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Wellington, 6th August, 1853, Sir,--In acknowledging the receipt of your letter of the 30th 'ultimo, acquainting mo by Ilis Excellency the Governor's direction that from and after the Ist of August, instant, my services as Chief Clerk in the Colonial Secretary's Department were to .be given to his Honor the Superintendent of this " J rovince. I do myself the honor to inform you that in accordance with those instructions, I waited upon his Honor, who intimated to me verbally, and afterwards by letter, of which enclosed is a copy, that he would be unable to avail himself of my assistance, at the present time, or hold out a prospect of future employment. Under these circumstances I addressed a communication to his Honor, wherein I solicited positive information as to whether he could afford me any assurance that he would provide in the Provincial Estimates, for the issue to me of compensation for my loss of office, as pointed out in the extract from Lord Grey's Despatch to Governor Fitzßoy of 30th August, 1850, and forwarded by Sir John Packington to his Excellency Sir Geo. Grey in a Despatch of 16 th July, 1852. The reply to that letter is a distinct intimation, that his Honor will not initiate any measure to that effect. I beg therefore to solicit the favor of your presenting this correspondence to Sir George Grey, accompanied by my respectful and earnest request that His Excellency ■will give such instructions previous to his departure from Wellington, as will protect mc from that serious inconvenience to which I should otherwise be subjected, by my loss of office and means of subsistence. Earnestly trusting that His Excellency will allow the subject his attention. I have, 4c., . (Signed) S. E. Grimstone. Alfred Domett, Esq., Civil Secretary, Wellington.

No. 53, 1096. Civil Secretary's Office, Wellington, 18th August, 1860. Sir, —In reply to your letter of the 6th instant, in which you state his Honor the Superintendent has dispensed with your services, and cannot hold out any prospect of future employment, and requesting that his Excellency will give such instructions in reference to your case as will protect you from the inconvenience to which you would be subjected by your loss of office. lam directed by Governor Sir George Grey to inform you that when your case has been brought under the consideration of the Provincial Council,—it shall in the event of not meeting with that justice which it appears to deserve at the hands of that body, be then considered by the General Government. I have, &c., (Signed) Alfred Domett, Civil Secretary. S. E. Grimstone, Esq., &c., &C., &c., Wellington.

The following is a reply to a private communication which I sent to the Governor urging the settlement of my claim, I have no copy of it. S. E G. No. 5% 1248. Civil Secretary's Office, Wellington, 3rd September, 1853. Sir, —In reply to your letter of the 2nd instant, I am directed by Governor Sir George Grey to acquaint you that it is not in His Excellency's power to do more in your case, than lie has hitherto done, until the meeting of the Provincial Council, except to forward a copy of your letter now under reply, to his Honor the Superintendent, and at the same time to express his hope that his Honor will give your Gase all the consideration which it may be found to deserve, and it may be in his power to afford. I have, &c.j (Signed) Alfred Domett, Civil Sccrcfary. S. E. GrimsUfie, &c; r &0.,. Wellington.