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Table showing the Quantity op Coal exported annually prom New Zealand from 1930 to 1946 Year. Tons. Year. Tons. 1930 .. .. 126,118 1939 .. .. 43,990 1931 .. .. 48,334 1940 .. .. 81,287 1932 .. .. 35,866 1941 .. .. 58,179 1933 .. .. 34,131 1942 .. .. 54,700 1934 .. .. 40,361 1943 .. .. 42,522 1935 .. .. 46,146 1944 .. .. 37,688 1936 .. .. 44,872 1945 .. .. 21,989 1937 .. .. 113,116 1946 .. .. 27,366 1938 .. .. 55,711 SUBSIDY ON COAL PRODUCTION Payments for the financial year ended on 31st March, 1947, were — £ District tonnage subsidies .. .. .. .. 794,774 Subsidy on Saturday work .. .. .. .. 69,180 Subsidy on work on statutory holidays .. .. 101,521 Subsidy on shift bonuses .. .. .. .. 54,801 Subsidy on increased cost of tools .. .. .. 9,370 Special subsidies on uneconomic mines operated by the State .. .. .. .. .. .. 161,802 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. 127,147 Total .. .. .. .. .. 1,318,595 State coal-mines received £664,471 of the total, and the balance, paid to privatelyowned mines, was £654,124. In addition, privately-owned mines in the Waikato district received £135,950 in respect of guaranteed profits. The total amount of subsidies paid from the inception in May, 1940, to the 31st March, 1947, is £4,408,543. STATE COAL-MINES The comments on the operations of the State coal-mines which have appeared in previous statements have been transferred this year to the introductory section of the annual report on the State coal-mines (&-2a). CO-OPERATIVE MINING, STATE COAL RESERVE During the year 1946 fifteen co-operative coal-mining parties were operating on areas within the State Coal Reserve, Greymouth. The production for the year was 88,709 tons, and the number of men employed was 129. In 1945 sixteen parties produced 81,373 tons. Co-operative parties have produced to date 2,077,217 tons of coal and have paid royalties to the Crown amounting in the aggregate to £100,123. WAIKATO COAL-MINES CONTROL During the year there was a continuance of control by the Waikato Coal-mines Control Board, established under the provisions of the Waikato Coal-mines Control Emergency Regulations 1942, of the mines owned by den Afton Collieries, Ltd., Pukemiro Collieries, Ltd., Renown Collieries, Ltd., and Taupiri Coal-mines, Ltd.