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Page. SEPARATE ACCOUNTS 1950-51. Main Estimates. Supplementary Estimates. Totals. £ £ £ 82 Earthquake and War Damage Fund 22,205 1,325 23,530 83 Electric Supply Account 10,500,000 750,000 11,250,000 84 85 86 Land Settlement Account — Vote, Crown Lands .. „ Settlement of Ex-servicemen „ Maori Land Settlement 650,875 6,178,250 2,579,000 153,000 650,875 6,178,250 2,732,000 Total —Land Settlement Account 9,408,125 153,000 9,561,125 87 88 89 90 91 Public Works Account— Vote, Railway Construction „ Housing Construction „ Public Buildings „ Education Buildings ,, Roads, &c. „ Soil Conservation and Rivers Control ,, Irrigation, Water-supply, and Drainage „ Highways Construction .. „ Forest Development „ Christmas Island Phosphate Rights 579,000 10,600,000 1,250,000 2,750,000 540,000 592,500 450,000 1,750,000 1,986,700 125,000 200,000 250,000 150,000 40,000 250,000 779,000 10,850,000 1,250,000 2,750,000 690,000 592,500 490,000 2,000,000 1,986,700 125,000 Total —Public Works Account 20,623,200 890,000 21,513,200 92 93 Social Security FundVote, Administration Expenses and Emergency Benefits „ Medical, Hospital, &c., Benefits 1,117,273 8,695,000 91,000 50,000 1,208,273 8,745,000 Total —Social Security Fund 9,812,273 141,000 9,953,273 94 State Coal Mines Account 5,983,400 18,100 6,001,500 95 Working Railways Account— Vote, Working Railways „ Improvements and Additions to Open Lines 26,502,421 5,000,000 452,950 26,955,371 5,000,000 Total—Working Railways Account 31,502,421 452,950 31,955,371 1 TOTAL—SEPARATE ACCOUNTS 87,851,624 2,406,375 90,257,999