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No. 53, 83. Civil Secretary's Office, Wellington, 29th July, 1853. Gentlemen,—l am directed by Governor Sir George Grey to acquaint you that from and after the Ist day of August next, you will receive your instructions from, and make your reports to his Honor the Superintendent of the Province of Wellington. In communicating these instructions to you His Excellency, has directed me to express his thanks for the zeal and fidelity with which you have both for so long a period performed your duties. His Excellency feels that you have thus materially aided him, and lightened the difficult duties he has had to. perform ; and in returning to you his sincere acknowledgements, His Excellency feels every confidence you will continue to serve the Public as efficiently henceforth as you have hitherto done. I have, &c., (Signed) Alfred Domett, Civil Secretary. S. E. Grixstone, Esq., and H. S. Knoles, Esq.

Wellington, August Ist, 1853. Sir, —With reference tp the lettter addressed by the Civil Secretary to yourself, and which you placed in my hands for perusal, I think it only fair to give you the earliest intimation in my power, that I am not in a position at present to avail myself of your services, and that I eannot. hold out any reasonable prospect of my being able, under future arrangements to confer upon you such an office as your length of service may probably lead you to expect. Believing that I best consult your interests by giving you this intimation previous to the departure His Excellency the Governor. I have, &c., (Signed) I. E. Featiierston, Superintendent. S. E. Grimstone, Esq., &c., &c., &e., Wellington.

Wellington, 6th August, 1858. to your Honor's letter of the Ist instant, intimating your inability to avail yourself of my services at present, or hold out any prospect of future employment under your Honor's administration of the affairs of this Province, I have the honor to request that, as the Secretary of State provides for the compensating of such Officers whose appointments may be abolished by the introduction of the New Constitution, you will be good enough to acquaint me whether in accordance with Lord Grey's view, your Honor can give me any assurance that such provision as regards myself will be made in any Bill for the Appropriation of the Funds at your Command to be proposed by you to the Provincial Council. As it is of much importance that I should learn your Honor's decision: on this point to day, in consequence of His Excellency the Governor's early departure from Wellington, I respectfully solicit the favour of your allowing the subject your attention. I have, &c., (Signed) S. E. Grimstone. His Honor the Superintendent, Wellington.

Wellington, August 6th, 1853. Sir, —In reply to your letter of this days date, I beg to state, that I should not consider myself justified in placing upon the Estimates of this Province any sum, as compensation to you, for the loss of the Office which you held under the Government of New Munster. I have, &c., (Signed) I. E. Fe^therston, Superintendent. S. E. Grimstone, Esq., &c., &c., &0., Wellington.