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"2. The said Investigating Committee shall consist of eleven members—namely, China, France, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom, the United States, one State chosen by lot from among Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Syria, and five further States chosen by lot in the following manner : " [a) Three from States of the American Continent other than the United States of America ; " (b) One from the States of the Pacific : Australia, New Zealand, the Philippine Republic ; " (c) One from the States of the African Continent: Ethiopia, Liberia, the Union of South Africa, in the event of Egypt not having been chosen by lot to represent the Arab States ; " (d) One from the States of the Continent of Asia : Afghanistan, India, Iran, Siam, and Turkey, in the event of Egypt having been chosen by lot to represent the Arab States. "3. The Investigating Committee shall have the widest powers both to record facts and to make recommendations. " 4. The Investigating Committee shall hear the United Kingdom as the mandatory Power in Palestine. "5. The Investigating Committee shall hear one representative of the Arabs resident in Palestine, one representative of the Jews resident in Palestine, and one representative of the Jewish Agency. "6. The Investigating Committee shall conclude its work not later than 1 September, 1947, and shall transmit its report to the Secretary-General for inclusion in the agenda of the Second Regular Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations." " Delegation of El Salvador : Draft Resolution concerning the Terms of Reference for the Special Committee on the Question of Palestine (Document A/C.l/;56) The General Assembly of the United Nations, " Resolves, To entrust to the Special Committee the study of the situation in Palestine in order to propose to the General Assembly of the United Nations at its next ordinary meeting of this year the solution or solutions which it may deem most convenient to insure to Palestine the destiny which it deserves, in accordance with the aspirations of its people. "2. The Special Committee shall give most careful consideration to the interests of the different groups of population in Palestine, . the Arabs and the Jews included, and also to the interests of the Christian world, in the Holy Land and of the Christian population of Palestine. "3. The Special Committee shall bear in mind the fact that the ultimate purpose of any plan for the future of Palestine should be the freedom and independence of this nation at the most appropriate time." In this general debate, which lasted over two days, practically every delegate stressed the importance of establishing a Committee with wide terms of reference, with full power to make all inquiries and study all aspects of the question, and composed of members who were impartial and independent. A considerable body of opinion believed that the last factor could be secured only if the five permanent members