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New Zealand on Other Countries Australia (£(A.) per £(N.Z.)IOO) — Buying. Selling. Telegraphic transfer .. .. .. .. 124 10 9 124 0 0 Notes • • • • • • • • • • -. 126 14 3 124 0 0 South Africa (£(N.Z.) per £(S.A.)IOO) Telegraphic transfer .. .. .. .. 99 11 6 101 3 0 " Notes • • • • • • • • • • 97 3 0 101 3 0 Holland (guilders per £(N.Z.)I) Telegraphic transfer .. .. .. _ 10-68 10-45 Sweden (kroner per £(N.Z.)I) — Telegraphic transfer .. .. .. _ 14-55 14-23 India and Ceylon (New Zealand pence per rupee) .. 17| is J. APPENDIX No. 2—THE STERLING AREA CURRENCY AND SECURITIES EXEMPTION NOTICE 1950 (Serial Number 1950/20) (Date of notification in the Gazette : 9th March, 1950) Pursuant to the Finance Emergency Regulations 1940 (No. 2) (hereinafter referred to as the regulations), the Minister of Finance hereby gives notice as follows : 1. (1) This notice may be cited as the Sterling Area Currency alid Securities Exemption Notice 1950. (2) This notice shall come into force on the 9th day of March, 1950. 2. Subject to the provisions of clause 5 of this notice, foreign securities which are registered or inscribed in any of the countries specified in the Schedule hereto are hereby exempted from the restrictions imposed by paragraph (d) of clause (1) of Regulation 3 of the regulations. 3. Subject to the provisions of clause 5 of this notice, foreign currency of any of the countries specified in the Schedule hereto is hereby exempted from the operation of Regulation 6 of the regulations. 4. Subject to the provisions of clause 5 of this notice, foreign securities which are domiciled in any of the countries specified in the Schedule hereto are hereby exempted from the operation of Regulation 7 of the regulations. 5. The exemptions contained in the foregoing provisions of this notice do not apply to any foreign securities or foreign currency held by any of the following banks in respect of its New Zealand business, namely : (а) The Bank of Australasia : (б) The Commercial Bank of Australia, Limited : (c) The Bank of New South Wales : (d) The Bank of New Zealand : (e) The National Bank of New Zealand, Limited : (/) The Union Bank of Australia, Limited.