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The following table shows the schools in the Cook Islands, together with the numbers of pupils attending each during the past five years :

The number of schools is the same as in previous years, but the school population increased by 136 over the preceding year's total. Attendances have been regular and satisfactory throughout the year. The Director of Education, accompanied by the Superintendent of Technical Education and the Senior Inspector of Native Schools from New Zealand and the Superintendent and the Senior Native Inspector from Western Samoa, visited and inspected the schools in Rarotonga and Aitutaki during May, 1945. The Education Officer accompanied these officers to an Education Conference in Fiji; he also visited the schools in the Lower Group islands during the year. In April, 1945, a two-weeks' refresher course for Native teachers was conducted in Rarotonga ; the subjects dealt with were drawing, choral speaking, and dramatization. The instruction was given by the European staff, to whose keenness and enthusiasm the success of the course is to be attributed. Because of the late completion of the 1944 examinations, the lack of transport facilities, and a shortage of European staff, it was not possible to conduct Teachers' Examinations in 1945. Seventy-nine Native teachers (of whom twelve have since left


Roll Numbers. Island. School. 1 1941. 1942. 1943. 1944. 1 1945. (a) Government Schools Rarotonga Avarua (including European j 390 390 415 432 437 class) Arorangi 235 258 273 280 281 Ngatangiia 210 225 209 216 205 Titikaveka 191 187 196 188 190 Aitutaki Araura 481 465 512 562 593 Atiu Atiu 224 220 216 204 198 Mangaia Oneroa 223 221 223 218 238 Ivirua .. .. 116 109 105 106 138 Tamarua 78 68 71 68 77 Mauke Mauke 156 157 161 172 189 Pukapuka Pukapuka 176 168 166 143 118 2,480 2,468 2,547 2,589 2,664 (b) London Missionary Society Schools Mitiaro .. Mitiaro 60 63 40 38 64 Manihiki Tukao 24 26 18 22 18 Tauhunu 66 65 54 52 44 Rakahanga Rakahanga 64 61 64 64 64 Penrhyn Omoka 77 75 89 89 122 Tetautua 66 66 69 18 45 Palmerston Palmerston 34 34 34 - 21 17 391 __ 390 368 304 374 (c) Roman Catholic Mission S< 3HOOLS Rarotonga St. Joseph's Convent 152 153 162 169 165 Atiu Atiu Catholic 50 52 61 58 59 Mauke Mauke Catholic 44 43 46 43 37 Manihiki Tukao Catholic 20 20 22 20 20 Tauhunu Catholic 16 16 9 8 8 Rakahanga Rakahanga Catholic 33 33 19 8 8 315 317 319 306 297 Grand totals .. 3,186 3,175 3,234 3,199 3,335