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Deaths of Children (Causes)

Infant Mortality (Comparative Table)

15. Police Force The conduct of the Force has been good. Statistics of criminal prosecutions appear in figures quoted earlier for actions in the High Court and in the separate following reports on the outer islands. The Cook Islands Police Regulations made during the year provided for long-service and good-conduct medals for Police officers.


Year. • First. Second. Third. 1 Fourth. Fifth, j Sixth. Sixth to Tenth. Pulmonary T.B. T.B. meningitis T.B. peritonitis Encephalitis .. Gastro-enteritis "0 2 1 4 0 1 2 2 1 4 1 1 Toxsemia 1 Pneumonia 12 4 i 1 Whooping-cough No cause given* 22 65 3 6 1 12 2 3 4 Hemorrhage .. Accidental 2 1 2 .. I Pysemia Tetanus 3 1 1 Prematurity .. Convulsions .. 7 2 2 2 '.'. i '.'. i Ascariasis 1 1 .. Still-born 10 i Malnutrition .. 1 h 1 ■ > . Dysentery Toxic absorption filarias is 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * Forty-four of these cl did ren died di iring the w hooping-coi igh months of April to July.

Year. Total Kumber of Deaths under One Year. Total dumber of Births. Death-rate per 1,000 Births. 1938-39 .. 58 536 108-22 1939-40 • 50 504 99-2 1940-41 40 541 73-92 1941-42 74 553 123-27 1942-43 78 599 130-18 1943-44 68 525 129-45 1944-45 63 564 111-7 1945-40 65 567 114-59 1946^7 81 574 141-1 1947-48 171 635 269-29