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B—l [Pt. IV]

Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1947 Receipts and Expenditure on Capital Account


Dr. As at 1st April, 1946. Amount Debited During Year. As at 31st March, 1947. Cr. Capital as at 1st April, 1946. Amount Received During Year. Captital as at-31st March, 1947. Expenditure — Telegraph and toll systems, including works in progress Telephone-exchange systems, including works in progress Wireless systems Buildings and sites .. Tools and plant Motor assets Furniture and fittings Aeradio systems — Communication equipment .. Buildings £ 3,508,628 11,064,117 128,064 5,133,421 185,548 328,961 248,179 161,218 52,071 £ 173,089 504,971 12,473 135,354 25,228 157,407 20,490 11,863 £ 3,681.717 11,569,088 140,537 5,268,775 210,776 486,368 268,669 173,081 52,071 Receipts— Public Works Account and National Development Loans Account Aeradio Adjustment Account (Consolidated Fund contribution to aeradio assets) £ 18,025,917 213,289 £ 713,791 11,863 £' 18,739,708 225,152 Balance, carried to General balance-sheet 18,239,206 725,654 18,964,860 2,886,222 20,810,207 1,040,875 21,851,082 21,851,082