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VII. POPULATION A census of the Group was taken on 25th September, 1945, and disclosed that the population had increased by 2,273 since the 1936 census. Natives increased by 2,297, but Europeans decreased by 24. Detailed figures are given in the table below: —

As at 31st March, 1946, the population totalled 15,005, comprised of 7,843 males and 7,162 females. . Infant-mortality The following table shows the infant-mortality rate in the Group for the last five years: —

VIII. EDUCATION The work of this Department is in charge of an Education Officer from New Zealand, assisted by 7 European teachers, also from New Zealand, and by 118 local teachers and trainees. There are twenty-four schools in the Group. Of these, eleven are Administration, seven are London Missionary Society, and six are Roman Catholic Mission Schools. The Administration assists education in the Northern group by subsidizing the local Mission schools.


Europeans. Natives. Island. q iUlaiSi Males. Females. Males. Females. Rarotonga 94 71 2,956 2,654 5,775 Mangaia 4 3 930 907 1,844 Mauke 5 10 442 422 879 Mitiaro 1 135 116 252 Atiu 9 9 658 569 1,245 Aitutaki 10 6 1,194 1,147 2,357 Palmerston 34 31 65 Suwarrow.. 3 2 5 Pukapuka 1 331 330 662 Manihiki 3 1 221 210 435 Rakahanga 165 153 318 Penrhyn 1 348 305 654 Manuae 28 28 131 100 7,444 6,844 14,519

Year ending 31st March, Deaths under One Year of Age. Births. Infant Death-rate per 1,000 Live Births. 1941-42 .. 22 214 102-8 1942-43 .. 22 231 95-2 1943-44 .. 19 163 116-5 1944-45 .. 15 199 75-4 1945-46 .. 27 226 119-5