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The following table shows the output of coal from the various coalfields and the comparative increases and decreases for the years 1946 and 1945, together with the approximate total production to date :

The outputs of the various classes of coal mined in each inspection district WATA *

Output for 1946

Table showing the Increase or Decrease in the Annual Production of Coal and the Quantity of Coal imported


Coalfield. Output. Increase. Decrease. Approximate Total Output up to 31st December, 1946. 1946. 1945. North Auckland Waikato (including Taranaki) Nelson Buller Reefton Grey Canterbury Otago Southland Tons. 77,773 902,876 6,891 535,174 128,574 486,517 34,037 209,647 412,381 Tons. 89,525 957,419 7,805 540,782 122,622 497,982 37,007 200,330 380,104 Tons. 5,952 9 317 32,277 Tons. 11,752 54,543 914 5,608 11,465 2,970 Tons. 6,541,952 23,903,591 758,414 29,497,64a 1,820,692 22,020,693 1,373,231 15,337,421 10,623,36a Totals 2,793,870 2,833,576 47,546 87,252 111,877,000

Class of Coal. Northern District (North Island). West Coast District (South Island). Southern District (South Island). Total. Total Output to 31st December, 1946. Anthracite Bituminous Sub-bituminous Lignite Totals for 1946 Totals for 1945 Tons. 980,649 Tons. 955,998 154,606 46,552 Tons. 2,272 220,028 Tons. 2,272 955,998 1,569,020 266,580 Tons. 15,326 60,453,109 44,606,802 6,801,76a 980,649 1,157,156 656,065 2,793,870 111,877,000 1,046,944 1,169,191 617,441 2,833,576 109,083,130

Year. Coal produced. Coal imported. Tons. Yearly Increase or Decrease. Tons. Increase over Preceding Year. Decrease below Preceding Year. Prior to 1930 71,298,699 12,734,199 1930 2,542,092 Inc. 6,288 157,943 57 j 713 1931 2,157,756 Dec. 384,336 179,060 21*117 1932 1,842,022 Dec. 315,734 103,531 75,529 1933 1,821,258 Dec. 20,764 99,272 4,259 1934 2,060,315 Inc. 239,057 100,715 M43 1935 2,115,184 Inc. 54,869 97,398 3*317 1936 2,140,217 Inc. 25,033 111,078 13,680 1937 2,277,799 Inc. 137,582 116,499 5,421 1938 2,222,088 Dec. 55,711 109,206 7,293 JL939 2,342,639 Inc. 120,551 111,537 2,331 1940 2,516,099 Inc. 173,460 64,860 46,677 1941 2,639,507 Inc. 123,408 78,171 13,311 1942 2,680-, 041 Inc. 40,534 90,865 12,694 1943 2,787,868 Inc. 107,827 37,454 53,411 1944 2,805,970 Inc. 18,102 37,454 1945 2,833,576 Inc. 27,606 1946 2,793,870 Dec. 39,706 27,185 27,185