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Workings.—Opencast operations continued throughout the year and all coal has now been exhausted. The larger portion of the output was won from an area previously occupied by Black Lion Tram-line, the surface buildings, and a section of the Ohai Stream, which was diverted on two occasions to permit the recovery of an additional 18,000 tons of coal. In October, 1946, a flooding of the mine resulted in a stoppage for two weeks. Approximately 1,000,000 gallons of water was pumped from the mine during this period,, but thereafter coal-production was continued to the end of the year without serious interruption. The coal was of good quality, but high ash content of dross resulting from friable sandstone and conglomerate intrusions was responsible for 5,300 tons of unmarketable product. Plant.—Screening and other plant operated satisfactorily and maintenance and repairs of all equipment were efficiently attended to by the engineering staff. Waieaki Collieky Coal-winning.—The gross output for the year was 68,799 tons 18 cwt. 1 qr., an increase of 374 tons 13 cwt. when compared with figures for previous year. After allowing for waste (1,115 tons 7 cwt. 3 qr.) and the quantity used on works (2,410 tons--5 cwt. 2 qr.), there remained for disposal a net output of 65,274 tons 5 cwt. The following statement shows details of coal disposed of during the year:— Ist April, 1946 Tons cwt. qr. Stocks in yard Add net output for year .. .. .. 65,274 5 0 31st March, 1947 Less stock in yard Total disposed of .. .. .. 65,274 5 0 Disposals Tons cwt. qr. Bailed .. .. .. 63,609 9 0 Local and mine sales .. .. 1,160 15 0 Workmen and free issues .. .. 504 1 0 — 65,274 5 0 The gross output from the colliery since taken over by the State on 27th January,. 1945, totals 150,061 tons 5 cwt. 1 qr. Days worked. —The Wairaki Colliery worked 236 days out of a possible 242 ordinary working-days. In addition, the colliery worked 15 back Saturdays and 5 statutory holidays, making the total days worked 256. The difference between the days worked and the possible number of ordinary working-days is accounted for as follows : 1 day, Easter Tuesday; 3 days, funerals of ex-members of Miners' Union; 2 days, disputes (1 day re back-Saturday work, 1 day re truckers). Employees. —In connection with coal-winning, the average number of persons employed in and about the mine was 88 men and 3 boys, made up as follows—Underground: coal-hewers 36; deputies, shiftmen, and truckers, 31. Surface; 21 men and 3 boys. Daily Output.—The average daily output was 268 tons 15 cwt. and the coal-hewers' average daily output was 8 tons 5 cwt., as compared with 270 tons 9 cwt. and 8 tons--2 cwt. respectively for the previous year.