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DIVISION OF HEALTH BENEFITS Appended is a table showing the expenditure on the various classes of benefits. It is to be noted that without exception there has been an increase in all the five classes of benefits and also in the total expenditure, which has now reached £7,843,634 per annum. Again it must be emphasized, as in last year's report, that the people of New Zealand are receiving many advantages through the provisions of the Social Security Act, as there are now no economic barriers involved. This has led naturally to an increased use of all services, but there is evidence that the services are not always used prudently and wisely by the general public and that accordingly some of the expenditure in certain of the benefits is both unnecessary and wasteful. [Note. —Since last year's report was submitted the report of the Medical Services Committee has been laid on the table of the House. It is hoped that the majority of the Committee's recommendations will be implemented during the ensuing year. One of the important recommendations of the Committee is the setting-up of investigating and disciplinary committees composed of practising members of the medical profession itself as well as departmental medical officers. Thus the medical profession will not only assist the Department in the administration of the Act, but also will accept certain responsibilities. Accordingly, it is anticipated that many improvements in the administration of health benefits will become operative for part at least of the year ending 31st March, 1950.]