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The number of cases with category not yet classified for 1948 is still high, although it does show a substantial decrease over the previous years. The proposed improved form of keeping the register, to be laid down in the regulations which it is hoped will be enacted under the powers given in the Tuberculosis Act, 1948, should help to reduce this figure.

Table 30 —Bacteriological Status of Registered Cases, All Forms, Both Races, by Years at 31st December, 1944-48

The slight increase in the year 1948 for the number of cases with positive sputum is probably significant of more assiduous investigation, and it will be noted that the number of cases with no sputum or discharge has risen quite appreciably. The number of cases not investigated has fallen again, but a greater effort could probably be made to reduce the number still further. Work of District Nurses Altogether 8,344 out-patients and 24,161 contacts were on 31st December, 1948, under constant supervision by 225 District Nurses employed by the Department or by Hospital Boards. These nurses were responsible for finding 329 new cases of tuberculosis during the year, 15-8 per cent, of the total new cases notified. Mass Radiography The Medical Director of the Taranaki mobile x-ray unit reports that his unit, for the year ended 31st December, 1948, examined 17,895 persons, made up of 2,535 Maoris and 15,450 Europeans. These examinations were spread over Taranaki, Hawera, Stratford, Patea, and Wanganui Hospital Districts. Of this number, 707 were recalled for large films, 545 being Europeans and 162 Maoris. The response, however, was poor, as only 435 Europeans and 49 Maoris reported, making a total of 484. In Stratford, 27 Europeans were recalled for large films, but only 1 reported. It is considered that only by intensifying the educational programme can a better response be expected. A total of 33, representing 0-18 per cent, of the total examinations, were found to be suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis. These reported to the chest clinic for early treatment. A total of 6-8 per cent, of those who reported, when recalled for large-film examination, were found to have pulmonary tuberculosis. Tuberculosis Research The Tuberculosis Committee of the Medical Research Council held several meetings during the year. A member of the Armed Forces Medical Advisory Committee was added to its number, and its work was concerned mainly with research into the incidence of tuberculosis amongst nurses ; with the typing of bacilli to deduce the incidence of bovine


Year. Tubercle Bacilli in Sputum or Discharge. No Sputum or Discharge. Not Investigated. Total. T.B.+ T.B.— 1944* 1945 1946 1947 1948 708 1,045 1,306 1,227 1,283 1.323 1,504 2.324 2,371 2,305 3,099 4,405 4,731 5,344 4,729 3,429 1,581 1,492 1,065 6,760 9,077 9,617 9,821 9,997 * The figures for 1944 relate to pulmonary cases only, while the figures for the remaining four years represent all registered cases.