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Table showing the Reduction effected in the Time spent in New Zealand by Overseas Vessels

Notes.—(1) During the past six years engine repairs which were previously performed overseas were carried out in New Zealand. (2) Shift-work cancelled on overseas vessels at main ports as from Bth September, 1945, and cancelled at all other ports in November, 1945. (3) It is estimated that the average saving of fifteen and three-quarter days per vessel is made up as follows : (i) Centralization of shipping at main ports .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 days (ii) Speedier work under co-operative contracting system.. .. .. ~ .. .. 5 days (iii) Working shifts, Sundays, and holidays .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3§ days 15f days

Period. Number of Vessels. Number of Ports. Days on Coast. Days taken on Ship Repairs when Cargo not worked. Balance, representing Days taken on Cargo Operations and Steaming Time between Ports. Loading and Discharging. Loading only. All Vessels. Loading and Discharging. Loading only. All Vessels. Loading and Discharging. Loading only. All Vessels. Loading and Discharging. Loading only. All Vessels. Loading and Discharging. Loading only. All Vessels. January to June, 1939 .. January to June, 1941 . . April, 1941, to March, 1942 April, 1942, to March, 1943 April, 1943, to March, 1944 April, 1944, to March, 1945 April, 1945, to March, 1946 36 20 55 69 56 55 43 26 19 70 44 48 51 78 62 39 125 113 104 106 121 6-81 4-05 4-2 3-0 2-59 3-18 3-35 5-23 2-10 1-7 1-5 1-66 1-47 1-48 6-13 3-10 2-8 2-4 2-16 2-5 2-14 42-1 27-8 27-0 23-9 25-43 26-71 31-63 26-8 14-9 10-6 10-5 11-29 14-92 15-95 35-7 21-5 17-9 18-7 18-9 21-03 21-52 Nil 2-0 3-9 3-5 1-46 3-31 1-21 Nil 2-0 1-3 1-7 1-27 3-69 1-76 Nil 2-0 2-5 2-8 1-37 3-49 1-56 42-1 25-8 23-1 20-9 23-96 23-4 30-42 26-8 12-9 9-3 8-1 10-0 11-24 14-12 35-7 19-5 15-4 16-0 17-53 17-55 19-96