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and Social Council with both international and national organizations. He felt that if this privilege were not to be accorded to the American Federation of Labour, it was difficult to see which organization, among national organizations, would be qualified to receive it. However, the addition oi this amendment, which was approved by the Committee, resulted in the representative of the Soviet Union voting against the amended resolution, which was thus defeated. The matter was then referred by the General Committee to the General Assembly, which placed it formally on its agenda and referred it to the First Committee. Here the discussion was resumed, and turned, without agreement, round the same points. A sub-committee, on which New Zealand was represented, failed to reconcile the conflicting points of view. The motion, which was finally brought forward by the sub-committee to the full Committee and later by the Committee to the General Assembly, was based on a text submitted by the United States representative which he claimed to be in the nature of a compromise. It was only at its last plenary meeting that the General Assembly was able to come to a decision on this question. After amendments presented by the delegates of the Soviet Union and the Ukraine had been defeated, the resolution below was adopted by 32 votes to 6, with 11 abstentions. The New Zealand delegate (Mr Fraser) voted with the majority. The speech which he delivered at the meeting made the following points : On the W.F.T.U. — "Now we are arrived at the position where it is possible for the World Federation of Trade Unions to come in. I think that is a big gain." On Consultation—- " There is some doubt as to the basis. Now that doubt derives from the word ' consultation,' but that is the word used in the Charter and you cannot object to the Charter words being used in a resolution . . . But what does the word ' consultation ' mean ? If it means that they will only give an opinion when they are. asked to give it, I am opposed to that. "... This is my definition and I would like it recorded. My definition of what ' consultation ' means is this : it means that the body that is admitted to consultation not only can give an opinion when it is asked to give it, but can volunteer an opinion on any occasion on any matter whatever." On the International Co-operative Alliance — - " . . . They must be recognized in the future, there is no doubt about that. It is just a question of whether we recognize them at the same time as we recognize the World Federation of