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14. Vital Statistics Deaths (Cook Islanders) at Different Ages, Year ended 31st March, 1948

Deaths (Causes)


— dumber of Deaths. Percentage of Total Deaths. . Under 1 week 27"] 30 J 613^ 1 week to 1 month .. 6-82 1 month to 3 months 32 ym 22 1 7-27 3 months to 6 months 5-00 6 months to 12 months 60 J 13-64 1 year to 2 years 34 7-73 2 years to 3 years 14 3-18 3 years to 4 years 9 2-05 ' 4 years to 5 years o years to 10 years .. 10 29 2-27 6-59 Over 10 years 173 39-32 Totals 440 100-00

(Note. —Full routine notification of death was not established in Rarotonga until late in 1947 .and is not yet established in the outer islands. Figures, with causes of death, are at present available ■only from three islands, and many deaths are recorded without any cause being attached.) I&; Rarotonga. Aitutaki. Mangaia. No cause given .. 85 5 4 Pulmonary T.B. 31 8 10 T.B. meningitis 4 1 T.B. peritonitis 2 4 Whooping-cough 13 io 2 Pneumonia .. 16 2 8 Cardiac failure 4 5 •Coronary thrombosis 1 1 Rheumatic endocarditis 1 Microcytic anaemia 1 -©astro-enteritis 5 *1 6 Peptic ulcer 1 ' 1 Dysentery, unidentified .. .. 5 "Typhoid fever .. i 1 Tetanus .. .. • • • • • 3 3 Encephalitis .> 4 Epilepsy .: • 1 2 1 * * Cerebral haemorrhage 9 : * -Convulsions .. .. 2 o * ' Cerebro-spinal meningitis 2 Disseminated sclerosis 1 Neonatal haemorrhage 1 1 * * .Still-born 8 2 Premature births 2 2 3 Malnutrition 9 1 Pyaemia and septicaemia and toxic absorption 6 1 1 Accidental 2 1 1 Uraemia 1 Carcinoma 2 T.B. adentis 1 Ascariasis 1 -Senility .. .. .. .. 5 7 *5 Gas gangrene 1 Septic abortion 1 P.P. haemorrhage i . 1 -Cr. nephritis •• 2