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Reefton District Attorns' Mine (V. W. Alborn), Capleston (R. V. Alborn (First Class), Mine-manager).—Produc-tion was confined to development work in Nos. 2 and 4 vertical seams in Burke Creek, Boatmans. Coal Avas transported from the working-places to the bins by fluming. The seams varied in thickness and the coal was friable. One man was employed on the surface and 4 men underground. Kleen Mine (Archer Bros.), Capleston (P. McCormick (Deputy), Mine-manager).—Pillar-extraction was continued in a vertical seam duing the early part of the year. When pillar-extraction was completed the party then extended a stone drive to meet the vertical seam at a lower level. The seam was met in the latter part of the year, and production is expected to commence in 1949. A new bin was built to suit the horse haulage road from these new workings. Five men were employed underground. Coghlan's Freehold Mine (J. F. Coghlan), Capleston (.J. J. Coghlan (Deputy), Mine-manager).—■ Pillar-extraction was continued throughout the year. One man was employed on the surface and 3 men underground. New Imperial Mine (J. F. Coghlan's Leasehold) (Rollerson and Blom), Capleston (A. Thompson (Deputy), Mine-manager).—The output was obtained from development work in levels and rise inclines. This was claimed to be No. 4 Seam and is about 15 ft. in thickness of good-quality coal. Four men were employed underground. Hilk rest Top Mine (E. Melbom), Waitahu (E. Melbom (Deputy), Mine-manager).—Due to the main level striking a gravel bed that is found in this locality, pillar-extraction was commenced and continued throughout the year. The seam is about .5 ft. thick with bad roof and very wet conditions. Two stoppings were erected to prevent a fire at the outcrop from advancing into the mine workings. A high percentage of extraction was obtained under bad mining conditions. Five men were employed underground. Griggs and Patty's Mine (Waitahu Colliery Party), Waitahu (S. Fairest (Deputy), Mine-manager).—■ Production was obtained from development work on Waitahu (N.Z.) Collieries lease No. 3432 in conjunction with the party's lease No. 9325. The latter lease was transferred to Murcott and party during the year, who have named the mine Waitahu Colliery Party. The seam is about 6 ft. thick of good-quality coal. One man was employed on the surface and 7 men underground. Dauntless Mine (New Pyramid Coal Mining Co.), Waitahu (G. H. Millar (First Class), Minemanager).—Previous to this mine being acquired by the State in August, production was obtained from levels and inclines on the north-east side of the main dip. Coal maintained excellent quality and averaged about 15 ft. in thickness. This mine was abandoned during the latter portion of the 3^ear. New Pyramid Mine (Crown Lease), Waitahu. —No work has been done in this mine since it was flooded in 1946. Burke's Creek State Mine, Reefton (C. D. Buist (First ("lass), Mine-manager).—Output was obtained from development to the north-east on the strike of the seam and from the extension of the main dip workings to the north-west on the full dip of the seam. Development to the north-east from the bottom landing (144 ft. datum) was continued throughout the period in normal strata to a position 13 chains north-east of the main dip haulage. The two prospecting levels are now following the contour of a sharp syncline in highly inclined strata with dips between 45 degrees and vertical. Development to the dip is 25 chains from the portal. Sinking is continuing and levels for lateral development are being broken away. The dips in this section are normal and the coal of good quality. A large sump was constructed at the bottom level (140 ft. datum), and alterations are in progress for a redistribution of the main pumping units for the purpose of dispensing with the pumping-station and sump at the horse level. Drilling : A borehole from the surface, sited approximately 10.chains to the dip from the lowest north-west level, was commenced in December. Drilling is proceeding through the marine mudstones overlying the coal measures. The main dip haulage extension was completed and coupled up for haulage at the end of the year. The formation for the extension of the mine railway to the vicinity of the mine portal is completed and a commencement made with the erection of the structure for a new screening plant. This work when completed will eliminate the half mile of horse haulage between the mine and the existing screening plant. v Morrisvale Mines (W. J. Morris), Reefton.— Welcome Opencast (D. Wight (Underviewer), Mine-manager).—The output was won from an outcrop from No. 4 Seam, which is about 30 ft. thick. Six men were employed on opencasting. Pyramid Section (G. H. Millar (First Class), Mine-manager).—This party is developing the dip of the No. 2 Seam that was at one time worked by Pyramid Coal Co. on this Morrisvale lease. The grade of the seam is about lin 3. Two men were employed underground. Higrade Section : No work was done at this mine during the year. Matchless Section (D. Wight (Underviewer), Mine-manager). —All the output was won from development work in No. 3 Seam and the coal maintained its thickness of 6 ft. Two men were employed on the surface and 7 men underground.