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Clinical Medicine Research. —Annual report received from Dr. K. S. Alstad. Publications : (a) " Hypertension in New Zealand " (K. S. Alstad and F. H. Smirk). N.Z„ Med. J., 260, 298-308 (1948). (b) " R-Waves and T-Waves " (F. H. Smirk). Br. Heart Journal XI, No. 1 (1949). (c) " Circulatory Properties of Amidine Derivatives —I: Pressor analysis of methyl tso-thiourea " (F. N. Fastier). Br. J. Pharm., 3, 198-204 (1948).. (d) " Circulatory Properties of Amidine Derivatives— II : Potentiation of the Vasoconstrictor Action of Adrenaline " (F. N. Fastier and C. S. W. Reid). Br. J. Phann., 3, 205-210 (1948). (e) " ' Constant Flow ' Organ Bath Techniques " (F. N. Fastier and C. S. W. Reid). Br. J. Phann., 4, 190-110 (1949). (/) " Some Properties of Amarin, With Special Reference to Its Use in Conjunction with Adrenaline for the Production of Idio-Ventricular Rhythms " (F. N. Fastier and F. H. Smirk). J. Physiol., 107, 318-331 (1948). (g) " The Variation of Casual, Basal, and Supplemental Blood Pressures in Health and in Essential Hypertensions " (J. A. Kilpatrick). Br. Heart J., 10, 48-56 (1948). Accepted for publication - (A) " Effect of Thiocvanate on Basal and Supplemental Blood Pressures (K. S. Alstad).' Br. Heart J. (i) " Physiotherapy in the Treatment of Cardiac Disease " (K. S. Alstad).. N.Z. Jnl. of Physiotherapy. (j) " Histological Studies and Perfusion Experiments on Hypertensive Rats ,r (P. Ar Rest all). Br. Med. J. (k) " Symposium on Hypertensive Disease " (F. H. Smirk). Br. Med. J. Neuropathology and Neurophysiology Research.—Annual report received from Professor J. C. Eccles. Publications : {a) " Plain Radiography in Lumbar Intevertebral Disk Lesions" (A. C. Begg and M. A. Falconer). Br. J. Surg., Jan., 1949. (b) " Actions of Anticholinesterases on Endplate Potential of Frog Muscle " (J. C. Eccles and W. V. Macfarlane). J. Neurophys., Vol. 12, 59-80. Submitted for publication (c) "Effects of Changes in lonic Environment on the Action Potential of a Sympathetic Ganglion " (J. W. Saunders and J. D. Sinclair). Accepted by J. Neurophys. (d) " Electric Potentials Generated by Antidromic Volleys in the Quadriceps and Hamstring Motoueurones " (T. H. Barakan, C. B. B. Downman r and J. C. Eccles). Accepted by J. Neurophys. (e) " A Review and Restatement of the Electrical Hypotheses of Synaptic Inhibitory and Excitatory Action " (J. C. Eccles). Contribution to Internat. Cong, of Neurophys., Paris, April, 1949. (/) " Afterpotentials and Excitability of Spinal Motoneurones Following Antidromic Activation " (C. McC. Brooks, C. B. B. Downman, and J. C. Eccles). Forwarded to J. Neurophys.