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Trade Unions, or whether we postpone their recognition to another Assembly or let them apply to the Economic and Social Council between now and next September. So is it worth while arguing about this matter ? Is it worth dividing and voting about ? I submit that it is not." •On the American Federation of Labour — "... They can apply, under the Charter, for representation in the Councils of the United Nations, and the only point is whether they are to be admitted to-night or some other time. Now why to-night ? First because they are sponsored by one of our largest •delegations ... " The other point I would make is this : if they were shut out to-day they could apply to-morrow, but they would have to go before the Economic and Social Council with the slur on them that the Assembly had turned them down. Fellow-delegates, you cannot •do it. It cannot be done either with dignity or with honour or with justice. " I want to see this Conference vote unanimously for all three to be admitted to a consultative position, which is an advisory position as well, with the common consent of this Assembly . . .To me, it would be a tragedy of the greatest description if we had to send word to any of these, but above all to the World Federation of Trade Unions, and say : 'You have offered your co-operation : we have rejected it.' " Resolution on Admission of Non-governmental Organisations In connection with the requests of the World Federation of Trade Unions, the American Federation of Labour, the International Co-operative Alliance, and other non-governmental organizations, that their representatives shall be allowed to take part in the work of the Economic and Social Council, and in accordance with Article 71 of the Charter providing for the carrying-out by the Economic and Social Council of appropriate consultations with non-governmental organizations, — The General Assembly recommends — (a) That the Economic and Social Council should as soon as possible adopt suitable arrangements enabling the World Federation of Trade Unions and the International Co-operative Alliance, as well as other international non-governmental organizations whose experience the Economic and Social Council will find necessary to use, to collaborate for purposes of consultation with the Economic and Social Council: (b) That the Economic and Social Council should likewise adopt as soon as possible suitable arrangements enabling the American Federation of Labour, as well as other national and regional nongovernmental organizations whose experience the Economic and Social Council will find necessary to use, to collaborate for purposes of consultation with the Economic and Social Council.