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The time has now come when it is necessary to appoint a full-time librarian, and with this in mind an officer was sent to undertake a short librarian course. The books have been screened to eliminate those which are out of date, and the whole library has been catalogued. Among the students this year is one sent by the Indian Government, and another student has come from Queensland sponsored by the Health authorities there. With the arrival of Professor Marsh to open the School of Social Work at Victoria University College, it is hoped to link the work of the Post-graduate School more closely with that of the college in order to give opportunity to those nurses anxious to undertake work to degree level in social work. I hope that in the near future it will be possible not only for those nurses interested in social work, but also those interested in education, to extend their studies at the University so as to have a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles underlying their work. The school has now completed twenty years of work and there is no doubt that it has had a far-reaching effect upon the nursing profession in New Zealand. The teaching in our training-schools has certainly been standardized, and the principles of our health service have been taught with a common basis. Occupational Therapy Two meetings of the Selection Committee have been held in addition to two meetings of the Governing Committee. Draft legislation and regulations for the creating of a proper register have.been' prepared and approved. The clinical instruction has been improved from the remedial aspect by affiliation with the Auckland Hospital Board's institutions, which have excellent equipment. Examinations are now being held twice a year for both Preliminary and Final pupils. Conclusion Again this year several nurses have received decorations from His Majesty the King in recognition of their services to the community, and I would like to record my personal appreciation of their work : Miss E. M. Sparkes, 0.8. E. Miss A. Buckley, M.B.E. Miss M. A. Hall, M.B.E. Owing to ill health, Miss A. Jewiss, Nurse Inspector at Palmerston North, retired at the end of the year. Miss C. Doneghue, Nurse Inspector, Nelson, also retired earlier in the year, and Miss E. Leslie, Nurse Inspector at Whangarei, has submitted her resignation. These three Nurse Inspectors have worked very closely with me during the whole of my period at Head Office, and I would like to record the deep respect and affection with which they and their work have been held in the Department. The health service of any country is made up of a team and it can only function well if all its members co-operate fully in working together, and I would like to thank the other senior members of the nursing profession, whether employed by the public hospitals, Plunket Society, voluntary organizations, or our own Department, for their help and co-operation. Further, the other professions within that team —the medical profession, dietitians, physiotherapists, and occupational therapists, as well as the technical and less-skilled members—all play their part, and lam grateful for their assistance. Lastly, no professional organization can function without a well-organized clerical staff, and I would also express my grateful appreciation of their work.