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for consideration after the Conference concluded. The text of the instrument adopted by the Conference for the amendment of the Constitution is shown in the Appendix to this report (Appendix 8). The Conference called the attention of Governments to the prompt ratification of the Instrument of Amendment as a necessary preliminary to the fuller consideration of constitutional questions at the next session of the Conference (Appendix 9). Other Resolutions adopted were as follows (the texts of the Resolutions are shown in full as an Appendix to this report) : (1) Resolution concerning the Relationship between. the International Labour Organization and the United Nations (Appendix 10) : (2) Resolution concerning Reciprocal Relationships between the International Labour Organization and other International Bodies (Appendix 11) : (3) Resolution concerning the Interests of the International Labour Organization in certain Properties and other Assets of the League of Nations, and the Functions and Activities of the League of Nations relating to the International Labour Organization (Appendix 12) : (4) Resolution concerning the Place of Meeting of the next General Session of the Conference (Appendix 13) : (5) Resolution concerning Emergency Arrangements for the Registration of the Ratification of Conventions (Appendix 14). (4) Minimum Standards of Social Policy in Dependent Territories (Item Y) The Conference adopted, on the recommendation of the Committee which examined 'the proposals, a Draft Recommendation covering minimum standards of social policy in dependent territories. The Draft Recommendation is presented as an Appendix to this report (Appendix 15). A Resolution was adopted by the Conference requesting the Governing Body to place on the Agenda of the next general session the question of Minimum Standards of Social Policy in Dependent Territories (provisions suitable for a Convention) with a view to a first discussion. REPORT ON APPLICATION OF CONVENTIONS (ITEM VI) The 67 Conventions adopted by the International Labour Conference have up to date received 902 ratifications. Discussions took place regarding the failure of some Governments to ratify Conventions. Thirteen Governments have failed to ratify a single Convention. However, with the exception of U.S.S.R. (which is not now a member of the Organization), the countries are of .relatively slight industrial development—i.e., Bolivia, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Iran, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Salvador, and Thailand. The progress of ratifications has been withheld during the war years; nevertheless, it was urged by delegates at the Conference that early action is necessary to secure ratification of those Conventions in particular that were adopted'during the years immediately preceding the war and which have not lost their value because of the war.