a. Carried in a litter. He mea matata te tangata ra; The man was carried in a litter. Defended with a pad. He mea matata kite raupo kei tata iho nga koweka ; It was defended with raupo that the clothes might not touch. Matata, .s■. A shrub. Matata, v. To be split. Kua matata te kakau o te toki; The handle of the axe is split. Matatara, s. A dam for water. (TV.)

Matataze, v. To look anxiously forKia matatau koutou ki a matou; Keep a good look-out for us. Matatengi, .v. Thickness. Kia penei te matatengi o te kakahu; Let the thickness of the garment be like this. Matatengi, a. Thick. Matatengi, v. To be thick. Matau, s. A lAatau, a. Right. Kei te taha matau tear a ; The road is on the right side.

Mzztau, a. Understanding. He tangata matau; A man of understanding. Matau, v. To understand. Kahore au i matau ki ona wakaaro ; I have not understood his thoughts. Matauranga, s. Understanding, s. Source of a river. Mate, s. Sickness. • I au ano i Poahakena toku mate, a mohoa noa nei; My sickness came on while I was at PortJackson, and has continued until this time.

Mate, a. Sick. Mate, v. To be sick; io die. Matenga, <y. Death ; sickness; time of death. Matenga, The head. {First syllable longer than in the preceding word.) Matengatenga, v. To be sore or benumbed ; to be cramped. Matengi, a. Three. tf-t Matenwi, v. To love ; to be attentive to.




Kia matenui koe ki taku teina ; Be attentive to my younger brother. s. A spear. Mtztihtzo, s. A finger. Claw of a bird. (R.j Mtztihe, v. To sneeze. (E. C.) s. A fish-hook. Mtztika, v. To carry on a litter. Syn. with Kauhoa. Matzka, v. To rise up. Kua matika mai nga tangata ; The men have risen up.

Mtztikara, s. A fish-hook. A finger. Matiko, v. To descend. Matiko iho ki raro ; Come down. (2?.) Matikwkuj s. A finger or toenail. Mtztimati, s. A toe. Mtztitore, a. Split. Matitore, v. To be split. Kua matitore te rakau ; The tree is split.

Matoha, v. To be undone; to be untied. To be lost. (R-) Matoke, s. Cold. ' Motoke, a. Cold. Matoke, v. To be cold. Matomato, a. Strong ingrowth. Green. Matora, v. To be undone of untied. Kua matora te tau o te kaka ; The string of the garment is undone. (JE. C.)

Matorutoru, a. Benumbed. Mtttotoru, Thickness. Matotoru, a. Thick. Matotoru, v. To be thick. Kia matotoru nga toetoe mo te ware; Let the grass be thick for the roof of the house. Matou, pron. We: not including the person spoken to. Ko koe kia noho, ko matou e haere ; Do you remain, and we will go.

Matu, <y. Fat. Matwa, s. A parent. Matua, s. Plural form of the preceding word. E mea ana oku matua kia haere mai koe kia kite i a raua ; My parents say that you should come and see them. Mataa, s. A company ofpeople ; division of an army. Kotahi anake matua i uru kite tatauranga ; Only one division took part in the engagement. Matua, ad. First. Matua ano tenei e hanga; Let this be made first. *

Mr/tuak?/mara, s. A plant. ( Geranium.) Matuatwa, <?. A species of eel. Mtttukuj s. A bird. Matukuhwrepo, s. A bird. M&tukutwku, s. A bird. A species of moss. Matwtu, v. To be well; to be convalescent. Ka matutu te mate o te turoro; The complaint of the sick man is better.




Mau, tV. Productions of the earth. He man pai nga mau o tenei kainga ; The productions of this place are good. Mau, v. To carry. Pass. Mauria. E mau ana i nga hoe kite waka ; He is carrying the paddles to the canoe. Mau v. To be fast. Kia mau te kuri te here ; Let the dog be tied fast. > t.' ? / S > -»»- f For thee. Mau,pron. -j/j,, Mau e urungi te kaipuke ; Let the ship be steered by thee

v. def. You may perceive. Mau koe kahore he kai o tenei kainga; You may perceive there is no food in this place. M&ua., pron. We two. Ma maua tetahi kai ; A little food for us two. Mtfualmra.) s. Hatred. Mm/ah6zra> a. Bearing hatred. He tangata mauahara; A man bearing hatred. v. To hate ; to retain a hostile feeling. E mauahara tonu ana taua ta-

ngata ki au ; That man always bears enmity towards me. Maweheke, v. To separate from one another. Ka maueheke nga waka; The canoes are separating. M«uatara| v. To be on one side. Mtzui, a. Left. Ka tae kite pekanga o te ara me haere ki maui; When you arrive at the turn of the road go to the left. Mawiwi, .v. Weariness.

v. To be wearied. Ka mauiui aku pokohiwi i te wahie ; My shoulders are weary with the firewood.

a. Ury. (#•) Mflzzkoro, A tree. (Carmichaelia australis.) Mzzwkuj s. A plant. Mawkmzku., <s■. A plant. Mazzmau., s. Waste. Hei aha tenei maumau ? For what was this waste ? Maz/mau, a. Wasteful. He tangata maumau taonga ia; He is a man wasteful of property.

Mawmau, v. To waste. Pass. Maumauria. Aua koe e maumau i nga kai; Do not waste the food. M^z/mau ? ad. To no purpose. Maumau kake noa a hau ki runga kite taepa ; I climbed up the fence to no purpose. M&z/nga., s. A mountain. Act of carrying. Fastness.

MazznUj A bait. He aha te maunu mo te wapuku ? What is the bait for the cod-fish ? v. To come out, as the handle of an axe ; to be pulled of, as a garment. Ka maunu nga kakahu, ka rere kite wai; The clothes are pulled off, and then they jumped into the water. 6*. Act of coming out; act of pulling of Mazzranga., s. Act of carrying. Ho mai tetahi utu mo taku mauranga i te pukapuka ; Give

& me a payment for carrying the letter.


M/rari, s. The heart. Ka oho taku mauri i te puhanga o te pu ; My heart jumped at the firing of the gun. Tukua he kakei oho mauri nga tangata o te kainga ; Let a messenger be sent ? lest the hearts of the people of the place startle. M&urzzru., v. To diminish. Ka mauiuru te mamae; The pain is diminished. Maz/tarakmi., v. To be held by one end. l&aute) s. Fire.

Ka ka te maute ; The fire burns. wM« c wai, s. A creeping plant. (Sicyos australis A a. Broken. Ma f w«ki, v. To be broken. Kua mawaki taku ngira; My needle is broken. Ma f watu, a. Curly. He upoko mawatu ; A curly head. Ma f wera, j. Mouth. (#•)

Mawete, v. To be untied. Kua mawete te kawe ; The straps are untied. Maweto, v. To be untied. Ka maweto nga tau o toku kakahu ; The strings of my garment are untied. Ma*wzti, v. To leap ; to skip. Ma^wzti*wzti, s. A grasshopper. Me, conj. If. Tirohia te ware me kahore i reira; Let the house be searched to see if it is not there. And. Ka pau anake nga ware, me nga taonga katoa i roto; The houses

are quite consumed, and all the property in them.


JL JL Me, A particle prefixed to verbs, and signifying ‘must’ Me haere koe ; You must go. Mea, v. To speak ; to do; to think. Pass. Meatia. Ka mea a hau kua riro koe; I thought you were gone. Mea, s. A thing. Me«ke, ad. Soon. Meake au taka ina ka pake te rakau nei; I shall soon fall since the tree cracks.

Meanga 5 <?. Act of speaking or doing. Meatingza, v. To be said; to be done. Meatingia atu ki to rangatira; Let it be told to your master. Mehameha, v. To be solitary. Mehameha kau ana tenei wenua ; This land is solitary. Mcliemca, cony. If. Mehemea ka tohe koe ekore e ho atu ; If you tease it will not be given to you.

Memga, v. To be said ; to be done. Pass. (with the same meaning) Meingatia. Mekameka, s. A chain. Mektzri, ad. Within a little. Mekari tatou mate; We were dead within a little. s. Pounded fernroot. Meko, v. To be stingy ; to withhold. Kameko te tangata i tana waka; The man is withholding his canoe.





Mekorfe, ad. Within a little. Mekore tahuri te poti ; The boat was upset within a little. Memeha, v. To dissolve; to be consumed. Kua memeha ke te haupapa i te witinga ote ra ; The ice is dissolved by the shining of the sun. Mene, v. To be assembled. Kua mene mai nga tangata o te kainga; All the men of the place are assembled. Menemene, v. To hackle. To cough. Menemene ana waiora, ka kata; The head coughs, it laughs.

Menenga, Act or time of assembling. Mere., s. An implement if war made of stone. Meromerozti, a. Very small. He meromeroiti kau te mate ; The sickness is very trifling. Meto, s. Putrid fish. Meto, v. To be putrid. Ka metoa nga tawatawa; The mackerel are putrid. Miha, j. Wonder. Mz’ha, v. To wonder. Mih«ro, s. Wonder.

Mihtzro., a. Wonderful. He mahi niiharo te mahi a te pakeha; The work of the foreigner is a wonderful work. Mzharo, v. To wonder. Mzhi, s. A sigh. Mzhi, v. To sigh. Ahkara, .y. A knife. Mzko, s. A tree. Syn. with Nikau.

Mzmiha, <y. A black bituminous substance found in the sea. A whale. (E. C.) Alhnzti, v. To be dried up. Kua mimiti te wai o te repo; The water of the swamp is dried up. Mimztitanga, s. Act or time of drying up. s. Desire. Mmaka, v. To desire. E minaka ana taku waha kite kai nei ; My mouth waters for this food. M/naimna, s. Desire.

Minamina, v. To wish for. Minamina ana taku kaki kite kai reka ; My throat wishes for the sweet food. Mine, v. To be assembled. Minenga, s. Act or time of assembling. Mingi, <s'. A tree. (Cyathodes acerosa.) Mingomingo, a. Curly ; twisted. Mingomingo, v. To be curly. Ka mingomingo te mura o te ahi; The flame of the fire is curly.

Mzri\ a. Rubbed; shelled. Hei kanga miri anake te hokona ana ; Shelled com only is purchased. Miri., v. To rub ; to shell. Kia miri kau to tatou waka i te taha o te toka ; Let our canoe graze the side of the rock. Mzringa, s. Act of rubbing. Miro, <9. A tree. (Podocarpus ferruginea.) Miro, s. Thread.




Mzro, v. To make thread or string. Miroa he aho hi ika ma tatou ; Let a fishing-line be made for us. MzromzrOj) s. A bird. Mztiimti, v. To lick. Pass. Mitikia. E mitimiti ana te kuri i nga toenga ; The dog is licking the remains of the food. Mitimztikanga, <9. Act of licking. Mo, prep. For. Me raranga he kete mo nga kai; Let a basket be made for the food.

Moa, s. A bed in a garden. A certain stone. Name of a bird of gigantic size, of which the bones only are found at the East Cape, and farther south. Moana, s. Sea. Moata, v. To be early. Kia moata te haere ite ata; Let the departure be early in the morning. (2?. C.) Moe, s. Sleep ; a dream. Oho noa ake a hau i te moe ka pakaru mai; As I started up from sleep they made their appearance.

Moe, v. To sleep ; to dream. Ekore a hau e moe akuenei i te mataku ; I shall not sleep to-night through fear. Moenga, s. Act or time of sleeping. . A bed. Warikitia he moenga ma tatou ; Let a bed be prepared for us. Moeone, s. A species of grub. Moetitore, v. To sleep wake-

Moetorop«ku,i). To sleep wakefully. Mohflni, s. Fernroot. Moheke, s. Thick fernroot. Mohi; s. A Jish. s. Understanding ; discernment. Mohioj a. Intelligent; discerning. Mohio, v. To understand. Kahore au i mohio kite reo pakeha ; I do not understand the language of the foreigner.

Mohiotanga, <?. Understanding ; intelligence. Molio, s. A bird. Moho, <?. A stupid person. Mohoa, ad. To the present time. I au ano i Pohakena a mohoa noa nei taku mate; My sickness began while I was at Port-Jack-son, and has continued to the present time. Mohotzo, s. A bushman ; a man of the woods. Mohoku, pron. For me.

Moioio, v. To be small in growth. Moioio ana te tupu ; The shoot is small in growth. j Moka, s. End; extremity. Kei tera moka o te pa tona ware ; His house is at that end of the village. „ Mokai, <?. A poor man. ■ Mokmkai, s. A dried human head; a bird or reptile kept as a curiosity. Mokamoka, v. A species of lizard.




Moke, s. A solitary person. He moke taua tangata, e noho ana ko ia anake i tona kainga ; That man is a solitary person, he is living alone at his place. Mokeliu, s. White claystone. Mokemoke, v. To he solitary. Moki, s. A canoe made of flags or rushes. A certain fish.

Mokihi, s. A canoe made of flags or rushes. C.) Mokimokij A plant. Moko, s. The marks called tattoo on the face and other parts of the body. Mokomokrti, .s'• A dried human head. Syn. with Mokaikai. Mokomoko, s. A species of lizard.

s. A grandchild. Moko f witi, A jump. Mbko f wzti, v. To jump. Moku, pron. For me. Momi, v. To suck. Ka momia te wai o te tawara; The juice of the fruit tawara is sucked. J Mominga, s. Act or time of sucking. Momipu, v. To be less in size. Momipu te kaitaka i te paraikete ; The mat is less than the blanket. ® Memo, <?. Offspring. He momo pakeha tenei; This is the offspring of a foreigner. Momoe, a. Sleepy.

Ka tahi te tangata momoe ko koe ; What a sleepy man you are. Momoe., v. To blink ; to mink. Ka momoe nga kanohi i te kawa ote pititi; The eyes blink from the sourness of the peaches. Momolionga, .y. Offspring; the survivors of a slaughtered tribe.

Momona, Fat; rich ; fertile. He wenua momona; Richland. Momona, v. To be fertile. Momonat&nga, s. Richness; fertility. Kua pau te momonatanga o te oneone; The richness of the soil is consumed. Momote, ad. Clandestinely. Kua pau te rahui a Pahi te kai momote ; The preserve of Pahi has been eaten clandestinely. Momoto, v. To box. Pass. Motokia.

Momotu, <y. A piece of firewood partly consumed. Momotu, v. To sever ; to separate. \_Vid. Motu.J Mona, s. A knot of a tree. Ki te mea he mona to te rakau me wakarere ; If the tree has knots reject it. Mona, pron. For him. Monehu, s. The first sprout of fern. Monenehu, s. A species of kumara. Momama, s. Fear. Kia hemo te moniania o te patu ; Let the fear of the weapon be over. Monimoninoa, v. To be consumed. Monimoninoa nga kumara o




taku rua i te kiore ; The sweet potatoes of my store are consumed by the rats*

Mono, v. To plug up ; to calk. Ho mai he toki hei mono i te pakaru ; Give me an axe to plug the leak with. Monomono, a. Unpleasant to the smell. Monomono, v. To smell unpleasantly. More, <y. A variety of the kauri tree, of which the wood is red in colour.

A fish. Morehu, s. Remains of an army or tribe which has been ent of Moremore, v. To make bald or bare. Kua moremorea tera taha o te rakau ; That side of the tree has been made bare. Moremorenga ; s. End or extremity of anything. Te moremorenga o te ihu ; The extremity of the nose.

Morere, <9. A swing. Morewa, v. To be afloat. Kia morewa atu to tatou waka ki waho ; Let our canoe be afloat farther out. Morz'rorzro, v. To appear ; to be in sight. Moriroriro kau ake i roto i te wai; It only just appears above the water. Morozti, a. Small. Morozti, v. To be small. Mororzki, a. Small. Mororohzz, s. A flea.

Morunga, v. To be up ; to be high. Kua morunga mai te ra; The sun is up. Mote, <9. Water. Kia maha nga kai kite mote ; Let there be plenty of food put into the water. ( W.)

Mote., v. To suck. Ekore e motea te u o tona koka i te nui o te mate ; The breast of its mother is not sucked from the violence of its sickness. (E. C.) v. To be placed high. Kia motengi te kai ki runga kei pau ; Let the food be placed high up that it may not be consumed. Motij, v. To be consumed. Tuku rawa matou ki o matou kai kua moti; When we went for our food it was consumed. ( W.) Act of begging. Motiro., a. Begging. He tangata motiro te tangata nei; This man is a beggar.

Motiro, v. To beg. Moto, s. A blow with the fst. MotOj v. To box; to strike with the fst. Pass. Motokia. Motor, s. Act of begging. Motoi, a. Begging. Motoij v. To beg. Motu ? s. An island; a cut; a rent. Motu, a. Severed. MotUj v. To be severed or separated. Kua motu ke te ringaringa te kok4ti ; The finger is quite severed by cutting.




Pass, (form of Momotu,) Motuhia. 'XMotuhia etahi pukapuka ma Ngatiawa ; Let some books be separated for Ngatiawa. Motuhzmga, .v. A piece severed; the act of separating. Motuhrznga. a. Mealy ; floury. He roi motuhanga ; Floury fernroot. MoU; pron. For thee. Mou te wakaaro ; The thought is for thee; i. e., It is for thee to think. A half-burnt stick. Mowai, v. To water in the

mouth. Ka mowai taku waha ; My mouth waters. Mo‘'wit i, s. Hoop of a cask. Mo'witi, v. To jump. Mua, ad. Before. Ko tenei ki mu a ko tera hei muri; Let this be before and that behind. M?/anga, *9. An elder person; one who comes before another. Kei mua ia i a hau, ko taku muanga hoki ia; He is before me, for he was my elder..—John i. 15.

M whore, s. A person unsuccessful in fishing. (W.) Mwhu, a. Overgrown, fyc., witir bushes. He ara muhu ; A road overgrown with bushes. Mwhu, v. To travel through the bushes where there is no path. Pass. Muhua. Mwhunga, s. Act or time of travelling through bushes.

v. To surround. Mui noa ohu noa te tuiau ; The fleas are surrounding us on every side. Mwinga, .y. Act of surrounding. <v. Flax. Mtzkumtzku, v. To wipe; to rub. Pass. Mukua. Me muku te papa nei kite kakahu ; Let this board be wiped with a cloth. Mwmwhau, s. An eddy wind. Ka puta te mumuhau ka tahuri te waka ; If an eddy wind comes the canoe will be upset.

Mumwra, v. To flame. Mwramz/ra, s. Aflame. Mwna, s. Ringworm. Mzzna, v. To say ; to speak treacherously. Na te tangata nei i muna kia patua ; The word was given by this man that he should be killed. Mwra, v. To flame. Kia mura te ahi; Let the fire flame. Murez, v. To plunder. Hoki atu ka murei; When you go back you will plunder. Murez’nga., s. Act of plundering. Mzzri, ad. Behind.

Kei muri a Patu, ekore e kaha te haere ; Patu is behind, he is not strong enough to walk. Mwri, j. A breeze of wind. Mwrikokai, s. Back part, of the head. Mwringa, s. A younger relative; one who comes after. Mwritai, s. A sea breeze.




Mwriwai, .?• Mouth of a river. Mz/ru, s. A plundering. Mz/ru, a. Plundering. He kai muru ; A plunderer. Mzzru, v. To plunder. Kua murua te kainga o Tipitaha; Tipitaha’s abode has been plundered. Mzzrunga, s. Act or time of plundering. Mz/tu, v. To be finished. Kua mutu te mahi; The work is done. Mzztunga, .v. End; termination. Ko te mutunga tenei o te mahi; This is the end of the work.


Na, int. Behold ! Na, ad. There. Ka haere tahi na raua ; There they go. Na, prep. By. Na Wiro tenei mahi ; This work is done by Wiro. Na, v. To be satisfied. Tangohia tenei kakahu kia na ai ton ngakau ; Take this garment that your heart may be satisfied. Nairne, v. To be quick. Nahea, v. To be long in point of time. Ka nahea te ngaronga atu o Moka ; The absence of Moka is long. Nflhiruzlii, <9. A plant.

Syn. with Panahi. Njzkhmki., .y. A plant. Ntzku, pron. l Of m€ - ( By me. Naku tenei pukapuka ; This book is of me ; i. Aline. Naku i kawe mai tenei pouaka ; This box was brought hither by me. Nakunaku, v. To split ; to cleave.

Nakunakua te wahie ; Let the wood be split. ( W.) i Namu, s. A sand-fly. Nana., Behold! 1 xt f Of him or her. TIN ana, nron.< A ~ , 1 ( By him, or her. Nana, v. To be mischievous. Nana noa ana kite tutu ware mana; He is mischievous in setting fire to the house. i Nanaliu, v. To be carved well; to be beautiful. Nanahu ana te wakairo o te hanga nei; The ornament of this work is beautiful.

Nanakz’a, A pest; an annoyance. Nmiak/a, a. Teasing; angry. Gnawing, as pain. Ka tahi ano taku tangata nanakia ko koe ; You are a veryteasing man. Nant/ku, v. To dig. Pass. Nakuhia. Nantzoj, v. To pull out, as from a bag or hole. Ka naomia te tuna i te puta ; The eel is pulled out of the hole. Ntzne., s. A clog. Nanenane, s. Totten kumara. («•) K




s\ Wild cabbage; Sweedish turnip. Ntfiii, v. To be noisy. Ko wai te iwi e nani mai ra ? Who are the people who are noisy yonder ? (E. C.) Namhiyr. To be distant. Kua nanihi noa atu te haere a Titore ; Titore is gone a long way on his journey. (JE. C.) N&mi, a. Mixed; confused. He reo nanu te reo o te pakeha nei; The speech of this foreigner is mixed., or confused. NdzntL, v. To be mixed.

Nanunga, s. Act of mixing. Naomanga, s. Act or time of pulling out. lAaonao, s. A small moth. Nape, s. A fishing-line. Nape, v. To pull up a line out of the sea. Ka man te ika napea, kia kaha te nape ; When the fish is caught let the line be pulled up : pull strongly.

<?. Act of pulling up. Act of weaving. A piece of work which has been woven. (#•) Ntztp v. To tie up raupo in constructing the walls of a house. Tokohia nga tangata i natiia ai te ware nei ? How many are the men by whom the raupo of this house was tied ? Natintzti, or 1 t). J’o fee tight or Nanati, J constricted. Ka natinati taku korokoro ; My throat is constricted. Nfltu, v. To scratch.

Pass. Natuhia. N&tulitf ngaj s. Act of scratching. a. Scratching. He kararehe natunatu ; A dog which scratches up the ground. XT J Of thee. Nau, pron. -* Nauhwri, s. Afresh waterfsh. Natimai, v. Come hither: a mode of salutation. (W 7 -)

Nawnau, s. Act of taking up. Kihai taea te naunau ; It could not be taken up ; or, The taking up was not practicable. Nazznau, v. To take up. Naupzro, s. A plant. Nzzwe, <y. A scar. lAawe, v. To burn. Meake nawe to kakahu ; Your garment will burn. Nawenga,' s. Place or time of burning. A scar.

Ne, ad. Whether. Ko koe te haere ? ne ? You will go ? will not you ? Nehe, s. A rafter of a house. W Nehenehe, A wood. (W.) Nehu, Dust. Nei, ad. Here, in sight. E haere nei ra a Tohu ma; Tohu and bis party are going here. Neznei, A tree. fDracophyllum latifolium.) Neke, .v. A skid upon which canoes are dragged into the sea. A canoe.




Neke, v. To move. Pass. Nekehia. Neke atu koe ki tawiti; Move off to a distance. Neko, s. A mat. Nekuneku, v. To decline, as the sun. Ka nekuneku te ra, ekore tatou e tae; The sun is declining, we shall not reach the place. f -'i £ - O C. . Nga, A particle used in forming the plural number of substantives. Ngaehe, s. Tide. Kua tokari te ngaehe ; The tide has ebbed. (7?.)

Ng&eki, s. A swamp. Ngaeki, v. To yield ; to be soft. Ka takahia te pukorukoru ka ngaeki noa; If the rotten wood be trod upon it yields. Ngaengae., s. The heel. Ngtzeri, v. To yield; to be soft to the touch. To shake, as the ground when hollow. Ka ngaeri a raro o te wenua; The earth underneath shakes.

Ngahae, v. To tear. Ka ngahae toku kakahu ; My garment is tearing. s. A native dance. Ngahehe, v. 'To make a rustling noise. Ngahere, s. A wood. Ho atu tatou kite ta karaka i te ngahere ; Let us proceed to gather karaka from the wood. s. Headach. Ngahoro, v. To drop off. To be abundant.

Kua ngahoro te hua o te paukena ; The fruit of the pumpkin is abundant. Ngahoro, ad. Upwards, in point of number. Erua rau ngahoro ; Two hundred and upwards. Ngozngai, s. A spec ies of shellfish. Syn. with Kokota. Ngr/io, s. A tree. ( Myoporum Icetum.) Ngaiore, s. A small fresh water fsh.

Ngtzkau, s. The heart. E awangawanga ana te ngakau ; The heart is anxious. Ngtzke, s. Middle of a fishingnet. Ngtzki, v. To dig; io cultivate. Pass. Ngakia. Ngzzkihi; s. A shell-fish. ( Patella.) A rock oyster. Syn. with Tio. Ngakinga, s. A cultivation. Ng«ko, s. Fat. Ngakoikoi, <y. A fish.

Ngakwru, v. To fall, as fruit from a tree. Ka ngakuru te pititi ; The peach falls down. Nganga, Noise. Kati te nganga ; Make less noise. A stone. Hail. Nganga, v. To make a noise. Ngangaliu, a. Sharp. Ngangahu, v. To grin.




E ngangahu mai rate tangata; The man is grinning. (jE. C.) Ngang&na, a. Red. He rakau ngangana te totara; Totara is a red wood. Ngzzngarangi-, <?. A species of potatoe. Ngang6zre ? v. To quarrel. Kihai puta mai penei kua ngangare ke ; He did not make his otherwise we should have quarrelled. v. To be pierced through.

Ngao, <s'- Palate of the mouth. A corner ; a projection. Meake waruhia nga ngao o te rakau ; The corners of the timber will be planed presently. A sprout. Heoi te roroa ote ngao; The length of the sprout was like this. Ngaoki, v. To creep ; to crawl. E ngaoki mai rate ttiroro ; The sick man is crawling along. Ngaoko, s. An itching. Tau kahore o te ngaoko o te tuiau ; What an itching the fleas make. Ngaoko, v. To itch.

Ngtzongaq, <£. A shell-fish. Ngaot?/j s. Name for a peculiar manner of working timber with an adze. He ngaotu tenei tarai ; This mode of chopping is ngaotu. (E. C.) NgYzraliu, <s. A black pigment. A war dance. Turia te ngarahu; Let the dance be commenced. Thought; consideration ; counsel.

He ngarahu he i mate ai te taua ; Wrong counsel was the reason the army was worsted. To be thoughtful; to take counsel. ,y. A war dance. A shellfish. Ngtzrara., A reptile. Ngtzre, v. 'To send. Ngarea mai he tangata hei tiki i au ; Let a man be sent to fetch me. (W.)

Ngareng-a, 6*. Act of sending. (>.) v. def It is better. E ngari tenei i tera ; This is better than that, Ng&ring&rk/., s. Shame. Ka mate au i te ngaringaria i te pakeha kore ; I am affected with shame because I have no foreigner to live with me. Ng&iO;, s. The common meat fly* ' Ngr/ro, a. Out of sight. Unintelligible.

He mea ngaro ; A thing not to be understood* Ngtzro, v. To be certain. E ngaro ia ka tohe koe ka mate; It is certain if you persist you will die. To be out of sight. To be forgotten. Ekore e ngaro tona ahua ; His likeness will not be forgotten. Ngttronga, .y. Circumstance oj being out of sight or lost. Ngtzru, <?. A wave. Ngtzrue, v. To shake. Ngarue ana te rakau i te omanga ote kuri; The tree shakes from the running of the dog.




Ngarungtti’lb v. To be rough, as the sea. Ka ngarungaru te moana aianei ka tahuri te waka; If the sea is rough to-day the canoe will be upset. Ngtzruru., s. Headach. A shell-fish. Ngaruru, To be affected with headach. Ngt/ta, A snail; a leech. v. To be satisfied; to be appeased. Ka ngata taku ngakau ; My heart is satisfied.

To be dry. Ka ngata te wahie nei i roto i te kapura ; This firewood is dry in the fire. a. One. (#•) Syn. with Tahi. s. A split ; a cleft. E nui haere ana te ngatata o te wenua; The cleft of the earth is growing larger. v. To be split; cleft; chapt. Ka ngatata taku waewae; My leg is chapt. v. To crackle.

Ngau, s. A plundering. E te ngau pea i te kainga o Te Tawa ; He is returned perhaps from plundering the abode of Te Tawa. (IF.) Ngau., v. To bite. Pass. Ngaua. E ngau ana te kuri i te weua; The dog is gnawing the bone. To plunder. . Ngawengawet«nga, .y. Act of shaking.

Ngawewe, v. To shake, as a table.—At the East Cape it is simply Ngaue. Kiata ngaue ; Do not shake so much. <s'. Act of shaking. Ngrtzznga, s. Act of biting. Ngfl/wu, <y. A bulrush. [_A part of the word

Sulphur. Ngzrwa., v. To be split. Kua ngawa te upoko ; The head is split. Ngaw&ki, v. To sit down. Kua ngawaki atu nga turi ki raro ; The knees have or sat down. NgaSvOTa,, v. To crumble. Ngawara noa te kamaka nei i te akinga o te wahie ; This stone has crumbled from the blow of the firewood. a. Soft. Quick.

He oneone ngawari tenei; This is soft earth. He haere ngawari • A quick walk. Ngawari, v. To be soft. To be quick. Kia ngawari te hoa ; Let the rowing be quick. Ngawaritanga, <?. Circumstance of being quick, or soft. Nga f watanga, s. Act of splitting. Ngaweki, v. To creep, as an insect. Nga'were, y. pieces; to crumble.


Ekore e ngawere te kowatu nei; This stone will not break. Nea f we ( we, a. Torn; worn out. Nga‘we‘we ? v. To he worn out. Kua ngawewe toku kakahu ; My garment is worn out. Ngawi, v. To go. Ka ngawi noa te tangata ki tawiti; The man goes to a distance. To squeal. Na wai te kuri e ngawi mai nei ? Whose dog is that squealing ? Ng« f wingtz f wi, v. To be torn ; to be worn out.

Ngawzri, a. Ten. Nge, s. Noise. Ngei; s. A Jish. s. Weariness. Kahore au i tae atu i te ngenge ; I did not arrive through weariness. Ngenge., v. To be weary. v. To make a noise. Ngengeri, v. To grunt. Ngengetij s. A shell-fish. Ngerengere.,,?. Property ; goods. Syn. with Taonga. C.)

Ngeri, s. A rough native mat. Ngeru, s. A cat. Ngetangeta, s. A worn -out mat. Ngete, v. To express surprise or regret. Ngza, v. impers. It seemeth. E ngia ano i tawiti koe, ina te rangona taku karanga; It seems as though you are come from a distance, since you did not hear my call. Ngzha, s. Fire.


Tahuna he ngiha ; Let a fire be kindled. Ngiha, v. To burn. Kia ngiha ta tatou ahi; Let our fire burn. Ngihangiha, v. To be full. Ngihangiha noa te awa i te rakau ; The river is full of trees. Ngihangiha noa te mangai o te tamaiti; The mouth of the child is full. Ngihongiho, s. Small potatoes. Ngingio, v. To be withered; shrivelled. Kua ngingio nga parareka; The potatoes are shrivelled.

To laugh. Ka ngingio noa nga tamariki; The children are laughing. Ngzo, v. To become extinct; to go out. Kua ngio te kora; The fire is gone out. Ngita, v. To bring ; to carry. Ngita atu te mea nei; Let this thing be carried away. To be fast. Patua te wao, kia ngita; Let the nail be struck, let it be fast. (/?.)

s. An eel. Ngohe, «s. Strength. Syn. with Ngoi. a. Strong. He tangata ngohengohe ; A strong man. Pliable; supple. (E.C.) v. To be pliable; to be supple. Kawea nga aka nei kite wai kia ngohengohe ai; Let the aka be carried to the water that it may be supple. (E. C.)





Ngohi, <?. A general name for fish. Ngolwwe, .$•. A species qf eel. Ngoi, s. Strength ; energy: applied to man. Ngoingoi, s. An old woman. Ngoki, v. To creep. Syn. with Ngaoki. Ngokinga, s. Act or time qf creeping. Ngoiro, <y. A species of eel. Ngongengonge. s. A lame man ; a cripple. Ngongi, s. Water. (W.) Ngongo, <?. A sick person. Ngongo, v. To sail close to the wind.

Ngongo tonu to tatou poti; Our boat sails close to the wind. To waste away ; to grow thin. E ngongo ana aku waewae i te mate; My legs are growing thin through sickness. v. To drink through a hollow reed. Ngongolie, v. To be withered. Kua ngongohe te rau o te puka ; The leaf of the cabbage is withered. NgongorOj, s. Snoring. Ngongoro ? t>. To snore; to grunt. Ngongoro ana te ihu o te poaka ; The nose of the pig snores. Ngongotu, s. Wood half burnt. Ngorangora, s. Small kumara. (W.) Ngore, s. A native mat. (Rd) Syn. with Tatata. Ngorengore, orl v , To be soft; J to be pliable.

Ngoringori, .y. A small black eel. Ngoronga, s. A shellfish. Ngote> s. A small potatoe. NgotOj s. Head. Ngoto, v. To be deep. Kia ngoto te hoe ; Let the paddle be deep in the water. Ngotonga, s. Depth. Ngotunootu, s. A burning coal. Ngozmgou, .y. A burning coal. (W.) Ngo?/ru?/ru, a. Fen. Ngouruuru kau ake nga rakau i mahue ; The trees which were left were few. Ngu, .v. Squid ; animalculoe in the sea. Mark of tattoo on the upper part of the nose.

Ngwngu, v. To gnaw. Ngungwu, <?. Noise. Ngungz/ru, v. To make a noise. Ngt/nu, s. A worm. Ng?/tu, s. Lip; the brim of a vessel. Ngwtu&wa, s. Mouth of a river. Ngz/tuktzo, s. A fish. Niao, s. Gunwale of a canoe or boat. Niho, <?. A tooth. E hawareware ana te mangai, piri tonu ki nga niho ; The mouth is clammy, it sticks to the teeth. Nzkau, s. A palm tree. (Areca sapida.) Nz’ko, v. To tie. Me niko mai te wakaeke; Let the rope be tied.




Ninzhi, v. To slink; to steal away. Ninihi ke ana te tangata ki tahaki; The man steals away to one side. Niu, <y. Conjuring sticks. No, prep. From ; belonging to. No Rewa tenei kainga ; This place belongs to Rewa. No, ad. When. No ka tae matou kite kainga ; And when we arrived at the place. Noa, a. Common ; of no worth ; of no consequence. He mea noa ano ; It is a thing of no consequence.

Noa., v. To be common ; in opposition to that which is sacred. Kua noa te kai o to matou kainga ; The food of our place is common. ad. In vain ; to no purpose. Maumau kake noa a hau i runga i te taepa ; I climbed up the fence to no purpose. Circumstance or time of being common. Nohinohi., s. Smallness. Ano te nohinohi o te kaipuke. nei; Slow excessive is the small-

ness of this ship. a. Small. v. To be small. Nohinohi rawa te wahi o te mara ka oti te ngaki; The portion of the garden which has been cultivated is very small. Nolio, s. Sitting ; living. Hei konei e ta ma, kia pai te noho; Good my let your living (or your life) be good.

Noho, v. To sit; to occupy ;to live. Pass. Nohoia. E noho ana koe ki hea ? Where are you living ? Nohoia tenei wahi e koutou ; Let this place be occupied by you. Nohotznga., s. Act, time, or place of sitting. A seat. Tenei he nohoanga mau ; There is a seat for thee.

Noi, v. To hang up. To rest upon ; to lie. Te maunga e noi mai, rere ; The mountain which lies there. E noi mai ra to kakahu i runga i te pataka; Your garment hangs there upon the store-house. Noinga, s. A place upon which anything hangs, or upon which it lies. (W.) Noko,s. Stern of a canoe. i f From me. J\oku, vron.\ , ■ , 1 ( Belonging to me. Noku tenei kakahu ; This garment belongs to me.

-» T f From him. ona, pron. p e i on gi n gf o hi m . Nona nga toto i maringi i tenei wahi; From him was the blood which was spilt in this place. Nonahea., ad. From what time; when. Nonaianei, ad. To-day. Nonahea ia i mate ai ? Nonaianei; When did he die ? To-day. Non«kuara ? ad. A little while ago. Nonam«ta, at/. A long time ago. Nonanahi, ad. Yesterday.




Nonaoake, ad. Day before yesterday. Nonaotzkenzd., ad. Three days ago. Nonapo ? ad. Last night. Noni, v. To be crooked. Noni, <y. A bend ; a turn. Tera te wai kei te noni o te taepa; There is the water at the bend of the fence. A fish-hook. ( R.) Noninga, s. A bend; a turn. Nonoi, v. To be disfigured. Nonoi mai ana nga paparinga o te koroke nei ; This man’s

cheeks are disfigured by being burnt. (R.) Nonoti; v. To strangle, Pass. Notia. Ka rere mai ki au ka nonoti i taku kaki; He sprung upon me and strangled my throat. Nou., pron. From thee ; belonging to thee. Nou pea tenei wakaaro; This idea perhaps is from thee. Nui., s. Magnitude ; largeness. He nui koia no tenei utu i tango ai koe ? Was it the magnitude of this payment which induced you to take it ?

Nui, a. Large. Nui, v. To be large. E nui ana te ngaru, ekore e puta te waka ; The waves are large, the canoe will not pass along. Nwinga, s. Greatness; magnitude. Nuka, s. Deceit. E ta, he nuka nau ; It is deceit on thy part. Nwka, a. Deceitful; false.

v. To speak falsely ; to deceive. Pass. Nukaia. E nuka ana mai koe ki au ; Thou art deceiving me. ( T.) Nuke, v. To be bent; to be crooked. Ka nuke tona tuara ; His back is bent. Nwkir, s. Distance; extent. Kei te nuku o te wenua nga mahinga kai; The cultivations are over the extent of the land. Nz/ku, v. To move.

Pass. Nukuhia. E nuku mai ana te tamaiti; The child is moving this way* Nukuhia te pou nei ki tawiti; Let this post be moved to a distance. Niiiwmi, s. Disappearance. I torengi te kaipuke i tana nu« numi noa atu ; The ship went out of sight by reason of its own disappearance. Num/mi, v. To be out of sight. E wai pea au a tetahi atu ra,. ka nunumi ake ka aroha mai au ki a koutou ; Perhaps I shall follow some other day, and if you are out of sight I shall feel love towards you.


O, prep. Of. Ko te punga tenei o te waka ; This is the anchor of the canoe. O, int. O ! Oh !




O, s. Food. Keria he roi hei o ma tatou ki runga kite kaipuke ; Let some fernroot be dug as food for us on board ship. O, v. To enter. Ka tomo te kaipuke, ekore e o nga pouaka ; The ship is full, there is no room for the boxes, or they will not enter. Oha, Generosity. Etahi te oha ato tangata ; Thy generosity is great.

Oha, a. Generous. He tangata oha ; A generous man. / Oha, v. To be generous-. • To increase. Ka rahuitia te pipi ka oha ; If the cockles are preserved they will increase. Ohia, v. To desire. Ko te ngakau e ohia ake ana; The heart is desiring, or longing after.

Oho., v. To awake; io start up. Oho noa ake a hau i te moe e wakahengi mai ana ki au ; When I started up from sleep he was stealing upon me. Ohoeka, s. A tree. Syn. with Horoeka. {E. C.) s. Act or time of awaking. Ohu, s. A company of workmen. Haere tikina te ohu hei ko i te riwai; Go and fetch the company to plant the potatoes. Ohu., v. To surround. Ka ohua koe e matou ; You are surrounded by us. plant by the assistance of a company.

Me ohu to mara, kia hohoro ai; Let your garden be planted by the company, that it may be done quickly. Oioi, v. To shake. Ka oioi nga papa o te ware i te puhanga o te hau ; The boards of the housS shake from the blowing of the wind. Oka, s. A stick used as a fork. Oka, v. To take up food with a fork. To prick ; to stab. Okaia taku ringaringa ; Let my arm be pricked (bled.) Me oka te poaka ; Let the pig be stuck.

Oka, a. Stuck, or pricked. He mea oka te poaka ; The pig was stuck; literally, A thing stuck the pig. Okaoka, v. To strip off. Okaokangia he peha mo ta tatou ahi; Let bark be stripped off for our fire. ( W.) Oke, <?. A species of shark. (ft*) Oke, v. To strive ; to struggle, as a child when held. To desire earnestly. E oke ana te tangata ra kite haere; The man is earnestly desiring to go.

Okeoke, v. To be weak ; to be restless. Ka okeoke tonu te turoro ka mate ; When the sick person is always restless he will die. Okeoke, s. A sick person. (W.) An oven. {£• £•) Okioi, s. A bird. Okioki, v. To rest. Ho ake tatou kite taumata okioki ai; Let us proceed to the brow of the hill and rest.


Okiokinga, s. A resting-place. Time of resting. Oko, s. A bowl; an eating vessel made of wood. ( ft.) Okooko, v. To hold or carry in the arms. Pass. Okookona or Okookotia. Ma wai e okooko te tamaiti ? By whom shall the child be carried ? Oku, pron. My. Oku matua; My parents. Oma, s. Act of running. Te hohoro o tana oma; The speed of his running.

Oma, a. Running. He kararehe oma ; An animal which is wont to run away. Oma, v. To run. Pass. Omakia. Omakia ra taku pukapuka ka mahue atu i te ware ; Let my book be run after which is left in the house. Omaki, v. To fly; to drift along; to move swiftly. E omaki ana te kapua o te rangi; The cloud of the sky moves swiftly. Omanga, s. Act or time of running.

Omoomo, A melon. Ona, pron. His. Ona kakahu ; His garments. Onematwa, s. Alluvial soil. Oneone, s. Earth; mould. Onepu, s. Sand. Ongaonga, s. A nettle. (Urtiea.) Ongaonga, v. To be rough ; to be prickly. E ongaonga ana te mea taratara tonu ; The thing is prickly ; quite rough.


Onge, s. Want; lack ; destitution. He onge kai ta matou, i tahuri ai matou ki ena mea kikino; Ours was a want of food, on account of which we turned to those bad things. A bird. Ongeonge, v. To be worn out; to be spent. Ka ongeonge nga kai ka hamuhamu i nga puka; When the food is spent we eat the cabbages. To be solitary. Ka ongeonge pea te tangata ko~ tahi; One man perhaps is solitary.

Ono, a. Six. Ono, v. To plant. E ono parareka ana Ngaitawi- . ri ; Ngaitawiri are planting the potatoes. (E. C.) Onoi, v. To move. Ekore koe e onoi mai i te tumu ? Will you not move hither from the stump of the tree ?■ Ope, s. An army; a large body of persons i (E. C.) Ope, v. To draw out; to scrape out.

Opea mai te kapura ki waho; Let the fire be drawn out, (as from an oven.) To scratch, as the head, fyc. Pass. Opehia. Ora, .s’• Health ; life ; safety. Mahue rawa te wakauaua kite ora mana; The effort for his own safety is very great. A slave. Kei hea nga ora wahine ? Where are the female slaves ? A wedge. Topea mai he ora; Let a wedge be cut off from the tree. (E. C.)



Or&, a. Safe ; sound in health ; live. Ora, v. To be safe; to be well. Kua ora ke a hap i taku mate ; I am quite recovered from my complaint. Oranga, 6*. Food. Safety ; salvation ; life. Oranoa, v. To be saved with difficulty. To have been in danger. Oranoa matou i te tahuritanga o te waka; We were saved with difficulty from the upsetting of the canoe.

Oranoattznga, <?. Circumstance or time of having been in danger. Orapzto, v. To have been in danger. Syn. with Oranoa. Ore, v. To bore. Pass. Orea. Orea, s. An eel. Ori, <?. Bad weather ; a gale. Ka rokohina e te ori ki Tokomaru ka noho ; If we are overtaken by bad weather at Tokomaru we will remain there. fE- C.)

Oro, v. To-grind; to sharpen on a stone. Pass. Oroia. Kia oroia taku toki, ka haere ai au kite mahi; Let my axe be sharpened, and then I will go to work. Oru, v. To be soft; to yield. E oru ana te wenua ; The earth is soft. Oru, s. A swamp ; a bog. A large stingaree—~faJish.~\ (W.') Ota, S'. Sawdust.


Ota, v. To eat raw. Pass. Otaina. E ota ana te tamaiti nei i te kumara; This child, is eating raw kumara. Otaota, s. Grass; weeds. Rubbish. Tarakea atu nga otaota; Let the rubbish be cleared off. Oti, v. To be finished. Kua oti katoa nga kakahu te horoi; All the garments are finished gashing. Otij, conj. But.

Oti, ad. Whether ; else. Ekore oti koe e haere ? Will you not then go ? or, Whether or not will you go ? Oti, (with atu,) v. To go not to return. Ka oti atu a Hakiri, ekore e hoki mai ; Hakiri is gone for good, he will not come back. Oti, (with mai,) v. To come to remain. Ka oti mai a Potiki; Potiki is come to remain.

OtIZYZ, Otira } CO, V- Bttt - Ou, pron. Thy. Owou, s. A fen. He ouou nga kakahu; The garments are a few. (W.) OueYiidm, s. Rainbow. (E. C.) O f wanga, s. A bird’s nest. O f witi, v. To be jealous ; to be suspicious. Kia owiti koutou ki nga korero o tera tangata; Be suspicious of the speech of that man.






Pa ; s. A for lifted village. Anything with which to block up a passage. Ho mai tetahi mea hei pa mo te ara ; Give me something as an obstruction for the road. Fat about the kidneys. Kei hea te pa o te poaka nei ? Where is the fat of this pig ? s. Father. E pa ! O father ! A common term of address to men among the natives living near the Thames. Tauti mai ? e pa ; Come sir.

Pa, a. Blocked up. He mea pa te kuwaha ; The doorway is a thing blocked up. Pa, v. To block up; to obstruct. Pass. Paia. He aha rate ara nei i paia ai ? Why was this road blocked up ? Pa, v. To touch. Pass. Pangia. Ka pa a hau ki a koe ; I touch thee. Pa, v. To be struck. Kei pa koe i te rakau nei; Take care that you are not struck by this timber. (JE. C.) Pa, v. To ebb. Ka pa te tai; The tide ebbs. (7?.) Pae, -v. The rope by which a seine is hauled. Pae runga ; The upper rope. Pae raro ; The lower rope. A grasp ; space encompassed by the arms stretched out.

Pae tahi hamama te rakau nei; This tree is in circumference one grasp of the arms., and something more. Pae, v. To be drifted broadside; to lie across. Pass. Paea. He aha te mea e pae mai nei i te ara ? What is the thing which lies across the road ? Ptzenga, s. A drifting ; a lying across. A site ; a place upon which houses, fyc., are built. Kei te paenga rua a Te Raharaha ; Te Raharaha is at the place of the store-houses. Paepa, s. A native basket; a piece of a calabash. A stick laid crossways.

Paepaeroa, s. A certain bordered mat. Paetwri, s. Tattooing on the thigh. (M) Paewai, <?. A species of eel. s. A calabash. Pahaki, ad. Beyond. Kei pahaki tata atu e takoto ana; He is lying a little beyond. Pahflnahtfna., v. To anoint the skin with oil and red ochre. Pahao., s. A basket vised in catching fish. P«hao, v. To enclose, as in a net; to shut in. Pass. Pahaoa. Pezhau, s. Beard. (E. C.) Syn. with Paihau. Pttheke, v. To slip. Kei paheke koe ; Take care you do not slip.




Pahekeheke, a. Slippery. He ara pahekeheke ; A slippery road. Paheket&nga, s. Act or time of slipping. Pahemo, v. To pass by; to miss. Kahore i tahitahi ki taku waewae, i pahemo; It did not strike my leg, it missed. ( JV.) Syn. with Pahure. Pahemottznga, s. Act or time of passing by. (^) Ptzhi, v. To be gloomy; to be disquieted. Ka pahi tona ngakau ; His heart is disquieted. (7?. *C.)

Pahz, s. A company of persons. Ko hea te pahi e haere nei ? Whither is the company going ? Pallia, v. To slap. I pahiatia pea te tamaiti nei, ina ka tangi; Perhaps this child was slapped, since it is crying. Pahiatanga, 6“. Act or time of slapping. Pahzhi, v. To ripple ; to rush. E pahihi ana te rere ; The waterfall is rushing. Pahika, v. To pass by ; to turn aside. Kua pahika nga tangata ; The men are passed by. Kua pahika ke ki tahaki ; He has turned aside. (J?.) (E. C.)

Pahoahoa, s. Headach. Pahoka, s. A screen from the wind. Pahore, s. A graze. Pahore, v. To be grazed. Kua pahore te hiako ; The skin is grazed. Pohu, s. A sonorous stone; a bell.

Pahu, To burst; to break asunder. Ekore e pahu te kanga ; The corn will not burst. Pahua, a. Plundered ; plundering. He kai pahua; A plunderer. He mea pahua ; A thing plundered. Pahua., v. To plunder. Kuapahuatia tekainga o Taka; Taka’s residence has been plundered. v. To slip. Ekore e pahuhu te e man ana ; The rope will not slip.,

it is fast. Pahwhutanga, s. Act or time of slipping. Pali/mu, s. Fire. Ka kongange te pahunu nei; This fire is burning. (J?.) Pahwnu, v. To burn. (JF) Pahuptzhu, s. A fester. Prthure, v. To be passed by. Kua pahure ke nga waka i te ata ; The canoes passed by in the morning.

P&huret&nga, <£. Act or time of passing by. Pai., <?. Goodness. Pai, a. Good. Pai, v. To be good. , E pai ana tenei mahi ; This work is good. To be pleased. E pai ana a hau ki tenei mahi; I am pleased with this work. Pass. Faingia; To be liked. Ekore e paingia tenei kainga; This place will not be liked. Pnda, v. To be done. Ka paia te huaki; The rush is made.




Paiaka, s. Root of a tree. {E. C.) Paiere, s. A bundle. Ehia nga paiere raupo ? How many bundles of raupo are there ? Paiere, v. To make up in a btindle. Paieretia nga rakau ; Let the trees be made up in a bundle. Paieretanga, <9. Act or time of making up in a bundle. Paihau s. The beard.

Wing of a bird. (E- C.) Ptzikea, v. To be struck. Paikea kite hama ; Let it be struck with a hammer. (7?.) .fePaz’kezke, s. Anything with which to raise up or make high. Taria mai he oneone hei paikeike ; Let some earth be carried to raise this part. Pazkezke, v. To raise; to elevate ; to make high. Pass. Paikeikea.

P^ina 5 v. To warm oneself. Kia paina atu a hau kite taha o te kapura ; Let me warm myself at the side of the fire. P«inat«nga, s. Act or time of warming oneself Paz’nga, <?. Goodness. Raipai, s. A complaint on the skin. P«k«, a. Red or brown. He kararehe paka; A brown animal. Paka, a. Dry: applied only to food. (Both syllables short.) Paka, v. To be dried.

Me i paka ka reka; If it had been dried it would be sweet. Pak«ha, v. To be strong ; to be violent. E pakaha ana te mamae ; The pain is violent. Pakaka, v. To be burnt or scorched up by the sun.

a. Burnt up; red ; brown. Hei te wahr pakaka te ara; The road lies by the brown part. s. A whale. (E. C.) Ptzkakz'nakina, v. To be hot. E pakakinakina ana te witi o te ra ; The shining of the sun is hot. Pakakohk s. Fernroot. E hamu ana matou i te pakakohi; We are eating fernroot. Pakanga, s. A quarrel; hostilities. Ka nui haere te pakanga o Rotorua raua ko Ngatiawa ; The quarrel of Rotorua and Ngatiawa is increasing.

Pakanga, <?. Act or time of touching. (First syllable longer than in the preceding word.) Pakani, aA'Quarrelsome. Ka tahi ano taku tangata pakani ko koe; You are the most quarrelsome man I have to do with. Pakari, a. Hard. Paktzri, v. To he hard. Kua pakari te kanga ; The corn is hard. Pakaru, A fracture; a rent. He pakaru no te poti te hoea ai; There was a rent in the boat, which was the reason we did not row it. Pakaru, a. Broken.




v. To be broken. Kua pakaru te kohua ; The boiler is broken. Pakaruhangtt;, s. Act or time of breaking. Pak&ruk&ru, v. To break. Pass. Pakarua. Pakarua te karaha ; Let the calabash be broken. Ptzkau., s. A wing. s. A wing.

P«kaurzta ; s. The Jish called \ stingaree. PakaSvtz, s. Leaves of a plant. (fF.) | P&ke, <9. A rough mat made of I flax leaves. (E- C.) | Syn. with Haronga. Strings of a mat. Pake, a. Obstinate. (Both syllables short.) Pake., v. To be obstinate. Ka pake te tangata ekore e wakatika ; The man is he will not get up.

Pake, v. To emil a crackling sound. Ka pake te rakau, meake wati ; The tree cracks, it will soon break. Ptzkeha, s. A stranger ; a foreigner. Ekore oti te pakeha e arahina ? Shall not then the foreigner be conducted ? Pakeka, s. Land which is exhausted from frequent cultivation. Pttkekakeka, s. A certain plant growing among water upon stones. Pakeke, 6-. Hardness.

Pakeke, a. Hard. Pakeke, v. To be hard. Pakeke tonu, ekore e ngawere; It is quite hard, it will not break. Pakeke, v. To be scraped, as potatoes. Kia pakeketia nga kai; Let the food be scraped. Paketzz, v. To clear off; to cut °f E paketu ana a hau i te taru; I am clearing off the weeds. Pakewa, s. A mistake in speech. P&kewa, v. To make a mistake in speech.

Paki, <s. Fine weather. Ko apopo te paki, he hau auru te hau ; It will be fine weather tomorrow, it is a westerly wind. Paki, a. Fine. He ra paki; A fine day. Paki, v. To be fine. Kia paki te rangi ka haere ai tatou ; Let the sky be fine and we will go. Paki, s. A small garment for the waist.

Pakia, [Vid. Papaki.] PakzakaL Root of a tree. Pakzhk v. To be low water. Kua pakihi te tai; The tide is low. (E- Cd) Pttkihij, s. A place where fernroot is dug. Act of digging fernroot. I hoki mai a hau i te pakihi; I returned from digging fernroot. Ptzkihiwk s. The shoulder. (E. Cd) Syn. with Pokowiwi. Ptzkihore, a. Lazy.




s. A general name for mats. Pakiki, s Asking ; questioning. Ka tahi ano te pakiki a to tangata; How many questions you ask; or 5 How much is thy questioning. (IF,) Syn. with Uinga. P/zkiki ; v. To ask; to question. - . (F-) Pakini, v. To pinch ; to nip. Pakiptfki, £. A slapping; a clapping of hands. Pakipakitflz, s. A slimy vegetable matter in the sea. Pakzra, A bald head; baldness.

a. Bald. Pakzra, v. To be bald. Pakzri, v. To grin. Ka pakiri mai nga niho a to tangata; Thy teeth are grinning. Pakirikzri, s. A fsh. Ptzkirehua, v. To enquire. Ka hoki mai ki konei pakirehua ai; He will return here and will enquire. Pakitara, s. Wall of a house. Ptzkiwtzha, a. Boasting. He tangata pakiwaha; A boasting man. Pakiwaha, .v. Sides of the mouth. (E.C.) P«ko, v. To dig up the remains of potatoes cfter the crop has been taken up. E pako kapana ana; He is digging up the remains of the potatoes. Pflkoa., a. Low. He tai pakoa ; Low tide ; Low water.

Pakoa, v. To be low waler. Kia pakoa te tai ? ka haere ai tatou kite kohi pipi ; Let the water be low? then we will go to gather cockles. v. To be hard; dried up. Ka pakohea a hau i te ra; I am dried up with the sun. Pakohu, s. A chasm. Pakohu, v. To be rent; to be cleft. Ka pakohu tenei wahi; This part is rent asunder.

Pakokoj a. Barren. Pakoko, v. To be thin; to be lean. Ka pakoko nga kauae o te tawiti; The cheeks of this person are thin. Pakonga, s. A hollow place, as in the side of a rock. Pakonga, v. To be hollow. E pakonga ana tenei taha ; This side is hollow. Pakore, s. A fracture ; —spoken of an earthen vessel, calabash, fyc. Pakore, v. To be broken.

Pakore tonga, s. Act or time of breaking. P«ku, v. To be dry. E paku ana taku korokoro ; My throat is dry. Ptzku, a. Small. He ware paku ; A small house. (E. C.) Pakw, v. To sound. He tamaiti tenei e paku ana; This is a child sounding. Pakuku, v. To knock. Pass. Pakukuria. M




Ko wai tera e pakuku mai ra kite tatau ? Who is that who is knocking at the door ? Pakupaku, a. Shallow ; small. Ptzkupttku, v. To be shallow ; to be small. v. To be quite dry. Pakura, s. A certain bird. Syn. with Pukeko. (E. C.) Pakwrakz/ra, <?. A certain Jish. A red garment. Pakzmikara, v. To be red. Ka pakurakura te rangi; The sky is red. (E. C.)

Pakwru, s. A musical instrument, composed of two sticks, one of which is placed between the teeth and is struck by the other. s. Act or time of sounding. Panahg A plant. ( Calystegia Soldanella.) Ptznako, s. A fern. Pananakitanga, s. An ascent. Pr/napr/na, v. To throb. E panapana ana te toto; The blood is throbbing.

Panaw, v. To jump, as a fish. Panawnau, s. Ascent of a hill. Paneke, v. To slip forward ; io move on. Ekore e paneke te waka; The canoe will not slip along. Panekeneke, .v. A small edge tool. Patnga, .v. Act ortimeofitouching. pf/nga, v. To throw. To lay ; to place.

Pass. Pang«. Ka panga nga kai ki runga ki te waka; The food is placed in the canoe. Ptzngaiiga, .s*. Act or time of th rowing. Pflnganga, v. To be lean. Hore i te ngohi nei panganga kau ; I never saw anything like this fish, it is all lean.

Pangwrangtzra, s. A fish. P&ngo, a. Black. P«ngo, v. To be black. Ka pango te kakahu ; The garment is black. Pangoro, v. To be full. Pangoro tonu te waka ; The canoe is quite full. Pangoz/ngou., .s“. A fish. Pangwnungmiu, v. Topeel. Pangunungunua nga riwai ma tatou ; Let the potatoes be peeled for us. Poni, s. The head. (W.) An orphan. Poni, v. To paint; to besmear. Pass. Pania.

E pani ana te kuia i tona matenga kite hinu ; The old woman is besmearing her head with oil. Pzzninga, s. Act or time of besmearing. Pzznolio, s. A pole to push a canoe with. (R>) v. To change, as the name. v. To slip down. Kihai panuku te rongoa, man tonu kite korokoro ; The medicine did not slip it stuck in the throat. Pa<b v. To be hatched. Ka pao nga hua pipipi; The turkey’s eggs are hatched.


Ptzoa, Smoke. Paoho, v. To be on the alarm. Paoho kau ki hea ranei; They are on the alarm in every place. Ptzoi, s. An implement to pound with. P«oi, v. To pound; to beat. Paoia he roi ma tatou ; Let some fernroot be pounded for us. Ptzoptzo, a. Refusing. He tangata paopao koe ; You are a refusing man. Paopao, v. To refuse a gft or offer. Me paopao oti, he mokopuna ranei na Rahiri ? Do you refuse it, are you a grandchild of Rahiri ? Paopao, v. To strip off the bark.

Pass. Paopaoa. Paoro, j. An echo. Paoro, v. To echo. Paoro ana nga maunga i tetahi taha i tetahi taha ; The mountains are echoing on every side. Paorooro, v. To tingle; to echo. Paorooro ana nga taringa; The ears tingle. s. Father. Kei hea taku papa ? Where is my father ? Papa, <?. A board; a slab of stone.

(Both syllables short.) Land disputed. Afeld of battle. Papa, s. A grass. Papa, v. To become hard. Kua papatia te oneone ; The soil is become hard. Papa, v. To break, as cockles. To burst; to explode.


Papa te watitiri runga nei; The thunder above bursts forth. Ptzpaaht/aht/a, s. The shoulderblade. Papae, v. To be driven broadside on shore. Ka papae te waka, kei pakaru ; The canoe is driven broadside on shore, mind it is not broken. P«pahewa, s. A person diseased in the eyes. Ptzpahewa, a. Diseased in the eyes. Pt/pahewa, v. To have sore eyes. Pass. Papahewatia. Papahw, ?>. To blaze. Ka papahu te kapura; The fire blazes. Papaka, j. A crab.

Papaki, s. A patch. Ho mai tetahi papaki mo toku ; Give me a patch for my (garment.) Papaki, v. To patch.

Me papaki to kakahu ; Let your garment be patched. Papaki, t?. To slap. Pass. Pakia. Papaku, a. Shallow. Low, as a fence. He wai papaku ; Shallow water. Papaku, v. To be shallow. Papakara, An insect. Papanga, a. Not full; halffull. Papanga, v.. To be half-full. Ringihia he wai ki roto, kia papanga ; Let some water be poured in, let it be half-full.

Papanga, 6“. Site; situation. Kotahi papanga kainga ; There is one situation of the places.





Papani, v. To block up. Ka pania tena kuwaha ; That doorway is blocked up. Pa papa, s. A calabash. A tree. Moss.

Papara, a. Adjoining. I a Te Ranginga a raro, papara atu i a Pi, papara atu i a Rua; The place below belongs to Te Ranginga, adjoining him to Pi, and adjoining him to Rua. Paparflhi, s. A stage upon which kumara are dried. Ptzparahz/a, s. A kind of table from which food is eaten. (R.) Papzzre, v. To turn aside; to ward off. Pass. Parea. Ka parea te matia ka hemo ; The spear was warded off and passed away.

s. The cheek. P«parz/a, a. Repeated; double. He paparua waiata o Tiki; The song of Tiki is repeated. Paparwa, v. To be repeated. Pass. Paparuatia. Ptzpata, <?. Small naves. v. To be covered with pimples or spots. Ptzpatahij s. A plain; flat land. P«pat«ngaroa, s. A shell-fish. PapatanPwamAva, s. A plant like the daisy. Papatonu, s. A plain; flatland. Papataura, s. A red. fungus growing on rocks. Papatw, s. Land which has not been cultivated.

Papaz/ma, s. A tree. Pzzpipzzpi, v. To be confused. Ka papipapi te reo te tangata nei; The speech of this man is confused. P«kuka ? <?. A screen from the wind. Syn. with Pahoka. (IP.) Para, s. Afsh. Dust; dirt. (Both syllables short.) Act of cutting down brushwood. A plant.

v. To be affected with pimples. Ka para te hiako ; The skin is covered with pimples. Para, v. To cut down brushwood ; to clear. Pass. Paraia. E para ana a Piwaka i tona wairenga ; Piwaka is clearing his cultivation. Para, a. Belonging to, or used for, cutting down wood. Maku tetahi panek eneke hei toki para mo te rakau ; Give me a tool as an implement for cutting down the trees. Parae, s. A grassy plain. s. A small iron

implement; an edge tool. Ptzrahwnuhwnu, v. To roast in the fire. Ka haere tatou kite parahunuhunu ngote ma tatou ; We will go to roast potatoes for ourselves. W Parakau, <y. A slave. Parakoka, s. Outer part of a fax leaf.




s. A Jish. (#•) Syn. with Parore. Pttrantzko, s. A plant. Ptzranga, s. A place where the wood has been cut down preparatory to cultivation. Ptzrangza, s. Bait for a jish. (W.) Parangza, v. To be oppressed with sleep. Kei parangia koe i te moe ; Take care that you are not overpowered with sleep.

Paranganu, v. To roast. Parangunua he taiawa ma tatou ; Let some potatoes be roasted for us. (7?.) Parapara, s. A sacred place. (W.) First-fruits offish cooked before the rest are eaten. A tree. Paraparahanga, s. Fragments of food. Paraparaa, a. Inferior in rank.

Paraparaa, v. To speakfalsely; to lie. Paraparau kau koe e hoa ; Friend, thou speakest nothing but falsehood. Parara, s. Bad fernroot. Pa rar ahi, a. Flat. He ihu pararahi; A flat nose. Pararc, s. Food. Ka haere tatou kite parare; Let us go for food. (7?.) Parare, v. To speak loudly ; to bawl. Parare tonu te mangai o te wahine ra ; The woman’s mouth continues bawling.

Parareka, .r. A general name for the potatoe. - (-E. C.) Pzzrarzki, s. Rust. Parau, s. A slave; slavery. Ka riro taku tamaiti i te parau ; My child is gone by slavery. Par«a, s. A falsehood. (E- C.) Paraw, v. To speak falsely. Parau tahi, e ta ; You speak falsely, sir.

Parawa, s. Bone of the sperm whale. An implement of war made of whalebone. P&rauxi, s A person with a dark skin. s. A flood. (E.C.) Parawera, s. Land where the fern is burnt of. Pare, s. A bandage for the head ; an ornament. Pareho, s. The head.

Pwreho, v. To be consumed. Kua pareho ke nga ika i te poti; The fish are quite consumed by the cat. Act or time of being consumed. Parekereke, s. A covering for the sole of the foot; a sandal. {E. C.) Pareko, v. To be consumed. Syn. with Pareho. Parekottznga, s. Act or time of consuming. Ptzrekz/hi, v. To cut the hair short in front. Me parekuhi te upoko ; Let the hair be cut short in front.




Parek/tra, s. A battle ; a feld of battle. (A word only used when persons are slain.) Ptzrenmta, s. Stern of a vessel. Par emo, v. To be drowned. Kia tupato ki to tamaiti kei paremo; Be cautious about your child that it may not be drowned. Paremotanga, s. A drowning. Place or time of drowning. Parenga, s. A shelving bank formed by the tide. Przrengo, v. To slip. Syn. with Paheke and Karengo. Par epare, s. Breast work in a pa. Pzzrera, s. A fsh. Syn. with Porae.

A duck. Perera, s. A land wind. He parera te hau ; It is a land wind.—U. C. (First syllable shorter than in the preceding word.) P# reramtf?/mu, s. A person who cannot swim. s. A plant. ( Plantago.) <?. A battle. Syn. with Parekura. Pzzri ? s. A precipice. Potl., a. Flowing. He tai pari; A flowing tide; i. e.. Flood-tide. Park v. To flow. Ekore tatou e puta i nga kowatu 5 kua pari ke te tai; We shall not get past the the tide has flowed. Parihinhk s*. The head. Parikarangaranga, ,y. An echo.

Parikou, A species of eel. Paringa, <?. Flowing of the tide. Parirau, .v. Wing ef a bird.

Pariri, s. A shoot of a plant. Syn. with Tupu. ( W.) P«riri 3 v. To shoot up. Paro, s. A small basket for cooked food. Hollon (f the hand. P&roptzro, a. Withered; decayed. Ptzrore, .v. A f sh. P«rori, v. To be bent. To grind, as the teeth. Parori ke te kauae ; The jaw is awry. t Ptzroro, s. A gale; bad weather. I te mea ka puta te paroro ka waipuke te wenua; When bad I weather comes the land is flooded.

He paroro apopo ; It will be bad weather to-morrow. (2?.) Paru, s. A fsh. Paru, s. Dirt; flth ; 'A coat of raupo on the walls of a house. Tikina tetahi raupo hei paru mo waho o te ware ; Let some raupo be fetched as a coat for the outside of the house. Paru, a. Dirty. Paru, v. To be dirty. Kua paru ke oku kaka, ka haere au kite horoi ; My clothes are quite dirty, I am going to wash. Paruparu, v. To be deeply laden. Paruparu noa te waka ki raro kite wenua ; The canoe is deeply laden in the water; literally, down to the ground.




P«rup«ru, .v. Dirt; mud. (E. C.) P«rurenga, .v. A prey ; booty. Pzzruni, v. To be shaded. Paruru tonu te mahinga a tuahangata ; The working place of the person is quite shaded. ( W.) Przta, s. A species ofpotatoe. A native mat. A drop of any liquid. Pata, v. To drop ; to drip. Ka pata iho te ua; The'rain drips.

Pa tai, .s'. A garment worn round the waist. Patai, v. To jeer ; to mock. To ask; to enquire. (W.) Pass. Pataia. Waiho mana e patai mai ; Wait, let him ask. Pataka, A storehouse raised upon posts ; a stage upon which food is laid up in store. Wakanoia ki runga kite pataka ; Let it be placed up on the stage. ( W.)

An enclosure. He pataka poaka ; A pig’s sty. (7?.) P&tanga., s. A boundary. Ko te patanga tenei ki a Patahuri raua ko Tirawatu; This is the boundary-line to Patahuri and Tirawatu. Ptftapflta, s. Strings of a mat. P&tapatma'wa, s. Heavy rain. Patarit&ri, 6*. A plaything. Ho mai tetahi mea hei pataritari mo te potiki; Give me something as a plaything for the child. Pat&rit&ri, v. To amuse.

Pataritaria te tamaiti ; Let the child be amused. a. Near ; close. He wahi patata ; A place which is near. Patata, v. To be near. Kua patata ke te kaipuke ; The ship is quite near. Patate, s. A tree. s. A tree.

(Arelia Schlefflera.) Patengitengi, A house wherein kumara are kept. Patere, s. A native dance. P&tere, v. To flow ; to be fluent. Patere ana nga kupu o Tohitapu ; The words of Tohitapu flow readily. Patete, v. To move ; to glide. Ekore e patete te waka i te tai timu ; The canoe will not move on by reason of the ebb-tide. Patetea, v. To be lengthened. Ka patetea te ware ; The house is lengthened.

Patz\ v. To ooze ; to splash. Pati ana te wai o roto ina kainga ; The water from within oozes out when it is eaten. <9. A flsh. P&tiotio, s. A shell-flsh. To flatter ; to deceive. a. Flattering. He tangata patipati koe ; You are a flattering man. Patztij, *9. A hatchet. Grass. Kei waenga patiti nga kau e haere ana ; The cows are going in the middle of the grass. (E. C.)




P&tito, s. An eruption on the head. PatOj, v. To crack, as a stick when broken. E pato mai ana te rakau, kei koina te tangata i oma nei; The tree cracks., there is the man who just ran off. v. To dig up potatoes which remain after the crop has been taken up. E patoke kapana ana ia ; He is digging up potatoes. P&totoi., v. To be chapped. E patotoi ana aku ngutu ; My lips are chapped. s. Wall of a house. Tikina tetahi raupo mo nga patu o te ware ; Let some raupo be fetched for the walls of the

house. s. A thing to strike with. v. To strike; to kill. Ka huia nga ka patua ; His garments are stripped off, and then he is killed. Patzzkitz/kb v. To knock ; to strike gently. Ko wai tera e patukituki mai ra i te kuwaha ? Who is that who is knocking at the door ? To order.

E patukituki ana te tangata i an ; The man is ordering me. (W.) Patwkitwkinga, s. A knocking; time of knocking. Ptftunga, s. A striking ; a killing ; time when, or place where, the act is done. Patwtu, s. A native garment, of which the inner part is woven flax, and upon this

strips of prepared dogskin are sewed. Pau, s. A species of potaloe. Pau, v. To be consumed ; to be exhausted. ■>- Kua pau nga kai i te poaka; The food is consumed by the pig. To move towards ; to come in. Pau katoa mai te ua ki roto ki to tatou ware ; All the rain is come into our house. Paua, s. A shellfish. Potatoes become black from exposure to the weather.

P«wku_, s. A native garment. Ptzz/nga, s. Consumption of anything ; time or place where anything is consumed. Pawa, s. Gall-bladder. Pa‘wa\iavua, s. A north-east wind. Pa‘wara, v. To cut open and take out the bones offfsh preparatory to drying them. E pawara ana ia i nga ika ; He is cutting open the fish. To burst open. Ka pawara te hu ; The shoe is burst open. <§•. Heat.

v. To be hot; to burn. Ka pawera taku ngakau ; My heart burns. v. To be ripe ; to be suppurated; to be soft. Kua peke nga pititi i roto i te kete ; The peaches are become quite soft in the basket. Pea., ad. Perhaps. He reo tangata pea ; Perhaps it is a man’s voice.




How. W Syn. with Pehea. Peha. s. Peelings or bark. (W.) s. Pressure. Ka mate au i te pehanga o te rakau ; I am inconvenienced by the pressure of the piece of wood. A heap. Te pehanga wahie e kaike mai ra; The heap of firewood which is piled up there. ( W.) Pehea., ad. Hew. E haere pehea ana ia ? How is he going ? - Pehea., v. To do, to act, or to be (in what manner.) Ka pehea koia to wakaaro ? How indeed is your opinion ?

Pass. Peheatia. Kia peheatia tenei mahi ? How shall this work be done ? Pelieatanga, s. Act of doing (in what manner.) Kia kite ano a hau i te peheatanga, ka hoki atu ai; Let me see in what manner it will be done, and I will return. Pehi, s. A second captive, or the second person who fell. I a Tupe te mataika, i au te pehi; The first captive was taken by Tupe, the second by me. Pehi, v. To lie in a heap. E pehi mai ra nga rakau kei tua o te ware ; The sticks lie yonder behind the house. ( TT r .) Pehi, v. To press. Pass. Pehia. Kia ata pehi; Press gently. Pehiak&ra, A species of fern tree. Syn. with € Weki. ( W.) Pehipehi, v. A return made for a present.

Ko te kohi pehipehi nga ta~ ngata; The men are gone to collect a return for the present. Sill of a door frame. Pei. v. To drive out, as people from their own residence. Peia atu te tangata kino; Let the bad man be driven out. Pezpei, s. A lump of earth. Peka., s. Fork of a tree or plant. A cross road. Kua hingahinga nga peka o te kumara ; The lateral shoots of the kumara have spread out. Fern. Firewood. Haere kania he peka ; Go and let some firewood be cut. (2?. C.) s. A turn of a road;

a cross way. Kia tae koe kite pekanga o te ara, ka noho ki raro; When you arrive at the turn of the road, sit down. Pekapeka, s. A bat. Peke, s. Upper part of the arm ; the humerus. Peke, v. To arrive wholly, or in whole, leaving none behind. Syn. with Tapeke. (j?. C.) Kahore ano au mea i peke ? Have not your things arrived ? Peke, v. To jump. Pass. Pekea. Pekea te awa nei ; Let this brook be jumped over. Pekenga, s. Time, place, or act of jumping. Pekepeke, v. To be quick. Kia pekepeke te haere ; Let the walking be quick. N




Pekerere, a-. A small garment for the shoulders. Peketz/a, s. A basket half-full, carried on the back, in addition to one that is full. Pena, v. To do a thing like that which is at a little distance from you. Pass. Penatia. Penatia te mahi meta Hemi ; Let the work be done like that of James’s. s. Act of doing a thing like that which is at a little distance.

Penei, ad. In case that; if. Penei ka ho mai te kakahu, ka tokina e au te utu ; If the garment is given to me, the payment shall be fetched by me. Penei, v. To do a thing like this which is before you. Pass. Peneitia. I penei ano taku haere, heoi ka ririte tangata; My walking was like this, but still the man was angry. Peneitnnga, Act of doing a thing like this. Penupenu, v. To be crushed, or mashed. Kua penupenu nga kapana i roto i te kohue ; The potatoes are crushed in the pot. Peo, a. Begging. Peo, v. To beg. E peo kai ana te tamaiti; The child is begging food. Peoi, $•. A shrub. ( Solanum.) Pepe, v. A grub living in wood. A. mass of pounded food. He pepe rqi; A mass of pounded fernroot.

Pepe, v. To be close together. Akuenei kia pepe te haere ; Let the walking be close together. Pepeha, s. Boasting. Ko taku pepeha tenei; This is my boasting. Pepeke, v. To be drawn up. Kia pepeke ou waewae ; Let your legs be drawn up. Pepeke, v. To jump. Pass. Pekea. Pekea te awa nei ; Let this brook be jumped over. Pepepe, s. A basket. A butterfly. A plant.

Pera, v. To be like that. (Pera relates to that which is at a greater distance off, Pena to what is nearer, and Penei to what is nearest.) Pass. Peratia. / Me i pera te ahua ka pai ano; If it had been like that it would have been well. Pertzro, j. A shell-fsh. Perattznga, v. Act of doing a thing like that at a distance. Pere, <y. A sling. (H 7 -) Perepere, v. To cut off weeds ; to clear off. f Me perepere nga tarn o te mara nei, ka ngaki ai; Let the weeds of this garden be cleared off, and then dig it. Perepcrenga, v. Act or time of clearing off; a place from which the weeds have been cleared. Pcropcro, s. A dog. Petapeta, ad. All at once: (relates to eating.)




Petapeta, .s'. Garments that are morn out. Petapeta, v. To be worn out. Peto, v. To be consumed. Kua peto noa atu te rongoa ; The medicine has been consumed some time. (E. C.~) Pewa, s. An eyebrow. A snare for birds. Pi, <y. Young birds. Pi, v. To flow. Kua pi te tai ; The tide, has flowed. Pia, s. A gum of a sweet taste like manna, which exudes from the tree kahihatoa. Piahaere, <?. A plant. Piha, s. Small kumara. Gills of a fish.

Pzharau ? s. A small eel. (W.) Pihe ? <s•. A song sung over the bodies of the slain. Pzhepzhe, s. A small narrow mat for the waist. {R-} Pzhi., s. A species of grass. (R.) Pzhp v. To spring up. Kua pihi nga korau ; The turnips have sprung up. To be watertight, as a house. Pzhipihij A bird. Pzho, s. A species of potaloe. Pihoihoi, s. A bird. Pzhonga, <s•. Putridity. He pihonga te kai nei; This food is (in a state of) putridity ; i. e., putrid. Pikau, s. A load for the back. Pzkau, a. Carrying on the back.

He kai pikau ; A person to carry. Pikau, v. To carry on the back. Pass. Pikauria. Kahore he tangata hei pikau ; There is not a man to carry. Pikaunga, A load for the back. Piki, v. To climb. Pikitia te rakau nei ki etahi karaka ma tatou ; Let this tree be climbed for some karakas for us. To ascend a hill. Pzkkzrero, s. Roof of the mouth. A creeper so called. Pz’kinga, <y. Act of climbing or ascending. Pikitunga, s. Ascent of a hill. Ho ake tatou kite pikitanga; Let us proceed on to the ascent.

Pikitara, f. A verandah. An eel. (W.) Piko, s. A bend; a curve. Hei te piko o te awa tatou noho ai; Let us sit at the bend of the river. Piko, a. Bending ; curved. He tuara piko ; A curved back. Piko, v. To be bent ; to stoop ; to bend. Ka piko te rakau, meake wati; The tree bends, it will soon break. Pikoko, s. A bird. Syn. with Tui. Pikoko, v. To be hungry. Pikonga, <y. A bending ; time of bending. Pikopiko, s. A plant. Pimirumiru, .s■. A bird.




Pinaku, <s•. A war canoe. Syn. with Pitau. (MF.) Pine, v. To be close; to be near. Pzngao, s. A plant growing near the seaside. Pzngau, <9. Strings of a mat. A plant. Pingore, v. To bend. Pingore noa te arawata ; The bridge bends. Pinohinohi, v. To put hot stones upon meal in an oven to cook it.

Pinohinohia ta tatQU poaka ; Let hot stones be put upon our pork. Pio, v. To go out; to be extinguished. Kua pio te kora ; The fire is gone out. (J?-) Pioe, s. Ury firewood. (#•) Pioioi, s. A bird. Piokaoka, v. To strip off. Pass. Piokaokangia. Piokaokangia he peha mo ta tatou ahi; Let some bark be stripped off for our fire. ( W.)

Piokeoke, s. A small shark. Pzopzo, s. A bird. Pzpi, s. A cockle. Pz’pz’j a. Not arrived at perfection ; haf-grown ; not hard. He iwi pipi; A race half-grown. s. A turkey. s. A bird. Pzrahuj Pzraka, >s. Firewood. (fA P IlYzkEllTZkci} Piraktp

Pzrangi, v. To be passionately in love with. Pfrara, v. To be open ; to be wide apart. Ano nga moko o Tohu pirara ana ; The tattooing of Tohu is open, or cut deep. Ka pirara nga waka ; The canoes separate. Pirara ana te awa ; The bed of the river branches out. Pfrata, v. To be sharp. Pirata ana te toki nei; This axe is sharp, Pirau, s. Rottenness. He pirau no nga kai i mahue ai; A rottenness of the food was the reason they were left.

Pzrau, a. Rotten. Pzrau, v. To be rotten. To go out ; to be extinguished. Ho mai he wahie keiwa pirau te ahi; Give us some firewood before the fire goes out. Pzraut&nga, s. Rottenness ; lime of being rotten. PzrL v. To be close ; to stick. Kua piri mai te waka ; The canoe is close. Piri tonu te paru, ekore e ma te kakahu ; The dirt sticks quite close, the garment wifi not become clean.

Pzringa, s. Act or time of being close or near. Piripzri, A plant. ( Goniocarpus tetragynus.) Pzripiri £ wtzta, s. A shrub. ( Carpodetus serratus.) Pzritfl, s. A creeping plant. Syn. with Kareao. (E. C.) Piritoka, s. Animalculce adhering to the rocks. Pz’ro, s. A disagreeable smell. Piro, a. Stinking.




PzrOj v. To smell disagreeably. Pzroku, v. To go out ; to be extinguished. Ka piroku te ahi; The fire is going out. Pzrori., s. A hoop made to play with. s. To roll along or jump, as a ball. Pztau, s. A war canoe. A species of fer n tree. Syn. with Koran. PztOj s. End of anything. The navel. s. A small land bird. A sea bird.

PzUj, v. To throw ; to toss. Piua mai te pito o te wakaheke; Let the end of the rope be tossed hither. s. A plant. Pzupzu, v. To vibrate ; to move up and down. Kua piupiu te pu o Raka ; The tribe of Raka has moved to and fro. Pzwai ? s. Small kumara. Piwai, v. To dig. (IP-) Piwakawaka, s. A bird.

Pzwari, v. To be bent, as a bough or branch. Piwatawata, a. Open ; full of holes. He paraikete piwatawata; A blanket full of holes. Piwatawata, v. To be full of holes ; to be open. Ka piwatawata mai nga patu o te ware; The walls of the house are full of holes.

Po, s. Night. Place of departed spirits'. Po, v. To be late ; to be night. Pass. Pongia. Ka pongia tatou akuenei; We shall soon be overtaken by night. Poaka, s. A pig; pork. Poapoa, s. A bait. Poapoa, v. To allure by a bait; to entice. Pass. Poaina. Me poa te manu kite kanga, ka man ai; Let the bird be enticed with corn, and it will be caught.

Poangf/nga., s. The skull. Potzwau, s. A mistake ; a confusion. Potuzau, a. Mistaken. Idoau&u, v. To be mistaken; to be confused. Polia, s. A native basket. Pohoha, v. To be split open. Pohaha ana te putea; The bag is split open. Polio, v. To be dried up ; to be withered. Kua pohe nga ran o te rakau ; The leaves of the tree are dried up.

Pohehe, <y. A mistake; an error. Pohehe, v. To be mistaken, fyc. Pohewahewa., <y. A mistake. v. To be mistaken. Poho; s. Pit oj'the stomach. Pohoi; 6“. A bunch of feathers worn in the car. Pohue, s. A plant. Pohwehz/e, s. A creeper. (Polygonum complexum.)


Pohwehwe, s. A creeper. ( Calystegia sepium.) Pohzdiu, v. To be assembled. Pohuhu ana nga tangata ; The men are assembled together. s. A noise made with the hands in the water by persons bathing. Pohz/tuhwtu, v. To be wet; to be splashed. Ho mai he takai mo nga taputapu kei pohutuhutu ; Give me a covering for the goods that they may not be wet; Pohzrtukawa, v. A tree. (Metrosideros tormentosa.) Poi, s. A ball. Poihewa, s. A small basket for cooked food.

Poioio, s. First shoot of potatoe or kumara. Poka, s. A hole in the ground. Poka, v. To form a hole in the ground, in wood, <fc.

To invent; to do anything without authority. Pass. Pokaia.

Na wai i mea. kia poka te haere ra reira ? By whom was it said that you were to go that way without leave ?

Me poka te rakau nei; Let a hole be made in this wood. Pokai, <?. A ball of twine, fyc. Pokai, v. To wind in a ball. Pass. Pokaia. Ma wai e pokai te aho ? By whom shall the line be wound up ? Pokaikaha, v. To be confused. Ka tae matou kite wahi ngaru ka pokaikaha matou ; When we

reached the part where the waves were rough we were confused.


Pokaka, .y. A storm ; a squall. Pokr/ku, v. To be in doubt; to be mistaken ; to bungle; to be confused. Pokanoa, s. An invention. A thing done without reason. Pokanoa, a. Performing a work of one’s own accord. He tangata pokanoa ; A man who does anything of his own accord.

Pokanoa, v. To do a thing of one s own accord. Pokapoka, v. To plant in holes. Me pokapoka nga kapana kite papatu ; Let the potatoes be planted on the new ground. Pokapu. ,s■. Middle; centre. . ■ Poktzrekore, v. To ripple. Pokoretanga, .v. A ripple. Marino tonu te moana, hore rawa he pokaretanga ; The sea is quite calm, there is no ripple.

Poke, v. Tobe dirty. Kei poke te ware ; Let not the house be dirty. Pokeka, y. To be perplexed. Pokeke, a. Small. He mara pokeke; A small farm. Pokeke, v. To be sullen. Pokenga, s. Act or time of making dirty. Pokepoke, v. 'To mix up, asfour in baking. Me pokepoke he taro aianei; Let bread be made to-day. Pokere, .v. Pulpy part of the tawa berry.





Pokere, ad. In the dark. Ka haere pokere atu te tangata i konei; The man goes in the dark from this place. Poki, v. To cover up an oven with earth. Pokia ta tatou umu ; Let our oven be covered up with earth. Poko, v. To go out, as fire. Ho mai he peka kei poko te ahi; Give me some firewood that the fire may not go out. (£'. C.) Pokohzwi, s. A shoulder. (E. C.) Pokorehu, <9. Ashes. (/?.) v. An ant.

Poko f wPwi, s. A shoulder. Pokztrukwru, s. A lump. Pokz/rukzzru, v. To be lumpy. Pona, <?. A joint of the body. A knot. A string offish. Pona, v. To tie in a knot. Pass. Ponahia. Poii«ii<7, ,y. Perplexity. He ponana i mahue ai nga pukapuka ; Perplexity was the reason on account of which the letters were left behind. Ponapona, s. A joint of the body, particularly the knee, the elbow, the ankle, and the wrist. Ponga, A fern tree. ( Cyathea dealbata.) Pongaktzwa, v. To consume. Kua pongakawatia te kai; The food is consumed. Pongaponga, s. A nostril. Name of a particular mode oj preparing timber.

He pongaponga tenei tarai ; This mode of working is called pongaponga. (E. C.') Pongere, v. To smother ; to pother. Pongere ana te auahi ; The smoke pothers. Pongerettznga, Act of making a pother. Pongi, s. A native girdle. Pongipongi., s. An eddy wind. Pongipongi, v. To be cool; to be windy. Ka pongipongi konei ; This place is windy. Pongzangza, <?. Tattooing on the lower part of the nose.

Pqnianza, s. Lower part of the nose. Pono, s. Truth. He aha te pono ? What is truth ? Pono, a. True. Pono, v. To be true. Pononga, <y. A slave; a servant. Truth. (W.) Pononga, a. True. He korero pononga tau ; Thy speech is true. ( W.) Popo, v. To be pointed. Ma tawiti e titiro Maungataniwa popo tonu ana a runga ; If Maungataniwa be looked at from a distance it is quite pointed at the top. To knead; to mix up. Ma wai e popo te paru ? By whom shall the mortar be mixed up ? To sit round food. To anoint. Me popo kite hinu kite koko-


wai; Let it be anointed with oil and red ochre. Popo a, s. Sacred food eaten on account of the dead. Popohe, r. To be withered. Popoia. s. Handles of a basket. (W.) Popokotea, s. A bird. Poponoj a. Covetous ; greedy. Popono, v. To be covetous. Oti ka popono koutou ki nga kota o Te Mahia ? Are you then covetous about the shells of Te Mahia ? Popore, v. To desire; to wish anxiously for. Poporo ? s. A shrub. (Solanum laciniatum.)

A potatoe turned black in the sun. Poporoihewa, s. A bird. Haere ana te poporpihewa, noho ana te kiore ; The poporoihewa went away, but the rat remained. s. A tree. ( Hedycaria scabra.) - Pora, ??. To be flat, as a roof. Ka pora te ware ; The house has a fiat roof. Porae, s. A fish. Porae, v. To anoint. Porohurohu, s. Mistake. Sorrow on account of something lost. Porangi, s. Haste. A person deranged. (fi- C.) Porangi, a. Hasty ; deranged. Porangi, v. To be in haste; to be deranged. He aha tau e porangi nei ? What are you in a hurry about ?


Por&ra., v. To be open; to be broken. E porara ana a raro o te kete koia i komama ai; The bottom of the basket is open, therefore it fell out. Poraurtzha, a. Confused. Pore, s. A starting, as in sleep. Porearea, s. Noise. Shame. Porearea tahi ; What a noise you make. (E. C.) Porekep?/, v. To be broken off short. Porekepu te rakau i waenganui; The tree was broken off short in the middle. (E. C.) Porepore, v. To be faint with

hunger. E porepore ana taku manawa ; My stomach is faint with hunger. Poreterete, s. A species of duck. s. A mad person. Pori., Collops of fat. A tribe. Ko wai te ingoa o to koutou pori ? What is the name of your tribe ? (E. C.) Porihrtwa, s. A bird. PorirOj s. An illegitimate child. Poro, s. An end; a termination. A block. Kei hea te poro rakau ? Where is the block of wood ? Poro, v. To terminate; to be finished. Taihoa kia poro. te kai kite wenua; By and bye let the planting of the food in the ground be finished. (E. C.) Porooki, Last words spoken when departing.





Na te Waikeri te poroaki kia ho atu he kapana mau ; It was Waikeri’s last speech to give some potatoes for you. Poroaki, v. To speak at the time of departure. Porohe, s. A large muscle. (Rd) Young of the fsh mohi. Porohari, v. To upset; to overturn ; to tumble one over another. Porokaki, s. Back of the neck. (E. C.) Porokere, v. To be broken of short. Porokz', v. To speak at the time of departure. Ka poroki iho ki a maua kia haere atu koe apopo ; He spoke to us on coming away that you should go to-morrow.

Poronga, s. Act of finishing ; a termination. Ko te poronga tenei o tana ko~ rero ; This was the end of his speech. Porongoua, s. Throat of a fish. Poroporo, s. A plant. ( Solanum.) Pororaru, s. A bewildering. Porortzru, v. To be bewildered. Porori, .$•. Slowness; want of activity. (E* C.) A mark of tattoo on the breech. Porori, a. Slow; dilatory. He tangata porori kite haere ; A man slow to walk. Not bored; —relative to the ears. Porori, v. To be slow ; to be dilatory.

Poronza, v. A thistle. Porottzka, a. Round. Porotawa, s. A fungus on trees. Porotutwki, v. To terminate. Kua porotutuki mai te awa ; The river has terminated. Porotutzzkitzznga, s. Termination of a navigable stream. <s■. A circle. Poro'wiu, v. To throw. Pass. Porowiua. Porwkuj a. Doubled up. Porzzku, v. To double up. Porukuhia te kete ; Let the basket be doubled up. Porzzru, a. Thick ; close together, as plants. Potae, A covering for the head.

Potait«ka, w. To appear to turn round ; to be giddy. Ka potaitaka te wenua ; The earth seems to turn round. Potaka, s. A top. v. To be round ; to be circular. Kia potakataka te taiepa nei; Let this fence be circular. Potangottzngo, v. To be dark. Potangotango ana te rangi; The heavens are dark. Poteretere, v. To be dripping wet. Poteretere ana oku kakahu ; My clothes are dripping wet. Potete, a. Curly. Potete, v. To speak frequently. Potete tonu kia patua a hau; He was continually talking of killing me.




Poti., s. A large basket for cooked food. An inner corner, as of a room. A cat. Potiki, s. A child; a youngest child. Poto, a. Short. Poto, v. To be short. To have arrived. Kua poto mai nga mea i runga i te kaipuke ; The things have arrived from on board the ship. Potwri, v. To be deaf. Poturi ana aku taringa ; My ears are deaf. Pou., s. A post for a house or fence.

A box. Pm/aru, s. A widower, or widow. Voice, s. A shell-fish. Vowpovt, s. Small pegs or stakes. Powpou, v. Tofix into the earth. Pass. Poua. Me poupou nga tia o te teneti; Let the stakes of the tent he fixed into the ground. ■ VouAi, s. Darkness. z ■ VouA, a. Dark. : VovrA, v. To be dark.

Po&rit&nga., .s. Darkness; lime of darkness. Poutb, <?. Floats of a net, being short pieces of light wood. Pouto, v. To cut asunder. Poutoa te kauru o te rakau ; Let the top of the tree be cut off. Poutokomanawa, Middle post of a native house upon which the ridge pole rests.

Pt/waitere., .v. A green parrot. Syn. with Kakariki. Powakakzwa, s. Chief place of residence. PoSvariPwOTU, .y. A quicksand; earth or sand into which the

feet sink. {E. C.) Po‘waru. c waru, v. To sink into the sand or earth. Ka powaruwaru nga waewae ki te one ; The feet sink into the sand. (C. £«) PoSvPwi, s. A creeper. Pu, a. Near; precise. Ko te kainga pu tenei; This is the very place. He wanaunga pu a Kawiti ki aTe Koki; Kawiti is a near relative to Te Koki. Pu, <v. A tribe. Ko te pu tenei o Tipare ; This is Tipare’s tribe. A gun. Pua, s. A flower. Seed.

Pua, v. To roll up a garment, and hold it in one hand, while a person swims with the other. Puaia tou kakahu ; Let your garment be held in one hand. Pwaha, s. Mouth of a river. Pwahattznga, s. A mouth or opening. Pwaka, Small dry branches. Flower of a plant . P&aki, v. To speak; to disclose. Kia puaki mai tou waha ; Speak you; or, Let your mouth speak. Pwanu, v. To be cool. Puanu ake ana te hau o te pari nei; The wind comes cold up this precipice.




Pz/acl v. To dawn. Ka puao te ra ; ka haere tatou ; The day dawns., let us go. s. Time of dawn. Hei te puaotanga tatou ka haere ai; Let us go at the dawn. Pz/atea, <?. A plant. (Gnaphalium.) Pzzare, An opening. I na te puare o te taiepa uga poaka; The pigs came in by the opening of the fence. a. Open. P&are, v. To be open. Ku a puare te tatau ; The door is open.

Pu«ta«ta.> a. Open ; full of holes. Putztaata, v. To be open ; to be full of holes. Pwata‘wz’ f wi, <s. A creeper. (Parkinsonia.) Pz/awai. 5-. A flower. Pwaw«nanga, A creeper. (Clematis indivisa.) Puehu, s. Dust. Puehu, v. To be covered with dust; to fly, as dust. E puehu ana te nehu ki runga kite kai; The dust flys over the food.

Pzzeku, s. A barren plant;— relating to potatoes or maize. Puetoeto, s. A bird which frequents the swamps. Pwha, s. GUIs of a fish. Pwhanga, s. A species of eel. Act or time of shooting. Pwhangazti, a. Small; little. P/zhapwlia, v. To be full, as a river.

Puhapuha ana te wai toka tonu i runga; The water is full up to the brim. Pwhi, s. A woman betrothed. An eel. Puhz’hi, s. Seed potatoes which throw up a very weak sprout. Puhzhihzhi, s. Rigidity of the hair. He puhihihihi no te upoko ; A stiffness, or unpliantness of the hair of the head.

5. A species of eel. Pz/hipz/hi, v. To grow vigorously- t Ka puhipuhi te tupu o te kapana; The shoot of the potatoe grows vigorously. Pzzhoi, a. Deaf ; dull; slow. He waka puhoi; A slow canoe. Pwhonga, a. Stinking; offensive. Pwlioro, s. Tattoo on the thigh. Bad weather. (#•) Pzzhoru, s. A term applied to cockles which do not open when cooked.

He pipi puhoru; A “puhoru ” cockle. Pzzhou, s. A shrub. Syn. with Tupakihi. Pzzhua, v. To dig up potatoes remaining in the ground after the crop has been taken up. Pass. Puhuatia. Pzzhuki, s. Dullness ; bluntness. Pzzhuki., a. Dull; blunt. Pzzhuki, v. To be dull, fyc. Ka puhuki taku toki ; My axe is blunt.


To make up into bundles; to roll up. Puia te aho ; Let the line be wound up. Puia nga raupo mo te ware ; Let the raupo for the house be tied up into bundles. Pztia, s. A volcano. A bush. Pwia_, v. To smart. Ka puia aku kanohi i te au ; My eyes smart with the smoke. Pzzihzhi; Strings of a mat. P/tka, s. A spade. A cabbage. A tree so called. I Polygonum australe. ) Pwkaij v. To lay in a heap. f Pukairia nga oneone ki waenganui; Let the earth be laid in the

midst. (E. C.) Puktzka, s. Heat. Puktzka| v. To be hot. Puktzki, s. A scrofulous swelling of the neck. Pzzkana, <?. A grinning. v. To grin; to make faces. Pwkapwka, j. A tree. (Brachyglottis repanda.) A book ; a letter. Paper. Puk&takzzta, v. To be dry ; to crackle. Pz/katea, s. A tree. s. A species of shellfish. Pz/ke, <y. A hill. Pukea, v. To overflow.


Ka pukea te wai akuenei; The water will overflow by and bye. Pz/keko, v. A bird. A potatoe fully ripe. Pwkepzzke, a. Hilly. Ka puta mai ra nga tangata i te wahi pukepuke ; The men made their appearance at the hilly place. Pwkerp v. To tear up the earth, as by the current of a flood. Pwkeru, v. To blow. Pukerua te kapura ; Let the fire be blown. Pwkohu, s. A fog; a mist. PzzkokiV, s. A self-sown potatoe. (PT.) Pukoro, s. A small net. A halo.

PwkorO; v. To encircle. Ka pukoroa te marama ; The moon is encircled with a halo, <9. A large basket. Pukorukoruj s. Rotten wood. Ka takahia te pukorukoru ka ngaeki noa ; If the rotten wood is trod upon it yields. Pzzku, s. A swelling. The stomach. P?/ku, v. To swell. Ka puku taku kauae ; My jaw swells. a. Secret. Ehara i te mea he haere puku ; It was not it was a secret going.

ad. Secretly ; without speaking. I oma puku ia; He ran away secretly. Without food. E noho puku ana matou ; We are sitting without food.





Pwkuptzngo, <?. A polatoe turned black by exposure to the sun. Pwkuwai, s. A polatoe become watery from having grown. Pwmahu, <?. Warmth; heat. He pumahu te wenua i te ra, meake tupu te kai ; The earth is warm from the sun, the food will soon grow.

a. Fixed; constant. He tangata pumau ; A man fixed to the place. He kainga pumau ; A constant place of residence. v. To be fixed ; to be constant. Ka pumau te noho ki Hauraki; His residence at Hauraki is constant. <9. Circumstance of being fixed or constant.

Pz/muka, <?. A thrust with a stick or other weapon. Pwmuka, v. To thrust with a stick, fyc. ; to stab. Pass. Pumukaia. s. A spring of water. A plant. Puruzwnau, s. A self-sown potatoes Punehunehu, v. To be covered with dust. s. Dust. Pwnga, s. An anchor; a stone ' used as an anchor. \

A basket used for catching eels. An odd number. Erua tekau nga tangata kotahi punga; Here are twenty men and one odd one.

s. Pumice stone. A variety of potatoes. A cake made from the pollen of the dowers of raupo. (E. C.) s. Ashes. Pungata, v. To be dry. Ka pungata te toetoe o te ware ; The grass upon the house is dry.

Pwngawerewere, s. A spider. Pungorungoru, v. To be light or loose, as earth. Pwni, A company of persons. Ka toru puni e haere ana; There are three companies who are going. Puni, a. Stopped, up. He awa puni te Wairoa; The Wairoa is a river blocked up. Pzzni, v. To be stopped up. Ka puni te awa ; The river is stopped up. To be covered. Kia rua auau ka puni te mara ; Let there be two baskets of seed, and the garden will be covered.

Pzznua, s. A young animal. (E.C.) Pzznui, v. To be close together. Kia punui tahi tatou te haere ; Let us go close together. (2?. C.) s. A shell fsh. A bundle of things tied together. Tikina nga pupu raupo i te repo; Let the bundles of raupo be fetched from the swamp. PzzpUj, v. To tie up in a bundle. Pass. Pupuria. Pzzpu, v. To boil. Kahore ano i pupu noa te tikera; The tea-kettle has not yet boiled. Pupzzhi, v. To swell. Ka pupuhi taku kanohi ; My eye swells.




Ptrpwhi, v. To shoot ; to fire. Pass. Puhia. Pwpurtzngi, s. A shell-fish. Pupttri, v. To retain in a place; to keep ; to hold. Puritia toku kakahu ; Let my garment be held. Kahore matou i puritia kite kainga ; We were not retained at the place. Pupwru, a. Thick in consistence. Pupwru, v. To be thick in consistence. Kia pupuru te kohari kao ; Let the mess of kao be thick. Pupwtu, a. Near; close.

Pupwtu, v. To be near; to be close. Kia puputu nga pouaka kia o ai; Let the boxes be close that they may all go in. P?<ra, s. An obstruction in the eye. Pwra, v. To have an obstruction in the eye. Pwrahorua, s. A messenger. (W.), s. An old man. (7?.) Pwranga, s. A heap. Pzzranga, v. To heap up. Pass. Purangatia.

E puranga ana ia i nga kowatu kite marae; He is heaping up the stones in the yard. Ptzrangatttnga, s. Place, time, or act of heaping up. Pux-apuxo,, s. Seed of plants or trees. Pwrara, v. To be open ; to be in holes. Pwratoke, <s■. A glow-worm ; a

phosphorescent animalculce in the sea.

Pwra f vvetu, s. A heap, as of potatoes. Eono nga purawetu ki tahaki; There are six heaps by the side of the garden. Pwre, <?. A sacred service over the dead.

Sacred food. Purehua, v. To emit gas. Ka purehua te kapura ; The fire emits gas. Purehurehu, s. A large flyPurez’rei, s. A tuft of grass in a swamp. Ma runga ite pureirei; Tread upon the tufts of grass. (JF.) Pzzreke, s. Outside of the flax leaf m Purekireki, s. A tuft of grass in a swamp. He repo pai he purekireki; It is a good swamp to travel through, there are tufts of grass in it.

Pwremir, s. Adultery. Paremu, a. Adulterous. Pwremu, v. To commit adultery. f. ft i* , , 4 v. To run over. Purena ana te wai o te kaho; The water of the cask runs over. Purengi, s. A stay for a mast. Pur epur e, a. Spotted. Pure‘rva, s. A muscle. Pwriri, s. A tree. ( Vitex littoralis.) Pwritanga., v. A handle ; act of holding.




Pzzrotu, a. Pleasant ; good ; clear. He kainga purotu ; A pleasant place. He wai purotu ; Clear water. (K. C.) Pzzrou, s. A fork. (W.) Purou,a. Pulled out with a fork. He mea purou nga tuna a Tirare ; The eels Tirare caught were a thing pulled out with a fork. Pzzrou, v. To take up with a fork. Pass. Puroua.

PurowroUj <9. A bird. Syn. with Tieki. Pzzihi, s. A plug; a cork. Pz/ru., v. To plug up. Pass. Purua. Me puru te puta o te waka ki te kakahu ; Let the hole of the canoe be plugged up with a piece of cloth. Pzzrunga, s. Act or time of plugging up. Pzzrupz/ruj, A chisel. Pzzta, .9. An opening ; a hole. Kei hea te puta o te peke ? Where is the bat’s hole ?

v. To enter. To come in sight. Ka puta te kiore ki roto; The rat comes inside. To pass through. Ka puta nga ika ki waho ; The fishes pass out. Pzztake, s. Foot of a tree or plant. Pzztanga, s. Place, time, or act of passing through. Pzztara, .v. A shellfish.

& Putflwa, s. A large potatoe. Fungus on trees. Pzzte, 1 s. A bag; a basket Pwtea, j i° contain clothes. Pzztiki, v. To tie, as string round a stick. Pass. Putikiria. Pzztoa, <9. A plant. Putongamarangai, <s*. South-east wind.

Putorino, s. A native flute. Pzztoto, v. To be raw or bloody. Putoto tonu te poaka nei; This pork is quite bloody. Pzztu, v. To lie in a heap. Kei tatahi nga papa e putu ana; The boards are lying in a heap on the beach. s. A heap. Pzzturzznga, s. Act or time of heaping. Pzz f wa ; s. A thistle. Pu'wa, v. To spit out. Ka pu‘waia nga kai ki waho; The food is spat out. (E. C.)

Pw f wara 5 <y. A parasitical plant. Puw«taw«ta_, v. To be full of holes. Syn. with Piwatawata. Pzz'weiu/a, s. Stay of a mast. Pz/wera, a. Warm. He wai puwera ; Warm water. Puwera, v. To be warm. Puwerewere, s. A spider. Syn. with Pungawerewere, Pz/weru, s. A native mat. Pz/weto, s. A bird.



Ra, s. The sun ; daylight. Sail of a canoe or boat. Ra, ad. There. (Used often without any def nite meaning.) Rae, s. Forehead; a promontory or headland. Rtzhi, a. Large. Rahi, <?. A servant; a dependent. Size ; largeness. Te rahi o tenei ware ; The size of this house.

Rahi, v. To be large; to be plentiful. Kia rahi mai he kai; Let the food be plentiful. Rahinga, -v. Largeness ; abundance. Rahirahi, a. Thin. He papa rahirahi; A thin board. Rahirahi, v. To be thin. Rahirahinga, s. Thinness. Rahiri, s. A rope. Rahoa, v. To be filed up. Ka rahoa tera repo kite rakau ; That swamp will be filled up with timber. ( W.) Rahu, s. A basket.

Syn. with Kete. (2?. C.) Rahui, s. A mark denoting a sacred' place, as a burialplace ; a mark to indicate that shell-fish, timber, fax, or any other commodity in the neighbourhood, is to be preserved.


Rahui, a. Made sacred; preserved. Rahui, v. To make sacred; to preserve. Pass. Rahuitia. Rahui, s. A herd. Syn. with Kahui. Na wai te rahui poaka nei ? Whose is this herd of pigs ? (E. C.) Rahurahu, s. The fern plant. Rahurahu, v. To take hold of a thing ; to pull about. He aha tau e rahurahu ki taku mea ? Why are you pulling my thing about ? Raihi, 6*. A small enclosure; a pig’s sty.

Raina, ad. There. Raka, ack There. Raka, v. To be entangled. Ka raka aku waewae, ka hinga au ; My legs were entangled, and I fell. Rakapzkipzki, v. To be lying across, as sticks. Rakau, <y. A tree; timber; a piece of wood. Rako, s. An albino; a NewZealander whose skin is preternaturally white, like that of a European, and whose hair also is white.

Rakuhanga, s. Act of scratching. Rakuraku, An implement to scrape with; a rake; a small hoe. Rakuraku, v. To scrape; to scratch. Pass. Rakuhia. 9





Rama, s. A torch. A razor. Ramarama, s. A shrub. (Myrtus hullata.) Rami, v. To squeeze. Me kowa te pipi, ka rami ai ki te wai; Let the cockles be taken out of the shell, and then squeezed in water. Ranea, a. Abundant; not quickly consumed. Ranea, v. To be abundant. E ranea mai ana te tangata ; The men are numerous. Raneatanga, <y. Abundance. PC yt } uf I. Ranga, A shoal offish.

A company of persons. Rangatahi, v. To be quick; to rush. Rangatahi tou waewae ; Let your foot be quick. Rangatzra, <y. A chief man or woman. Rangi, Sky; heaven. llivision or portion of a song. Rangi rua te haka nei; This song is in two parts. Rangi, v. def. To be better. E rangi tenei kakahu ; This garment is better.

Rangimarie, a. Quiet; peaceful. Rangimafrie, v. To be quiet; to be at peace. Rangimarietanga, Quietness; peace. Rangiparuhi, j. A person fully tattooed. Rangirangi, v. To roast ; to scorch., -

Rangi roro, j. Giddiness. Ka taka te rangiroro i taku matenga ; Giddiness affects my head. Rangitoto, s. Black lava. Rango, <s. A skid ; a piece of wood laid upon the ground over which boats or canoes are dragged.

A large meat fly. Syn. with Ngaro. (E. C.) Rann, a. Mixed. He mea ranu te kai nei kite hinu ; This food is mixed with fat. Raorao, s. A plain ; flat land. Rapa, Stern-post of a canoe. Flat part of a spade. Rapa, v. To be entwined. Rapa tonu kite rakau ; It is entwined round the tree. Rapa, v. To look for. Pass. Rapahia. E rapa aha ana koe ? What are you looking for ? (E. C.)

Rapaki, v. To be girt up. Rapaki rawa nga kakahu o Kapenga; Kapenga’s clothes are girt up. Raparapa, s. Sole of the foot. Raparapart/ru, A species of potatoe. Rape, s. A species of potatoe. Tattooing on the breech. Rara, A rib. A stage upon which kumara are dried after having been cooked in an oven. A shoal offish. "Rar a, s. Small sticks for firewood.




Rara, r. To sound. Ka rara nga waewae i te omanga ; The feet sound in running. Rara, v. To be spread upon a stage. Ka rara nga tuna ki runga kite ahi; The eels are spread upon a stage upon the fire. To go in shoals. Ka rara nga ika ki runga o te kaha runga ; The fish go in shoals over the top of the net. To be turned round by a wave in landing on the seabeach. Ka rara te poti ka tahuri; If the boat is turned it will be upset. (E. C.)

Rara, ad. There. Rarahu, s. Fern. Raranga, v. To plait, as in making baskets or floor mats. Rangahia he takapau moku ; Let a mat be plaited for me. Rarangi, 5. A row. E tu ra koutou i te rarangi; Stand all of you in a row. Rarata, a. Tame; quiet. He kararehe rarata ; A tame animal. Rarata, v. To be tame or quiet. Bftxau, v. To sit quietly. He tamariki oti koe ? ekore koe e rarau ki raro ? Are you a child ? will you not sit down quietly ? Rarazzhe, s. Fern. (W.) Rare, v. A stupid person. He rare koe ; You are a stupid fellow. Rare, v. To be dull or stupid. Rari, s. A fsh. Rari, v. To be wet. Ka rari toku kakahu; My garment is wet.

Raro, An implement with which cockles are collected. Roto, prep. Below. R«ru, 1 v . To b eperplexed; Raruraru, J to be in difficulty. Ka raru tana akuenei i te’ngaru ; We shall be in difficulty presently from the waves, Rata, s. A tree. (Metrosideros robusta.) Rato, v. To be served with anything, as food, fyc. Ka rato nga tangata i te utu ; The men are all served with payment. Ratou, pron. They.

Rau, v. Leaf of a plant. Rau, a. An hundred. Razza, v. To be gathered up. Raua nga mea kite kete ; Let the things be gathered into the basket. Razza, pron. They two. Rauaruhe, s. Fern leaves. {E. C.) Rauawa, Side boards of a canoe. Razziri, <9. A fence in a rivulet to which an eel net is attached. Razzkai, s. Leaves with which baskets are made for cooked food. Raukawa, .v. A plant of a strong odour, the leaves of which are worn round the neck. Raukzzra, £. A feather. A fish. Raumarie, s. Afsh. Razzmati, s. Summer.




Razznunzzi, s. Breadth. £• - Kia pehea te raununui o nga pou ? How much shall be the breadth of the posts ? Raz/pa, s. A sore or crack in the skin. Ka mate aku waewae i te raupa; My legs are sore with cracks. Razzpa, v. To be cracked or chapped on the skin. Pass. Raupatia. Razzpeti, s. A plant. ( Solanum.) Razzpi, v. To cover up or bury. Ka raupitia te roi kite rau rakau ; The fernroot is buried with leaves.

Razzpo, .?• A species of flag, used in making houses. ( Typha augustifolia.) Razzrarahi, <?. Breadth. (WA Razzreka, v. To be deceitful. Syn. with Tinihanga. (E. C.) Raurekau. s. A tree. Rawa, v. To be choked. Ka rawa te tamaiti i te korau ; The child is choked with the fern leaf. t Rawa, s. Goods; property. Kahore aku rawa; I have no property. Rawa, ad. Denoting excess. Mate rawarawa te tamaiti nei; This child is quite dead. Rawa, v. To be numerous. E rawa ana nga tangata ; The men are numerous. Rawaru, s. Afresh waterfsh. Rawe, s. Excellence. Mahue rawa tau mea te rawe ; Thy thing is surpassing in excellence.

Rawe, v. To be excellent. Ka rawe to kakahu ; Thy garment is excellent. Raweke, a. Obstinate; teasing. He tangata raweke; A teasing man. Rawenga, #. Excellence. Ra f wi, s. A basket. Roiroia te rawi; Let the basket be fastened up. ( W.) Rehoreho, £. A shellfish. Rehu, v. To chip ; to split off in chips. E rangi te kowatu, ka rehua ka ngawara; The stone is better, for when it is chipped it breaks. Rehu, 6*. A native flute.

Rehunga, s. Act or time of chipping. Rehurfhu, v. To decline, as the sun. Ka rehurehu te ra, ekore tatou e tae; The sun declines, we shall not reach the place. Rei, s. The chest ; the breast. Reza, v. dff. Press on. An expression used in urging on an attack. Rez’nga, s. The place of departed spirits. Rez'ra, ad. There. Tirohia te ware me kahore i reira; Let the house be searched to see if it be not there. Reka, a. Sweet ; palatable. Me i paka ka reka; If it had been dried it would be sweet. Reka, s. Sweetness. Reka, v. To be sweet ; to be pleasant.




Reka tonu nga korero ; The speech is altogether pleasant. Rekanga, s. Sweetness. Rekareka, s. An itching. Sweetness. C.) Rekareka, v. To itch. Reke, .v. A topknot; the hair of the head tied in a bunch. A push with a stick. Reker eke, s. The heel. Reko, A white dogskin mat. Remu, s. End of a potatoe which has no eyes upon it. Ko nga remu hei kai ma matou; Let the ends be food for us.

Hem or border of a garment. Remuroa, s. A plant. Rena, v. To be stretched out, as a garment. Rena te kakahu ; Let the garment be stretched out. Renarena, v. To be high water. Ka renarena te tai; It is high water. (E. C.) Renga, s. Good fernroot. Kotahi kete renga, kotahi kete parara - There is one basket of good fernroot, and one basket of bad.

Rengarenga, s. A plant. (Arthropodium cirrhatum.) Reo, s. Speech ; a voice. Ko te reo o te tangata e wawaro mai nei; The voice of the man which sounds here. Reoreo, s. A sea bird. A plain. Syn. with Raorao. (R.) Repa, s. Belly of a shark separated from the body.

A mat. Syn. with' Tatata. Repe, s. A species of potatoe. Syn. with Rape. Repo, £. A swamp. A fish —[Stingaree.~\ (R-) Rere, s. A waterfall. Rere, v. To run; tofly; to sail. Ko apopo rere ai te kaipuke; The ship will sail to-morrow. Rere, in/. Demanding attention. E hoa, rere ! O friend, attend ! (W.) Rerealii&bi, j. Evening star.

Rerehu, v. To be heated. Ka rerehu te okeoke ; The oven is heated. (E. C.) Rerei, ad. There. E noi mai rerei: It lies there. (IV) Rere mai, <y. A large shark. Rerenga, s. Act or time of sailing or flying. Rerepehi, s. Tattooing on the cheek. Rereptzri, <?. A species of crab.

JUetao, s. A covering of grass over food in an oven before the earth is put on. Reti, s. A snare. Reti, v. To insnare. Reto, s. Deep water. Reto, a. Deep. He wahi reto tera taha; That side is a deep place. Returetu, s. A water plant. Reua, s. A shrub. Rewa, s. Mast of a ship.




Re‘wa, s. Eyelids. Manana Kan ana nga rewa; The eyelids are moving. Rewa, v. To float; to melt. Kia rewa te poti; Let the boat float. Rewanga, s. Act or time of floating. s. A sickness; an epidemic. Rewarewa, s. A tree. ( Knightia excelsa.) Ri, v. To screen ; to block up. Ka riia te hau; The wind is shut out.

Riakanga, 5. Act or time of lifting up. (W.) Rz'aki, v. To fall out. To lift up. Riakina atu nga riwai; Let the potatoes be lifted away. (JF.) (E. C.) Rzanga, j. A screen. Ho mai nga raupo naka hei rianga ; Give us that raupo as a screen. Hie, a. Two. E rie ; There are two. (R.) Rzenga, a. Two. E rienga i a matou ; We have two. (-K-) Rzha, <9. Egg of a louse. Rzki, a. Small.

Rzko, v. To wane. Ka riko te marama; The moon wanes. Rz’korzko, a. Dark; twilight. I te ahiahi rikoriko ; At the evening twilight. Rzimi, A tree. ( Dacrydium cupressinum.) Seaweed.

Rzngarznga, s. A hand. Rzngilianga, s. Act or time of pouring. Rmo, s. Iron. Rzpa, s. A boundary. (W')

Rz’parz'pa, s. Tattooing on the cheeks. Rzparzpa, v. To put grass round the sides of a native oven. Riparipaia to tatou hangi; Let our oven have grass put round the sides. Rzpeka, s. A cross. Rzpeka, a. Lying across. He ara ripeka; A cross road. Rz'peka, v. To lay across; to mark with a cross.

To crucify. Pass. Ripekatia* Rzpi, s. A stick to kill eels with. (Jf.) Rzpi, v. To cut, as with a knfe. Pass. Ripia. Rzpinga, <?. Act or time of cutting. Rz'porzpo, s. A whirlpool; an eddy.

Rzporz’po, v. To whirl; to curl, as smoke, water, or wind. Ka puhia mai e te hau ka riporipoa te mura ote ahi; When it is blown by the wind the flame of the fire curls. Eire., s. Deep water. He rire to konei; This part is deep water. Rz’ri, s. Anger. Rz’ri, a. Angry. Rzri, v. To be angry.




Riria te tangata kia hoki; Be angry with the man that he may return ; more literally, Let the man be angered with. Ririki, a. Small. Riringa, s. Act or time of being angry. Riringi, v. To pour out. Pass. Ringihia. Ringihia he wai i roto i te karaha; Let some water be poured out of the calabash. Ririwai, s. Stakes in the bed of a river to which nets are attached. Ririw/zka, f. A plant. Riro, v. To be gone. Kua riro ke te tangata ; The man is quite gone. Riroi, s. A rat. Rironga, <y. Act or time of going. Rita, £. An evil spirit. Haere ana rita noho ana te tangata ; The evil spirit departs and the man remains. Ritaka, s. Green leaves with which an oven is covered. Rite, a. Like. Rite, v. To be like. Kia rite te haere ; Walk altogether. Ritenga, s. Likeness; custom; practice ; habit. Rite, 5. Middle shoot of a plant; the heart. Ko te rito i waenganui te waiho; Let the shoot in the middle be left. Ri f wa, .v. A chink; a cleft.

[ Ri f wa, a. Having a piece bropen () /r or chipped. . 1 L R?wa, v. To be chipped; to be broken. , Ka nwa te papa; lhe board has a piece broken out. Riwai, «y. A general name for potatoes. Ro, s. An insect. -j-, wii • prep. . i ill. Ku . a nr 1 ° ia kl r 0 ware ’ gone into the house. (£. C.) T Roa. a. Lons. ° Roa, v. To be long. Roaka, a. Abundant. He kai roaka; Abundant food. Roaka, v. To be abundant. ’ Roakatanga, s. Abundance. Roanga, s. Length. Roh A fish _rsii n gareeA J - (W.) Roha, v. To expand, as the wings of a bird. E roha ana nga pakikau o te manu ; The wings of the bird are expanding. Rohe, <s■. a. boundary. A hand-net for fsh. W Roherohe, s. A torch. R o j Fernroot. Roimtzta, s. Tears. Roiroi, <?. A dwarf. Roiroi, a. Half-cooked. Ma wai tenei kai roiroi ? For whom is this half-cooked food ? t» • • m ,• r , Roiroi, v. Io tie orjasten up. Roiroia te rawi; Let the basket be tied up. ( W.)




Rokohonga, v. To be overtaken; to have arrived. Rokohanga atu e au kua mate ke ; When the place was reached by me he was quite dead. Rokohzna, v. To be overtaken ; to have arrived. Roma, s. A current; a stream. Rona, v. To put the mangemange upon the roof of a native house. Kahore ano i rona te ware ? Has not the house been yet covered with mangemange ?

To prepare cockles in the form of a pudding. Kei te rona pipi a Kino ; Kino is preparing cockles. Rongo, a. Hearing; obedient. Rongo, t>. To hear ; to listen ; to obey. Pass. Rangona. Rongoa, a. Healing. Rongoa, Medicine. Rongoa, v. To heal; to cure; to preserve ; to take care of. Rongoatia a tatou kai mo apopo; Let our food be taken care of for to-morrow.

Ropa, s. A slave. (ML) A fortified village. Ka haere tatou ki ropa ; Let us go to the village. Ropi, s. A potatoe. Ropi, v. To cover up. Ropia to kakahu; Let your garment be covered up. Repine, v. To cover up. Ropinea nga mea ki waenganui;

Let thte things be covered up in the middle. Ropu, s. A company of persons. A clump of trees. Rora, s. Laziness. Ka tahi te rora o ta koutou mahi ; Great is the laziness of your work. (£. C.) Rora, a. Lazy. (-£• C.)

Rore, s. A snare. Rore, v. To insnare. Ka puta te kiore ki roto ka rorea; When the rat gets in it is insnared. To be weary ; to be tired. Rori, s. A basket in which cockles are gathered under water. Animalculce in the sea. Rori, To be entangled. I reira nga wakaheke e rori ana ; The ropes are entangled there. Rori., v. To be distorted. Ka rori nga kauae ; The jaws are distorted. ( The first syllable shorter than in the preceding word.)

To gather cockles in a basket. Roria, s. A musical instrument; ajew’s harp. Roro, s. Brains. Front of a house. Roroai, .v. Afresh water fish. Roroi, s. Mashed kumara. Roromi, v. To squeeze. To plunder. Aua e romia kei kutere ; Let it not be squeezed lest it be mashed. Roropi, v. To cover up out of sight.


To close. Ropia te kuwaha ; Let the door be closed. Rororo, s. A young maire tree. Sticks, by the rubbing of which fire is kindled. Rorotu, a. Heavy. Rorotu, v. To be heavy. E rorotu ana nga kanohi kite moe ; The eyes are heavy with sleep. Rota, <9. A fish. Roto, s. A lake.

Roto, prep. Within. Ka puta nga kiore ki roto ; The rats will get inside. Rou, s. An implement by which cockles are collected. Rou, v. To pull towards, as with a stick. Roua kite rakau ; Let it be pulled with a stick. Rozzrou, 6“. A basket for cooked food. {E. C.\ Rozztu, s. A comb. (E. C.) Ru, s. An earthquake. He ru wenua; A shaking of the earth.

Rua, a. Two. E rua nga waka ; There are two canoes. Rua, s. A storehouse ; a grave. Rzzaki, v. To be sick, h - Pass. Ruakina ; To be rejected from the mouth. Ka ruakina te kai ki waho; The food is rejected. Rzzakitzznga, s. Act or time of sickness. Rzzakozzzzau, j. A kumara store.


Rzzatahzzhu, s. A potatoe store. (W.) Rz/atzzra, s. A lizard. Rzzatirzzwa, s. A store, the floor of which is excavated. Rzzeke, s. A verandah. Rui, a. Scattering. Ko te tangata rui purapura tenei; This is the seed-scattering man. Rui, v. To scatter ; to sow. Ruia he purapura ; Let the seed be scattered.

Rzzinga, s. Act or time of scattering. Rzzke, v. To throw down* Rukea te kupenga kite moana; Let the net be cast into the sea. Rzzku, v. To dive. Pass. Rukuhia. E ruku paua ana nga tangata; The men are diving for paua. Rzzkuhzznga, s. Act or time of diving. Rz/kurzzku, s. A basket halffull. He rukuruku te kete ; The bas-

ket is half-full. Rzzmakzznga, <9. Act or time of ducking. Rzzmaki, t>. To duck in the water. Pass. Rumakina. Rzzna, s. A water plant. Rzzna, v. To chip thin. To steer. Runa te ihu ki waho ; Steer the canoe to the outer side. To tie together ; to draw together. Runa mai nga taha o te rakau kia iti mai; Let the sides of the



wood be drawn together that they may be small. Runa to tatou moki kia pai ; Let our raupo canoe be tied together that it may be good. Runa te kete ; Let the basket be tied up* Rz/nanga? s. A council. Kei te runanga to tatou hoa; Our friend is at the council. Rz/nanga? v. To hold a council. Rz/nga? prep. Above. Maumau kake noa a hau i runga ite taiepa; I climb over the fence to no purpose.

Rzzpahu? a. Angry ; finding fault. Rz/peke? tn To come together ; to assemble. Kua rupeke mai nga tangata; The men are assembled. Rzzpeketzznga? s. Act or time of coming together. Rzzperzzpe? v. To shake, as a garment. He aha tau e ruperupe i to kakahu ? What are you shaking your garment for ? ( W.)

Rzzrerzzre? v. To brandish; to shake. Ka rurerurea tana parawa ; His weapon is brandished* Rotu? s. An owl. Rzzru? a. Sheltered. He wahi ruru tenei; This is a sheltered spot. Rzzru? v. To be sheltered. To tie together. Me i mohio koutou kite ruru moki; If you had known how to tie up a moki. Me ruru mai nga taha o te waka ; Let the sides of the canoe be tied up* Rurz/hi, s, An old woman.


Rurz/ku, <?. A girdle ; a band. Ho mai tetahi ruruku kia piri ai; Give me a band that it may be drawn close. Rurzzku, v. To draw together. Wiria he taura hei ruruku i nga pakitara o te ware ; Let a rope be made to draw together the sides of the house. (£. C.) Rzztu? To wave in the wind. He hoka pai e rutu ana; It is a good feather which waves in the wind. Rz/tunga? s. Strength. He rutunga no te mate ; The strength? or violence? of the Rz/ f wa? s. Weariness. v. To be weary. Ka ruwa aku waewae ; My legs are weary. Rzzwalizne? s. An old woman.


Ta, s. A whip for a top. A hammer ; a mallet. (E. C.) Wind. He ta tika tenei mo te kaipuke ; This is a fair wind for the ship. A vessel to bale water with in a canoe. Ta, v. To cut. E haere ana a hau kite ta toetoe mo taku ware ; I am going to cut toetoe for my house. Ta, v. To beat down. Pass. Tangia. Q





Ho atu tatou kite ta karaka; Let us go to beat down karaka fruit. To bale water out of a boat. Tangia te riu ; Let the water be baled out. Ta, v. To tattoo. Pass. Taia. Na wai i ta to moko ? By whom was your “moko ” tattooed ? To print. To whip a top. E ta ana te tamaiti i tona kaihotaka ; The child is whipping his top. To breathe. Kata taku manawa ka mamae ; When I breathe I am in pain.

Ta, A term of address among the natives of the Bay of Plenty, and along the coast south of East Cape. E ta. Tae, v. To arrive. Kua tae mai te manuhiri ; The stranger has arrived. Taea, v. To be effected. Ka taea ta te tangata maori te aha ? What can be done with respect to the native’s custom ? To be equalled. Kahore he tangata e taea ai Te Horo te owa; There is not a man by whom Te Horo can be equalled in generosity.

Ttzenga, <y. Act or time of arriving. Taepa, s. A fence. Taha, <y. Side of anything. Leaf of the fax plant. A calabash. Taha, v. To goon one side; to pass by.

Kua taha ke te tangata; The man is gone by some time. Ttzhae, s. A thief. A person. {Not used reproachfully.} (W.)(E.C.) Tahae, a. Thievish. Ttzhae, v. To steal. Ana koe e tahae ; Thou shalt not steal. Tflhaetanga, s. Act or time of stealing. Ttzhake, .y. A person; a fellow. A child. Kei hea te tahake nei ? Where is this youth ? (E. C.) Tahaki, ad. By the side of; on one side.

Me haere rawa ma tahaki; Go on one side. Ttzhaku, pron. Mine. Syn. with Taku. (E. C.) T&hanga, ad. Naked. Ko tenei tangata e noho tahanga nei, kahore he weruweru; This man who sits naked here, he has no garment. (W.) Tahtzohao, v. To be fair ; to cease from rain. Kua tahaohao te ua ; The rain has ceased.

T«hat«ha, <?. Side of a river; a bank. Kua riro ia ki runga tahataha; He is gone upon the side of the river. Ttzhatika, s. A coast. Ka hoea ma te tahatika; The canoe is pulled along the coast T&hau, v. To shake off the dew from the trees. Trzliau, pron. Thine. Syn. with Tau. (E. C.) Tahe, s .A calabash.




Taheha, s. A small mat. Taheke, s. A waterfall. Tahere, v. To hang onesef. I tahere a Hura Ikariote; Judas Iscariot hung himself. Tahi, a. One. Tahi, ad. Together. E haere tahi ana ratou ; They are going together. Tahi, v. To clear. Tahia te ware; Let the house be cleared. Tahinga, s. Act or time of clearing.

Tahitahi, v. To scrape. Pass. Tahitahia. E tahitahi ana ite riwai; He is scraping potatoes. (J'K.) Tahitahi, v. To strike Na 1 tahitahi tonu, kihai pahemo; Look ! it struck, it did not miss. (JK-) Tahoata, s. Pumice stone. (E. C.) Tahoho, v. To be soft; to have _ the skin off. Tahoho noa nga pititi nei ; These peaches are quite soft. Tahora, s. A plain. Kei waenga tahora e haere ana; He is walking in the plain. vl -

Tahora, v. To gather. Me tahora he matai ki ro rahu ; Let matai berries be gathered in the basket. (E. C.) Tahoro, v. To level a hillock. Tahoroa nga pukepuke; Let the hillocks be levelled. To pour out. Tahoroa te wai o te karaha ; Let the water of the calabash be poured out. (E. C.) Tahu, s. A ridgepole.

Syn. with Tahuhu. (E. C.) Tahu, |. A husband. (First syllable shorter than in the preceding word.) Tahu, v. To burn. f* « Pass. Tahuna. Na nga tangata o Te Puhi i tahu te ware ; The house was burnt by Te Puhi’s men. Tahua, A heap of food. (tV.) Syn. with Kauika. Tahwhu, <?. A ridgepole. Tahuna, s. A shoal; a sandbank. Sea-beach. (E. C.) Tahunga, $. Act or time of burning. Tahz/ri, v. To turn. Pass. Tahuritia. To be upset. Ka tahuri te waka ; The canoe

is upset. Tahwritanga, <s. Act or time of upsetting, or turning. Tahutahu, v. To set on fire in several places. Tahutahunga, s. Act of setting on fire. Tai, s. Salt water ; tide. Ka kato te tai; The tide flows. Tai, ad. On the opposite side ; over-against. Kei tai atu; On the opposite side. Tai, A term of address to a married woman. E tai. Taz'aha, s. An implement of war, Syn. with Hani. Tazapo, v. To covet.




Ka taiapotia te kainga ; The place is coveted. a. Smashed. Mehemea i konei te nuinga o te Koikoi me he pipi tena ko tenei he marine to; If Koikoi T s people had been here it would have been like smashed cockles, but now it is a perfect calm. Tmawa, s. A cold ; a catarrh. A foreigner. A potatoe. s. A fence. Syn. with Taepa. Tmheke., v. To descend. Taiheke rawa te ra ka tae tatou ; When the sun had quite descended we arrived* Ka taiheke tonu atu tera wahi ; That part altogether descends. ad. By and bye* Taihoa tatou ka haere ; We will go by and bye. v* To lie. Kei nga mea e taika mai ra ; It is among the things which lie there* (E. C.) Taiki, s- A rib. Heaviness. Ano te taimaha; How great is the heaviness.

Tazmaha, a. Heavy. Tazmaha, v. To be heavy. 'Taivcv&te, s. Slack-water, just before the turn of the tide. He taimate ka hoe tatou ; It is let us pull ofE Tmmataku, v. To be suppurated. Ka taimatukutia a roto o te mate ; The complaint has suppurated within * A valley.

Kia heke atu tatou kite taiororua ka noho ; Let us descend into the valley and sit down. Tazpu, s. Land by the sea-side. Kei te taipu e tu ana ; It is standing on the land by the seaside. " (£. C.) Taitea, s. White wood of a kauri tree. Ko te wahi ma te taitea ; The white part is the taitea. Taitoa, ad. On the other side. Kei taitua o te ware ; On the other side of the house.

Tai tori, s. Dew. (#•) Taizzru, <y. A bending; a leaning. Ko te taiuru o tenei pou kia anga pera; Let the leaning of this post turn that way. Taizzru, ®. To lean. Kia taiuru te tu o te taiepa ; Let the fence lean. Taiwaru, s. A fsh. Taka, v. To fall. Meake au taka; I shall fall presently. To fall to, as by lot. Kua taka mai ki au te mea nui; The large one has fallen to me. To pass. Kua'takanga waka ki tua; The canoes have passed behind.

Taka, v. To prepare. Pass. Taka. Z Ma nga pononga e taka he kai; Food shall be prepared by the servants. Taka, s. A heap. (E- O) Takahanga, s. Act or time of trampling ; place which has been trampled. Takahi, m To trample upon.


To plunder. Pass. Takahia. E takahi ana nga tamariki i nga kumara ; The children are trampling upon the kumara. Takahore, s. A widower or widow. A naked, person. Takai, s. A covering. I haere mai a hau ki tetahi koheka hei takai; lam come for a garment as a covering. ; Takai, v. To wind or cover up. Pass. Takaia.

Takaka, s. Fern. Ka mate au i te ngaunga o te takaka; lam hurt by the scratching of the fern. Fibrous part of fernroot. (E. C.) Takakau, s. A stalk, as of wheat. Takaka?/, s. A single woman. . Takawngomingo, v. To turn round. Takamingomingo ana a raro o te wenua; The earth is turning round.

Takanga, s. Act, time, or place of falling. Takapapa, v. To double up. Takapapa te kete ; Let the basket be doubled up. Takapau, s. A floor mat. Takapu, v. Belly. (E. C.) Takapake, v. To plant in hillocks. Me takapuke nga purapura ; Let the seed be planted in hillocks. Takarita, v. To rise up. Kia ata takarita; Do not be in a hurry to rise up.


Takaro, s. Play; sport. Takaro, a. Playful. Takaro, v. To play ; to sport. Pass. Takarohia: To sport with. Aua ra e takarohia te kuri; Do not sport with the dog. Takaro, ad. By and bye ; presently. Takaro tatou e haere; We will

go presently. (E. C.) Takarohanga, <?. Act or time of playing. Takatakai, v. To wind round and round. Takawai, v. To anoint. E takawai ana ia i tona upoko ; He is anointing his head. (#•) Taka £ waki, v. To run. E takawaki rara nga tamariki; There the children run. Taka f weta £ weta, v. To throw out the legs, as in.running. Ka takawetaweta nga waewae o te tamaiti; The legs of the child are springing out.

To sprawl. Ka hinga, ka takawetaweta nga waewae ; He tumbles, his legs sprawl. Takawzri, a. Twisted. He rakau takawiri, ekore e akoako; It is a twisted tree, it will not split. Takawiri, v. To be twisted. Takawiritanga, s. A twisting. Take, s. Root of a tree or plant. Takeke, s. A fish. Takeke, v. To hang up a net. Rokohanga atu e takeke ana i te kupenga ; When I got there they were hanging up the net.





To make a net. Takeke, v. To be consumed. To be acquired. Takeke noanga tini kupu maori i a koutou; All the native words have been acquired by you. Takekenga, s. Mesh of a net. Takeketonga, j. A fish. Takere, j. Keel of a vessel. Ka hia poti, ka maka te kamaka ki raro o te takere, e tere ? How many boats are there, which, if a stone is attached to the keel, will move swiftly ?

Taketake, s. A stick fastened to the ends of a seine to keep it stretched. Taki, prep. By. Taki tahi; One by one. Taki rau ; By hundreds. Taki, <y. A speech. I pehea te taki a Te Tanewa ? What did Te Tanewa’s speech express ? A challenge. Taki, v. To challenge. Takina te taua ; Let the army be challenged. Takzekze, s. A species of eel. Takiri, s. A starting. Takiri, v. To startle; to spring up. Pass. Takiritia. Kia paia te takiri; Let the rush be made. To dawn. Ka takiri te ata ; The morning dawns. Takiritanga, s. Act or time of startling or dawning. Takitaki, s. A fence. Syn. with Taiepa. ( E. C.)

Takiwra, .s'. Sacred food cooked at the removal of the bones of the dead. Takiwa, s. A space. Tako, <s. Gums. Take, v. To be soft; to be flabby ; to be crushed. Ka tako te hiako ; The skin is flabby. Takoki, v. To be sprained. Ka takoki taku waewae ; My leg is sprained. Takoto, v. To lie down. To lie : spoken of inanimate things. E takoto mai ra to pukapuka; Your book lies there.

Takoto, s. A lying down. Kei hea a Kori ? Kei te takoto ; Where is Kori ? He is lying down; literally, At the lying down. Takotokoto, s. Sprit of a sail. Takotonoa, a. Lying about. He mea takotonoa ; A thing lying about. Takotonoa, v. To lie about. Takotoranga, s. Act, time, or place of lying. Taku, pron. My. Taku pukapuka; My book. Takupu, s. A bird. Takupu, v. To be short. Me kokoti nga manga kia takupu ; Let the branches be cut short. Takurwa, s. Winter. Kia tae kite takurua ka ono ai i te rakau ; When you come to winter plant the trees. (E. C.) Tama, s. A son. Tamahzne, s. A daughter.


Tamazti, s. A son ; a child. Tamarzki, <?. Children. Tamatama, v. To grin cd a, person. Ka tamatamatia te wahine wakaI rawai; The contemptuous woman will be grinned at. Tam^ ; v. To fasten. Tamautia rawatia te ware, kei waiho kia tuwera; Let the house be fastened, do not leave it open* (E. C.) T&me, s. Food. Tamene, v. To be assembled. Kua tamene mai nga tamariki; The children are assembled. T&menga, s. Act or time of eating. T&met&me, v. To smack the lips ; to eat. TVzmi, s. A weight; a pressure. TTzmi, v. To press down. Aua e tamia te rahurahu kei pirau te kapura ; Let not the fern be pressed down lest the fire go out.

Tamoe, .v. Kumara which are taken from a bed and cooked before the crop is taken up, Tamoe, v. To leave food in the oven all night. Tamoea to tatou poaka kia maoa ai; Let our pork be left in the oven that it may be done. Tamomi, v. To be stuck fast. Kua tamomi te tangata kite hu; The man has stuck fast in the swamp. Tam ure, s. A fsh. Tana, pron. His. Tane, s. A male; a husband. Tanea, v. To be choked.


Tanekalia, s. A tree. trichomanoidesA TaneSva, v. To lie. E tanewa mai nei; It lies here.' Syn. with Takoto. (I?.) Tanga, s. Cutting; tattooing. Breathing. A division. Etoru tanga o taku kainga ka noho atu apopo; Three divisions of my village will remain away tomorrow. Tanga, v. To be assembled; to be gathered round. Tanga tonu nga tamariki o Rewa; Rewa’s children are gathered round. Tangai, <?. Bark; peeling. Tanggnei, conj. But as for this; but non. Syn. with Tena ko tenei. (-R.) Tanganga, v. To be loose.

Tangangao, v. To subside. Ka tangangao te ngaru ; The waves subside. Tangata, s. A man.. Tangeo, s. A tree. (Laurus calicaris.) Tangeo, v. To be sour or hot to the taste. Tangeo tonu te taro nei; This taro is hot to the taste. Ttzngere, s. Keel of a ship or canoe. Tangi, s. A cry ; a sound. Tangi, a. Crying; sounding. Tangi, v. To cry; to sound. No hea te pu i tangi mai nei ? From whence is the gun which just sounded ? Ka tangi te kau ; The cow bellows. Ka tangi ke te



reo 0 tenei iwi; The speech of this tribe has a different sound. Tangihanga, <s*. Act or time (f crying. Tangzta, v. To lie. E tangita mai ra; It lies there. W Tangorongoro, v. To be blistered. Ka tangorongoro a roto 0 taku rekereke; The inner part of my heel is blistered. ( W.) To be loose ; not full. Tangorongoro noa te kete nei; This basket is not full. Tango, a. Taken. He kainga tango; A place of which forcible possession has been taken. Tango, v. To take; to take away. Pass. Tangohia. Tangohia enei rakau ki tawiti; Let these trees be taken to a distance.

Tangohanga, s. Act or time of taking. A feast made on occasion of marriage. C.) Tangotango, s. Rail of a fence. Taniko, s. Border of a garment. Tankwa, s. A sea god, or monster. Tanoe, s. A sprain ; rheumatism. He tanoe toku mate ; My complaint is a sprain. Tanoni, v. To be sprained. Kua tanoni toku waewae ; My foot is sprained. Tonu, v. To bury. Pass. Tanumia. Ka haere au kite tanu tupa-


paku ; I am going to bury a corpse. Ttznuku, v. To fall down, as earth. Ka nui te ua ka tanuku iho te wenua ; If there is much rain the earth will fall down. Tanum&nga, .$•. Act or time of burying. A place of burial. Tao, s. A spear. Tao, v. To cook in a native oven. Taona nga kapana nei mo te haere ; Let these potatoes be cooked in the oven for our journey. Tffokete, <?. A brother-in-law. A sister-in-law. Ttzonga, s. Property.

T«pa, v. To command; to name. Nana i tapa toku ingoa; My name was given by him. Ttzptz, v. To be chapped. Ka tapatia te hiako ; The skin is chapped. Ttzpah«nga, .v. Act or time of cutting. Ttzpahi, v. To cut to pieces ; to chop. Tapahia te paukena; Let the pumpkin be cut in pieces. T&pae, v. To place food in order for visitors. Tapai, <9. Part of a net which is first put into the water. Kia witi atu te tapai kiko; Let the tapai be passed over yonder. Tapakwri, s. A basket. (TA Tapanihi, v. To go sideways; to go by the side. Tapanihitia to tatou haere kei





kitea; Let us go by the side that we may not be seen. Tapapa, v. To stoop ; to brood over. E tapapa nei te manu i runga i nga hua; This bird is sitting upon eggs. Kia tapapa te haere ; Walk in a stooping posture. Taparwru, v. To move slowly. Aua e taparurutia te haere ; Do not walk slowly. ( W.) Tapatahi, a. Having one side ; single. He kakahu tapatahi; A single garment. Tapatahi, v. To be separated. Kia tapatahi atu te ngakau ki te Atua anake; Let the heart be separated to God alone. (E. C.)

Tapatapa, s. A giving the name of a person to anything whereby that thing is made sacred. Tapatapa, v. To call anything by the name of some person ; as—This canoe is Hongi : in consequence of which the canoe would be taken possession of by Hongi. Tapatu, v. To roof a house. Kei te tapatu ia i tona ware ; He is roofing his house. (E. C.) Tapau, s. A mat to lie upon. Syn. with Takapau. Tapawaha, s. Tattooing on the cheek. Tapeha, s. Rind ; bark. (JK.) Tapeka, v. To stagger like a drunken man. Tapeke, v. To be gone or come, leaving none behind. Kua tapeke atu nga tangata; The men are gone.

Tapekeranga, s. Time of going or coming. Tapi, s. An oven. Tarahuna te tapi; Let the oven be lighted. A patch for a garment, canoe, tyc. Tapi, v. To patch. Tapia to tatou waka ; Let a piece be put into our canoe. Tapiki, v. To be entangled ; to be caught against anything. Ka tapiki te kupenga ; The net is entangled. Tapiki, s. A bundle, as of sticks, grass, fyc. Erua tapiki o a matou raupo i mahue atu ra ; Two bundles of our raupo were left. (E. C.) Tapiri, s. A patch; a thing added.

Tapitapi, a. Patched. He waka tapitapi; A patched canoe. (E. C.) Tapitapi, v. To grumble. I tapitapia a hau e te tangata ra; I was grumbled at by the man there. Tapoko, v. To enter; to slip in. Kua tapoko te tamaiti kite poka ; The child has slipped into the hole. Tapokopoko, a. Soft; marshy ; boggy. Kia tupato he wahi tapokopoko tenei; Take care, this is a boggy place. Tapokoranga, s. Act or time of entering or slipping into. Tapore, v. To be bent, as with a weight. Ka tapore nga heke o te ware ; The rafters of the house are bent. R




Taporepore, v. To flutter, as the heart; to crave. Ka taporepore taku manawa i te hiakai ; My stomach craves through hunger. Tapotu, a. Long, reaching down to the feet. He kakahu tapotu ; A long garment. Tapotu, v. To be long. Kahore e tapotu te paraikete; The blanket does not reach to the feet. Tapu, a. Sacred. He wahi tapu ; A sacred place. Tapu, s. A sacred rite. Sanctity ; holiness. Me wakarere nga tapu maori; Let the native sacred rites be laid aside.

Tapu, v. To be sacred; to he holy. Tapuai, A footstep; sound, of footsteps. Ka haruru nga tapuai ; The footsteps sound. Tapzzhi, v. To nurse. Tapuhitia te tamaiti nei, ka tangi; Let this child be nursed, it is crying. (E. C.) Trtpui, a. Laid in a heap. He mea tapui nga rakau ; The boards are laid in a heap. Tapuke, v. To bury; to cover up with earth. Tapukea te kuri; Let the dog be buried. (E. C.) Tapunga, <?. Time of being sacred. Tapuni, v. To join together the parts of a net. Tapunia te kupenga; Let our net be joined together. Tapu tapu, s. Foot of a pig.

Property ; goods. (E. C.) Tara, s. Papillae on the skin, which become prominent under the influence of cold. Ka tutu nga tara; The papillae are prominent. A sea bird. Courage; animation. He tangata wai tara; A man possessing courage. Tarahanga, s. Fork of a tree. Tarahau, v. A mat. Syn. with Haronga. Taraheke, s. A creeping plant. Tarahono, v. To pile up; to lay in a heap. Tarahonotia nga kai kite kainga; Let the food be heaped up at the place of abode. Tarahu, s. A native oven.

Tarahu, v. To heat an oven. Tarahuna te tapi; Let the oven be heated. Tarai, <?. A basket of fernroot. Ka rua tekau nga tarai roi; There are twenty baskets of fernroot. Tarai, v. To chip, as with an adze. Taraia tenei rakau hei pou mo te ware ; Let this tree be chipped as a post for the house. (E. C.) Taraire, s. A tree. f Lauras tar air e.) Tarake, v. To clear off. T arakea atu nga otaota; Let the rubbish be cleared off. Tarakihi, s. A fish. Tara koi, <9. A species of grass. Tarakara, <y. A complaint on the skin.




Taramaro, s. A species of grass. Taramea, s. A plant. Taramengemenge, a. Curly. He huruhuru taramengemenge; Curly hair. Taramore, s. Seed potatoes which throw up a very weak shoot. Tarapzki, v. To lie across. E tarapiki ana nga rakau nei; These trees are lying across. Tar apo, s. A bird. Tarapwnga, s. A bird. . Tararo, Mashed food. He tararo pipi; Mashed cockles. He tararo roi; Mashed or pounded fernroot. Tarata, s. A tree. (Pittosporum crassifolium.') Taratara, a. Rough. He kakahu taratara ; A rough

garment. E ongaonga ana te mea, taratara tonu ; The thing is prickly, quite rough. Tarawho, s. Heart of a tree. Tarawa, s. A line or rail upon which anything is suspended. Tarawa, v. To suspend upon a line or rail. Tarawahi, prep. On the opposite side. Ki tenei tarawahi ; On this side. Tarawatanga, s. A place where things are hung up. Tarawera, s. A plant. Tare, v. To.hang up. E tare mai ra i runga o te taiepa; It is hanging there on the fence. To groan. E tare ana a Potopoto i te ma-

mae ; Potopoto is groaning with pain. Tareke, s. A very small edge tool. Tarenga, s. Act or time of hanging up. Tar epar <?pa, v. To flap in the wind. Tukua te ra kia tareparepa; Let go the sail, let it flap. Taretare, v. To be out of breath. Ka oma ka taretare te manawa; When I run I am out of breath. Tarewa, v. To shoot vigorously. Ka tarewa te tupu o te kapana; The sprout of the potatoe shoots vigorously.

To shine, as the rays of the sun before sunrise. Ka tarewa nga hihi ote ra; The beams of the sun shine. To hang suspended, as clothes on a line. E tarewa mai nga kakahu ki runga ote taura; The clothes are hanging upon the line. To be afloat. Tari, v. To carry. Pass. Taria. Kei te tari nga tangata i nga papa; The men are carrying the boards. Taringa, s. Act or time of carrying. An ear. Taringa, s... Act or time of waiting. (First syllable longer than in the preceding word.) Taro., <v. An esculent plant. ( Caladium esculentum.) Taro, ad. A long time. Soon.


Kihai taro ka puta ; It was not long before he appeared. Taro ake ka ua; A little time hence it will rain. Taroa, s. A self-sown potatoe. Taroi, v. To tie up a basket. Pass. Taroia. Taroi, a. Tying. Ho mai tetahi utu mo te kai taroi i nga kapana; Give a payment for the person tying up the potatoe baskets. Taroia, v. To be calm. Ka taroia te moana; The sea is calm. Taromanoa, v. To be loose. To be soft, as fruit. Taromanoa te pititi nei; These peaches are soft.

Tarona, v. To be hung by the neck. Nana ia i tarona ; He hung himself. Tarotaro, v. To cut the hair. Kua oti koe te tarotaro ; You have been cropped. Tarn, s. A disease. He taru ke tenei; This is a different disease. Grass. Taruke, s. A basket for catching cray-fish. Taruna, v. To be connected with a person or place. Na te huanga matou i taruna ai ki a Takirau ; From relationship we were connected with Takirau. Tarure, v. To be loose, as a post in the ground. Tarutaru, s. Grass. Tata, s. A stalk of a plant. A fence. (E. C.)


Syn. with Taiepa. Tata, v. To split. Pass. Tatakia. Ma wai e tata he wahie ? By whom shall firewood be split ? Tata, s. A vessel with which water is baled out of a canoe. A small net. Tata, v. To bale water out of a canoe. Tangia te riu o to tatou waka; Let the water of our canoe be baled out. Tata, a. Near. He kainga tata; A near place. Tata, v. To be near. Tatahau, <?. A leg. The thin bone of the leg. Tatahi, s. Seaside. Kua riro ia ki tatahi; He is gone to the seaside.

Distance ; a being distant. Ka he te tatahi o nga pou nei; The distance of these posts is wrong. Tatahi, v. To be wide apart; but not relating to things at a great distance. Kia tatahi nga rakau ; Let the trees be wide apart. Tatai, s. A plan or purpose. He tatai pai ano aku tatai; My plans are good. A measuring. (&• Tatai, v. To join different pieces of a f shing-net together. Pass. Tataia. E tatai ana te Hikutu i te kupenga; The tribe Hikutu is joining the net together. To measure. Tataia te ware kia tika ai; Let





the house be measured that it may be correct.

Tatmnga, s. Act or time oj joining parts of a net. Tatairongo, s. A species of potatoe. Ttztaktznga, s. Act, or time, or place of splitting firewood. Tataka?/, v. To be unfruitful. Tatakau ana nga rarangi o te mara nei; The rows of this cultivation are unfruitful. Tatakz, v. To be sticky ; to be ropy. Tataki ana te ware o te mangai; The saliva of the mouth is sticky, (as when the tongue sticks to the roof of the mouth.)

Tataki, ad. By. Tataki rau; By hundreds. Tataki wa; By fours. Tataku, .£. Speech. Tatanga, s. Nearness. Tatanga, v. To be quick. Kia tatanga tatou te haere ; Let us be quick in going. Tatangi, v. To sound; to jingle. E tatangi ana nga pata i roto i te kaho ; The pots are jingling in the cask. Tatango, v. To catch hold of a thing, as in striving. To strive.

E tatango ana nga tamariki i te kakahu; The children are striving for the garment. Tatao, v. To bend. Ka tatao te tuara, ka mate; The back bends, he is ill. Tatao, s. A baking of food for a great length of time. Te tatao o te umu nei te hukea ?

The length of baking in this oven, why is it not opened ? {E. C.) Tatao, v. To bleed from the nose. Ka tatao taku ihu ; My nose bleeds. {E. C.) Tatara, s. A mat. A fence. (W.) A shrub. Tatarakzhi, s. An insect. Tataramoa, s. A creeping plant. ( Rubus australis.) Tatari, v. To wait for. Pass. Taria.

Kia tatari tatou kia po ; Let us wait until it is night. Tatari, <?. A sieve. Tatari, v. To sift. Tataria te witi kia pai ai; Let the wheat be sifted that it may be good. Tatawki, #. A small bird. Tataringa, s. Act or time of sifting. Tatata, s. A mat. Tatata, v. To be near. Kia tatata mai nga tangata, ka karanga ai; Let the men be near, then call.

Tatau, s. A door. Tatav., pron. We all. (E. C') {Rotorua.) Tatau, v. To turn about. E tatau ana te ngakau kite aha kite aha ; The heart turns about to a variety of things. Tatau, v. To quarrel; tofight. Pass. Tatauria. E tatau ana nga tangata ; The men are quarrelling. Tatau. v. To count.




Pass. Taua. KeTte tatau ia i nga kete ; He is counting the baskets. Tatau, v. To squeeze. Pass. Tauia. Kua tapeke a matou pononga ki te tatau taweku ; Our slaves are gone to squeeze taweku. ( W.) Tatauhauhunga, s. A window. Tatauranga, <9. Act, time, or place of quarrelling. Tatu, v. To reach the bottom. Ka tatu te hoe ; The paddle reaches the bottom. To be satisfed. Ka tatu taku ngakau ; My heart is satisfied.

Tatu, a. Satisfied. He ngakau tatu ; A satisfied heart. Tatua, <?. A girdle. Syn. with Witiki. (E. C.) Taturanga, s. Act of reaching to the bottom. Satisfaction. Tau, a. Strange. He tau tangata; A stranger. He tau wenua ; A strange land. Tau, .9. A year. A handle, as of a bucket. A string, as of a garment. A song. Ekore koe e ako i tera hei tau mau ? Will you not learn that as a song for yourself ? A ridge of a hill. Syn. with Kaweka. Tau, v. To be suitable. Ekore e tau te kakahu pakeha ki a koe ; The clothing of the foreigner is not suitable for thee. To light, as a bird.

Ka tau te kukupa kite miro; The pigeon lights upon the miro. Tau, v. To assault; to bark. Pass. Tauria. Ka tauria te pa o te Wakatohea, kihai taea ; The village of the Wakatohea was assaulted, but was not gained. Ttzu, v. . To turn round on all sides. Ka tau noa te manu, meake rere; The bird is turning about, it will fly presently. Ttzu, pron. Thy. Taua, s. An army. . Taua, a. Mourning. He kakahu taua ; A mourning garment.

Ttzua, pron. pens. We two. Taua, pron. demons. That before mentioned. Taua, v. def. Give way. Ttzwa, v. To mourn for the dead. E taua ana koe ? Are you mourning ? Tauhmu, <9. A shrub. ( Pomaderris ericifolia.) Ttzuhinukorok/u, s. A shrub. (E. C.) Ttzuliinukoromzko, s. A shrub. (E. C.) Tauhou, s. A stranger. T«z/i, v. To ebb. Meake taui te tai; The tide will soon ebb. Ttzwia, v. To be tied. Tauia to tatou ra ; Let. our sail be tied. T«wira, s. A copy ; an example. T«wiwi, <9. A strange tribe. Ttzzzkahore, ini. An expression

of surprise at the number or quantity of anything. Taukahore nea mea nei te pine !


How close these things are ! Taukzri, int. An expression of surprise. Taz/koroj s. A large basket. s. Weight. Syn. with Taimaha. (jE. C.) Taumazhi, j. A small tower of a fortified village. Facing boards of the roof of a house. C.) Taz/manuj A seat of a boat or canoe.

Tzzzzmata, s. A resting place on a hill. - Taumzzro, s. Obstinacy; urgency. He taumaro na Tohi te mau ai te rongo ; It was from Tohi’s obstinacy that peace was not made. Taumzzru, v. To be shaded. Ka taumaru to tatou kainga; Our place is shaded. Tzzzzmau, v. To be betrothed. No te itinga tenei wahine i taumau ai; This woman was betrothed from her childhood. Tazzmau, a. Betrothed. Tazznaha, a. Bespoken. He mea taunaha nga poaka; The pigs are bespoken. Tazznahwa, s. An obstacle'. Taunga,, s. Barking. Assaulting. Counting ; settling. Tazzngatza, v. To be settled. To be accustomed. Ka taungatia matou ki tenei

kainga; We are settled in this place.


Taunu, v. To jeer. Pass. Taunutia. Tawnuke, s. A stalk oj'fruit. Taupo,, s. Fat about the kidneys. Syn. with Pa. (E. C.) Tawpoki, s. A lid; a covering. Tawpoki, v. To cover. Taupokina te pouaka ; Let the box be covered up. Tawporo, v. To finish ; to end. Kua tauporoa te tuwa ; The distribution is ended. Tauporonga, s. Act or time of finishing. Tawpua, v. To float.

Ka kau i te moana, ka ngenge, ka taupua ; When he swims in the sea, and is weary, he floats. Ka taupua nga tangata ki runga kite takere o te waka; The men are floating upon the keel of the canoe. Tazzra, .s*. A rope. Tazzraki, v. To hang up. Pass. Taurakina. Me tauraki nga kaka ki runga kite aho; Let the clothes be hung up on the line. (E. C.) Tazzrakanga, s. Place upon which anything is hung up. Tazzranga, s. A landing place. Lighting place of a bird. Taurekareka, s. A slave. Taurereka, s. A slave. Taiixe'wa, s. A visitor who has no home. Syn. with Konene. Tawrumarz/maki, v. To duck,



Pass. Taurumarumakina. Tazztaka, v. To be crank; to be unsteady. Tautaka ki to tatou waka; Our canoe is very crank. Tawtapa, v. To sing, as in rowing or in dragging a canoe. Tazztari, v. To tie up reeds to the side of a house. Kei te tautari te ware 0 Tuke; The reeds of Tuke’s house are being tied up. Tawtau, s. A string or bundle of anything. Tawtau, v. To tie up things separately on the same string.

Me tautau nga kanga kia maroke ai; Let the corn be tied on strings that it may be dry. Taateka, s. A pole upon which a weight is carried. Tazzteka, v. To carry a weight upon a pole. Taatika, s. A boundary. Ko te tautika tenei o te kainga ; This is the boundary of the place. Tawtimai, v. def. Come hither: the expression of welcome to a stranger. (Wj Fautohe, or 1 v. To contend, Tautohetohe, J as in a race. E tautohetohe ana nga waka ra; The canoes are racing. Tautolietohenga, s. Act or time of contending. Tau f ware < ware,t’. To overhang. Ka tauwareware te parenga o te tai; The bank formed by the wash of the sea is overhanging. Taw f watu, s. A f shing-net.' Taa c wenwa, s. A strange land.

Trzwa, s. A tree. (Lauras tawa.) Ta‘wa, s. A calabash. (W.) Ta‘wa, v. To crack, as mealy potatoes.


1 Tawaha, A bed in a garden. Tawaha, v. To have an unpleasant taste. Ka tawahatia taku mangai; My mouth has an unpleasant taste. Tawahi, prep. On the other side. Tafwai, s. A tree. Tafwai, v. To grow tall, as a tree. E tawai noa ana te pititi nei; This peach tree grows tall. Tawai, s. A canoe without attached sides.

Syn. with Tiwai. (E. C.) A leasing ; a jeering. Tawai, a. Teasing. Tawai, v. To lease ; to jeer. Aua ra e tawaia te tangata; Let not the man be jeered at. Tawm'nga, s. Act or time of teasing. Tawaiwai, s. A tree. Syn. with Tanekaha. (Wj Ta‘wao, s. A wood of small trees. Tawara, s. Fruit of the kiekie. TaSvaru, v. To bend. Kei tawaru iho te tahuhu; Take care that the ridgepole does not bend. Ttzwatawa, s. A fish resembling mackarel. Ta f w«ti, s. A valley. Ta c wati, v. To ebb. Kua tawati te tai; The tide has ebbed. (E. C.)





Tawatu, s. An oven of cockles. (7?.) Tawaa, s. Pungency. Me rami kite wai kia hemo ai te tawau ote panahi; Soak it in water that the pungency of the panahi may be removed. Tawat/wau, s. A fsh. Taweke, v. To be gone or come. Kua taweke atu nga tangata; The men are gone. Taweku, s. A shrub. Syn. with Tupakihi. (JK.) Tawera, s. Morning star. TaSvera, v. To be open, as a wound. Tawera katoa te waewae o Waiahinau ; Waiahinau’s foot is all open.

Tawerewere, v. To hang. He aha tenei e tawerewere nei ? What is this which hangs here ? s. A tree. Syn. with (W.) Ta wet a, v. To lie in a heap promiscuously. To dangle, as the legs from hunger. To lie in a heap. Syn. with Takoto. Ka taweta nei nga rakau ; The sticks lay here. (E. C.) Ta f weta f we, An old garment. Kua kore o matou tawetawe ; Our old garments are torn. TaSvi, s. Food. Ekore e o atu te tawi maori; Native food will not enter into his mouth. (E. C.) Tawiri, s. A shell-fsh. A tree. Syn. with Kohuhu.

v. To beckon. Tawiritia nga tangata kia haere mai; Let the men be beckoned to come here. To wring, as the neck of a bird ; to whirl round. s. Act or time of beckoning. TaSvzti, ad. At a distance. Kua riro ia ki tawiti; He is gone to a distance. T& f wito, a. Old. He kakahu tawito; An old garment. v. To be old. Pass. Tawitotia. v. To whirl round; to twist the neck.

v. To be entwined round. Ka tawiwi te puawananga ki nga manga o te rakau ; The clematis is entwined round the branches of the tree. s. An thing on which something else is entwined. Ho mai tetahi rakau hei tawiwitanga; Give me a stick round which it may entwine itself. Te, art. The. Te, ad. Not. He aha koe te haere ai ? Why will you not go ? Te, v. To crack. Kate te rakau, meake wati; The tree cracks, it will soon break. Tea, ad. Where. Tea meama ? Where is so and so? (R.) Tehea, pron. Which. Ko ia tehea ko te tangata ? Which is the man ?




Tehea, ad. Where. Tehea toku kakahu ? Where is my garment ? (R.) Tezna, A younger brother or sister. Teztei, s. A summit. Teztei, a. High. He puke teitei; A high hill. Teka, s. A falsehood. Part of a digging implement called “ ko,” upon which the foot is pressed. a. False ; lying. v. To speak falsely. Pass. Tekaia ; To be disbelieved. Ka tekaia taku korero ; My speech is disbelieved*

Tekanga, s. Act of lying. Tekazz, a. Ten. Teki, 5. Outer fence of a pa. (E. C.) Teki, v. To drift with the anchor down. Teko, s. A stone; a rock. Tekoteko, s. A carved figure placed at the top of the gable end of a native house. Tena, pron. That. Tena, v. def. Proceed. Tene, a. Invented. He kupu tene noa ake tenei kupu; This word is a word invented. Tene, v. To urge; to be importunate. E tene mai ano pea ki tetahi mona ; He will be urgent perhaps for some for himself. Tenei, pron. This.

Tenga, s. A part of the throat called pomum Adami. Tengi, a. Three. Syn. with Torn. Teno, v. To be knotched. Kia teno te rakau ; Let the stick be knotched. Teo, s. A stick. Teo, v. To stick into the ground. Tepetepe, s. A clot of blood. Tera, pron. That. Tere, a. Swift; drifting. He waka tere; A drifting canoe. Tere, v. To float; to drift; to move swiftly. Ka tere te kaipuke; The ship moves swiftly. Terenga,.v. Swiftness ; dr fling; floating.

Teretere, s. A company of visitors from a distant tribe. Teretere, v. To flow or run, as a liquid. Tete, s. Figurehead of a canoe. Tete, v. To lie. E tete mai ra nga rakau ; The trees lie there. Syn. with Takoto. (£'. C.) Tetea, v. To gnash with the teeth. Teteatanga, j. Act of gnashing with the teeth. Teteka, v. To be benumbed. Ka teteka aku ringaringa i te matao ; My fingers are benumbed with cold. (jR.) Tetere, s. A swelling. Tetere, v. To swell. Ka tetere taku matihao; My finger is swollen.




To be large in size. Ka tetere te kaipuke nei; This ship is large. (E. C.) Tetere, a. Large. He tangata tetere; A large man. (£. C.) Tetere, s. A trumpet. Tewetewe, s. A fsh like a mackarel. Syn. with Tawatawa. (#•) Ti, s. A tree. ( Cordyline australis.) Tia, s. A stake; a peg. Tia, v. To stick into the earth. Pass. Tiaia. ' Me tia nga poupou o te teneti; Let the pegs of the tent be stuck into the ground. Tizzho, v. To shine. Ka tiaho mai te ahi; The fire shines.

Tz'akakahi, v. To be at its greatest height ; —spoken of the sun. Tzakanga, s. Protection ; a taking care of. Tzaki, v. To take care of. Pass. Tiakina. I au e tiaki ana i te ware ka puta mai a Ponui; While I was taking care of the house Ponui made his appearance. Tzaki, a. Protective; careful of. He mahi tiaki tana mahi; His work is that of protecting. Tz'anga, s. Place where anything is stuck into the earth. Tzatza, s. A peg ; a stake. Kei hea nga tiatia o te teneti ? Where are the pegs of the tent ? Tz’ari, v. To hang up. Me tiari ki waho kite rakau ;

Let it be hung up outside on the tree. Tz’eke, s. A bird. A black mat. Tz'enga, s. A floor mat. Tihahuhahu, v. To distribute ; to scatter about. Tz’hauora, s. A plant. Tz’he, A sneezing. Tzhe, v. To sneeze. Tihez’, v. To carry on the back. Tiheiheitia nga kai nei ; Let these eatables be carried on the back. Syn. with Pikau. (E. C.) Tiheru, s. A vessel with which to bale a canoe. Tiheru, v. To bale waler from a canoe or boat.

Tiherua te wai ote poti; Let the water of the boat be baled out. Tihewa, s. A sneezing. Tihewa, v. To sneeze. Tzhi, s. Summit of a hill. Tzhi, v. To lie in a heap. E tihi mai te kai ote rua ; The food of the store lies in a heap. Tzhoi, s. An irregularity in a native mat, where a fresh row ef stitches begins from the middle of another. Tihoihoi, a. Prating; noisy. He kotiro tihoihoi; A prating Tzhoka, v. To stick in; to thrust in. Tihokatia atu te maripi kite raupo ; Let the knife be stuck into the raupo. (E. C.) Syn. with Kokomo.




Tzhore, v. To strip off. Tihorea te kiri o te rakau ; Let the bark of the tree be stripped off. Tz’hou, s. An implement used as a spade. Tzka, a. Straight; correct. Tzka, v. To be straight; to be correct. Ka tika to korero ; Thy speech is correct. Tikzzka, v. To be burnt up by the sun. Tzkanga, s. Straightness; correctness. Tikzzoktto, s. A barn-door fowl. Tikapu, s. A plant from which rope is made.

Tz'karo, v. To pluck out; to pick out. Pass. Tikarohia. Tz’ketzke, a. Lofty. He ware tiketike; A high house. Tz’ketzke, s. Height. , ■ / Tz'ki, v. To fetch. Tikina tetahi raupo mb te ware; Let some raupo be fetched for the ! houses 4 i Tzki, s. A post marking a sacred, place. Lower part of the back; the sacrum. Tzkinga, s. Act or time cf fetching. 4 Tzkitzki, j. A topknot. Tikoko, v. To shovel. Ka tikokoa te oneone ki waho ; The earth is shovelled out. Tikzzpenga, s. A plant. ( Cordyline stricta.) :

Tzmanga, s. A stage upon which food is placed. Syn. with ‘Wata, Pataka, and Komanga. Tz'mata, s. A short spear. (E. C.) Tz’mata, v. To begin. Pass. Timataia. Ka timataia te korero e Kawe ; The speaking was commenced by Kawe. Tzmatanga, s. Beginning ; commencement. Tz’mo, v. To peck, as a fowl, Pass. Timoa. • Tz'mu, a. Ebbing. He tai timu ; Ebb-tide. Tz’mu, v. To ebb. Tz’na, v. To sit still through fear. Tina ana i te mataku o te taua ; He sits still through fear of the enemy.

Tz’naku, s. Seed potatoes. Me koko aku tinaku ; My seed potatoes must be planted.

Tz'nana, 6“. Body of an animal. Trunk of a tree. I h Tinez, v. To put out; to destroy. Tineia te kapura; Let the fire be extinguished. Ka tineia te namu ; The fly is destroyed. ‘ Tz'nga, v. def. It seemeth. E tinga ano i tawiti koe ; It seems as though you are from a

distance. Tzni, a. Many. z E ai au tini paraikete ! How many blankets you have !

Tz’ni, <?. A multitude. Tz’ni, v. To he numerous. "u' ffoff




Kia tini nga pou mo te taiepa ; Let the posts for the fence be many. Tinia, v. To be vexed; to be annoyed. Ka tinia a hau e te pawerawera; I am annoyed by the heat. Tinihanga, a. Deceitful. Tinihanga, s. Deceit. Tinihanga, v. To be deceitful; to be crafty. I tinihangatia a hau e te kai arahi, i po ai au ; I was deceived by the guide, which is the reason I am late. . Tiningerongero, v. To be very numerous. Tiniwtzioio, v. To be very numerous. = Tino, s. A precise point. Ko te tino o Taiamai tenei; This

is the precise point of Taiamai. (applied to a solitary stone, which gives the name to the whole district. ) - Tino, ad. Quite; Very. Kia tino koropupu te wai; Let the water quite boil. Tinohi, s. Hot stones which are put upon the top of food in an oven. Tio, s. An oyster. Tio, v. To be sharp ; to cut. Aue Ite haupapa tio tonu; Oh! the ice is quite sharp. Tiora, v. To split. Ka tioraia katoatia te makahi; The wedge is all split. Tioro, v. To be jarred. Ka tioro aku taringa i te pakutanga o te pu ; My ears are jarred with the report of the gun. Tiotio, a. Sharp ; cutting.

He kowatu tiotio ; A sharp stone. Tipa, s. A shell-fsh. Tipa, v. To be scorched. Ka tipatia a raro o te wenua; The earth below is scorched. Tipau, j. A tree. Syn. with Mapau. ( Myrsine Urvillice.) Tipi, v. To be swift; to cut along. Ano te waka tipi ana i te tahataha; How the canoe cuts along the coast. To cut of as weeds are cut with a spade. Tipia nga tarutaru, ka ngaki ai ite mara nei; Let the weeds be cut off, and then dig this garden. (E. C.) Tipoka, v. To be dried up.

Ka tahi ano ka tipoka inaianei; It is now first dried up to-day. Tipoko, v. To be consumed. Ka tipoko anake aku ika i te kuri; My fish are all consumed by the dog. QE. C.) Tipore, s. A shrub. Tipua, s. A divinity, whose place of abode is often marked by a large tree or stone. Tipuna, j. A grandfather; an ancestor. (E. C.) Tira, s. A company of travellers. Tera te tira ka puta; There comes the company of travellers. Fin of a fish. Tiraha, s. A bundle. E rima nga tiraha raupo; There are five bundles of raupo. (E. C.) Tiraha, v. To lean ; to slant.




Kia tiraha nga pou o te ware ; Let the posts of the house lean. Tirangi, v. To be unsettled. Tirara> v. To be spread abroad; to be dispersed. Tirara ana nga waewae ; The legs are spread abroad. Tiratzz, s. Mast of a native sail. Tirau, A peg ; a small stick. (Wf Tireki, s. A stack of fernroot. Tiremi, v. To ebb. Kua tiremi te korihirihi; The tide has ebbed. Tiri, v. To throw or place one by one. E tiri ana a Tohe i nga ika ki uta ; Tohe is throwing the fish on shore. Kei te tiri i nga kai ote rua; He is placing the kumara in the store.

To plant. E tiri parareka ana a Te Wata ; Te Wata is planting potatoes. Tiriwa, s. A compartment; a division. Tirohanga, <?. Act of looking. Ka hoha au ite tirohanga; I am weary with looking. s. A fork; a pointed stick used as a fork. Tirou, v. To take up with a stick; to steer a canoe by dashing the paddle into the water and drawing it towards one. Tiroua mai te ihu' o te waka; Let the head of the canoe be steered this way. Titaha, s. An axe. Name of a mat .

Titaha, v. To be on one side. Titaha ana nga tuturu o te ware; The door-posts of the house are on one side. He aha koe i titaha ai i toku kainga ? Why did you go on one side ?— i. e., pass by my abode? Tztaka, v. To be loose; to be unsteady. Titaka noa ana taku niho ; My tooth is loose. Titaritari, v. To scatter about. Pass. Titaritaria. Na wai i titaritari aku pukapuka ? By whom were my books scattered about ? Titaritaringa, s. Act or time of scattering about. Tite, s. A spy; a scout. Titi, s. A nctil; a fastening.

Titi, v. To nail; to fasten. Titia te papa nei ; Let this board be nailed. Titi, v. To shine. Ka titi te marama ; The moon shines. Titi, A night bird. Titi, v. To squeak. Ka titi mai te kiore i roto i te raupo ; The rat squeaks in the raupo. Titinga, 6“. Act of nailing. Titiko, s. A shellfish. Titimtzko, s. A bird. Titiro, v. To look ; to behold. Pass. Tirohia. He aha tau e titiro ? What are you looking at ? Tito, a. Invented. He korero tito noa ; An invented story.




Tzto, v. To invent ; to make a song. Na Te Horua i tito tenei waiata ; This song was composed by Te Horua. Tztoki, s. A tree. ( Alec try on excel sum.) Tztoko, s. Sprit of a sail. Tztongi, v. A tree. Syn. with Titoki. (E. C.) Titore, v. To split; to divide. Ka titore te taupoki o te pouaka ; The lid of the box splits. Titorenga, s. Act of splitting. Tztupu, s. A chapping of the skin ; a crack. Ka mate au i te titupu o taku waewae; lam troubled with the chapping of my foot. Tz’tupu, v. To chap; to peel off- . Kua titupu mai te hiako o te uhi; The skin of the potatoe has peeled off.

Tzutiu, s. A bird. Tzutzu, v. To turn about. E tiutiu ana nga kahohi; The eyes are turning about. (W.) - Ti e wa, a. Squint. He kanohi tiwa; A squint eye. Tzwai, s. A canoe. Tz’wai, v. To continue; to be. lasting. Ka tahi ano ka tiwai te noho a te pakeha; Now first is the residence of the stranger permanent. Tiwtzrawtzra, v. To be split; to be separated. Tzwari, v. To scrape. Me tiwari te roi kia reka ai; Let the fernroot be scraped that it may be sweet.

TrwatTwa, v. To be dark. To, s. A stalk, as of maize. To, v. To haul; to drag. Kia toia ta tatou waka kite moana ; Let our canoe be dragged into the sea. To, prep. Up to ; as far as. T o nga turi te wai; The water is up to the knees. To, A particle, which is a combination of the article te and the preposition o. Ko wai e haere ki to tera tangata kainga ? Who will go to that man’s abode ? Toa, s. A fish. Play. He toa tamariki ; Children’s play. (E. C.) A male. He toa tenei kararehe ; This

animal is a male, Toa, a. Brave. Toa, v. To be brave. Kia toa koutou aianei; Be you brave to-day. To play. Ka toa nga tamariki; The children are at play. (E. C.) Toa, v. To shoot up a stalk. Kua toa te witi; The wheat is shot up into stalk. Toanga, j. Bravery. Act of hauling, fyc. Toari, a. Pellucid; pure, as water. (R.) Toatoa, j. A tree. Syn. with Tanekaha. Toe, v. To remain. Ko tahi tekau o nga kete i toe ; There were ten baskets which remained.


Toeke, <?. A rope lied round each ankle, by the assistance of which trees are climbed. Toemi, s. A hand-net. (W.) Toene, v. To set. Kua toeme ke te ra; The sun is quite set. Toenetonga, s. Act or time of setting. Toenga, s. A remainder ; a remnant. Toere, s. A hand-net. Toetoe, v. To split. Toetoea he korari mo te kupenga; Let flax leaves be split for the fishing-net. Toetoe, s. A species of grass. Toetoekzwi, s. A species ofgrass. Toetoepmnangamoho, s. A species of grass. Toetoetahae, s. A species of

grass. Toetoewatumanu, s. A species of grass. Tohake, s. A basket. Kohia he wene kite tohake ; Let food be gathered up into the basket. Tohaptzru, v. To tighten; to draw up, as by a belt. Kia tohapurutia te manawa ; Let the body be drawn in tight. Tohe, s. A thief (First syllable very long. Tohe, .v. A striving ; urgency. He tohe nana i tukua atu ai; Urgency on his part was the reason I let it go. Tohe, a. Striving ; urgent. Tohe, v. To strive ; to urge.


Pass. Tohea. Ka tohe koe ekore e ho atu ; If you urge it will not be given to you. Tohenga, <?. Act of urging or striving. Toheroa, s. A species of shellfish. Tohetohe, s. The uvula. Tohi, v. A religious ceremony performed after a battle. A religious ceremony performed at the native baptism of a child. (W.) Tohi, v. To cut.

Tohia nga purapura kia ranea ai; Let the seed be cut that it may eke out. To perform the ceremony of native baptism. Kua tohia te tamaiti a Te Haneke ; Te Haneke’s child has been baptized. Tohzpa, v. To depart. Tae rawa atu au kua tohipa ke he ara ke ; When I arrived he had departed another way. Tohora, s. A whale. Tohoivzha, s. A whale. (R-) Tohu, s. A sign ; a mark. Idea ; thought. Kei te tohu a koutou e ora ? According to your thoughts will he live ? Tohu, a. Sparing ; merciful. Te mahi tohu ate Atua; The merciful work of God. Tohu, v. To think. Nana i tahae nga kapana, tohu noa ekore e kitea; He stole the potatoes, thinking he would not be seen. To spare.





Ekore koe e tohungia ; You will not be spared. Tohungarzza, s. A person who serves out food from a store.

Tohungarzza, v. To serve out food. Tohungaruatia etahi kapana ma tatou ; Let some potatoes be served out for us. Tohutohu, v. To mark ; to direct. Pass. Tohutohungia. Toi, <?. A plant. A black rough mat made from the same plant. Toi, v. To be moist. Toi tonu a roto o te rakau ; The inside of the tree is quite moist. E toi ana te roi; The fernroot is moist. Toiki, s. A standing tree, of which the outer part is consumed by fire.

Toingo, v. To be smart; fine. Toingo ana te kakahu nei; This garment is smart. Toitoi, s. A summit of a hill. Toitoi, v. To be quick. Kia toitoi te haere ; Be quick in going. Toka, s. A stone ; a rock in the sea. Toka, v. To be full. Toka tonu te wai i runga ; The water is quite full to the top of the bank. Tokaz, s. A strip of wood which covers the joint of the sides of a canoe. Tokakowa, s. Steam. He tokakawa pea no te kohue; It is perhaps steam from the boiler.

Tokari, v. To cut; to notch. Tokaritia te rakau, kia u ai te waewae ; Let the tree be notched, that the foot may be firm. To be severed or broken. Kua tokari te hutihuti ; The rope is broken. Kua tokari taku wae; My foot is cut. (R.) To ebb. Kua tokari te ngaehe ; The tide has ebbed. (R.) Toke, s. A worm. A fish. Toke, v. To be out of sight; to be gone.

Syn. with Ngaro. Ko te tokenga tenei e toke atu ai a hau ; This is the departure in which I shall go for good. (R.) Tokenga., s. A going out of sight ; a departure. Tokij s. An axe ; an edge tool. Tokbt). To fetch. Pass. Tokina. Syn. with Tiki. Ko te toki a hau i nga poaka; I am going to fetch the pigs. Tokinga, s. Act or time of fetching. Tokiri, v. To shove; to thrust. Tokiritia te waka ; Let the canoe be shoved across. Syn. with Kokiri. ( W.) Tokitoki, v. To earth up; to loosen the earth about the roots. Toko, A word prefixed to numeral adjectives from one to nine. Tokorua nga tangata e haere nei; There are two men going along. [This compound is only applied to persons.]




Toko, s. A stick; a pole to shove with. Days of light. Ka hapai nga toko o te rangi; The rays of the heavens shoot up ; —applied to the early dawn. Toko, v. To shove with a pole. Tokona te waka kia puta ai; Let the canoe be shoved with a pole that it may get through. Tokoliana, <s'. Hiccough. Tokohi, s. Adultery. (W.) Tokohza, a. How many. Tokohia nga tangata ? How many men are there ? Tokohinu, a. Some. Tokohinu e haere; Some will go. Tokomalia, a. Many. He hunga tokomaha; A numerous people. Tokomanga, •?. A prop ; a support.

Tokomaori, s. Hiccough. Tokotoko, A walking-stick. Toku, pron. My. Toma, s. A place where the dead are deposited. Tomairengi, s. Dew* Tomo, v. To be full. Ka tomo te kaipuke; The ship is full. Tomb, v. To enter. Pass. Tomokia. Aua ra e tukua kia tomo mai te tangata; Do not suffer the man to ’ enter. Tomokanga, s. Entrance; time of entering. Tona, pron. His. Tonga, s. East wind.

South wind. (E.C.)(W.) Tongako, v. To & scabbed ; to be festered. Ka tongako te hiako; The skin is scabbed. Tonga|:otaratara, s. A southwest wind. Tongamz’mi, s. The bladder. Tonganga, v. To be uncooked ; to be raw. To be broken. Tonganga ana te kete ; The basket is broken. Tono, v. To send. Tonoa he tangata hei tiki i a Te Uranga ; Let a man be sent to fetch Te Uranga.

To ask for. E haere ana an kite tono utu mo taku mahi; lam going to ask for a payment for my work. ( W.) Tononga, s. Act or time of sending. Tonu, ad. Quite. Ka titi te atarau marama tonu ; The moonlight is bright, it is quite light. Topa, v. To cook in a native oven. Pass. Topatia. Me topa nga parareka kia reka ai; Let the potatoes be cooked in the oven that they may be good. Topaptzru, a. Deeply laden. He waka topaparu to koutou ; Your canoe is deeply laden. Topotapota, s. Very small kumara. Topatopa, s. A general name for birds. (W-) A very small stingaree. Tope, s. Short fern. (E. C.) Tope, v. To cut off.




Topea mai he mataora; Let a wedge be cut off from this tree. Topz'pz, <9. A very small native oven. Topzpz, v. To cook a very small quantity of food, in a native oven. Topipitia tetahi kanga ; Let some corn be cooked. Topito, s. End; extremity. Topu, <9. A pair. Kia kotahi tekau topu ; Let there be ten pairs. Topuni, <9. A dogskin mat. Tora, v. To spread, as fire. Ka tora te ahi; The fire spreads. Toranga, s. A place over which anything is dragged. Torea, A bird. Toremi, v. To disappear ; to go out of sight. Kua toremi te waka ki tua o te

rae; The canoe has gone out of sight behind the headland. Toremittznga, s. Act or time of disappearing. Torena, v. To overflow. Torengi, v. To go out of sight. Syn. with Toremi. Torengi tonga, s. Act or time of disappearing: Torere, s. An abyss. Toretere, s. A small stingaree. Toretore, s. Inflammation of the eyes. fW.) A large muscle. Syn. with Kuku. (E. C.) Toretore, v. To be affected with inflammation of the eyes. (W.) Torewai, s. A fresh water muscle. (E, C.)

Tori, s. A cat. (Rf Torino, s. Drum of the ear. Toritori, v. To cut; to separate. Torire, a. Fine ; smart. Toriwai, s. Watery eyes. Toriwaitia, v. To be affected with watery eyes. Ka toriwaitia aku kanohi; My eyes water. Toro, s. A tree. ( Drimys axillaris.) Toro, v. To burn. Kei toro te ware i te korakora ; Take care the house does not burn with the spark. To spread, as a tree; or as the water of the flood-tide. Ka toro nga kauae o te paukena; The runners of the pumpkin spread. To take out the hot stones of

an oven preparatory to putting in the flood. Torona te hangi, ka kaka; Let the stones be taken out of the oven, it is heated. To stretch out. Torona mai tou ringa ; Let your hand be stretched out. To go in quest of; to visit; to look at. E haere ana a hau kite toro i taku wairenga ; I am going to look at my cultivation. (E. C.) Toroa, s. A bird; an albatross. Toroai, s. An implement of war made of wood, flat at one end and pointed at the other. Torohe, s. A party going by stealth to fight. Toronga, <9. Act or time of burning. Toropopa, v. To lie flat,


Ka toropapa te wahie ekore e ka; If the firewood lies flat it will not burn. Toro poke, s. A small hill; a mound. Toropzzku, v. To be secret. Ka toropuku te haere o te tahae; The approach of the thief is secret. Toropwku, ad. Secretly; unperceived. Ka haere toropuku mai te mate; Death comes unperceived. Torotoro, s. A creeper used in tying up fences. Syn. with Aka. Torowka, s. A headland. Syn. with Kumore and Rae. (E. C.) Toroz/ka, a. Raw ; uncooked. E rua nga kete torouka ; There are two baskets of uncooked food. (E.C.) <?. A species of ku-

mar a. Torn, a. Three. Toruhi, s. A fish. Torutoru, a. Few. He tangata torutoru nga tangata o tera kainga ; The men of that place are few. Toto, s. Perspiration. Syn. with Kakawa. (E. C.) Totara, v. A tree. (Podocarpus.) A small plant. Totika, s. Correctness. A rule. Ho mai he totika mo tenei kainga ; Give us a rule for this place. (E. C.) Totika, a. Correct; right. (E. C.) Totika, v. To be correct ; io be right. (E> Totitoti, v. To limp.


Rokohanga atu e au kei te Kerikeri e totitoti ana; When he was found by me he was limping at the Kerikeri. Toto, s. Blood. Toto, v. To bleed. Ka toto taku ihu ; My nose bleeds. Toto, v. To drag. Pass. Toia. Kei te toto rakau a Takiri ma mo te kaipuke ; Takiri and his party are dragging spars for the ship. Toto, v. To perform the ceremony of native baptism. To knock off'; to chip off. Totolie, v. To strive with another person ; to quarrel. Ka totohe nga tamariki kite waka na ; The children are quarrelling about the canoe.

Totohi, v. To cut; to divide. Tohia a tatou kopura; Let our seed be cut. Totohu, v. To sink. Kua totohu te waka ki raro ki te wenua; The canoe has sunk to the bottom. Totoka, a. Thick; hard. Totoka, v. To be thick. Ka totoka te hinu; The oil is thick. Totoke, s. A fish. Totoreka, s. A shell-fish. Totoro, v. To creep ; to crawl. Totorong?/, £. A fresh water fish. Ton, pron. Thy. Tou, v. To make a report. Toua te repo; Let the gun be fired off.



To kindle. Toua te rama; Let the torch be lighted. (E. C.) Tou, ad. Continually; quite. E haere tou ana ; He is continually going (E. C.) Piri tou; Quite close. TownCwi, a. Male. He tourawi taku poaka; My pig is a male. Towtou, <y. A small black bird. Syn. with Pitoitoi. Tow f wa,' v. To swell. Ka touwa te puku ; The abscess swells. T</wa, v. To spread about. Me towa te oneone ; Let the earth be spread about. Towai, s. A tree. ( Leiospermum racemosum.) Tcfwatt/wa, v. To spread about. To f we, fr. To be stingy. Ka towe te koroke nei; This fellow is stingy. Tu, s. The part of a fshingnet which is first in the water. A blow ; a hurt. He tu i te rakau ; A blow from a stick. Manner, or kind of. Na wai tenei tu haere ? Whose manner of travelling is this ? Tu, v. To stand. E tu nei nga tangata ; The men are standing here. To be struck. Ka tu te manu ; The bird is struck. To be served. Kia tu katoa nga tangata; Let all the men be served. Tua, s. Native baptism.

' TUA-

Syn. with Tohi and IriirL Tua, v. To baptize according to the native rite. \ Kua tuatia te tamaiti o Te Papa ; Te Papa’s child has been baptized. Tua, ad. A little more or less. Kia tua iti iho; Let it be a little less. Twa, ad. Behind. Kua taka nga waka ki tua; The canoes are gone behind. Twa, A word which, in combination, denotes the number of times anything has been done. Ka tuahia koe ki Taranake ? How many times have you been to Taranake ? Ka tuatahi; I have been once. Ka tuamaha; I have been many times. No taku tuatahi ki Hauraki ka mate a te Rauroha; Rauroha died when I went the first time to Hauraki. Twa, v. To fell a tree. Pass. Tuaina. Ka riro kite tua rakau hei waka tuku ika; He is gone to fell a tree for a fishing-canoe. Twa, A term of address used by the tribe Ngatiwatua. Haere mai, e tua ; Come hither, sir Syn. with E mara, E ta, E hoa, &c. Twahangata, s. A person. Ka mahi a tuahangata; The person is working. ( W.) Twaliau, s. Name of a rough mat. Syn. with Pake. (E. C.) Tuahu, s. A heap of stones. A religious ceremony performed with small sticks, answering to the augury of the Romans.





Tuakana, s. An elder brother or sister. Tz/dkanga, s. Act or time of felling a tree. Tzraki, v. To disembowel fish or birds. Pass. Tuakina. Tzzakzzra, •?. A species of fern tree. Syn. with Weki. (W.) Tzzanzzi, s. Roof of a house. Twapora, <?. First-fruits of a crop. Tzzara, s. The back.

Tzzaraki, s. A north-west wind. Tzzaroa, s. Back part of a house. Tzzarongo, s. Back of a house. (E. C.) Tzzatara, s. A lizard. Tzzatea, <?. Break on the top of a, wave. Ka pupuhi te hau ka wati te tuatea ; When the wind blows the top of the wave breaks. {E. C.) Tzzatz/a, s. A species of shellfish. Ridge of a hill. Syn. with Kaweka and Hitvi. (E. C.) Tuhaua, v. To be quick. Kia tuhaua te haere ; Be quick in going. Tz/hauwzri, s. A shaking with cold. He tuhauwiri te timatanga o taku mate; A shivering was the beginning of my complaint. Tzzhauwz’ri, v. To shiver; to shake with cold. Tzzhitzzhi, v. To write. Tuhituhia he pukapuka ki to

wanaunga; Let a letter be written to your relative. Tzzhitzzhinga, s. Act or time of writing. Tzzhoepzn To be steep. Ka tuhoe te tuanui ekore e tuturu; If the roof is steep it will not leak. Tzzhono, v. To join. Tuhonoa tetahi wahi kite tahuhu ; Let a piece be joined on to the ridgepole. Tzzhua, £. Obsidian; volcanic glass. Tzzi, s. A bird. Tui, s. A string of fish ; dried cockles, fyc. {First syllable shorter than in the preceding word.) Tzziau, s. A jlea. Tzzitzzi, v. To sew. Pass. Tuituia, or Tuia.

To lash together, as the sides of a canoe to the lower part. Kei te tui waka a Kawe ma; Kawe and his people are fastening on the sides of the canoe. Tzzitz/inga, s. Act or time of sewing. Tzzkararoa, s. A bird. Tzzkemata., <?. Eyebrows. Tzzketzzke, s. Elbow. Tzzki, s. A song during the time of rowing a canoe. Tz/ki, v. To keep time in a canoe by singing. Tzzkipoho, s. Wind ahead. Tzzkitzzki, v. To kill. Tukitukia te kuri; Let the dog be killed. To knock to pieces.


Me tukituki te taepa, ka hanga ai kia pai; Knock down the fence, and put it up well. (E. C.) Tzzkitzzkinga, <y. Act or time of killing. Tukorehu, s. A plant. (E. C.) ( Plantago.) Tzzku, v. To let down ; to come down. Ka tuku katoa te mangu o te rangi; All the blackness of the heavens comes down. t To let go ;to allow. Tukua marietia nga pakeha kia haere ; Allow the foreigners to go quietly. Tukzzku, v. To plunder. Tukukua katoatia ana te kai a Taki; All the food of Taki was plundered.

Tzzkunga, s. Act or time of letting go, or letting down. Tukupzz, v. To fall on every side ; to be covered on every side. Tukupu te rangi; The heavens are dark on every side. Tukupzz, a. Falling on every side ; covered all over. He ua tukupu ; Rain falling on all sides. He moko tukupu ; A man fully tattooed.

Ttmia, ad. Upwardsrelating to number. ~ Ko tahi rau ngahoro o te taua ; There is one hundred and upwards of the hostile party.

Tz/matakzzru, s. A thorny shrub. Tzzmatatenga, v. To be afraid; to be anxious for another’s safety. Tzzmatatenga, s. Anxiety. He tumatatenga noku ki a kou-

tou ; It was my anxiety on your account.


Izzmau, s. A slave; a servant. (W.) (E. C.) Tz/mau, a. Fixed; constant. He kainga tumau ; A constant place of abode. Tzzmere, s. A weapon of war. Tumoremore, v. To be all heart. E tumoremore kau ana te rakau, kahore he hiako ; The tree is all heart, there is no sap. Tzzmzz, .v. A promontory ; a point of land. Tzzmu, s. A stump (fa tree. Tzzmu, v. To halt suddenly ; to start.

Tumu ana te waewac he kohera; The leg starts, it moves outwardly. [ln sleep, if the leg starts outwardly, it is a bad omen, but if inwardly, it is a good one. ] Tzzmuzzki, s. Crown of the head. Tzzmutzzmu, v. A stump. Tzzna, <?. An eel. Tune'wa, v. To nod; to wink with,sleep. Tzznga, s. Act of standing; place of standing. Place struck ; a wound. Ko te tunga tonutanga o te marama a hau ka hoki mai ai; I shall return when the moon stands quite up; i. e., when it is at the full. Tzznga, s. A grub. (First syllable shorter than in the preceding word.) Tungane, s. A brother ; a term used by a sister, but not by a brother.



Tungvzngi, s. A shell-fsh. Tungozz, s. A nod. Tungozz, v. To nod. E tungou mai ana te tangata; The man is nodding. Tungongo, s. A chrysalis. Tungzztungzztu, v. To put embers together. Tungutungutua nga mounga ; Let the embers be put together. Tzznu, a. Roasted. Ka reka te kai tunu ; The roasted food is sweet. Tzznu, v. To roast. Tunua nga parareka ki nga waro; Let the potatoes be roasted in the coals.

Tzznunga, s. Act, place, or time of roasting. Tuohu, v. To stoop ; to bow the head. E tuohu tonu ana a hau, koia a hau te kite atu ai; lam constantly stooping, therefore I did not see. Tuoi, a. Thin; lean. He kararehe tuoi, ekore e kainga; It is a lean animal, it will not be eaten. Tzzpakzhi, s. A shrub. ( Coriaria sarmcntosa.) Tuptzkipaki, a. Small. He ware tupakipaki; A small house. Tzzpapaku, s. A corpse. A sick person. Tupzzripari, s. A lon bank ef a river. Tuporuptzru, v. To build with raupo. Tuparuparua te ware ; Let the walls be built with raupo.


Tzzpatzu, s. A north-nest wind. Tzzpato, a. Jealous; cautious. Tzzpato, s. Jealousy ; caution. He tupato noku i noho ai a hau ; It was caution on my part which led me to remain. Tzzpato, v. To be jealous ; to be cautious. Tzzpe, s. A prayer used in battle by one who is pursuing an enemy. Tupe hinga, tupe takoto. Tzzpeke, v. To jump. Tupeke mai e hoa ; Jump over to this side. ( IV.) Tuperepere, a. Violent, as a storm. He marangai tuperepere ; A violent storm. Vigorous, as the growth of plants.

Tz/poki, s. A covering. Twpokk v. To cover. (W 7 -) Twpono, v. To reach; to arrive at. Tupono pu kite kanohi o te tamaiti; It just hit the eye of the child. Tupoptm, v. To stoop low ; to bow down. E tupopou tonu ana te tamaiti ki roto kite kohue ; The child stoops quite into the boiler. Tzzpoporo, a. Overturned. Tupowpou, .v. A porpoise. Twpu, s. A shoot; the growth of a plant. TwpUj a. Growing; vigorous. He mara tupu tenei; This garden is vigorous in growth.





Native, where any one was born. . Kei hea to kainga tupu ? Where is your native place ? Tzzpu, v. To shoot; to grow ; - to increase. Meake tupu te kino i tenei wahi; Soon will the evil grow up in this place. Tzzpua, 5-. A fester. A divinity. Syn. with Tipua. Tzzpua, a. Thievish. Ka tahi ano taku tangata tupua ki aku mea ; What a thievish fellow he is with regard to my things.

Tz/puhi, .9. A gale of wind. He tupuhi tenei ekore tatou e puta; It is a gale, we shall not get along. Tzzpuhi, a. Thin ; lean. Syn. with Tuoi. Tzzpuna, <9. An ancestor. Tzzpuni, zn To build up the sides of a native house. Me tupuni kite raupo ; Let it be built up with raupo. Syn. with Tuparuparu. (E. C.) Tzzpurzznga,<9. Place where anything grows. Tzzputzzpu, <9. A native mat. Tzzrakzznga, s. Act or time of thrusting. I kite au i te turakanga o te tamaiti nei ki roto kite wai; I saw the pushing of this child into the water. Tzzraki, v. To thrust; to push down. Kua pau ke te taepa nei te turaki e te kau ; This fence has been pushed down by the cow.

Tzzraki, A thrusting ; a pushing down. Tzzrama, .9. A light. Ho mai he ahi hei turama moku ; Give me a fire-stick for a light. Tzzrama, v. To light a person with a torch. Turamatia a hau, e hoa, ka pouri kerekere; Let me be lighted, my friend, it is quite dark. Tz/ranga, <9. A standing place ; time of standing. Turzzra, v. To warm oneself at the fre ; to hold to the fre. Turara kite ahi kia maroke; Hold it to the fire that it may be dry. Tzzri, s. A knee.

Tzzri, s. Deafness ; obstinacy. He turi maori na te koroke nei; It is obstinacy on the part of this fellow. Tzzri, a. Deaf; obstinate. Tzzri, v. To be decf ; to be obstinate. Ka turi koe ekore e ho atu e au; If you are obstinate I will not give it. Tzzringongengonge, s. A lame person ; a cripple. Tzzripona, s. Knee-joint. Tzzritzzri, <9. Noise. Ekore e rangona i te turituri; It cannot be heard for the noise. Tzzritzzri, a. Noisy. Tzzritzzri, v. To be noisy. Tzzritzzripozzrewa, s. A bird. Tuxiwakaited, v. To be benumbed ; to shiver. u




T?/riweta?/tau, v. Vide Turiwataitai. Turorirori,?/. To shake; to totter as the legs of a sick person. Turoro, s. A sick person. A corpse. Cj Tz/roro, a. Sick. Turoro, v. To be sick. Kua turorotia a Moka ; Moka is become sick. Tzzruatu, s. A bird. T?/ruki, v. To be quite full. Tutuki tonu te waka ; The canoe is quite full. To thatch a house. Syn. with Ato. To grow ; to spring up. Ka turuki ake nga huruhuru hou o te manu ; The new feathers

of the bird grow up. (E. C.) To follow after other persons. Ka haere koutou apopo, ka turuki atu matou i muri; You will go to-morrow, and we shall follow after. Twruki, <y. A sucker of a tree. (E.C.) Turupou, s. A walking-stick; a post upon which anything is put. Tz/rupou, v. To put upon a pole or stick. Turupoutia iho nga karaha ki te rakau ; Let the calabashes be put upon a stick. Twruru, v. To cover oneself up from the cold. He aha koe ka tururu ai ? .What are you covering yourself up for ? Twrutu, s. A plant. (Dianella intermedia.)

Tz/ta, s. Point of junction between the head and the spine. Twtai, s. A spy ; a scout. (W.) Tutaki, v. To meet. Tutaki pu maua i te ara ; We met on the road. To close ; to cover up. Tutakina te taupoki o te pouaka; Let the lid of the box be closed. Tutata, a. Near. Tutata, v. To be near. Ka tutata te kainga ; The place is near. Tute, s. A spy ; a scout. Syn. with Tutai. T?zte, v. To shove with a pole. Tutea te waka ki waho ; Let the canoe be shoved out. Syn. with Tokona.

Twtoro, a. Wandering. He moe tutoro ; A wandering dream. Twtu, s. A shrub. Syn. with Tupakihi, Puhou, and Taweku. Juice of the shrub tupakihi. 1 (E. C.) Tut//, s. Obstinacy ; perverseness. Tut?/, a. Obstinate ; perverse ; saucy. Tut?/, v. To be saucy ; to be perverse. Tut?/, v. To set on fire. Pass. Tungia. Me tutu te koraha, kia atea ai te ara; Let the fern be set on fire, that the road may be clear. Tut?/, v. To stand up ; to rise. Ka tutu te puehu ; The dust rises. Ka tutu nga tara; The




papillae on the skin become prominent from the cold. Tutwa, $. A poor man ; a mean person. Tutmra, s. A small stingaree. (W.) Tzztuki, v. To be stricken. Ka tutuki taku waewae i te rakau ; My leg is struck against the tree. Tutwki, v. To be high water. Ka tutuki te tai; It is high water. Tobe finished ; to come to the end.

Kia tutuki to korero ; Finish your speech. Twtukitanga, s. Act or time of c finishing ; or of being struck. Time of high water. Tutwru, s. A doorpost. A leak ; a drop ; a dropping. Tutwru, a. Leaky. • Fixed; settled. He kainga tuturu ; A settled place of abode. Tutzzru, v. To leak, as through the roof; to drip. Ka tuturu iho te wai o te kaho ;

The water of the cask drips. To sit, as round food. Tutttrut&nga, s. Place or time of leaking. Tz/‘wa, v. To divide; to distribute. Tuwaia nga kai ma nga tangata; Let the food be distributed for the people. To spit. Tz/walizne, s. A sister. Tuwzztawata, s. A fence. (E. C.)

Tu‘wera, v. To be open. Ka tuwera te kuaha ; The doorway is open. Tu‘werat«nga, s. Act or time of being open.


Wa, s. Time; season. He wa mahi tenei, ekore matou e haere atu; This is the working season, we shall not go. ‘Wa, a. Four. Wae, s. Afoot; a leg. v. To be weary. Ka waea aku waewae i te haerenga ; My feet are weary with walking. Waea ana aku kanohi ite tirohanga ; My eyes are weary with looking. ‘Waea, s. A mother.

Waehtzua, s. A lame person. Waektzliu, <?. A plant. ( Lycopodium.) Wtzenga, s. The middle; a division. A cultivation. Mauria he kai ki waenga; Let food be carried to the cultivation. Waengamzi, ] rr , • ;v _ Tr I s. 1 he middle of Waengapa, an y thing . Waengarahi, J Wzzerazz, s. A crab; a crayfish. ‘Wtzerere, s. A mother ; a dam. Waero, s. Tail of an animal.




Syn. with Hiawaero. Wz/eroa, s. A moschetto. W z/erzzru, <£. A species of potatoe. Syn. with Raparuru. Wzzewzze, s. Afoot; a leg. Wzzewzzekzzka, s. A plant. ( Gleichenia hecystophylla.) Wzzha, s. The mouth. Sheets of a sail. Wzzha, v. To carry on the back. Me waha he kai mo te ara; Let food be carried for the road. Wzzhazka, s. A warlike instrument made of wood. Wzzhanga, s. A load for the back. Syn. with Pikau.

Wzzhanga, s. A division; a separation; a splitting. [_From Wawahi.J Wahangu, a. Quiet; dumb. Wzzhapu, s. Mouth or entrance of a bay or river. Wzzharoa, Jkz entrance to a fortification. Wtzhawtzha, s. A shell-fish. Syn. with Ururoa. Wahi, s. A place; a portion. Maku tetahi wahi o tau ika; Give me a portion of your fish. Wahie, s. Firewood. Wahzne, <?. A woman. In the plural number Wzzhine. Waho, ad. Without. Maka atu ki waho; Let it be thrown outside. Kia horoia katoatia a waho a roto ; Let it be all washed outside and in.

Wai, pron. Who ? Ko wai tenei e haere mai nei ? Who is this coming here ?—Tera ano a liewa a Moka, a wai a wai; There comes Rewa and Moka, and all the rest. Wai, s. Water. A calabash. Bag of a fishing-net. E wa nga wai o te kupenga; There are four bags of the nets. ‘Wai, s. A large fiat fish ; a stingaree. ‘Wai, a. Returning to a place constantly ; fixed ; settled. He tangata wai a hau; I am a, settled resident.

‘Wai, v. To possess. Ka wai pukapuka a hau; I possess a book. To perform a religious ceremony upon first occupying a new dwelling. Ma tona tangata ano i tona ware e wai; Let the person to whom the house belongs perform the ceremony. ‘Wai, v. To follow after. Pass. Waia. Wai noa atu, wai noa atu, te hopukina te waka naka ; I followed after, I followed after, but could not catch the canoe. Wzzzata, j. A song. Wmata, v. To sing. Pass. Waiatatia. Waitzzza, s. A porpoise. Wazehu, s. A fish. Wailmldliffki, s. A disease qf the skin ; the itch. Waihznau, 6*. A native mat. Wrzzho, v. To leave.




Waiho atu e au ka tae mai te pouaka ; When I left the box had arrived. Waiho nga kowatu i konei takoto ai; Leave the stones to lie here. Wtt/hotanga, s. Act of leaving ; time or place where anything is left. Waikeo, <9. A fish. Wflz'keri, s. A ditch. Waznamu, <9. A person who has a dislike to a certain food. ‘Wtzinga, s. Enmity ; hostility. Kei hea te tangata hei ki mo te wainga ? Where is the man to speak of hostilities ?

Wm’nga, s. A ceremony performed in a new house before it is inhabited. I mea ia kia patua te tangata hei wainga mo te ware ; He talked of killing the man as an offering for his house. Act of pursuing. Wzzzngenge, s. A species of shark. Waiora, s. The spaces between the tattooed lines. Wmpuke, s. A food. He wai maori tenei, he waipuke; This is fresh water, it is a flood. Wm’rangi, v. To be mistaken; to be stupid. (W.) Wm'rangi, «. Mistaken; stupid. (W.) Wmrangi, s. Stupidity. Nona ano tona wairangi kite tahae, me tona wiu ; It was his own stupidity to steal, for which he got his flogging. ( W.) W«?ranu, <s■. Gravy.

Wazraraua, s. Juice of the kumar a ; gravy. Wmrau, s. Remains of a crop of potatoes or kumara after the main crop has been taken up. 'Wavcekti, v. To like. Ka wairekatia ki reira ekore e hoki; If he is liked there he will not return. Wmrenga, s. A cultivation on timber land. Wm'rori, v. To turn. W z/zrua, s. A spirit; a shadow. Waittfliinga, .9. A ditch. s. A party which comes to the assistance of another in time of war or a disturbance.

‘Wrt/'tiri, 5. Thunder. Syn. with Watitiri. (E. C.) £ Wmtoka, s. A doorway. (E. c.) Wmtua, s. Side. Kei tera waitua o te manga; On the other side of the stream. (W.) £ Wai £ wma, <v. Witchcraft. . (2?.C.) £ Wai £ w«za, v. To bewitch. Kua waiwaiatia taku matua e Maru ; My father has been bewitched by Maru. Wazu, s. Milk. Wazuatz/a, s. A shrub. {Rhabdothammis Solandir.) W«ka, s. A canoe. £ Woka, Food or property given in return for a present of a like nature. Hei waka nga parareka nei mo nga kai o Ngaitahupo ; These po-




tatoes are a present for the food of Ngaitahupo. (E. C.)

f W«ka«e, v. To assent; to consent. Pass. Wakaaetia. Ekore ia e wakaae kia haere ap; He will not consent for me to go. ‘Wtzkaaenga., s. An assenting. < W«ka«liu J) v. To swell. E wakaahu ana taku puku; My swelling enlarges. ‘Wakaahwru, v. To warm. Pass. Wakaahurutia. ‘Wftkaftko, v. To teach. Pass. Wakaakona. ‘ W«ka«konga, s. Act of teaching. < W«kat?kor«nga Act of teaching. ‘Wakaflra, v. To awake; to raise up. Wakaarahia o tatou hoa ka moe tonu nei; Let our companions be awoke who keep on sleeping. f Wakaara, s. A hostile party ; an army. (^ r> ) ‘W&kaarahanga, s. Act or time of awakening up. f W«kaatea, v. To clear. Wakaateatia te ware mo te manuhiri; Let the house be cleared for the guest. f W«kaateattznga, s. Act or time of clearing. ‘Wakaea, v. To make an equal return for ; to pay for. Na Ihu Karaiti i wakaea o tatou hara; Our sins were payed for by Jesus Christ. ‘Wakaeke, v. To draw to close quarters. To rush.

Tena wakaekea! Rush forward! To cause to ascend. ‘Wakaekeeke, a. Sprinkling ; showery. He ua wakaekeeke ; A sprinkling rain. ‘Wakaekenga, s. Act of drawing to close quarters. A causing to ascend. f W«kaemiemi, v. To assemble. Wakaemiemia mai nga tangata; Let the men be assembled together. ‘Wttkaetea, v. To be cleared. Ka wakaetea te nohoanga; The sitting-place is cleared. f W akaewa, s. Strings of a mat. ‘Ntfakaka, v. To breathe upon or into. Pass. Wakahangia

‘W«kahaeh«e> s. A thing which makes afraid ; a scarcrow. Ko nga ture hei wakahaehae mo te ngakau ; The commandments serve to make the heart fearful. f Wtzkah«ere J v. To cause to go; to carry about. Me wakahaere te tamaiti; Let the child be carried about. ‘W akakaerenga, s. Act of carrying abotd. < Wtzkahflrahtzra.,twZ. Very great. He tangata wakaharahara a Tareha; Tareha is a very large man. ‘Wtzkahtzrahflra, v. To diminish’. Kia wakaharaharangia te wai o te poti; Let the water in the boat be lessened by baling. akakawe, v. To disbelieve. Ekore e wakahawea tana korero; This word will not be disbelieved. f W«kah«?/haUj a. Stirring up ; exciting.




He kai wakahauhau ; A person to stir up others. ‘Wtzkahazzhau, v. To stir up; to excite. Haere ra koe kite wakahauhau i nga tangata; Go and stir up the men. c Wzzkahe, v. To cause to go astray. Na te kuia ra matou i wakahe ; We were caused to go astray by the old woman. ‘Wzzkahez, v. To go to meet a person. Tikirta wakaheitia a Te Watanui i te ara ; Go and meet Te Watanui on the road. ‘Wzzkaheke, s. A rope.

‘Wflkahemo, v. To consume. Kua wakahemokia ona taonga kite noho kino; His goods have been spent in riotous living. ‘Wakahemohemo, v. To attend upon a person in his last illness. Kei te wakahemohemo a Te Hepatahi i tona wahine ; Te Hepatahi is attending upon his wife, who is near death. ‘Wttkahenga, s. A causing to go astray. ‘Wflkahengi, v. To steal upon a person. E wakahengi mai ana te tangata ki au ; The man is stealing upon me. ‘Wttkahere, s. Sacred food propitiatory to a deity. ‘Wzzkahzhi, v. To defy ; to speak contemptuously. Ko wai tenei e wakahihi mai nei ? Who is this who speaks contemptuously ?

‘Wakahz'pa, s. Hair of the head; the head. (W.) ‘Wzzkahzpa, v. To turn aside. Wakahipa ki tahaki kei man koe ; Turn aside lest you be caught. ‘Wakahzrahzra, v. To boast. ‘Wakahz’weka, v. To hang up. Te mea nei wakahiweka ; Hang up this thing. ‘W akahoe, v. To reject ; to be careless ; to be indifferent. ‘Wakahoha, a. Wearisome. He mahi wakahoha tenei mahi; This is wearisome work. ‘Wtzkahpki, v. To return a thing ; to turn back. Wakahokia tenei toki ki a Pareihe ; Let this axe be returned to Pareihe. ‘Wakahokinga, s. Act or time of returning.

‘Wakahtspo, <?. A threatened blow. ‘Wtzkahopo, v. To make a feint at striking. C Wakahori, v. To disbelieve. Ekore e wakahoria to korero; Your word will not be disbelieved. (W.) ‘Wakahoringa, s. Act of disbelieving. f W tzkahoro, v. To cause to fall down ; to let down. Wakahoroa te wakaheke; Let out the rope. Wakahoroa nga kowatu ; Throw down the stones. \ ‘W&kahotuhotu, v. To pant. Wakahotuhotu ana te manawa ; The heart pants. ( Tauranga.} C Wakahowhou, v. To refresh ; to make cool.


‘Wakahwa, v. To repeat. Tena wakahuatia mai to waiata; Go on, let your song be repeated. ‘ Wakahwatanga, s. Act or time of repeating. ‘Wakai, v. To look at oneself in vain admiration. ‘Wakaiho, v. To cut the hair. Tenei to iramutu wakaiho ake ; Here is your nephew, cut his hair. (E. C.) ‘Wakaika, v. To lie. Kei ko nga kaho e wakaika ana ; The battens are lying there. ‘Wakaikeike, v. To raise up high. Pass. Wakaikeikeina. Taria mai he oneone hei wakaikeike ite wahi nei; Let some earth be brought to raise this place. ‘Wakaingqingo, a. Sobbing. He tamaiti wakaingoingo; A sobbing child.

‘Wakaznu, v. To give drink to a person. Wakainumia ana a hau kite tupakihi i reira; I was supplied with tupakihi to drink at that place. ‘Wakaznumflnga, .v. Act or time of giving to drink. ‘Wakazri, v. To hang up. Pass. Wakairia. Me wakairi te kete ki runga ki te taepa ; Let the basket be hung up on the fence. ‘Wrtkazringa, s. A hanging up; time or place of hanging up. ‘Wakairo, a. Carved. Ko tahi te pouaka wakairo o te tangata ra hei hoko; The man has one carved box to sell. ‘Wakairo, s. Carving. Nanahu ana te wakairo o te wa-


ka nei; The carving of this canoe is beautiful. ‘Wakmro, v. To carve. ‘Wakaktt, s. Combustible matter. Tera he otaota hei wakaka mo te kapura ; Give us some rubbish to make the fire burn. ‘Wttkakaha, a. Strengthening. Ho mai he rongoa wakakaha; Give some strengthening medicine* f W«kakaha, v. To strengthen. Pass. Wakakahangia. ‘W&kakohanga, s. A strengthen er. ‘Wtzkakahore, v. To annul; to deny. Ekore tena korero e taea te wakakahore ; That saying cannot be denied.

‘W«kakahoret«nga, <v. Act or time of annulling. ‘W akakai, s. An ornament for the ear. ‘W akakaitoa, v. To say to another —It serves you right. c W«kakakahu, v. To clothe. Pass. Wakakakahuria. c Wtzkak«kahur«nga, s. Act (f clothing. f Wakakake, a. Boasting. He tangata wakakake; A boasting man. ‘W«kak«ke, v. To boast. ‘Wtzkakwiiapa, v. To cause to shine ; to make bright. ‘Wtzkak&rekttre, v. To shake, as water in a bottle. c W«kak«rekarenga, s. Act of shaking up.





‘Wakakarikari, v To notch. Me wakakarikari kau te rakau ; Just notch the stick. ‘Wakakata, v. To cause to laugh. ‘Wakakeke, v. To be obstinate. Kaua koe e wakgkeke kite kupu o to matua ; Do not be obstinate when your father speaks. ‘Wakakeukeu, v. To shake. Ki ata wakakeukeu ; Do not shake. ‘Wakakz, v. To fill. Pass. Wakakiia. ‘Wakakikzwa, v. To blink the eyes, as in pain. Ka wakakikiwa ona kanohi i te mamae ; His eyes are blinking with pain.

‘Wakakmga, j Act of filing. ‘Wakakmo, v. To reject; to treat with contempt; to disapprove of. Ka wakakinongia tau mahi tutu ; Thy ill conduct will be disapproved of. ‘Wakakznonga, s. Act of treating with contempt. ‘Wakakzte, v. To reveal; to disclose. Wakakitea mai ki a matou to pukapuka ; Let thy letter be shown to us. ‘Wakakztenga, -v. A revelation; a disclosure. ‘Wakakzwi, v. To look over the shoulder. Ka wakakiwi te kanohi i runga i te peke; His eye is looking over his shoulder. ‘Wakako, ad. Thither. Ka haere au wakako; I am going thither. (W.)

‘Wakakoekoe, v. To tickle. ‘Wakakoi, v. To sharpen. Wakakoia taku toki ki to ho* anga; Let my axe be sharpened on your grindstone. ‘Wakakoia, v. To assent. E wakakoia mai ana; He is assenting. ‘Wakakoinga, s. Act of sharpening. ‘Wakakopakopa, v. To fold up. Pass. Wakakopakopaia. ‘Wakakopakoparanga, s. Act or time of folding up. ‘Wakakorakora, v. To scatter in small quantities; to let foil, as it were sparks. Wakakorakorangia mai tetahi wahi ma matou ; Let a portion be scattered for us.

‘ Wtzkakorero, v. To speak about. Mau e wakakorero ki ta te Atua korero; Speak thou about the words of God. { W«kakoro, v. To urge; to endeavour. Wakakoro noa ma.tou te taea Patangata; We urged on to no purpose, and were not able to reach Patangata. (JE. C.) v. To disturb ; to spoil. He aha tau ka wakakoroiroi nei i te mahi ? Why do you spoil the work ? ‘Wtzkakorokoro, v. To loosen; to slacken. Wakakorokoroa te wakaheke ; Let the rope be slackened. ‘Wtzkakorua, v. To make hollow. Wakakoruatia te takotoranga mo te wai; Let a place be made hollow for the water to lie in. x




‘Wakakz/mu, <?. A creeping plant. £ Wzzkakzzmu, v. To be timid; to be reluctant. E wakakumu ana taku ngakau, ekore au e haere ma te waka; I am afraid, I will not go by the canoe. ‘Wzzkamrz, s. Shame. ‘W akama, a. Ashamed; causing shame. ‘Wzzkamtz, v. To be ashamed. Ka wakama katoa ratou ki tana kupu ; They were all ashamed on account of his expression. £ Wzzkamahzzra, a. Reminding. He pukapuka wakamahara tenei moku ; This is a book of remembrance for me. M ? v. To remind. Wakamaharatia a Mikere ki tana korero o nanahi; Let Mikere be reminded of what he said yesterday.

‘Wzzkamahzzratzznga, s. Act of reminding. i 'Wdk.oxr\dhau ) s. A verandah. £ Wakamahu, v. To heal. Ho mai he rongoa hei wakamahu i taku ringa; Give me some application to heal my hand. ‘Wakamtzhu, a. Healing. ‘Wzzkamzzhue, v. To finish. Ha I haere noa te tangata, kahore ano kia wakamahuetia tana mahi; The man is going, and his work is not finished. ‘Wzzkamzzhuetzznga, s. Act or time of finishing. ‘Wtzkamtzhunga, v. To make trial of a new crop of pota - toes, tyc. Ka tahi ano ka wakamahunga-

tia te kai; The food is only now made trial of.

‘Wakam&zengi, v. To raise up. s Wakamaiengitia tena poro ote rakau ; Let that end of the log be raised up. ‘Wakammengitanga, <?. Act or time of raising up. ‘Wokamtzkaka, v. To make crooked. Ka wakamakakatia te aho; The line is made crooked. ‘Wakamakz/ku. v. To moisten ; to water. " Na Paora i wakato, na Aporo i wakamakuku ; It was planted by Paul, it was watered by Apollos. ‘W«kamakwkur«nga, <y. Act of moistening or watering. f Wakam«mae, v. To give pain. To be in pain ; to be in labour.

£ W«kamzzmaetzznga, s. Act of causing pain. Wzzkamzzna, v. To give influence or power. Pass. Wakamanangia. Na te pu i wakamana Ngapuhi; Ngapuhi had influence given to them by muskets. £ W«kam«ngu, v. To blacken. ‘Wakamzzpau, v. To appear above ground. Ka wakamapau te tupu o te kai; The sprout of the kumara appears above ground. ‘Wzzkamarzzra, v. To scatter'. Kua oti nga tangata te wakamarara e te taua o Waikato ; The men are scattered by the army of W aikato. ‘Wakamarzzratzznga, s. Act or time of scattering.


‘Wakamarie, v. To quiet; to appease. Tikina wakamarietia a Te We. ra kei noho ia kite kainga; Go and appease Te Wera while ,he remains in the place. ‘Wakamarietanga, s. Act or time of appeasing. ‘Wakamaro, v. To stretch out. Wakamarokia te kakahu, kia kitea ai te ahua; Let the garment be stretched out, that it may be seen what it is like. ‘Wakamarokanga, s. Act of stretching out. ‘Wakamaroke, v. To dry. Wakamaroketia tenei kakahu, ka ho mai ai; Let this garment be dried, and then give it me.

‘Wakamaroketanga, s. Act of drying. ‘Wakamaroro, v. To be quick. ' C'..‘ s-sf ‘Wakamarumaru, s. A screen from the sun. ‘Wakamarumaru, v. To screen. ‘Wakamataku, v. To terrfy. ‘Wakamataku, a. Frightening; terrifying. ‘Wakamatau, v. To cause to understand ; to make trial of. Wakamatauria a hau kite reo maori; Let me be instructed in the native tongue. Kua wakamatau a hau i tena kai e hara hoki; I have made trial of that food, and it is not good. ‘Wakamatauranga, s. Act of causing to understand; act of making trial of. ‘Wakamate, v. To make sick ; to kill.


Wakamatea te kuri nei; Let this dog be killed. t Wflkanifltenga, s. Act or time of killings or of making sick. c Wttkam««zru, v. To echo. E wakamauru ana mai te tangi o te pu ; The report of the gun is echoing. ‘Wakamene, v. To assemble. E haere ana au kite wakamene i nga tangata ; I am going to assemble the men. ‘ Wakamenenga, s. Act or time of assembling. ‘Wakamz’haro, v. To cause wonder or surprise. ‘Wakamzharo, a. Wonderful. ‘Wakamzne, v. To assemble. Syn. with Wakamene.

‘W«kawiienga, s. Act of assembling. ‘Wtzkamoa, v. To heap up. Wakamoaina nga kowatu ; Let the stones he heaped up. ( W akampe, v. To close the eyes; to put to sleep. Ka wakamoea nga kanohi, ko te tangata e ara ana ; The eyes are closed, but the man is awake. ‘Wakamoenga, s. Act of putting to sleep. ‘Wtzkamonenehu, v. To go out of sight. Ka wakamonenehu te waka ; The canoe is going out of sight. ‘WttkamGinori, v. To do a thing under the impulse of vexation ; to commit an act of desparation. ‘Wttkamz/a, ad. Bfore. Ka haere ia wakamua; He is going on before. ( W.)



'Wakamwri, ad. Behind. ‘Wakamwtu, v. To finish ; to leave off. Wakamutua te main ; Leave off work. ‘Wakamwtunga, s. Act (ffinishing, or leaving off. ‘Wakana, v. To satisfy. ‘Wakanamunamu, v. To disappear. Ka wakanamunamu te waka ; The canoe disappears. ‘‘Wakananawe, v. To wait for ; to loiter. Ka wakananawe atu ki muri, ekore e hohoro te haere ; He is waiting behind, he does not walk quickly. ‘Wakananu, v. To mix. Ka wakananua te rongoa kite wai; The medicine is mixed with water.

‘Wakananfinga, s. Act of mixing. ‘Wakanau, v. To refuse. Ekore matou e ahei te wakanau atu ; We are not able to refuse. ‘Wakanehenehe, s. A quarrelling. ‘Wakanehenehe, a. Quarrelsome. He tangata wakanehenehe koe ; You are a quarrelsome man. ‘Wakaneliu, v. To reduce to powder. ‘Wakanekeneke, v. To cause to move. Ho mai he wai hei wakanekeneke mo te rongoa ; Give me some water to wash down the medicine. ‘Wakanene, v. To jest ; to sport ; to quarrel.


E wakanene mai ra nga tamariki ; The children are sporting yonder. ‘Wakanene, s. A sporting; a jesting. He wakanene nau ; It is a jest of thine. ‘Wakangalioro, v. To shake off. ‘Wakangamia, v. To be swallowed up. (#•) ‘Wakanganangana, j. Deceit. ‘Wakanganangana, v. To be deceitful. He aha tau e wakanganangana nei, e ta ? Why are you deceitful ? (E. C.) ‘Wakangao, v. To sprout; to send forth shoots. E wakangao ana i nga rau ; It shoots forth leaves.

'Wakangtzri, v. To lease. ‘Wakangtzri., v. A teasing. Ka mea koutou he wakangari naku; You say it is teasing on my part. ‘Wtzkangtzrp, v - To conceal. Pass. Wakangaromia. ‘Wakangtzromanga, s. Act or time of concealing. ‘Wakangarue, v. To shake. Ki ata wakangarue ; Do not shake. (J?. C.) ‘Wakangau, v. To catch with dogs. Kua riro kite wakangau poaka ; He is gone to catch pigs. ‘Wakangauet/e, v. To shake. Syn. with Wakangarue. 'W akangaueuetanga, s. Act of shaking. ‘Wakangawari, v. To soften. Pass. Wakangawaritia.





‘Wakangzzwaritanga, s. Act of softening. £ W«kangezngei, v. To stretch out the neck ; to look inquisitively ; to spread. Ka wakangeingei te kawe o tou hue; The runner of the melon spreads out. ‘Wzzkangz'ta, v. To make fast. Wakangitaia mai to kuri; Let your dog be made fast. ( R.) ‘Wttkangwngu, v. To refuse to speak. £ W«kanzhonzho, v. To throw up a small shoot; to sprout. Ka wakanihoniho te rea o nga parareka nei; The sprout of these potatoes begins to shoot. (£'. C.) To quarrel. Kei te wakanihoniho nga tamariki; The children are quarrelling.

‘Wakaninzhi, v. To turn away from a person. To be in the posture of attack. Ka wakaninihi i runga i nga kauaeroa ; They are formed in companies ready to attack. £ W«kanoa, v. To make common ; to take off the tapu. £ W«kanoat«nga, s. Act of making common. ‘Wakanoho, v. To place; to establish. Na Te Wera i wakanoho Ngapuhi ki Nukutaurua ; Ngapuhi were established at Nukutaurua by Te Wera. ‘Wflkanohoanga, s. Act of placing, or establishing. ‘Wakanoi, v. To hang up. Wakanoia nga tuna ki runga ki te pataka; Let the eels be hung " up on the stage. ( W.)

£ W«kanone, v. To make crooked. Nau i wakanone te rarangi ; The row was made crooked by thee. ‘Wakanoti, v. To draw up. as a bag. To bury fire in the ashes that it may not go out. Wakanotia te kapura; Let the fire be covered up with ashes. ‘Wakanni, v. To enlarge. £ W«kanwinga, Act of enlarging. v. To answer to a call. Ka wakao mai te tangata i roto i te ngahere; The man answers from within the wood. £ Wtzkaoho, v. To startle. Kaua ra e wakaohokia te manu

ra; Do not let the bird be startled. ‘Wzzkaohokanga, <?. Act or time of startling. i 'Wa\camo\, v. To shake. Syn. with Wakangaueue. £ W«kaoioinga, <y. Act of shaking £ W«kaomoomo, v. To attend upon a sick person. E wakaomoomo ana ia i tana tupapaku ; He is attending upon his invalid. £ Wakaora, a. Saving. He korero wakaora tenei; This is a word of salvation. ‘Wtzkaora, v. To save. E te Ariki wakaorangia a hau, ka mate a hau ; Lord save me, I perish. £ W«kaoranga, s. Act or time of saving. ‘Wakaoti, v. To finish. Pass. Wakaotia.




£ W«kaotinga, s. Act or time of finishing. A youngest child. Ko Pehi ta matou wakaotinga ; Pehi was the youngest of us. £ Wtzkao £ witi, v. To make jealous. <fi‘ Syn. with Wakatupato. ‘W&kapa, v. To touch. £ Wtzkap«e, s. A false accusation . £ Wakap«e, v. To accuse falsely. I wakapaea a hau kei au te maripi o te tangata ra ; I was falsely accused that I had the man’s knife. To lay crossways. Me wakapae te rakau hei arawata; Let the tree be laid across as a bridge.

‘Wflkaptzenga, s. Act of accusing falsely. ‘Wtzkapahure, v. To pass by ; to cause to pass by. ‘Wtzkap&huretanga, s. Act or time of passing by. C Wakapm, s. Praise; approval. £ W«kapm, v. To praise; to approve ; to make good. Pass. Wakapaingia. ‘Wtzkapmnga, Act of praising, or making good. ‘Wakapazpai, s. Ornamental; fine. He kakahu wakapaipai ; An .. ornamental garment. £ W«kapazpai, v. To adorn. Me wakapaipai te waka kite toroa; Let the canoe be adorned with albatross feathers. £ W«kapak«ri, v. To boast. 'Wtzkapakari, a. Boasting.

£ W«kapakepake, a. Enticing ; persuading. £ Wtzkaptzkep«ke, v. To entice; to tempt. Na Te Rangi i wakapakepake i oma ai taku pononga; My slave ran away because Te Rangi enticed him. £ Wtzkap«kep«kenga, s. Enticement ; temptation. £ Wtzkapakzhi, v. To be on the surface ; to do superficially. Kaua e wakapakihitia te keringa ; Let not the digging be done superficially. £ Wtzkapakoko, s. An image; an idol. £ Wakapaku, v. To be diminished ; to be small.

Ka wakapaku te tai, ina nga manu e noho mai nei i runga i te tahuna ; The tide is nearly out, for the birds are lighting upon the sand-bank. c Wtzkapak?zku, v. To knock, as at a door. £ Wtzkaptzpa, v. To go slyly ; to go by stealth. Ka wakapapa mai te tangata ra, he tahae pea ; The man is coming slyly there, perhaps he is a thief. To lay in a heap. To place one upon another, as a stack of boards. To speak of past events. I haere mai ia kite wakapapa i nga kauwau o mua; He came to speak of the history of former times. £ Wtzkap«reho, v. To be, almost consumed. Ka wakapareho nga kai o te rua; The food of the store is almost consumed.


‘Wakaparehotanga, s. Time of being nearly consumed. ‘Wakapareko, v. Synon. with W akapareho. ‘Wakaparekotanga, s. Synon. with Wakaparehotanga. ‘Wakapatai, v. To ask. Ka wakapataia mai e te pakeha; A question is asked by the foreigner. ( W.) Wakapatipati, s. Flattery; dedeceitful language. ‘Wakapatipati, a. Flattering ; speaking deceitfully. ‘Wakapatipati, v. To speak deceitfully ; to fatter. He aha tau e wakapatipati ? ekore hoki e ho atu e au ; What are you flattering for ? it will not be given by me.

‘Wakapau, v. To consume ; to finish. Wakapaua nga kai nei; Let this food be consumed. c Wakapawnga, Act or time of consuming. ‘Wakape, a. Making s(ft. Ho mai he rongoa wakape mo taku wewe ; Give me some medicine to make my boil suppurate. ‘Wakape, v. To make soft; to cause to suppurate. ‘Wakapehapeha, a. Boasting. He tangata wakapehapeha; A boaster. ‘Wakapehapeha, <y. A boast. ‘Wakapehapeha, v. To boast; to glory. Ko ia e wakapehapeha ana kia wakapehapeha kite Ariki; Let him that glorieth glory in the Lord.


‘Wakapeke, a. Concealed. ‘Wakapeke, v. To conceal. Ka mau kite hate, ka wakapekea ki roto ki ona; He took up the shirt, and then it was concealed within his garments. ‘Wakapekenga, s. Act or time (f concealing. ‘Wakapzko, s. A murder committed upon persons who are in the act of eating food which has been prepared by the murderers. ‘Wakapzko, v. To bend a thing. ‘Wakapzkonga, <?. Act of bending. ‘Wakapzopzo, s. A creeping plant. Syn. with Aka. ‘Wakapzpi, v. To place one upon another, as bricks.

‘Wtzkapzpinga, s. A work which is constructed in a regular manner, by placing one thing upon another, as in masonry. ‘Wakapohehe, v. To confuse. ‘Wakapokaikaha, v. To confuse. f W«kapok<zkuk«ku, v. Synon. with the above. ‘Wf/kapokorua, v. To hollow out. Syn. with Wakakorua. ‘Wakapono, v. Belief; faith. ‘Wakapono, a. Believing. He tangata wakapono; A believer. ‘Wakapono, v. To believe. Ko ia e wakapono ana e ora; He who believeth will be saved.



‘Wakaponotanga, j. Act of believing. ‘W«kaporepore, v. To propitiate by a gift, as in courtship. t W«kaporor«ni, v. To confuse. Syn. with wakapohehe. ‘Wakaporwru, v. To refuse. He aha koe ka wakaporuru ai kite kai mau ? Why do you refuse the food which is given to you? ‘WakapotOj, v. To shorten. Wakapotoa te korero ; Let the speech be short. ‘Wtzkapozzri, a. Causing darkness ; distressing. He korero wakapouri tenei ; This is distressing intelligence. ‘Wzzkapozzri, v. To darken; to distress. Na tana mahi tutu a hau i wakapouri; I was distressed by his ill conduct.

‘W«kapozzrit«nga; s. Act of darkening, or causing distress. ‘Wakapzz, s. A heap. He wakapu kupenga tera e takoto mai ra; The heap which lies there is a fishing-net. ‘Wakapzz, v. To lay in a heap. Kei hea o tatou kete wakapu ai ? Where shall our baskets be heaped up ? ‘Wtzkapz/akanga, <?. Act or time of disclosing, or declaring. Heoi ano ta matou wakapuakanga i te kupu ki a koutou ; This is the last time of our declaring the word to you. ‘Wokapzzaki, v. To disclose ; to declare. Wakapuakina mai to kupu ; Let your word be uttered.


‘Wzzkapware, v. To open. Pass. Wakapuaretia. ‘Wakap?/aretanga, <v. Act or time of opening. ‘Wakapwhoni, v. To jump, as a fish out of the water. E wakapuhoru ana te kanae ; The mullet jump out of the water. ‘Wrtkapungenengene,!?. To cover up with clothes. ‘Wakapwru, s. A pack to defend the back when a load is carried. A covering to keep of' wet and dirt. f W«kapzzru, v. To defend fie back or any other part by means of a pad. ( W«kapwta, <?. A boasting. ‘Wtzkapzzta, a. Boasting. Ka kino to mahi wakaputa; Your boasting is evil.

‘Wzzkapzzta, v. To boast; to bring to view. Pass. Wakaputaina. ‘Wakarzze., v. To lie out of the ground, as potatoes, when the crop is very abundant. Wakarae ana nga kumara ki runga ; The kumara are lying out of the ground. f v. To boast; to vaunt. E wakarangaranga ana i a ia te koroke nei; This fellow is vaunting. c W«karangatz’ra.> a. Ennobling. ‘Wakarangatzra, &. To ennoble. Ma te pakeha taku kainga e wakarangatira ; My place will be made of more consequence by the foreigner.





*'Wtzkai7zngatzrat«nga, s. Act of ennobling. ‘Wtzkaranu, v. To mix. ‘Wtzkaropa, A fish basket. £ Wtzkar«popoto, v. To be assembled. £ W«kartzrata, v. To make tame; to quiet. Mauria he puwa hei wakararata ite hoiho; Let some thistles be taken to make the horse quiet. ‘Wakarmg), ad. From below; towards the lower part. E haere ana au wakararo ; I am going towards the lower, or northern part. ( W.) £ W«kar«to, t). To serve equally. Wakaratoa nga tangata kite kai; Let the men be served equally with food.

‘Wrtkartztonga, s. Act of serving equally. ‘Wtzkartzw, s. A slave ; a captive in war. ‘Wakartzwora, v. To save alive a captive in battle. ‘Wakarawa, f • To fasten ; to close. Wakarawatia te tatau ; Let the door be fastened. ‘Wzzkarawa, s. A fastener. Lahore he wakarawa mo te tatau ; There is nothing to fasten the door with. ‘Wtzkartzwai, s. Contemptuous language. He wakarawai tenei korero ; This speech is contemptuous language. £ W«kar«wai, r. To disparage. E wakarawaitia ana te kakahu ; The garment is disparaged.

f Wzzkarffwe, v. To close up,.as a basket. Wakarawea nga kete kumara; Let the baskets of kumara be closed up. ‘Wtzkarawenga, s. Act of closing up. ‘Wtzkarez, <y. Carved work at the head and stern of a canoe. (E. C.) ‘Wtzkarez, v. To cast away. Wakareia atu nga kai nei kite moana, ka tahuri tatou ; Let this food be thrown into the sea, we shall be upset. (E. C.) ‘Wtzkareka, a. Sweetening. ‘Wakareka, v. To sweeten. Ho mai ra he ti hei wakareka i taku waha ; Give me some tea to sweeten my mouth.

‘Wakarere, v. To cast away ; to reject. Me wakarere enei rakau, kua pirau ; Let these boards be rejected, they are rotten. ‘Wakarere, ad. Suddenly. Ka puta wakarere te tonga; The south wind comes on suddenly. ‘Wakarerenga, s. Act or time of casting away. A thing cast away. He wakarerenga tenei naku ; This is a thing cast away by me. ‘Wakarewa, v. To put afloat. Wakarewaia te waka; Let the canoe be put afloat. ‘Wakarewanga, Act of putting afloat. ‘Wakari, v. To hold up to view. Tena wak’aria mai to mea, kia kite au ; Let your thing be held up to view, let me see it. ‘Wakanharzha, a. Disgusting. ■: f




‘Wakarzkarzka, s. Vexation. ‘Wakariki, s. An army ; a hostile party. Wakarirzka, v. To wait for. Wakaririka noa ana matou kia tika te hau ; We were waiting for the wind to be fair. ‘Wakarzro, a. Wresting; perverting. He tangata wakariro korero ; A man who perverts speech. Wakarzro, v. Towrest; topervert. Kei wakariroia ta matou korero e koe ; Let not our expression be perverted by thee. ‘Wakarz’ronga, <s“. Act of perverting. £ Wakarzte, a. Made like to anything. He kupu wakarite ; A parable, a fable, a comparison.

‘Wtfkarzte, v. To liken to anyrZci thing. ‘JVv/kaivtenga, s. Act of likening.

‘Wakaroa, v. To lengthen ; to delay. ‘Wakaroa, a. Dilatory. He tangata wakaroa; A dilatory man. ‘Wakaroaka, s. An addition; an increase. Me mahi tetahi wakaroaka mo tenei raupo ; Let some addition for this raupo be made. ‘Wakarongo, a. Listening ; attentive. ‘Wakarongo, v. To listen; to attend. ‘'WaAiaxuz, s. A sea breeze. (E. C.)

‘Wakarzzaki, v. To make sick. . ‘Wakarzzhirzzhi, v. To be enervated ; to be made weak. Ka wakaruhiruhia te tangata nei i te mate; This man is enfeebled by sickness. ‘Wakarzzke, v. To strike. Wakarukea te kuri kite rakau ; Let the animal be struck with a stick. ‘Wakarzznga, ad. From or towards the upper part. ‘Wakararu, s. A screen. C Wakarwru. v. To shade; to .'.f ~'s' K screen. Me hanga he pahoka hei wakaruru mo nga teneti; Let a screen be made to shelter the tents. ‘Wakarzzrunga, s. Act of screening.

A rumbling sound. Kei tawiti te wakarurunga pu inanahi; The sound of guns yesterday was at a distance. ‘Wakatahataha, v. To go by the side of anything. ‘Wakatazmaha, a. Weighing down. ‘Wakatazmaha, v. To weigh down ; to make heavy. ‘Wakatazrangaranga, v. To lift up ; to raise up ; to elevate. To rise up. Na Ngapuhi i wakatairangaranga kite riri koia Tokakuku ; The movement was made by Ngapuhi to the contest, hence the battle at Tokakuku. ‘Wakataka, s. A herd ; a flock. Ka taki rau nga kararehe i te wakataka kotahi; The animals go at the rate of a hundred in a herd. ‘Wakataka, v. To cause to fall.




‘Wakatakarzri, a. Vexatious. He mahi wakatakariri tenei ; This is a vexatious act. ‘Wakatakariri, v. Vexation. ‘Wakataki, v. To begin; to proceed in a speech ; to conduct. Maku koe e wakataki, kia tika ai to haere ; You shall be conducted by me, that you may go right. ‘Wakataki, s. A speech. ‘Wakatako, a. Peeled off, as the skin when blistered. He mea wakatako te hiako ; The skin is peeled off; or, The skin comes off.

‘Wakat&kojQ, An ambuscade. Ko apopo i te ata ka haere te wakatakoto a Pi ; To-morrow morning the ambuscade of Pi will go off. c W&katekoto, v. Toplace; to cause to lie. Wakatakotoria te tamaiti kite moenga; Let the child be placed on the bed. ‘W&kattzmatgma, a. Lazy. Ka tahi ano te tangata wakatamatama kite taka kai; What a lazy fellow you are in preparing food. ‘Wakatangi, v. To cause a .gj - y t sound ; to play on an instrument. Pass. Wakatangihia.

‘Wakattingitangi, s. A species (f creeper. ( Metrosideros.) ‘W aVoXao, v. To put food into an oven. Wakataona ta tatou umu ; Let the food be put into our oven. c Wakatapeke, v. To be almost

spent; to be nearly all come or &one. Ka wakatapeke mai nga tangata kite ware; The men are nearly all come to the house. ‘Wakatapu, a. Making sacred. ‘Wakatapu, v. To make sacred. Pass. Wakatapua. ‘Wakatapunga, s. Act of making sacred. ‘Wakatapahi, v. To carry Cibout, as a child. W akatapuhitia te tamaiti nei, ka tangi; Let this child be carried about, it cries.

‘Wakatare, v. To hang up, as on a line or post. Pass. Wakatarea. ‘Wakatarenga, s. Act of hanging Up; place where anything is hung up. ‘Wakatari, v. To bring upon any one. Nau ano koe wakatari i mate ai, You brought it upon yourself, (that) was the reason you suffered. ‘Wakataruna, v. To be connected with.

Na taku wahine a hau i wakataruna ai ki Ahuriri; lam connected with Ahuriri through my wife. ‘Wakatarunatanga, s. A cause of connection ; a tie. ‘Wakatata, v. To draw near. Kia wakatata mai koe kia rangona ai to korero ; Draw near that your speech may be heard. ‘Wakatatanga, s. Act or time of drawing near. ‘Wakatatzztu, v. To sound with a line.




Me wakatatutu ki mua kei eke te kaipuke ; Let it be sounded first, that the ship may not get aground. "Wakatattzturzznga, <y. Act of sounding. C Whkatzzu, v. To imitate ; to mock. Ko wai tau e wakatau nei ? Who is it you are mocking ? To go to meet a person. £ Wakat«wki, s. A saying; a proverb. £ W«katawnahwa, s. A commencement of work upon land for the sake of securing it from the occupation of another. ch'.-'--

s W«kat«wpe, v. To look in admiration at oneself. 1 Wzzkatzzzzte, <?. Occupation. Na te wakataute i a koe, koia a hau te haere atu ai kia akona kite tuhituhi; Because you were busy I did not come to be taught writing. ■ s W«kate, v. To squeeze. Me wakate te puku ; Let the abscess be squeezed, h £ W«kateka, a. Disbelieving. £ Wnkateka, v. To disbelieve. ‘ W«katekanga, s. Act of disbelieving. £ W«kateki, v. To suspend, as in a fence. QOne paling shorter than the rest is suspended, that it may be even with the others at the top.] Me wakateki tenei papa ; Let this board be suspended.

'Wakatenetene, a. Teasing. - Ka tahi ano te tangata waka-

tenetene ko koe; What a teasing man you are* s. A teasing. Hore i te wakatenetene mai o te taurekareka nei; There is nothing like the teasing of this slave. f W^katere 9 v. To turn adrift. Pass. Wakaterekia. ‘Wakaterenga., 5 1 . Act of turning adrift. ‘Wakateretere., v. To sail about. Kei te wakateretere waka nga tamariki; The children are sailing canoes. v. To keep without food. Pass. Wakatikia,

£ W&katzkinga ? <y. Act of keeping without food. ‘Wokatma, s. A provocation. He wakatina ra ki an kia oho ai au ; It was a provocation to me that I might be stirred up. ‘Wtzkato, v. To plant. Pass. Wakatokia. ‘Wakatoatoa, v. To boast of bravery. £ Wakatoi ? a. Teasing. ‘Wokatoi., s. A teasing. Kati te wakatoi ; Leave off your teasing. ‘Wakatoi, v. To tease.

‘W«katokanga, <?. Act or time of planting. ‘Wakatomp, A large basket. f W v. To plant kumara. ’■Wakatotika. v. To make even or sir (tight. (e. C.) ( Wczkatotohi, v. To cut. Pass. Wakatotohitia.




A speech. Na Te Koki enei wakatu ki ana tamariki; These speeches were by Te Koki to his children. ‘Wtzkatw, v. To make a speech. :r ' E wakatu ana ia ite tatauranga; He is making a speech about the contest. To place in an erect position. Pass. Wakaturia. ‘WTzkatz/ma., s. An expression of anger. f Wakatung«ngr> A stile. He ara wakatungangi; A stile. (E. C.) ‘Wakat/jpererzz, v. To make a certain noise with the lips. Wakatupererutia nga kukupa; Let a noise be made to startle the pigeons.

‘Wakatanu, v. To cause to grow ; to cherish ; to rear. ‘Wakatwpua, s. A certain fish. ‘Wakatutwki, v. To be near high water. E wakatutuki haere ana te tai; The tide is near high water. ‘Wakata.‘wera, v. To open. Pass. Wakatuweratia. ‘Wakaw, a. Relating to a place at which a religious ceremony is performed by persons who have arrived there for the first time. He kamaka wakau ; A stone at which this ceremony is performed. ‘Wakaw, v. To perform a religious ceremony at a certain sacred place, which consists in repeating a “karakia maori,” and then casting a piece of slick or grass upon the stone.

‘yVaXv&it, v. To make fast; io -fex, bring to land. Pass. Wakauria. Wakauria to tatou waka ki uta; Let our canoe be brought to land. ‘Wakauaua, v. To endeavour ; to strive. ‘Wakauaua, s. An endeavour. Mahue rawa te wakauaua kite ora mana ; The effort for his own safety was very great. ‘Wakawmu, s. An excavation to mark the spot where any one has fallen in battle. £ Waka?/ru, a. Inserted. £ Wtzkawru. v. To insert; to intermix. I wakauru etahi tangata o Nga« tihine ki roto kite Uriongonga ; Some persons of the tribe Ngatihine intermingled among the tribe Uriongonga.

‘Wakawa, a. Judging; relating to judgment. He kai wakawa; A judge. Te ra wakawa ; The judgment-day. ‘Wakawa, s. Judgment; an enquiry. E haere ana inatou kite wakawa ; We are going to the investigation. ‘Wakawa, v. To judge; to investigate. Pass. Wakawakia. Wakawa, s. A person who has a dislike to any particular kind of food. Syn. with Wainamu. (E. C.) ‘Wakawaha, v. To take up a load on the back. Wakawaha e koro ma, ka haere tatou ; Take up your loads, let us go.




‘Wzzkawrzhi, v. To anoint. Kua oti nga turi te wakawahi ki te hinu ; The knees have been anointed with oil. c Wzzkawahinga, <y. Act of anointing. i Wakawai, v. To deceive; to persuade to an evil act. Na te nakahi ra au i wakawai; I was beguiled by the serpent. s. Fraud; deception. ( Wakawai, a. Beguiling ; deceptive. Aua koe e wakarongo ki tana mahi wakawai; D'b not listen to his wiles ; literally, his beguiling work. ‘Wrzkawzzzata, s. A fish.

‘Wzzkawzzzrua, v. To cast a shadow. E wakawairua mai rate poti i roto ite wai; The boat casts a shadow in the water. ‘ Wzzkawzzkanga, s. Act of judging ; the time or place of judgment. ‘Wzzka‘w«nau, v. To be about to bring forth ; to attend upon a person in labour. ‘Wzzkawzzre, a. Hindering. ‘Wzzkawzzre, v. To hinder. He aha koe i roa ai ? I wakawarea a hau ete manuhiri; Why were you gone so long ? I was hindered by the visitor. ‘Wakawzzrenga, s. Act of hindering. ‘W akawawa, v. To stray. Wrzkawehi, a. Making afraid ; terrible. ‘Wrzkawelii, v. To terrify. ■,(. f l-

Kaua e wakawehia nga tamariki; Do not let the children be frightened. ‘Wzzkawerewere, v. To suspend. Wakawerewerea kite manga o te rakau; Let it be suspended to the branch of the tree. ‘Wzzkawerewerenga, 6‘. Act of suspending. ‘Wzzkawzri, v. To twist; wring. Me wakawiri nga kakahu kia awe te maroke ; Let the clothes be wrung out that they may be soon dry. To make to tremble. ‘Wzzkawzri, a. Wrung out ; twisted. Afraid.

‘Wzzkawzringa, s. Act of twisting, <fc. ‘Wzzkawzrinrzki, v. To lean against. O ‘Wzzkawz’rinzzkitrznga, s. Act or time of leaning. A place to lean against. ‘Wzzka'wzti, s. A sail for a canoe or boat. (W.) e Waka e witi } a. Conveying over or across. < Wzzka < wzti, v. To convey over or across. Hoea mai he waka hei wakawiti i a matou ; Let a canoe be paddled over to convey us across. e Wakaw‘iu, s. A fishing-net. ‘Wrzki, v. To confess. Wakina mai to tahae ; Let your theft be confessed. ‘Waki, v. [jS’ee Wawaki.J f Wrzkin ga, .y. Confession.




‘Wakoma, v. To eat. ‘Wakorekore, v. Denial. Ma tana wakorekore te aha ?—- E wakaponohia ? What of his denial ?—-will he be believed ? (£'. C.) ‘ v. To deny. Ka wakorekore mai ia ki taua korero ; He denies that saying. (E. C.) ‘Wana, v. To kick. Pass. Wana. Kei wana koe e te hoiho ; Mind you are not kicked by the horse. To walk. Tena au te wana atu na ; I shall soon go there. (7?.) (E. C.) ‘Wana, a. Bent; crooked. He rakau wana ; A crooked stick.

‘Wana, s. A bent stick which forms part of a rat-trap. Wana, s. A division of a heap (ffood, as placed at the time of a feast. Kotahi wana i a matou ; We had one division. Upright sticks of afence. Battens. (E.Ci) ‘Wanake, v. To flow. Kua wanake te tai; The tide has flowed. To grow. Ka wanake te rakau nei; This tree grows. ‘Wanake, s. A tree. Syn. with Ti. (IF.) Steam. ‘Wanako, <s■. Theft. (E.C.) ‘Wanako, v. To steal. Syn. with Wenako. (2?. C.) ‘Wananga, s. Act of kicking.

Act of growing. ‘Wanarzki, s. Brimstone ; sulphur. ‘Wanau, v. To bring forth young. Kua wanau tana tamaiti; Her child is born. ‘Warm, v. To lean ; to bend. Kia wanau te taepa ; Let the fence lean. Ka wanau iho te rakau ; The tree bends down. ‘Wanazznga, s. A relation. He wanaunga pu a Kawiti ki a Te Koki; Kawiti is a near relation to Te Koki. A leaning ; a bending. ‘Wanautanga, s. Act, time, or place of bringing forth. ‘Wane‘wane, v. Liver.

‘Wanga, v. To watch ; to wait for ; to lie in wait. Ka hoe atu matou ki Tutukaka, wanga mai ai ki a koe ; We shall row to Tutukaka, and wait for you there. To measure with the arms extended. Wanga te rakau nei; Let this tree be measured. To repeat after another. ‘Wanga, ad. On one side. Wakarerea tenei rakau i te wanga ; Let this timber be left on one side. ‘Wangai, a. Fed. He poaka wangai; A pig which has been fed. ‘Wangai., v. To feed. Pass. Wangainga. E wangai ana ia i tona tamaiti; He is feeding his child.


‘Wangaihaw, s. A song over the dead. Syn. with Pihe. ‘Wangaznga, s. Act of feeding. ‘Wanganga, v. To measure with the arms. Syn’. with Wanga. ‘Wanga‘wanga, v. To tease. He aha tau e wangawanga ? What are you teasing about ? rw.j ‘Wango, s. A person who speaks through the nose. ‘Wango, a. Defective in speech. He reo wango; Defective speech. ‘Wango, v. To speak through the nose. ‘Wangongo, s. Food for a sick person. Wani, s. Slicks, by the friction of which fire is obtained. Syn. with Kauati. (J?.)

Wani, v. To graze; to pass near. Kia wani te poti ki tera taha; Let the boat graze that side. Waniwani, v. To scrape. Pass. Waniwania. Kei te waniwani riwai nga tangata ; The men are scraping potatoes. ( W.) ‘W ano, v. To be on the point of. Ka wano ka mate; He is on the point of dying. ‘Wanoke, v. To put on a different appearance. I pai ano i mua, ka tahi ano ka wanoke te ahua ; He was good formerly,—now, for the first time, his appearance is different. ‘Wanui, s. Breadth ; width. Ehia wanui 0 te awa ka tae nga hota kite manu ? How many times


the width of the river will the shot reach the bird ? ‘Wao, s. A nail. Waoko, 5. A bushman. Waoku, s. A dense forest. E noho ana i te waoku, he pukepuke ki tetahi taha he pukepuke ki tetahi taha ; He is living in the dense forest, a hill being on either side. ‘Wapuku, s. A cod-fish. ‘Wara, s. A mat used as a carpet. A plant. ‘W ara, v. To be struck accidentally. I wara taku waewae i te kamaka ; My foot was struck with the stone. Warahi, a. Broad. He ara warahi te ara e tika ana kite mate ; The road which leads to destruction is a broad road.

Warahoe, a. False. He hunga warahoe koutou; You are false people. ‘Waraki, s. A fester. ‘Warangi, .s'• A tree. (Melicope ternata.) ‘Warara, To lean against. Me warara kite pakitara o te ware ; Lean against the wall of the house. ‘Wararatanga, 5. Act of leaning, <fc. Place against which a person leans. ‘W aranki, s. A species of flax plant. A mat used as a carpet. ‘"W avail, s. A temporary sleeping shed.





Ware, s. A man of mean birth. Pitch ; resin. ‘Ware, s. A house. ‘Warehoa, A fish. ‘Warengarara, s. A parasitical plant. ‘Warepa, s. A species of shark. ‘Warepwni, s. A sleeping house. ‘Ware‘ware, 5. A fish. Wareware, a. Unmindful. He tangata wareware koe ; You are a forgetful man. Wareware, v. To forget. Wari, s. A potaloe which has become watery through age or frost. ‘Wariki, s. A covering; a carpet; a table-cloth. Hokona tenei takapau hei wariki; Let this mat be bought for a carpeL

€ v. To spread out a covering. Warikitia te ware kite rauaruhe ; Let the house be spread with fern leaves* v. To measure. Waritea te roa o te rakau ; Let the length of the tree be measured. s. A fish. Syn. with Takeke. (j?.) 6*. Charcoal. A cough. r Warona, *?. A heap. Kei te warona kai e noho ana; He is sitting at the heap of food. (£. C.) f W«rona, v. To lie in a heap. Hei kona warona ai nga peka ; Let the firewood lie yonder.

‘Waroro, v. To stretch out. Aua e waroro o waewae ; Do not stretch your legs out. C 'WaYo c waro, v. To scrape. E warowaro ana ia i te riwai; He is scraping potatoes. ‘Warua, s. A valley. ‘Wata, s. A stage on which food is kept. Syn. with Timanga. ‘Wata, v. To hang up. Pass. Wataia. (E. C.) Me wata to kakahu ki runga ki te takitaki; Let your garment be hung up on the fence. ‘Watai, v. To stretch out the neck. He aha tau e watai na, e ta ? What are you stretching out your neck for ? (E. €*.)

< Watau, v. To measure. Ka wataua atu te ngohi mete pakihiwi te roa ; The fish was measured, and was as long as from the end of the fingers to the shoulder. Wtztea, v. To be clear. To be careful; to be cautious. Kia watea te tango i to Ngapuhi; Be cautious in taking that which belongs to Ngapuhi. ‘W&tero, v. To put out the longue. ‘Wtzti, s. An emigration ; a parly emigrating. Syn. with Heke. ‘Wati, v. To break ; to be broken up. Ka wati te rakau ; The stick will break. To remove. Ka wati Ngatiwatua ki Waikato ; Ngapuhi are emigrating to Waikato.


‘Watinnga, .y. A fold of a garment. A cubit; the bend of the arm. Kei te watianga te roa ; The length is from the bend of the arm; literally, at the bend. ‘Watinga, .y. A breaking. ‘Watz'motz'mo, v. To gather up a line. ‘Watz'notzno, v. To stretch out the neck. ‘Watitz’ri, .y. Thunder. ‘Wzztitoka, .y. A doorway. v. To break into small pieces. E haere ana maua ko Keno ki te watiwati rara; I and Keno are going to break small sticks for firewood.

‘WfltiSvatinga, s. Act of breaking into small pieces. f Wzztoro, v. To stretch out. ‘Wzztu, ,y. Pupil of the eye. Titiro o watu ; Look with your eyes. Hail. f W«tu, v. To weave. Watua he kakahu mo to tamaiti; Let a garment be wove for your child. ‘Wtztui, v. To fasten together by tying. E watui ana a Te Aka i te kupenga; Te Aka is fastening together the parts of the net. ‘Watukwku, s. Kidney. ‘Wzztumanzzwa, s. Kidney. ‘Wzztunga, s. Act of weaving. A piece of work which is being wove. ‘Waturama, ,y. A rupture.


‘Wau, 5". A tree. ( Enhelia arborescens.) ‘Waupaku, s. A tree. ( Panax arboreum.) C W au‘\vm, s. A tree. ‘Wtzz/'wi, s. A tree. W am, s. A fence. Wakairia ki runga kite wawa; Let it be hung upon the fence. Wzzwa, v. To wander. Kua wawa noa atu nga tangata kite mahi; The men have wandered away to their work. ‘W« f wa, v. To feel E haere mai ana kia wawakia tona mate ; He is coming to have his complaint felt, or examined.

Wawae, v. To divide. Pass. Waea. Me wawae te rahurahu hei ara; Let the fern be divided for a road. Wawtzhi, v. To split. Pass. Wahia. Kei te wawahi rakau mo tona taepa; He is splitting timber for his fence. Wawzzhi, a. Split. He taepa wawahi; Split fencing. ‘Wzz c wai, a. Contentious ; belonging to contention. ‘Wzz f wai, s. A quarrel'; contention ; a contest. ‘W a‘\v ai, v. Tofight; io resist ; to quarrel. Pass. Wawaitia. Akuenei ratou te wawai ai ; They will quarrel presently. ‘Wa'wai, v. To be in haste ; to be quick. (First syllable very long A Kia wawai tatou te haere ; Let us be quick to go. He aha tau e



wawai nei ? What are you in a hurry about ? (JE. C.) £ Wa f wai, a. Hasty; hurried; in a hurry. He haere wawai taku haere; My journey is a journey of haste. (E. C.) c Wa f waki, v.. Topluck; to gather. Wakiia he pititi ma taua ; Let some peaches be gathered for you and me. £ Wa f wakou, s. A tree. £ Wa £ watonga, s. Act of feeling. Wawao, v. To separate contending parties. Waona nga tamariki nei; aua e tukua kite wawai; Let these children be separated; let them not be suffered to fight. ( Wa f w^o ; v. To put into, as into a bag or basket. Pass. Waongia.

Kua pau te parera te wawao ki roto kite kete ; The duck has been put into the basket. v. To wander. Ka wawara te ngakau ; The heart wanders. Wawflro., v. To sound indistinctly. He reo tangata tena e wawaro mai na ; That is a man’s voice which is sounding indistinctly there. ‘WWvwzti; s. A chap on the skin ; a cleft. Ka mate au i te wawati o aku ringaringa ; I am troubled with the chapping of my hands. v. To break; io break offW atiia mai nga topito ; Let the ends be broken off.


s. Act of tying up a fence. Kia u te wawau ; Let the tying up be fast. ‘Wa'wazZ; v. To tie up fencing ; to bind together. Pass. W&we., ad. Soon. Ekore tatou e tae wawe atu ; We shall not soon arrive. v. To come towards. E wawe mai ana te paoa ; The smoke is coming this way. We ; £. A caterpillar. A dwarf ‘Wean, v. To be Htgng in time. Ekore ra e weau ka hinaki pouri; It will not be long before it is quite dark.

Wehewehe., v. To divide; to separate. Wehea tenei puranga kia rua; Let this heap be divided; let it be two* Weliewehenga; s. Act of dividing. Wellie a. Afraid; terrible. He tangata wehi ; A terrible man. Wehi, Fear. Wehi; v. To be afraid. Pass. Wehingia. Ekore e wehingia tana korero; His speech will not be feared. f Wemga ; s. A quarrel. Ka tahi te weinga o te hanga tamariki; The quarrel of the children is great. ‘Weinu., s. Thirst. Tikina he wai mo taku weinu ; Let some water be fetched for my thirst. v. To be thirsty.





Weka, j. A bird. ‘Wekau, s. Entrails. ‘Weka‘weka, s. A garment. ‘Weke, s. A marine reptile. ‘Weki, s. A species of fern tree. (Dicksonia squamosa.) Syn. With Tuakura. Wekiki, v. To quarrel. Na wai nga tamariki e wekiki mai ra ? Whose are the children that are quarrelling ? ( W.) ‘Weko, v. To go out, as fire. Meake weko te rama ; The torch will soon go out. To become black. Ka weko te riwai i te ra ; The potatoe turns black with the sun. ‘Weko, s. Gills of a fish. Syn. with Piha. Weku, s. A wood. (R.) ‘Wenako, <s. A thief. ‘Wenako, v. To steal.

Kua wenakotia taku toki i te po nei; My axe was stolen last night. Wene, s. Shoot of the convolvolus. Food. W Wenewene, s. A gourd. ■ Syn. with Hue. (E. C.) An insect. ‘Wengu‘wengu, s. A snuffling. ‘ WengWwengu, v. To snuffle. ‘Wenu,<9. Threads of a mat or of cloth which run lengthways. ‘Wenua, The earth ; soil. The placenta. ‘Weo, a. Uncooked. He mea weo; A thing uncooked. ‘Weoro, v. To be jarred. Ka weoro aku taringa ; My ears are jarred.

Wera, A burn; a burnt place on fern land. Ho mai he rongoa mo te wera o taku tamaiti; Let some medicine be given for my child’s burn. i Wera, a. Warm; hot; burnt. Wai wera ; Hot water. Wera, v. To be hot; to be burnt. Kua wera te wai; The water is hot. Ka wera te ware; The house is burnt. Weranga, s. A being burnt; time or place of burning. ‘Werahtmga, s. Act qf' spreading open. Werewere, v. To hang down j'rom ; to hang suspended. E werewere mai rate kete i

runga i te rakau ; The basket is hanging upon the tree. Weri;«y. A root. Ko tona weri nei te kai; Its root is the thing eaten. A centipede. Weri., v. To hear. Korerotia ra kia awe te weri; Let it be spoken that we may quickly hear. Wero, a. Speared. He mea wero ; A thing speared. ‘Wenb a. Red. ‘Wero, v. To be red. Ka wero aku kanohi i te hau; My eyes are red from the wind. Weroh6znga, s. Act or time of spearing. Weroku, v. To be extinct; io go out. Ka weroku te ahi; The fire is gone out. (W.) Werot&ringa, s. A rough mat. Syn. with Ngeri. (/?.)




Weruweru, j. A garment of any kind. Kua riro nga weruweru i a Tohitapu ; The garments are taken away by Tohitapu. Weta, s. An insect. Wettzngotango, ad. Very. Pouri wetangotango te ngakau; 1 The heart is very dark. £ Wetau, a. Small. He toki wetau ; A small axe. £ Wete, v. To stare. Wete ana nga kanohi o te tawiti nei; The eyes of this fellow j ' stare. To ooze out. Ka wete te pirau ki waho ; The puss oozes out. Wetekanga, <9. Act or time of untying.

‘Wetengi, s. A piece of land which has been under cul- : tivation, and of which the strength is exhausted. £ Weto, a. Small. (E. C.) £ Weto, ad. Without cause. j He tamaiti tangi weto ; A child who cries without cause. Wetoki, v. To swim in shoals ; to float. He aha te ika e wetoki mai nei ? What is the fish which is swimming here ? £ Wetu, s. A star. £ Wetui, s. An old cultivation. Syn. with Wetengi. (7?.) ‘Weua, s. A bone. ‘Weuri, s. A deep part. Kei roto te weuri ote awa; The deep part of the river is within. £ We £ we, s. A boil.

£ We f weia, s. An enemy. Ko tona weweia te kuri maori j The native dog is its enemy. f We £ wengi, v. To be shrivelled. Ka wewengi nga puka i te wi~ tinga o te ra; The cabbages are shrivelled from the shining of the sun. £ We £ wera, v. To spread open. Pass. Weraia. Na wai i wewera te pukapuka ? By whom was the book opened ? Wewero, v. To. strike with a spear. Pass. Werohia. E wewero patiki ana ; He is spearing soles.

Weweru, s. A garment of any kind. Wewete, v. To untie. Wetekia te tan oto kakahu; Let the string of thy garment be untied. ‘Wz'o, v. To whistle. £ Wzonga, s. Act of whistling. £ Wzorau, 6“. A small grey duck found on the forest streams. Wzri, v. To tremble. He makariri noku i wiri ai a hau; It was cold from which I was trembling. Wzri, <y. A gimlet. Wiri, v. To bore ; to twist. Wiria nga papa, ka titi ai kite wao ; Let the boards be bored, and then fasten them with nails. Wiringa, s. A trembling. A boring. f Wiri f wiri, v. To pick out; to choose. Wiriwiria nga mea papai, me wakarere nga mea kikino; Let the good things be chosen, let the bad be rejected.




‘Wiri‘wiringa, Act of picking out. O ‘Wiro, s. Name of the evil spirit. ‘Witau, s. Flax. Syn. "with Muka. ‘Witi, v. To shine. Kia witingia kite ra ka maroke; Let it be shone upon by the sun, and it will be dry. To pass over ; to cross. Kua witi te waka ki tera taha; The canoe has crossed over to that side. ‘Witi, s. A hoop. ‘Witiki, s. A girdle; a belt. A species of eel. ‘Witiki, v. To gird. Witikiria to kakahu ; Let your garment be girt up.

‘Wztinga, s. A shining. A crossing. ‘WitOj s. A dwarf. ‘Witu, a. Seven. ‘Win; <?. A whip. N\ T i\i, v. To whip. Pass. Wiua. He aha tau ka wiu nei i to ta« maiti ? What are you whipping your child for ? 1 0 go. Wiua taua ki waho ; Let us go outside. (E. C.) To put; to place. Wiua ki runga ki to kete ; Let it be placed upon your basket. Ka wiua nga hanga ki uta; The goods are put on shore. (2?. C.) To cast. *Wiunga, s. Act of whipping ; time or place of whipping.

Wiwi, s. A rush. v. To be entangled. Aua e ho atu te aho kite tamaiti kei wiwi; Let not the string be given to the child lest it be entangled. To possess ; to obtain. Ka wiwi ia ki tona hoa haere ; He has obtained his companion for the journey. A fsh.


U, The breast of a female. U, v. To arrive by water. Ka u te waka ki uta ; The canoe reaches the shore. Ka u te kaipuke ; The ship arrives. To be fast ; to be firm. Kia ute pupuri; Let the holding be fast; i. Hold fast. Kahore i u nga pou o te taiepa, tarure noa ana; The posts of the fence are not firm ; they shake about. U, prep. According to. Ka tika koa u ana ; It is right truly according to him ; literally, according to his (idea.) Ua, s. Rain. Ua, v. To rain. Pass. Uaina. Ka uaina koe kite haere aianei; You will be rained upon if you go to-day. Ua, s. Back-bone. Kia tika te ua oto tuara; Let the bone of your back be erect. Ua, prep. After.




Ko reira koe kite ai ua tae koe kite kainga ; You will then see after you have arrived at the place. Uakanga, .v. Act or time of opening or shutting. Uaki, v. To shut or open. Uakina te pouaka ; Let the box be opened, (if shut; but if it is already open, it signifies,)—Let the box be shut. [There is the same use of this word in opening or shutting a door.] Uanga, s. A raining; time of rain. Uaua, s. Sinew. Na te mate uaua i riro ai tenei kainga i Ngapuhi ; This place went to Ngapuhi by main strength. A vein ; an artery.

Uaua, v. To be strenuous. Uaua tonu ra kite ora mana; He is very strenuous for his safety. Uauatanga, s. Weight. Difficulty ; requiring effort. Kahore koe i matau kite uauatanga o tenei mahi; You have not understood the difficulty of this work. Ueha, s. A prop ; a support. Ho mai tetahi rakau hei ueha mo te poti ; Give me a piece of wood as a prop for the boat. Uene, v. To whine. Uere, s. A shell-fish. (JF.) Uho, s. Heart of a tree. Uhu, s. A ceremony performed over the bones of the dead. Tae rawa atu matou meake mutu te uhu ; When we arrived the “ uhu ” was nearly over. Syn. with Hahu. (E. C.) Uhu, v. To perform a cere-

niony over the bones of the dead. Uhunga, s. Ceremony over the bones of the dead; time when, or place where, the ceremony is performed. (E.C.) Ui, v. To ask ; to enquire. Pass. Uia. E ui mai ana kite tikanga o te ara ; He is inquiring the direction of the road. Uinga, s. An asking; time of asking. Uira, s. Lightning. Uira, v. To lighten; to glisten. .He taua pea tena, ina hoki nga pu ka uira mai na ; That js perhaps a party of fighting men, for the guns are glistening.

Uka, v. To be fast. E uka ana a raro o te pou i te one ; The lower part of the post is fast in the soil. (E. C.) Uku, s. White clay. ( E. C.) ( W.) Ukui, v. To wipe; to rub. Ukui, s. White clay. Uma, s. The breast; the chest. Umere, v. To sing, as in dragging a canoe. Syn. with Tautapa. (IF.) To express wonder. Syn. with Miharo. (E. C.) Umere, s. A song repealed in dragging a canoe. (W.) H onder. Ka tangi te umere o te iwi nei; The wonder of the people bursts forth. (E. C.) Umiki, v. To go round about. Nana i umiki te wenua; The land was traversed by him.




Umu, s. An oven made in the earth. Pokia ta tatou umu; Let our oven be covered up. Unahi, s. Scale of a fish. Unahi, v. To scale a fish. Unahia nga ika nei; Let these fish be scaled. Unene, s. A begging. Hore i te unene o te tangata nei ki taku pouaka ; How this man begs for my box. Unene., v. To beg. Unga, v. To send. Unga atu tetahi tangata ki tawahi kite tiki kai; Let a man be sent to the other side to fetch food. Unga, s. Arrival. Firmness. E penei ana te unga o o matou wakaaro kite Atua; Such is the firmness of our thought upon God. .—2 Cor. iii. 4.

Unu, v. To pull off; to pull out; to put forth. Pass. Unuhia. Kei te unu ia i ona kakahu ; He is pulling off his clothes. Ka unuhia te tere o te waka ; The swiftness of the canoe is put forth. Unuhanga, a'. Act, time, or place of pulling off or out. Upoko, s. Head ; upper part. Kei te upoko o te mara e takoto ana ; It is lying at the upper part of the cultivation. Upokohwe, s. A porpoise. Upokororo, s. A fish. UA, s. Offspring. Um, v. To join a party; to associate with. Kia uru mai koe ki roto ki a matou, kia ora ai koe ; Come thou

among us in order that thou mayest be safe. Urunga., s. A pillow. A rudder or steering paddle. (W.) Urungi, s. A rudder or steering paddle. Urupa, s. A fence round a grave. Urupa, v. To catch in the water. Ka urupa te hoe; The paddle catches in the water. Ururoa, s. A shellfish. A species of shark. Umrua, s. Bushes; a thick brushwood. Umrua, v. To be overgrown with bushes.

Ka ururuatia te ara ; The road is overgrown with bushes. Uruwmu, <?. A swelling. Uruwmu, V. To be swollen. Ka uruumutia taku waewae, i tutuki kite kowatu; My foot is swollen, it was struck against a stone. UruwrU; a. Angry. Uta, s. A shore ; land. Kua u te waka ki uta ; The canoe has reached the shore. Kua riro te tangata ki uta ; The man is gone inland.

Uta, v. To put on board a ship or canoe. Pass. Utaina. E uta ana ia i nga pouaka kite waka ; He is putting the boxes on board the canoe. Uto, s. Revenge. Ka mahara ki tana uto ; He thinks of his revenge. Ka kainga te kanohi o te tupapaku hei uto mo tona teina ; The eye of the dead man was eaten as a revenge for his younger brother.


Utonga, v. To be hard. Ka utongatia te kai nei, ekore e reka; This food is hard, it is not pleasant. Utu, s. A payment. Utu, v. To pay. Utua taku mahi; Let my work be paid for. Utu, v. To stanch. Pono atu a hau ka utu te toto ; When I arrived the blood stanched. Utuhftnga, s. Act of baling up water. Utunga, s. Act or time of paying. Ulwulvl, v. To bale up water ; to dip up. Pass. Utuhia.


Me aha nga kaho ka ki ai ? Me utuutu kite pere; What shall be done that the casks may be full ? Dip up (the water) with a pail. U c wa, s. Female of brutes. U‘wi, s. A winter potatoe. U‘wiu‘wi, s. A covering. Tikina he tarutaru hei uwiuwi mo nga kete ; Let grass be fetched as a covering for the baskets. U‘w\u‘vA, v. To cover. Pass. U c wia. Uwia to tamaiti kite paraikete; Let your child be covered with a blanket. To sprinkle. Pass. Uwiuwia. Uwiuwia nga kakahu kite wai; Let the clothes be sprinkled with water.





I. Where do you come from ? ~~~~ No. hea koe ? When did you come ? ~~~—~~~ Nonahea koe i haere mai ai ? What are you come for ? ~~~ He aha koe i haere mai ai ? Are you married ? ~~~~— He wahine tau ? Have you any children ? He tamariki au ? Is this your child? Nau tenei tamaiti ? Have you been baptized ? Ka oti koe te iriiri ? Who»is your Missionary?—~ Ko wai to Mihanere? n i , j■> f E matau ana ranei koe kite Do you know how to read ?~~ -< ! , , . J £ korero pukapuka ? Do you understand how to E matau ana koe kite tuhiwrite ? tuhi ? Have you never been to Kahore ano koe i tae kite school ? kura ?• Do not your children go to Kahore o tamaiti e haere ki school ? te kura ? Send them, ~~ ~~~ Mau e tono ki reira. Is there no school in your Kahore he kura ito kainga ? village ? . (E matau ana koe kite tui Do you know how to sew ? K k a kahu ? end this liole, Tuia te kore nei.




How dirty you are, ——~~ If you desire to come here, you must be dressed in clean clothes, I allow no person to come inside the house clothed in a blanket, you must sit outride, Wash your clothes, Here is some soap, It is better to buy soap and not tobacco, Throw away your pipe,~~~ It is a "bad habit, I am ashamed to see a woman smoke,

Ka tahi te tamaiti paru kokoe. Ka hialiia koe kite haere mai ki konei, kia kakahuria he kakahu ma. E kore e tukua e au te tangata kakahu i te paraikete ki roto kite ‘ware, me noho koe ki waho. Horoia o kakahu. Tenei he hopi. Engari me hoko he hopi kaua he tupeka. Maka atu to paipa. He ritenga kino. Ka tahi taku mea f wakama ko te wahine kia kai paipa.


Have you a Testament ? ~~~~~ Read with me, You will tell me if I read wrong, What is the meaning of that word ? I do not understand what you say, Repeat it again, Speak slowly—you speak too fast, f Let us read verse by verse, < Do you understand the meaning of this ? When do you go back to your village ?

He Kawenata tau ? Taua ka korero pukapuka. Ki te lie taku korero pukapuka mau e ki mai. He aha te tikanga o tena kupu ? Kahore au e matau ki to korero. ‘Wakahuatia mai ano. Kia ata korero—hohoro tonu to korero. Kia hikohiko ta taua korero, mau te tahi rarangi maku te tahi. E matau ana ranei koe kite tikanga o tenei. Ko ahea koe hoki ai ki to kainga ?



Come and see me again before you go, Come often, —~~ You must teach me, I want to learn maori, ~— -

Hoki mai ano kia kite i ahau kei‘wa haere koe. Kia hono te hoki mai. Mau ahau e ako. {E mea ana au kia ako i te reo maori.


Do you want to work ? —~~~ Do you know how to fence ? Fence this piece of ground, Let it be firm, lest the cattle break it, You must not be idle, ~~~~~ You must work from sunrise to sunset, You must bring your own food, I shall pay you when your work is done, You must dig up all this, ~~~~ Do not leave the roots of the fern in the ground, Gather them and burn them, Hoe this piece of land Break the lumps of earth, Do not break my hoe, Bring it back to me when you have finished, Where is my spade ? ——— I will lend it to you, ~~~~~~— Have you not an axe Cut down this tree, ~~~~~ Chop some firewood, ~

E pai ana koe kite mahi ? ( E matau ana koe kite hanga { taiepa ? Taiepatia tenei wahi. Kia u, kei pakarua e nga kau. Kei mangere koe. Me mahi koe no te putanga o te ra, a po noa. Mauria mai he kai man. Ka utua koe ina mutu to mahi. z Keria katoatia tenei wahi. Kei waiho nga roi ki raro ki te Svenua. Me kohikohi ka tahu ai. . . Hana tenei wahi kite kaheru. Patupatua nga keretu. Kei f wati taku kaheru. ‘Wakahokia mai ki ahau ina oti te mahi. Kei hea taku puka ? Ka tukua e au ki a koe. Kahore o titaha ? Tuakina tenei rakau. Tatakia he wahie.



tins seed, Leave a space between each bed, Dig a trench Widen the ditch there, Plant this tree, Carry some earth to this part,

Ruia tenei purapura. Me f wai takiwa nga moa ite tahi taha i te tahi taha. Keria he waikeri. te ‘wanui o te Y waikeri na. ‘Wakatokia tenei rakau. Kaweahe oneoneki tenei wahi.


Will you go and be my companion (on the road) ? You must carry these things, Do you know the road ? Is it a good road ? Is it by the coast or inland ? Are there many swamps? —~ Is there much forest ? ~ Shall we find a canoe at the river ? /V/■? -V Will you take me across ? Is the river deep ? ~~—~ Is the wind fair ? ——~~ Take down the sail, Row the canoe, Pull away,~~ It will rain presently, Will it rain? —~—„„~ Take care lest the things get I wet,. / the tent, Make the pegs fast, Light a fire, ~~ Fetch more firewood

E kore koe e haere hei hoa iiioku. Mau e pikau enei mea. E matau ana koe kite ara ? E pai ana te ara ? Kei te akau te arakei uta ranei ? He maha ranei nga repo ? He roa koia te ngahere ? Tera koia e rokohina he waka kite awa ? Mau pea ahau e “wakadviti ? Ka hohonu te awa ? E tika ana te ban ?' 3;. st s - Turakina te ra. Hoea te waka. Kia kaha te hoe. Meake ua. Tera ranei e ua te rangi ? - Kei maku nga mea. ‘Wakaturia te teneti. Kia u nga tia. Tahuna he kapura. Tikina atu hold he wahie.



Go and fetch some water, Put water on the fire for tea, Cook our potatoes in a native oven, Call me at day-break, Strike the tent, —„„„„ Take it to the back of the house, Pack up the bundles, Mind that nothing is left, —~ Let us travel quickly,... ~~ Roast the potatoes, the oven takes too long a time, Is not the food cooked yet ?

Haere kawea he wai. Maka he wai kite ahi mo te ti. Me tao a tatou kapana kite umu. ?. ‘Wakaarahia ahau i te atatu. Turakina te teneti. Taria atu ki tua o te ‘ware. Takaia nga pikau. Kei mahpe etahi o nga mea. Kia hohdro ta tatou haere. Tunua nga kapana, he roa rawa te umu. r Kahore ano i maoa noa te kai ?


Are you sick ? What is the matter with you? Where is your pain ? How long have you been ill ? Have you had any medicine ? Did the medicine do any good? Put out your tongue., Is your throat sore ? Have you not a cough ? ~~~~~ Is your chest sore when you cough ? Do you perspire much in the night ? Do you feel pain when I press this part ? y Have you been sick ? How long has that tumour | been forming ? J What food have you eaten ?

E mate ana koe ? / He aha to mate ? „ Kei hea to mamae ? Ka pehea te roa o to mate ? Kahore ano koe i kai rona-oa ? o I pai ranei te rongoa ? Kia ’watero to arero. E mamae ana to korokoro ? Kahore he mare ? Ka mamae to uma ina mare koe. Ka puta te kakawa i to kiri i te po ? Ka pehia e an te wahi nei ka mamae koe ? I ruaki koe ? ■Nonahea te puku na? He aha te kai i kainga e koe?



Take this medicine in the morning and in the evening, Take it morning noon and night, Take some of this when the cough is bad, Rub this ointment on the part every night, Rub some of this on the eyelids every night,—let it be a very little. Wash your eyes several times a-day with cold water—with ■ warm water, Do not walk about till you are better, Do not lie continually in the house, but when the sun shines come outside and walk about, Do not smoke, ~~~~~ I s lie bettei ? Is the pain less ? Did you take all the medicine ? Did the medicine pain you ? Do you cough less ? Can you sleep at night ? Come early to mes—l cannot wait at home all day, Is your child sick ? ~~~~— You must wash it all over in warm water every day, If it be washed it will be soon well,

Kaluga te rongoa nei i te ata, i te ahiahi. Kainga i te ata, i te tino awatea, i te ahiahi. Ka tohe te mare ka kainga te tahi wahi o tenei. Pania te wahi na kite hinu nei i tenei po i tenei po. Pania te tahi wahi o tenei ki nga kanohi i tenei po i tenei po, kia iti noa. " Kia taki maha nga horoinga o nga kanohi i te ra tahi ki | te wai matao-—ki te wai werawera. Kaua koe e haereere, kia matutu ra ano to mate. Kaua e takoto tonu i roto i te ‘ware, otna ka ‘witi te ra kia pitta mai ki waho haereere ai. Aua e kai tupeka. Ka ata haere tona mate ? Ka iti haere te mamae ? Kua pan katoa te rongoa ? I mamae koe i te rongoa ? Ka iti haere to mare ? Ka moe koe i te po ? THoki mai koe ki a au i te ata, e kore au e noho tonu i te ‘ware i te roa o te ra. E mate ana to tamaiti. {Me horoi tona tinanakatoaki te wai wera i tenei ra i tenei ra. Me he mea ka horoia meake ora.



Does it suck still ? ~ Do not feed it with the bad food, Bring it to me again tomorrow, Farewell, ~~~~ „—„„„„„„

E kai tonu ana i te u ? Kaua e f wangainga kite kai kino. ‘Wakahokia mai e koe ki ahau apopo. Hei konei ra.



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Bibliographic details

APA: Williams, William, 1800-1878. (1844). A dictionary of the New-Zealand language, and a concise grammar; to which are added a selection of colloquial sentences. Church Mission Press (N.Z.).

Chicago: Williams, William, 1800-1878. A dictionary of the New-Zealand language, and a concise grammar; to which are added a selection of colloquial sentences. Paihia N.Z.: Church Mission Press (N.Z.), 1844.

MLA: Williams, William, 1800-1878. A dictionary of the New-Zealand language, and a concise grammar; to which are added a selection of colloquial sentences. Church Mission Press (N.Z.), 1844.

Word Count


A dictionary of the New-Zealand language, and a concise grammar; to which are added a selection of colloquial sentences Williams, William, 1800-1878, Church Mission Press (N.Z.), Paihia N.Z., 1844

A dictionary of the New-Zealand language, and a concise grammar; to which are added a selection of colloquial sentences Williams, William, 1800-1878, Church Mission Press (N.Z.), Paihia N.Z., 1844

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