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The position of the various orders in respect of registrations during 1949 is as follows : ___

Amendments of Eules The rules of fifty-three societies and branches were amended during 1949. Statistics of Membeeship and Funds The following table shows the membership of 865 lodges* of the Dominion for the year 1949 : Number of members, Ist January .. .. .. • • 77,134 Number admitted by— Initiation, &c. .. .. •• •• •• 2,322 Clearance .. .. .. •• • • 478 2,800 79,934 Number who died .. .. . - • • .. 1,147 Number who left by— Clearance .. .. .. • • • • 488 Arrears, &c. .. . . .. • • • - 2, 278 —— 3,913 Number of members, 31st December . . .. .. 76,021 The above figures show a decrease in membership equal to 1-44 per cent., as compared with 1-75 per cent, for 1948. The total funds of the societies and branches as at 31st December, 1949, amounted to £6,706,713, made up as follows : Sick and Funeral Funds (inclusive of amounts transferred to special funds out of surplus), £6,134,348 ; Medical and Management Funds, goods, &c, £572,365. Dividing the total funds by the number of members at the end of the year it is found the average capital per member is now £BB 4s. sd.

* The word " lodge " when applied to all societies is to be understood as embracing the synonymous terms " court," " tent," &c, as used in the various orders.


Registrations Registrations Name of Order. at 1st January, Established. Closed. at 31st December, 1949. 1949. Manchester Unity Independent Order of 255 1 254 Odd Fellows 191 Independent Order of Odd Fellows 195 4 National Independent Order of Oddfellows.. 1 1 i An Ancient Order of Foresters 147 1 14/ United Ancient Order of Druids 143 i 143 Independent Order of Rechabites 62 2 60 Order of Sons of Temperance 10 2 8 Sons and Daughters of Temperance 1 1 Hibernian-Australasian Catholic Benefit 80 I 1 80 Society 12 Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of 12 Australasia 10 Grand United Order of Oddfellows 10 Isolated friendly societies 69 I 70 Working-men's clubs 15 8 23 International Order of Good Templars 11 11 Specially authorized societies 20 20 Totals 1,031 11 11 1,031