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B—7 [Pt. I]




1946-47. 1947-48. VOTE —INTERNAL AFFAIRS —continued Voted. Expended. Subdivision No. V —Miscellaneous Services —ctd. £ £ £ Other Charges for and incidental to — continued Telephone services, Ministers and Parliamentary Under-Secretaries (including installation, extensions, maintenance, rent, and calls) 1,800 1,800 1,712 Transfer expenses of officers 20 20 196 Travelling allowances and expenses of — Ministers and Parliamentary UnderSecretaries (allowances only as authorized by the Civil List Act, 1920, and the Civil List Amendment Act, 1936) 2,750 2,750 3,433 Ministers and their wives and Parliamentary Under-Secretaries : expenses 14,500 10,500 15,328 Private Secretaries to Ministers 7,250 6,250 8,720 Ministerial staff 750 500 1,020 Members of the General Assembly (Finance Act, 1936, section 39) 50 50 Turnbull Library— Acquisition of South Pacific historical records 61 and grant towards cost of investigations 25 95 Administration and travelling expenses and 706 furnishings 700 700 Binding of books 350 300 49 Purchase of books and microfilm 1,200 800 909 Renovations and alterations to premises .. 500 200 Works of art, Maori antiquities, and scientific specimens : acquisition (including travelling and other incidental expenses in connection with investigations) 150 300 16 Contingencies 25 25 (a) 17 Advances to aero clubs for purchase of aircraft and training subsidies 15,000 Allowance to Lieutenant-General Sir Bernard Freyberg, Governor-General designate, to cover cost of transportation of family, 5,000 staff, self, and effects from England 5,000 Allowance to Marshal of The Royal Air Force, Sir Cyril Newall, retiring GovernorGeneral, to cover cost of transportation of 4,500 family, staff, self, and effects to England 4,500 (a) Wreaths, £15 16s. 3d.; refund deposit paid for replica of H.M.S. " New Zealand " presentation medal, £1 5s.: total, £17 Is. 3.