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Dental Research. Annual reports submitted bv F. W. Craddock and R. E. T. Hewat. Awaiting publication (a) " Variations in the Incidence of Dental Caries in the Lower Half of the North Island of New Zealand." (R. E. T. Hewat). Delivered at 7th Pac. Sc. Cong. (b) " Control of Dental Caries by Topical Applications of Sodium Fluoride : Experimental Study on 97 Children in Wellington " (R. E. T. Hewat and F. Bruce Rice). Obstetrical Research. —Annual report received from Sir Bernard Dawson. Cancer Research. —Annual reports made available on behalf of New Zealand Branch British Empire Cancer Campaign Society, by Mr. G. E. Roth, Physicist in Charge, Dominion X-ray and Radium Lab., Christchurch ; F. Bielschowsky, Director of Cancer Research Laboratory, and Mr.' W. H. Hall, Cancer Research Laboratory, Medical School, Dunedin. Island Territories Research. —Report received from Sir Charles Hercus. Nutrition Research. —Annual report received from Dr. Muriel Bell. Publications : (a) " The Effect of Sunlight on the Nutritional Properties and Flavour of Milk in Glass Bottles " (McDowall, McDowell, Clemow, Bell). (b) " Fluorine Content of New Zealand Teeth " (Marion F. Harrison). Thyroid Research. — Annual report received from Sir Charles Hercus. Microbiological Research. —Annual report received from Dr. N. L. Edson. Publications - (a) " Use of the Developing Chick Embryo in the Study of Viruses " (L. B. Fastier). Jrnl. N.Z. Branch of R. 5.1., 9, 339 (1948). (b) " Factors Influencing the Carrier Rate of the Group A Hemolytic Streptococcus" (L. Kirschner and D. J. A. Gallagher). N.Z. Med. J., 48, 10 (1949). Awaiting publication : (c) " An Antibiotic Substance Produced by a Member of the Shigella Group " (L. B. Fastier). Submitted to J. Immunol., 1949. (d) " A Study of the Serological Types of Hemolytic Streptococci in the Epidemiology of Scarlet Fever in Dunedin " (L. Kirschner and D. J.-A. Gallagher). N.Z. Med. J. (in press). (e) " Investigation of the Incidence of Athlete's Foot Amongst a Group of Students " (M. J. Marples). Med. J. Austral, (in press). National Health Institute During the year further progress was made toward the establishment of a National Health Institute for the Dominion. A building in Wellington has been purchased, and plans are now being prepared to have the building strengthened and altered to meet the requirements of the Institute. In addition, some of the necessary staff for the Institute have been appointed.