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B—l [Pt. IV]

r> • ± £ Payments J - Balance Ist April 1944 .. * .. .. 105,927 Payments: Loans for erection of houses, &c. .. •• 14,363 Receipts : Interest repayments of principal, &c. .. • • 20,247 Balance, 31st March, 1945.. Grant from Consolidated Fund equivalent one-third Native Trust profits, 1942-43 2 > 962 £129 ' 136 Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1945 Expenditure £ Imome £ £ Interest allowed on deposits, &c. .. .. •• •• 75 foter est earned g g()0 War-damage insurance : Fund's proportion . 27 On and Maori Land Rental properties Boards .. •• 2 ' 175 . Rates.. .. •• •• •• •• if" 5,475 S l "™?® o6 :: 1 Insurance rebates .. , " sjpiauon :: :: :: :. •• m m Excess of income over expenditure, carried down .. .. 5,816 T~ £ Adjustments, previous years f - Balance brought down - 5,81b Balance, transferred to Housing Fund .. . • • • o, / /ut £MU £5 ' 816

SPECIAL NATIVE HOUSING FUND Statement of Receipts and Payments for the Year ended 31st March, 1945