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B—l [FT. IV]

RANGITAIKI LAND DRAINAGE SCHEME Rate Account fob the Year Ended 3'lst March, 1947 Capital. Maintenance. Capital Maintenance. Dr. £ £ Or £ £ Remissions .. .. .. .. •• 191 135 Balance as at Ist April, 1946 .. .. .. 4,202 6,230 Transfer to Reserve Fund .. .. • • 1,663 .. Rates struck for 1946-47 year .. . . . . 10,506 9,187 Interest on capital cost .. .. .. 8,292 .. Penalty (10 per cent.) added to rates .. .. 119 105 Cost of maintenance .. .. .. .. •• 12,657 Remissions transferred to Revenue Account .. 178 124 Balance as at 31st March, 1947 .. .. .. 4,859 8,377 Subsidy on maintenance costs .. .. .. .. 5,523 £15,005 £21,169 £15,005 £21,169 Revenue Account for the Year Ended 31st March, 1947 Dr. £ Or. £ Interest on loan capital .. .. .. • • • • 19,567 Accrued rent .. .. .. .. . • • • 174 Interest and depreciation charges transferred from Swamp Land Interest on capital cost recoverable by rates .. .. . . 8,292 Drainage Account .. .. . . •• •• 20 Balance, transferred to drainage works not recoverable expenditure 11,580 Depreciation on buildings .. .. .. . . ... 157 ; Losses written off: Remissions of Maori rates . . . . 302 £20,046 £20,046