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B—7 [PT. ll]


SUMMARY —continued


<D t>0 o3 Consolidated Fund—continued 1950-51. Main Estimates. Supplementary Estimates. Total. Annual, Appropriations—continued £ £ £ Law and Order, — 40 43 44 Vote, Justice and Prisons ,, Crown Law .. „ Police 895,040 17,865 1,221,657 21,450 420 5,050 916,490 18,285 1,226,707 2,134,562 26,920 2,161,482 Defence, — 45 48 50 Vote, Navy „ Army „ Air 3,113,901 5,992,070 5,255,394 97,544 7,000 Cr. 47,325 3,211,445 5,999,070 5,208,069 14,361,365 57,219 14,418,584 Maintenance, — 53 Vote, Maintenance of Public Works and Services „ Highways Maintenance 8,900,000 4,300,000 94,970 8,994,970 4,300,000 13,200,000 94,970 13,294,970 Development of Primary and Secondary Industries, — 55 56 57 62 63 64 66 68 71 73 Vote, Lands and Survey „ Forest Administration „ Agriculture .. „ Milk Marketing „ Scientific and Industrial Research „ Mines „ Transport „ Civil Aviation and Meteorological Services „ Industries and Commerce „ Tourist and Pubhcity 1,676,800 997,000 2,352,000 187,355 952,470 134,190 327,440 2,14-9,000 357,120 1,050,738 26,000 90,874 42,700 1,680 25,530 21,800 10,520 70,000 10,655 50,561 1,702,800 1,087,874 2,394,700 189,035 978,000 155,990 337,960 2,219,000 367,775 1,101,299 10,184,113 350,320 10,534,433 Social Services, — • 75 77 Vote, Health „ Education „ War and other Pensions „ Social Security 9,940,000 12,955,000 5,558,975 14,000,000 298,705 211,025 10,238,705 13,166,025 5,558,975 14,000,000 42,453,975 509,730 42,963,705 104,114,714 3,008,717 107,123,431 TOTAL—CONSOLIDATED FUND 131,177,164 3,008,717 134,185,881