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with headquarters at Suva. The functions of the Board include advising territories on all health matters, collecting and distributing epidemiological information, drawing up standard*quarantine procedures, assisting the Administrations in maintaining adequate staffs, encouraging and co-ordinating medical research in the area, and advising on matters relating to the medical training of indigenous peoples as assistant medical practitioners, nurses, and allied callings. On Ist January, 1947, the Government of Tonga joined in the Service. The original agreement, which was for a period of two years, has been extended from March, 1950, for a further period of five years. New Zealand's financial commitment in this regard is one-sixth of the cost of the Board. For the year 1948-49, £986 was expended, and £l,OOO was included in the estimates for 1949-50, of which £872 has been expended to date. In 1949 the functions of the Board in regard to epidemiological information were extended to cover the area served by the South Pacific Commission, with w T hich it works in close association. 4. STUDENTS AT THE CENTRAL MEDICAL SCHOOL, SUVA, FIJI At this school, by arrangement between the Governments of Fiji and New Zealand, young Samoans, Cook Islanders, and Niueans receive training over a period of four years to equip them for duty as assistant medical practitioners in their own territories. In January, 1950, the syllabus was expanded to provide for the training of Filariasis (mosquito control) Inspectors, Assistant Sanitary Inspectors, laboratory assistants, and assistant pharmacists ; full advantage has been taken of this, and a number of Samoans, Cook Islanders, and Niueans are now taking these courses. Students from New Zealand territories at present at the school are :

5. SOUTH PACIFIC COMMISSION An agreement establishing the South Pacific Commission was made between the Governments of Australia, France, The Netherlands, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and the United States of America in 1947. The objects of the Commission are to assist the Governments concerned in the promotion of the social and economic interests of the peoples of the South Pacific territories for which they are responsible. The headquarters of the Commission are in Noumea, New Caledonia. The New Zealand Government is represented on the Commission by two Commissioners, Mr. C. G. R. McKay, a former Secretary of Island Territories, and Lieutenant-Colonel F. W. Yoelcker, C.8.E., D.5.0., M.C., a former High Commissioner of Western Samoa. The Department is responsible, in conjunction with the Department of External Affairs, for the co-ordination in the New Zealand Pacific territories of the work of the Comfnission.


A.M.P. Administration. Pharmacy. Health. Laboratory. Totai. First Second Third Fourth Year. Year. Year. Year. Western Samoa 10 4 3 17 Cook Islands 2 1 1 1 5 Niue Island 2 1 1 4 Total 12 4 6 9 I 1 1 1 26