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RETURN of all Surveyed Allotments in the late Otago Association Block, sold as directed by Civil Secretary's letter, of June 22nd, 1853,635, in accordance with the "Terms of Purchase" of 1819, by Walter Mantell, Commissioner, from the 1st September to the 30th September, 1853, inclusive.

RETURN of all Surveyed Allotments in the late Otago Association Block, sold as directed by Civil Secretary's letter, No. 635, June 22nd, 1853, in accordance with the "Terms of Purchase" of 1849, by Walter Mantell, Commissioner, from the 1st October to the 31st December, 1853, inclusively.

Allotments Selected. D:ite Amount ~ — I Purchaser. of paid to Class. Acres. Situation, j Bock. i Sole. Commissioner. .Section. 1853 £ s. d. Town J Dunedin III. 45 E. H. W. Bellairs Sept. 1 12 10 0 i „ „ 54 „ „ 1 12 10 0 i „ „ 59 „ „ 1 12 10 0 i „ „ 7L „ „ 1 12 10 0 A „ XXVII. 32 \V. Mantell „ 1 12 10 0 i „ „ 33 „ „ 1 12 10 0 £ „ 111. 51 E. H. W. Bellairs „ 27 12 10 0 Acres Total Amouut 87 10 0 Sold. j Received.

Allotments Selected. Date Amount ■ " 3 ~T Purchasers. of paid Class. Acres. [situation. Block. inC sh. 1853 £ s. d. Town J Dunedin 27 71 T. Corbet de Lacy Oct. 4 12 10 0 lt J- „ 3 42 E. H. "W. Bellairs „ 5 12 10 0 ,, i | >» 63 ,, „ 5 j 12 10 0 i „ 27 34 Walter Mantell „ U 1210 0 i „ 27 35 „ „ 24 12 10 0 i „ 27 37 „ „ 24 IS 10 0 i „ 27 38 „ „ 24 12 10 O i „ 27 36 „ „ 25 12 10 0 Suburban 10 N. HarbW. sidt ... 26 Andrew Baker Nov. 9 30 0 0 „ 10 N.E. Valley ... 25 Jemes Mackay Dec. 19 30 0 0 Town £ Dunedid 3 20 E. H. W. Bellairs „ 26 12 10 0 i „ 3 22 „ „ 26 12 10 O „ i „ 3 23 „ „ 26 12 10 0 | „ 3 36 „ „ 26 12 10 0 „ I „ S 38 T.J.White „ 26 12 10 0 i „ 3 37 „ „ 27 j 12 10 0 „ | „ 27 47 W. Mantell „ 28 1 12 10 0 | „ 27 48 „ „ 28 12 10 0 t „ 27 55 „ „ 28 12 10 0 Total Amount. 272 10 0