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Ooldlight Mine (Williams and Party), Bewanui (A. Crawford (Underviewer), Mine-manager.— Development work was carried out in the early part of the year until thin stony coal was met within 3 chains of Coal Creek. This resulted in the pillars being extracted for the remainder of the year. One man was employed on the surface and 9 men underground. New Point E. Party's Mine, Dunollie (J. H. Jackson (Underviewer), Mine-manager.)— All the output was won from pillar-extraction. One man was employed on the surface and 4 men underground. Kiwi Mine (Previously Known as Hilltop Mine), -Ten-mile (R, Scott (Underviewer), Minemanager).—The output was obtained from pillar-extraction adjacent to a fault. One man was employed on the surface and 9 men underground. Boote and Party's Mine (Kaye and Party), Ten-mile (R. E. Laing (Underviewer), Mine-manager).— Work consisted, entirely of pillar-extraction throughout the year. Roof conditions were poor but a good percentage of extraction was obtained. One man was employed on the surface and 3 men undergroimd. Hunter and Party's Mine, Dunollie (N. Forsyth (First Class), Mine-manager).—ln the early part of the year the workings passed through faulted country and finally reached thin stony coal within a few chains of Coal Creek. This development work was stopped and pillar-extraction commenced on the rise side of the seam. This was continued throughout the year. One man was employed on the surface and 9 men underground. Schultz Greek Mine (Gould and Co., Ltd.), Twelve-mile (W. J. Beeby (Permit), Mine-manager).— All the output was won from pillar-extraction from a seam of coal 2 ft. to 3 ft, in thickness. A high percentage of extraction was obtained. One man was employed on the surface and 3 men underground. Cliff Dale Mine (Stuart and Party), Ten-mile (W. Boyle (Deputy), Acting-Mine-manager).— Splitting and pillar-extraction continued throughout the year on the west side of the main dip. Roof conditions were good, giving a high percentage of extraction. Two men were employed on the surface and 6 men underground. Bellvue Mine, Bapahoe (J. Allen (Underviewer), Mine-manager.)— The access road into this locality was completed and mining operations recommenced in the early part of the year. One pair of miners extracted pillars in the old mine, and a new mine was opened up on the east side of the old mine by 2 pairs of miners. The seam in the new mine is about 10 ft. thick with a good roof and a fairly uneven floor. One man was employed on the surface and 8 men underground. Jubliee Mine (Tinning and Party), Bapahoe (J. Tinning (Deputy), Mine-manager).—The new access road was completed during the year and mining operations were recommenced with extraction of pillars- on the rise side of the main level. Roof conditions were good, giving a high percentage of extraction. One man was employed on the surface and 7 men underground. Coaldale Mine (Wafer and Party), Bapahoe (E. W. Broad (Deputy), Mine-manager).—All the output was gained from pillar-extraction, and mining operations finished at the end of the year. One man was employed on the surface and 2 men underground. Cliffside Mine (Moore and Party), Nine-mile (R. McTaggart (Underviewer),- Mine-manager.)—■ Throughout the year pillars were extracted in the south-east part of the mine, the average thickness of the seam being about 7 ft. Two men were employed on the surface and 7 men underground. Braehead Mine (Boote and Party), Dunollie (G. H. Gaskell (Second Class), Mine-manager.)— The output was won solely from pillar-extraction on the east side of the main dip. The seam was about 12 ft. thick with a band of stone in the middle that varies from a few inches to 3 ft. in thickness. This means that a large amount of stone has to be handled. Pillars are being extracted in a sound manner. One man was employed on the surface and 7 men underground. Harrison and Party's Mine, Ten-mile (R. Little (Deputy), Mine-manager).—This party were developing levels and inclines in a south-westerly direction. The thickness of the seam was reduced to 4 ft. and contained stone bands, making mining difficult and expensive. Bad roof conditions existed One man was employed on the surface and 5 men underground. Exhibition Mine (Hassan and Party), Eight-mile (P. Hassan (First Class), Mine-manager).—This party is operating a seam of coal about 8 ft. thick, and friable in places, adjacent to the old James Mine workings. All the output was won from development work. Coal is transported from the coal face to a loading point in the mine by drag-line loader. Two men were employed on the surface and 5 men underground. New Aerial Mine, Ten-mile Creek (P. A. Symons (Permit), Mine-manager).—A 15-chain aerial from the Ten-mile Gorge locomotive road to the mine was completed and mining operations were commenced. Outcrop coal was won by the opencast method. One man was employed on the surface and 2 men underground. Harries and Party, Bewanui (J. Williams (Second Class), Mine-manager).—This is a new mine opened up on the dip side of Hunter and Party's workings. Two developing headings are being driven in a southerly direction in a seam about 3 ft, thick. One man was employed on the surface and 5 men underground.