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NEW ZEALAND.—PROVINCE OF NEW MUNSTER. Report of the Sale of Crown Lands by Public Auction, held at Dunedin, Otago, on the 14th day of January, 1853, in pursuance of a Proclamation by His Excellency the Governor-in-Chief, dated the 8th day of October, 1852.

REPORT of all Sums received in Payment for Crown Lands sold under the Regulations of March 4th, 1853, by Walter Mantell, Commissioner for the Province of Otago, from the 29th April to the 30th June, 1853, inclusively.

District. Land 0 " Lot " Contents - Nameof Purchaser. Amount. * 1853 Itural Lands. Acres. £ d. Jan. 14 Purakanriui Homestead 1 50 Lewis Loriquet Levi 50 0 0 ' „ „ Tuparitarlrooa, „ 2 50 Peter Williams 51 0 0 near Moraki „ „ Otepopo, near „ 3 50 Charles E. Suisted SO 0 0 White Bluff j I 151 0 0 Amounting in all to one hundred and fifty-one pounds sterling. Sub-Treasurer, Otago, 14th January, 1853.

SZ;,' P.«W,N„,. £„°< Locality. i l® 53 I £ s. d. April 30 Walter Mantell 80 W. Goodwood 40 0 0 May 10 Peter Williams o 80 Waitete, Waiputi Bay 40 0 O ,, 30 Walter Mantell <1 80 Adjoining Nn, 5 40 0 O ,» June 8 Edwin Meredith «5 80 Popotunoa, Mohyneui 40 0 O i> Alex. Thomas Fraser S 'T 80 North of Big Kuri 40 0 0 „ 9 Jas. Saunders &c J. Duffy £ _o 80 Oiepopo 40 0 0 „ 11 |A. Chetham Strode South of Little Kuri 40 0 0 „ 18 lhomas Jonea ° "0 iWaikouaiti 40 0 0 ,, 18 John Jones « 160 „ Hawksbury 80 O 0 » :> "3 o. 80 W. Goodward 40 0 0 » 18 » 8 80 j 40 0 O M 18 William Jones §" 5 81 I ,, 40 0 0 „ 18 John Jones S3 80 Beketapu Homestead 40 0 0 18 John Anderson 03 J00 Waiputi Homestead 50 0 (> ——— —— — j — ■ ■ v* ~ Total nnmber of acres sold for cash. J 1220 ! Total amount received' 610 0 O