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Dunedin, 13th January, 1852. Statement of Monies paid into the Sub-Treasurer of Otago, by William Cargill, Commissioner of Crown Lands or the Otago Block, as instructed by the Colonial Secretary of New Munster, of date 20th December 1851, No. 51, 1546.

On Agcoi/nt of Lands Sold in Otago. 1B51. £ s d £ August 19 Suburban Allotment No. 7l, Block 5, Lower K ikorai " District, sold to Thomas O tver, Settler, per Clau-e 20, for £40, cash in part .... 30 o n October 1 — No. 27, Green Island Bush District, sold as ahove (1st Oct., 1850,) to John Muir and John Wellman Settlers, Second instalmt nt on the same 10 0 0 AT , One year's interest on £30 3 0 0 13 0 0 November 12 No 1S B | ock 4> Watari District> sold as above 10 J. S. Settler,cash in par:.. SO 0 0 " 13.. — . o. 34, Blo( k 6, T<-w n District, sold as above to Mis. Catherine Perkins, Wii.ow, Settler, cash in part 30 0 0 December 9 .. - - _ No. 30, North East Valley District, sold as above, to John Duff, Boot and Shoemi.ker, Settler, cash in part SO 0 0 " 16 .. ■- No. 107, Green Island Bush District, sold *8 above to Mrs. Sarah Falconer Taylor, \\ idow, Settler. First instalment on same 10 0 0 " >y • • No. 139, Green Island Hush District, sold as above to Thomas Frase». Carpenter, Settler, first instalment on the same 10 0 0 " 29 .. No. 9, Upper Harbour West, sold as above to Andrew M'Neil, Settler, Third Instalment on the same 10 0 0 lg52 One year's interest on i.20 2 0 0 12 0 0 Januarys .... No. 22, North East Valley District, sold as above to David Call.en, Farmer and Builder, Settler. First instalment on the same 10 0 0 Total on account of Land Sales J75 o g On Account Otago Civil Uses Fund. £ s d a 1 i a - v Store House, Port Chalmers, quarter's rent to 3lst March, 1851 g g 0 J* 1 ')' U Received for Material's of Company's Buildng, No! 2 Barrack, blown down £16 10s, Od] Less charged on .sale £2 Us. gd'. 13 17 6 " it >» eight weeks' rent, at 15s. per week, for No. 1 Barrack £6 Os. Od. Less repairing chimney, blown down . .£2 '2s. 8d. 3 17 4 August 1 jStore House, Port Chalmers, quarter's rent to 30th June, 1861 g - ( November 8 .. „ „ „ 30th Sept., 1861 6 5 0 lotal Amount for Civil Uses Fund . 36 9 10 Total 211 9 10 (Signed) W. Caiigiu., Commissioner of Crown Land*, District ol O.ago. August 22, 1853 Received from Captain Cargill the amount of a Bill of Enchange issued in paynunt for Land * 14 O O 0