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B—7 [Pt. I]



(а) Previously provided for under Vote, "Legislative." (б) To assist in providing additional residential accommodation required for young people working in cities. Subsidy to be limited to one-third of the cost of the land and building. <c) Subsidy to be on the basis of £1 for each £3 collected for the Otago Provincial Centennial Celebrations, 1948.


VOTE—INTERNAL AFFAIRS—continued 1Q4fi-47. 1947-48. Subdivision No. V—Miscellaneous Services —ctd. Voted. Expended. Other Charges for and incidental to — continued £ £ £ Post Office Account — Franked Government telegrams 700 700 700 Franked telephone communications 5,500 5,500 5,500 Ministerial and Parliamentary UnderSecretaries' telegrapliic memoranda 2,100 2,100 2,100 Printing, stationery, and requisites, Ministers' 831 and Parliamentary Under-Secretaries' offices 800 700 Publications for despatch to United States of America 25 50 Publications (including newspapers and books), Ministers' and Parliamentary UnderSecretaries' offices 550 550 581 Public Service Superannuation Fund — 86,000 Contribution to (P.S.S. Act, 1927, section 50) 86,000 86,000 Contribution to meet increased allowances to widows and children (P.S.S. Act, 1927, section 114), (part recoverable) 60,000 60,000 58,920 Contribution to: under provisions of Statutes Amendment Act, 1936, section 27 764 764 764 Rail passes for ex-members of the Legislature and families of ex-members of the Legislature 5,040 (a) Regulations Act, 1936 : expenses of printing 2,850 regulations, &c. (recoverable) 2,750 2,250 Ttental of offices occupied by High Commissioner for Australia in New Zealand (reciprocal) 696 696 812 Societies for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, fines paid to (Police Offences Act, 1927, section 15) 25 25 Subsidies to — Christian organizations, towards cost of providing additional residential accommodation (6) 10,000 Otago Centennial Association (c) 10,000 Superannuation funds: reimbursement of amount of reduction of rate of interest on mortgages and loss on conversion 19,400 19,600 17,727 Telegrams beyond the Dominion 500 500 627