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instructing a Special Committee to prepare for the consideration at the next Regular Session of the Assembly of the future government of Palestine. "The General Assembly resolves : "I. That the Special Committee shall have the widest powers to ascertain and record facts, and study in detail the situation in Palestine by carrying out investigation on the spot. " 2. That it shall receive testimony, by whatever means it considers appropriate in each case, from the mandatory Power, from representatives of the population of Palestine, and from such other Governments, non-governmental organizations, and individuals as it may wish to consult, " 3. That the Committee shall bear in mind the principle that independence for the population of Palestine should be the primary purpose of any plan for the future of that country, " 4. That it shall prepare a report to the General Assembly and shall submit such proposals as it may consider appropriate for the solution of the problem of Palestine, "5. To prepare and submit to the next Regular Session of the General Assembly proposals on the solution of the problem of Palestine which the Commission will consider useful, including a proposal on the question of establishing without delay the Independent State of Palestine." " Delegation of the Philippines : Proposal to consolidate AND AMEND THE PROPOSED TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE SPECIAL Committee on the Question of Palestine as contained in the Draft Resolution submitted by Sub-committee 6 (A/C.l/165), the Amendment submitted by the Delegation of U.S.S.R. (A/C.l/166), and the Proposal submitted by the Delegation of India (A/C.l/167), (Document A/C.l/168) " Whereas the General Assembly of the United Nations has been called into Special Session at the request of the Government of the United Kingdom for the purpose of constituting and instructing a Special Committee to prepare for the consideration at the next Regular Session of the Assembly of the future government of Palestine, " The General Assembly resolves : "1. That a Special Committee be created for the above-mentioned purpose consisting of the representatives of "2. That the Special Committee shall have the widest powers to ascertain and record facts, and to investigate all questions and issues relevant to the problem of Palestine, " 3. That it shall conduct investigations on the spot and receive written or oral testimony, whichever it may consider appropriate in each case, from the mandatory Power, from representatives of the population of Palestine, and from such other Governments, nongovernmental organizations, and individuals as it may deem proper to grant a hearing, " 4. That the Special Committee shall bear in mind the principle that independence for the population of Palestine should be the ultimate purpose of any plan for the future of that country,