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Underground Workings.—During the year development work was completed in the North-west Dip Section and in the Laybye South Level. In both areas splitting of the coal-seam by stone intrusions and the convergence of major faultings adversely affected the quality and thickness of coal to such an extent that development work was stopped and the extraction of pillars commenced in the latter half of the year. In the Northwest Dip the seam thinned to 1 ft. and terminated on a belt of disturbed ground indicated as a wash-out. Similar conditions were encountered in the South Level, with progressive widening of vertical intrusions of conglomerate. The North-west Dip was advanced 5 chains and the South Level 6 chains during the first six months of the year. Pillar-extraction was completed in No. 2 South-east Panel and the area subsequently sealed off on account of heating in a fall of coal and stone in the panel airway. In the South-west Level two dips driven to the south-west proved the major upthrow fault between the Level and the Laybye Section. A new return airway driven in stone for 258 ft. from the upper mine workings to the original return airway at a point approximately 4 chains from the ventilating-fan was completed and was in use in December. The new airway ehminated 18 chains of the original airway which overlay the coal-seam, and resulted in improved ventilation of the mine. The coal generally was of good quality with an average thickness of 14 ft. Plant.—All plant operated satisfactorily and repairs and maintenance were •efficiently attended to by the engineering staff. Bar 20 Opencast Mine Goal-winning.—The net output for the year was 49,474 tons 13 cwt., an increase of 13,982 tons 6 cwt. when compared with the figures for the previous year. The following statement shows details of coal disposed of during the year: — Ist April, 1946 Tons cwt. qr. Stocks in yard .. Add net output for year .. .. .. 49,474 13 0 31st March, 1947 Less stock in dump (dross) .. .. .. 5,300 0 0 Total disposed of .. .. .. 44,174 13 0 Disposals Tons cwt. qr. Railed .. .. .'. 42,004 15 0 Local and mine sales .. .. 2,079 2 0 "Workmen and free issues .. .. 90 16 0 - 44,174 13 0 The net output from the colliery since operated by the Sate totals 85,671 tons 7 cwt. Employees.—The average number of men employed at the opencast was 15. Days worked.—The opencast worked on 214 days out of a possible 242 ordinary working-days. In addition, the colliery worked on 33 Saturdays, 4 statutory holidays, and 8 colliery holidays (during the Christmas period), making the total days worked 259. The difference between the days worked and the number of ordinary working-days is accounted for as follows : 2 days, Easter Tuesday and Wednesday; 1 day, funeral of ex-member of Miners' Union ; 12 days, mechanical breakdowns ; 13 days, flooding.