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To the Honorable the Speaker and Members of the Provincial Council of Wellington. The Memorial of Samuel Edward Grimstone, late Chief Clerk of the Colonial Secretary's Department in New Munster, Respectfully Shews th, — That your Memorialist entered the service of the Colonial Government in the year 1837, as a Clerk in the Colonial Secretary's Department in New South Wales, and that on the establishment of British authority in New Zealand in 1840. Your Memorialist was selected by G over nor Sir George Gipp3 to proceed with Captain Hobson to this Colony ,_ to assist in the organization of the several Public Offices. That your Memorialist's exertions in that behalf led to his promotion on the Ist January, 1841, to a Clerkship of the Second Class, with a salary commencing at £200 per annum, to be increased annually £20, until it should reach £300, the maximum salary under the existing regulations of Clerks of that class. That your Memorialist while acting in that capacity organized the Colonial Secretary's Office in Auckland the Audit and Post Departments. That on the arrival of Captain Fitzßoy in December 1843, your Memorialist had the honor of being appointed Secretary, Registrar, and Provincial Auditor for the Southern Division of New Zealand, with emoluments amounting to £275 per annum. That in 1844, the exigencies of the Colony rendered necessary what your Memorialist was led to believe a temporary reduction in his salary to £200 per annum, in common with other officers of Government. That in 1845, the Land Regulation Office for the "Port Nicholson District" was established by your Memorialist, and in the following year he discharged the duties of Paymaster of Militia without any additional remuneration. That in effecting certain changes in the Government Establishment your Memorialist's salary was in April, 1846, further reduced to £150 per annum, under a continuance of the pressure above alluded to. That your Memorialist continued to draw that amount of salary until the separation of the Colony in January, 1848, when the several Departments of Government were re-organized and a Colonial Secretary appointed ; and your Memorialist was offered and accepted the appointment of Chief Clerk to that officer with a salary of £200 per annum. That your Memorialist continued to perform the duties of his office until July, 1849, when his salary was raised by the Provincial Council to £250 per annum. That your Memorialist remained in the 1 Colonial Secretary's Department until the Ist August last, when his services with those of others, were transfered to his Honor the Superintendent of Wellington. That in economising the expenditure of the Public Funds, his Honor intimated to your Memorialist that he was unable, to avail himself of his services and that your Memorialist has consequently been deprived of his appointment; the Colonial Secretary's Department having been abolished. Your Memorialist therefore respectfully solicits the consideration of his claim by your Honorable Council, with the view to your recommending to his Honor the Superintendent, his being awarded such compensation for the loss of his Office, which has followed the introduction of the new Constitution. As your Honorable Council may, in accordance with the principle laid the down by the Right Honorable the Secretary of State for the Colonies in reference to analogous cases, deem your Memorialist from his great length of service (upwards of 16 years), to be fairly and justly entitled to And your Memorialist will ever pray. (Signed) S. E Grimstone. Wellington, 28th October, 1853.

Observations on Mr. Samuel Edward Grimstone's claim to pensation for loss of office, arising out of the introduction of the new Constitution granted to New Zealand. SERVICES. The clairp to compensation which is preferred by Mr. Grimstone, the late Chief Clerk of the Colonial Secretary's Department of New Munster, arises out of the loss which he is ac-