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" To authorize the Commission, in consultation with the SecretaryGeneral with a view to ensuring adequate administration services and economy, to sit wherever it may consider necessary or desirable for the fulfilment of its functions ; " The General Assembly " Requests the Mandatory Power, and other members, to make available to the Commission, on its request, any pertinent data or factual information which it believes may be useful in the preparation of its report; " Requests the Secretary-General to enter into suitable arrangements with the proper authorities of any State in whose territory the Commission may wish to sit or to travel, to provide necessary facilities, and to assign appropriate staff to the Commission ; " Authorizes the Secretary-General to reimburse travel and subsistence expenses of a representative and an alternate representative from each government represented on the Commission on such basis and in such form as he may determine most appropriate in the circumstances. " Authorizes the Secretary-General to advance from the Working Capital Fund such funds as may be required to finance the expenses of the Commission without regard to existing limitations on such advances." Delegation of Argentina : Draft Resolution concerning a Special Committee on the Question of Palestine (Document A/C.l/149) Whereas " The General Assembly has recognized the necessity of appointing a Committee to investigate the political situation in Palestine, so that this question may be considered by the Second Regular Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations ; " It is advisable that the said Committee be a small one, provided that proportional geographical representation is insured to the States members according to their distribution throughout the five continents ; " In addition, the powers of this Committee should be defined in order that its recommendations to the next Regular Assembly may have all the authority which only the General Assembly may confer; " In view of their responsibility, the five countries permanently represented on the Security Council may not be excluded from this Committee ; " The majority of the population of Palestine is of Arab origin, and the United Nations cannot ignore the special interest which this question presents to the five States members of the same origin ; "It is strictly just to hear the minority of Jewish origin living in Palestine, with due regard to any right vested in the Jewish Agency. " Therefore, the First Committee for Policital and Security Questions has decided to recommend the following decision to the General Assembly: " The First Special Session of the General Assembly resolves : "1. To appoint an Investigating Committee to study the situation in Palestine in order to enable the Second Regular Session of the General Assembly to consider the question when it begins its duties on 16 September next: