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Other detailed trends, as disclosed by the register of live cases, are as follows :

Table 28 —Disposition of Registered Cases, All Forms, Both Races, by Years, at 31st December, 1944-48

It will be noted that since 1944 there has been a progressive decrease in the number being supervised in institutions and a greater increase in the number being supervised outside institutions. There is still insufficient institutional accommodation to cater for more than approximately 50 per cent, of the active cases and insufficient to cater for the extra number of cases found each year requiring institutional care. The reduction in institutional supervision has been forced largely through the necessity to close a number of beds because of shortage of staff. Patients being supervised in huts, all of whom are Maoris, show an increase, but the increase is no more than the increase which has taken place in the number of Maoris on the register. The* nomadic and boardinghouse group, however, shows a further pleasing decrease. The co-operation of other State Departments in this connection is appreciated.

Table 29—Classification of Registered Cases, All Forms, Both Races, by Years, at 31st December, 1944-48

\ The figures over the last five years do not show any reduction in the number of "active " cases, and, in fact, indicate a slight rise, comparable to the accretion to the register. However, there has been a further appreciable rise in the number of cases which are classified as " improving," indicating that, in spite of the loss of institutional beds, the control being exercised outside institutions is assisting materially in controlling the spread of infection from " active " cases. The increased number of cases classified with disease apparently cured should be noted.


Supervised in Institutions. Supervised Outside Institutions. Total under Supervision. Year. In Hospital. In Sanatoria. 1 Total. In Home. Huts. Boardinghouse and Nomadic. Total. 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1,114 1,116 1,055 1,072 1,023 661 706 688 648 630 1,775 1,822 1,743 1,720 1,653 5,308 6,535 7,067 7,403 7,'635 182 181 207 163 196 466 . 539 600 535 513 5,956 7,255 7,874 8,101 8,344 7,731 9,077 9,617 9,821 9,997

Classified. Year. Active. Inactive. Classification Unknown. Deteriorating and Stationary (a). Improving (b). ■ Totals, (a) and (6). Quiescent and Arrested (c). Apparently Cured (d). I Totals, (c) and (d). 1944 .. 1945 .. 1946 .. 1947 .. 1948 .. 1,445 1,068 1,293 1,296 1,422 1,321 1,253 2,011 1,965 1,904 2,766 2,321 3,304 3,261 3,326 2,374 3,654 4,610 4,762 5,094 381 488 645 705 762 2,755 4,142 5,255 5,467 5,856 2,201 2,614 1,058 1,093 815