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SCHEDULE Countries of the Sterling Area The United Kingdom. The Dependent Territories of the Countries of the Australia. British Commonwealth other than Canada. The Union of South Africa. The Republic of Ireland. Pakistan, Burma. Ceylon, Iceland. The Republic of India. Iraq. Dated at Wellington, this Bth day of March, 1950. CHAS. M. BOWDEN, For Minister of Finance. APPENDIX No. 3—CONTROL OF ADVANCES On 24th May, 1950, the Prime Minister announced further amendments to the advance control system, as follows : 1. Advances for purposes hitherto in the controlled categories were freed from control for amounts up to £2,000 for each customer. 2. Advances for the following purposes (irrespective of Amount) were freed from control:— ' (a) Purchase of live-stock needed for primary production! (b) Purchase of farm machinery, farm vehicles, and far m .implements. (c) Purchase of tools of trade. 3. The system whereby the trading banks could exercise their own discretion in doubtful cases without reference to the Reserve Bank in reSpect of advances up to £2,000,. was amended by the extension of that discretionary limit to-£4,000. This allowed for the fact that the first £2,000 was freed from control. In all other respects the control procedure and the list of restricted classes of advances remained unchanged. £ APPENDIX No. 4—1950 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT LOAN On 29th May, 1950, in order to obtain funds to finance fete 1950-51 programme of national development works, the Government invited subscriptions to a new loan issue of £2O millions. Two securities were offered—a 3-per-.cent. stock repayable 15th August, 1959-61, issued at per cent., and a stock repayable 15th August, 1954, issued at par. The loan closed on 23rd June and was oversubscribed.

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