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The examination of vessels entering the Group was earned out in the usual manner. The entry of children under sixteen years was restricted earlier in the year because of the spread of whooping-cough, and later on, with the increase in poliomyelitis in New Zealand, the restriction was extended to all children up to eighteen years of age. Concurrently, periods of surveillance were imposed on all adult persons entering the Group. All incoming aircraft were inspected and disinsectized. Statistics of the Rarotonga Hospital for the past five years are tabulated hereunder :

The daily average number of patients at the hospital was 29*5 and the averagelength of stay 16-7 days. There were 36 admissions to the sanatorium and the daily average number of patients was 10*8. 12. Dental Services This Department is operated by a European Dental Officer and two Native dental nurses. During the year, all the schools in the Lower Group islands were visited and the children examined. In practically every school, treatment over a period was given. Some of the schools in the outer islands had not been visited by a Dental Officer for two years and a considerable amount of work was necessary. In order to provide regular dental services in the outer islands, the dental staff is now being expanded by bringing cadets to Karotonga for training. At 31st March three cadets were in training, and a further two were due to commence training early in the new year. Tohandle the training programme an additional building is being converted for use as a clinic and extra equipment has been obtained. Dental health education has commenced with the issue of pamphlets in Maori and English. Comparative statistics for the last five years as set out below indicate the expansion in the dental service :

13. Cost of Health Services The expenditure on all health, services during the past five years has been asfollows -


— 1943-44. 1944-45. 1945-46. 1946-47. 1947-48. In-patients 570 446 469 638 664 Out-patients 8,574 S,603 6,895 9,029 8,812 Visits 1,382 1,374 1,145 2,016 2,241 Anaesthetics — ♦ General 42 52 30 99 73 Local 152 336 377 53 * Operations — Major 9 101 26 43 43 Minor 254 467 440 109 119 Confinements 30 63 43 29 30 X-rays 31 39 77 24S * * 3Sot available.

: — 1943-44. 1944-45. 1945-46. 1946-47. 1947-48. Extractions Fillings Miscellaneous —prophylactic and miscellaneous treatments, cleaning, scaling, &e. 1,130 1,964 37 1,533 1,382 38 1,713 915 239 828 489 1,622 2,482 1,893 2,266

— 1943-44. 1944-43. 1945-46. | 1946-47. 1947-48. Amount expended Population Amount per head £10,116 14,150 14s. 4d. £16,202 ! 14,506 ; £1 2s. 4d. l£2 £31,429 15.005 Is. lid. Ux £25,176 14,821 14s. Od. £29,398 14,456 £2 Os. 8d.