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The islands scholarship scheme instituted in 1945, under which selected students from all territories are given secondary and higher education in New Zealand, is under the Department's direction* The Department is associated actively with the islands welfare organization conducted by the Congregational Union of New Zealand and subsidized by the Government. The staff of the Department includes a number of officers who have served in one or more of the island territories, while officers belonging to the Department are seconded to Administrations from time to time. Also, indigenous members of the staffs of Administrations are afforded experience and training in New Zealand by being attached for a period to the Department of Island Territories or other appropriate Departments in New Zealand. 2. ASSISTANCE TO ISLANDS ADMINISTRATIONS The Department's activities include the purchase and shipment of supplies and building and technical equipment for the various Administrations. In this work the Department obtains, where necessary, the advice and co-operation of the Stores Control Board and the purchasing branches of the Ministry of Works and the Post and Telegraph and Health Departments, Arrangements have been made from time to time for visits to the islands of technical officers of Departments in New Zealand. During the year under review the following officers have been made available Air Department .. .. Mr. D. B. Bagnall, Civil Aviation Branch. Education Department .. Miss M. P. Dennehy, Editor, Islands Publications. Mr. A. G. Tovey, Director of Arts and Crafts. Health Department . . Mr. F. B. Rice, Assistant Director (Training) and Principal, Division of Dental Hygiene. Maori Land Court .. Chief Judge D. C. B. Morison. Judge E. M. Beechey. National Publicity Studios .. Mr. P. Walker, Photo Director. Post and Telegraph Depart- Mr. A. W. Holland, Telegraph Engineer, ment Public Service Commission .. Mr. J. K. Hunn, Assistant Public Service Commissioner. Mr. H. D. Kelly. Department of Scientific and Mr. A. C. S. Wright, Soil Bureau. Industrial Research Mr. L. J. Dumbleton, Senior Entomologist, Cawthron Institute. State Fire Office .. .. Mr. F. P. Cleary. Social Security Department Dr. D. Mac Donald Wilson. Mr. D. C. Donovan (war pensions). Ministry of Works .. Mr. E. C. Smart, Aerodromes Engineer. Mr. N. A. McCulloch, Senior Engineer, Head Office. Mr. L. C. Malt, Senior Engineer, Auckland. Mr. H. L. Keys, Electrical Engineer, Head Office. 3. SOUTH PACIFIC HEALTH SERVICE On 7th September, 1946, the New Zealand Government (in respect of its island territories), the Government of Fiji, and the Western Pacific High Commission signed an agreement to establish a South Pacific Health Service to combine for the more effective protection of the health of the people in the Territories under their administration. The agreement established a Board to be known as the South Pacific Medical Board of Health, with a chief administrative officer known as the Inspector-General,